most considerable翻译_most considerable短语搭配_most considerable权威例句

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most considerable

adj. 相当多(或大、重要等)的


英 [məʊst kənˈsɪdərəbl]play 美 [moʊst kənˈsɪdərəbl]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Most Considerable Meal 最体贴的餐食


1. Biocompatibility is one of the most considerable problems in the study of ti matrix biomedical material.


2. Feasible area, such as Changzhi and Jincheng which has the most rainfall and considerable number of days with temperature range 20-28 ℃;


3. He began to explain with the most considerable eagerness.


4. I have some bad news for you: Even the most sophisticated tests have considerable flaws.


5. The most important is that on most of these tests there is a considerable overlap between the performance of men and women.


6. "Most of Russia is located in the area of considerable observed and projected climate change," the report states.


7. Most CEOs are natives of their companies' home countries, and they have not spent, for the most part, considerable lengths of time abroad.


8. So that most of the wealth that is generated by the improved economy ends up in the Mekong cities and so on. So there is still considerable poverty in the countryside," he says.


9. Even those projects that eventually manage to get a product out of the door will in most cases have to spend considerable time doing post release fixes and corrections.


10. On the other hand, most farmers have made considerable progress in their living conditions and mental outlook.


11. Since PPM involves all or most teams in the organization, there will be considerable communication, collaboration, and -- as is often the case -- compromise during the deployment of this software.

由于 PPM 涉及组织中所有或大部分团队,因此在软件部署阶段存在相当多的沟通、协作和 —— 这是常有的事 —— 折中。

12. While this is the most likely scenario, considerable uncertainty continues to cloud the outlook.


13. Most successful Extreme Programmers show considerable interest in programming languages, learning new designs, and most importantly reading existing code.


14. Most of the discussion of late has been about the attention paid to male versus female authors: the considerable gap in both the quantity and the style of attention they receive in the popular press.


15. While this is the most likely scenario, considerable uncertainty continues to cloud the outlook.


16. With the collapse in the market, Suncorp, like most major organizations over the last two years, went through re-organisations with considerable staff reductions.


17. Biocompatibility is one of the most considerable problems in the study of Ti matrix biomedical material.


18. Most school regimes force teenagers to function at a time of day that is sub-optimal, and many university students are exposed to considerable dangers from sleep deprivation.


19. Indeed, there is considerable demand for that most ancient of financial products, gold.


20. As a consequence, most patients seek treatment too late, and both the direct and indirect costs are considerable.


21. For all petrochemical enterprises, it is the most considerable work to maintain the stable operation of reciprocating compressors which play a very important role in petrochemical production.


22. Promoter identification is an essential task in the research of transcription regulation of gene, but computational prediction of promoters is one of the most elusive problems despite considerable effort devoted to the study.


23. Urban community is considered cell and foundation of a city, loosely related to various aspects of the society. It is also a place most sensitive to and with most considerable social problems.


24. An example is printing support, which a considerable number of Tasktop users first asked for and then outlined the printing behavior they needed most.


25. The selection of medicines has a considerable impact on the quality of care and the cost of treatment, it is therefore one of the areas where intervention is most cost-effective.


26. I have some bad news for you: even the most sophisticated tests have considerable flaws.


27. In the current schools, the teachers are facing the most difficult problems that considerable number of students" do not like learning", that is lack of motivation, the issue has plagued parents a lot of problems, too.


28. Indexing All data consumes the most resources and can take a considerable amount of time to complete, it is not recommended for large data warehouses.


29. According to Kroon, however, there are considerable disadvantages to the emission measurement technique most commonly used for these gases, the so-called 'chamber measurement' method.


30. The most difficult tunneling is that undertaken at considerable depths below a river or other body of water.


31. Most dementias are missed for years as the symptoms can be elusive until considerable brain tissue is lost.


32. The present method is very sensitive and selective, most foreign ions in considerable amounts and 10~ 1 fold amounts of rare earth are tolerable. Satisfactory results can be obtained in the determination of microamounts of yttrium in rare earth mixtures and alloys without separation.


33. However, among many Access Control technologies, models and methods developed, RBAC draws the most considerable attention.


34. He began to explain with the most considerable eagerness.


35. Consequently, the study of how to reuse the parts of automobile efficiently and decrease the pollution produced by the castoff has already become the most important and considerable section of automobile green technology research.


36. Of the various fragments that might have been taken from what I wrote, this is the most considerable, and the one I think the least unworthy of being offered to the public.


37. Of the various fragments that might have been taken from what I wrote, this is the most considerable, and the one I think the least unworthy of being offered to the public.



1. The company now it makes most of its considerable profit selling spy drones to the military.

FORBES: AeroVironment Will Build A Filling Station In Your Garage

2. He can help by putting his considerable talents for harnessing a business model that still eludes most of media blending a crowd-based free element fueled by enlightened self-interest with a tiny fee-based element based on monetized needs and the market economy.

FORBES: Craigslist Founder Makes Journalism a Charity: How He Could Really Help

3. It's worth contemplating that the most powerful and substantive works are not those in which Zoffany awes us with his considerable skill at painting frothy fabrics and other accoutrements of the era's formal portraiture, but rather the substantive studies of interesting sitters.

WSJ: Johan Zoffany | Yale Center for British Art | On the Strenth of His Portraits | By Tom L. Freudenheim

4. The plans for HS2 project a 133% increase in demand for long-distance rail travel between now and 2033 over twice as big a rise as most other analyses, even though there is considerable evidence that demand for transport no longer rises with economic growth.

ECONOMIST: High-speed rail

5. "He has used his considerable influence in the world's most powerful parliament for the betterment of this island, " he said.

CNN: Ted Kennedy recalled as N. Ireland peace broker

6. "Although most patients who underwent surgery had considerable benefit, a few did not, " the doctors said.

BBC: Doctors back 'controversial' operation

7. The most recent one, in 2008-09, shows considerable change from the previous one in 1983.

ECONOMIST: Lessons from Palanpur

8. While the challenges in New York are daunting, the 9, 700 communities in America with kerb-side recycling programmes are making considerable progress in providing this relatively new public service in the most cost-effective manner possible.

ECONOMIST: Making states accountable

9. Ms Holder said that because the event was free most of the revenue needed to meet its considerable up-front costs depended on getting in money from sponsorships, donations and fund-raising activities before the air show weekend.

BBC: Folkestone Airshow cancelled due to insufficient funds

10. In these circumstances, it appears that you failed to ask even the most basic questions about who was involved and the handling of an operation with the obvious potential to create considerable controversy and undermine public confidence - questions which would not have impinged in any way on the police carrying out a proper investigation.

BBC: In full: Dominic Grieve's letter

11. He remains the key: Will he use his considerable savvy to obstruct, as he did for most of the last four years, or to reach the hard, principled compromises that major legislative accomplishments demand?

CNN: Senate holds key to fixing Washington

12. Most obviously, for something like the Olympics there has to be considerable investment in new facilities and these almost always go near unused at the end of the festivities.

FORBES: The Olympics Will Lose London Tourism Money

13. Casper spent his career in the considerable shade of golf's most famous Big Three: Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player.

WSJ: Billy Casper, Standing in the Shadow of Legends | Golf Journal

14. Mr Kuo said that the technology makes the most of Baidu's considerable expertise in facial recognition.

BBC: 'China's Google' Baidu is making smart glasses

15. They have been at the heart of considerable diplomatic tension between China and Japan, most recently in January when Japan said a Chinese frigate put a radar lock on a Japanese navy ship near the islands - something China disputes.

BBC: China anger at Japan-Taiwan disputed island fishing deal

16. The baroni wield considerable influence over governments, particularly of the centre-left, and have used it to bury most attempts at reform.

ECONOMIST: Universities desperately need reformyet resist change

17. "That the 'next generation' are the most obvious casualty of the current remaking of local government provides considerable cause for concern, " the researchers conclude.

BBC: Blunt speaking on town hall cuts

18. The home-networking method with the most steam behind it is wireless, because it avoids the considerable hassle of running network cable through walls.

FORBES: Magazine Article

19. Since China supplies most of impoverished North Korea's food and energy imports, it has considerable leverage over the country's regime.

ECONOMIST: Jaw-jaw beats nuclear war | The

20. And most people are heterosexual There's a considerable amount that varies cross-culturally of people who are bisexual But the real puzzle is exclusive homosexuality ? So, why?

多数人都是异性恋的,而且不同文化背景下…,还有很多双性恋者,但真正的难题在于绝对同性恋,为什么呢?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. His longstanding willingness to seek common cause with any regime also at odds with the West -- Iran, Syria and Belarus among them -- also came with considerable cost for his credibility, most notably in his enduring loyalty to late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.


22. Any appraisal of the Taleban's role will also have to overcome considerable hostility from the outside world, most of which shuns the movement, doesn't recognise it as the legitimate Afghan government, and regards it as providing a haven for dangerous Islamic extremists.

BBC: Analysis: Testing time for Taleban

23. There must be some means of doing so that will resonate with most Americans, without driving away the considerable funding base that Obama has among one-per-centers or opening himself up to caricature as a socialist.

NEWYORKER: Evening the Odds

24. After all, most of its considerable revenue comes from advertisements off of its search engine.

FORBES: Google: The NYT And Bloomberg Stories That Helped DecorMyEyes' Search Rank

25. And when a plan is frozen, considerable damage is done to someone who has spent most of a career at one company but is 10 to 15 years away from retirement.

FORBES: The Big Chill

26. Yet today, 50 years after King shared this vision during his most famous speech, there is considerable disagreement over what it means.

NPR: King 'Content Of Character' Quote Inspires Debate

27. Why, I wondered, would one of the most well-known, respected, and historic couture houses put its considerable and longstanding brand equity at risk?

FORBES: Yves Saint Laurent: Re-Branding An Icon

28. The most recent analysis of this data, by Stephen Jenkins of Essex University, shows evidence of considerable income mobility: only 7% of the population remain in the bottom 20% of incomes for four consecutive years.

ECONOMIST: Tony Blairs big idea

29. But it is also one of the most challenging areas of operational policing and can have considerable impact on public confidence.

BBC: Undercover policing: MPs demand reforms

30. This theory's considerable intellectual underpinning rendered Mearsheimer one of the most prominent political scientists in America during the 1990s.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Mainstreaming anti-Semitism

31. Its greenfield site in Derbyshire is considered one of the most productive in the world - and it received a considerable subsidy from the UK government to locate there.

BBC: Toyota braced for change



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