
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [tɪl]play美 [tɪl]play

  • prep. 直到,到……为止;<苏格兰>向,朝
  • conj. 直到,到……为止
  • n. (商店等处的)现金出纳机,收银机;<英,非正式>(大商店中的)交款处,收银枱;(商店或银行)放钱的抽屉,收银盒;(地质)冰碛(物)
  • v. 耕作,犁地
  • 【名】 (Till)(德)蒂尔(人名)

复数 tills 第三人称单数 tills 现在分词 tilling 过去式 tilled 过去分词 tilled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


till /tɪl/

  • 1.
    介词 In spoken English and informal written English, till is often used instead of . 直到…为止

    They had to wait till Monday to phone the bank.


  • 2.
    连词 Till is also a conjunction. 直到…为止

    I hadn't left home till I was nineteen.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A till is the drawer of a cash register, where the money is kept. (收银机中的) 钱柜

    He checked the register. There was money in the till.


  • 4.
    可数名词 In a shop or other place of business, a till is a counter or cash register where money is kept, and where customers pay for what they have bought. (商店等的) 收银台; 收银机
  • 5.
    名词 an unstratified glacial deposit consisting of rock fragments of various sizes. The most common is boulder clay 冰碛物; 冰碛
  • 6.
    动词 to cultivate and work (land) for the raising of crops 耕种; 耕耘; 耕作





1. from morning till night 来自何方 ; 无时无刻 ; 终日

2. From Dusk Till Dawn 杀出个黎明 ; 杀出一个黎明 ; 杀出个平明 ; 恶夜追杀令

3. glacial till 地理,水文 冰碛物 ; 冰堆物 ; 冰川沉积物 ; 冰积土

4. Till Now 如今 ; 到目前为止 ; 从开始到现在

5. Emmett Till 爱默特·提尔 ; 爱默特提尔 ; 艾米特

6. From Noon Till Three 老查的故事

7. Till Death Do We Scare 小生怕怕 ; 小恐怕怕

8. Till the end of life 直到生命的最后一刻 ; 直至我的一生 ; 直到生命消逝

9. Till We Meet Again 待到重逢时 ; 何日君再来 ; 第九章 ; 直到再相逢


1. Sit there and wait till I've done.


2. The thief broken into a shop and found only a few pennies in the till.


3. I'm happy to leave it till tomorrow.


4. They couldn't get the baby off till midnight.


5. Will the coffee last out till next week?


6. He checked the register. There was money in the till.


7. This job's going to take me till doomsday.


8. They did not separate till ten o'clock.


9. They are learning how to till the field.


10. He held the office of mayor till 2004.


11. Millions of peasants still till the land much as they have for centuries.


12. a long queue at the till


13. Women all for caste till you touch the spot.


14. The game didn't liven up till the second half.


15. I've lived at home up till now.


16. The employer set a trap for the man By putting marked money in the till.


17. One day, they stayed till closing time and discovered some shocking facts!

有一天, 他们逗留直到摊子收摊,结果发现骇人的事实.《期刊摘选》

18. Descendants of slaves settled here tilling the fertile land of these islands and the adjacent coastline.


19. Till they throw on a rap record, and they sit and they vibe.

直到他们找到一张说唱唱片作为支柱, 然后他们开始欣赏音乐.《期刊摘选》

20. After robbing the till for months the cashier was found out.


21. They are to use fewer pesticides and to reduce the amount of tilling to erosion.


22. They had to wait till Monday to phone the bank.


23. Tilling is breaking up and turning the soil to prepare the ground for planting.


24. Wait till I get my hands on him!


25. Spring is coming and the villagers are busy tilling.


26. These shoes should last you till next year.


27. A panorama of carefully tilled farmlands unfolds before the visitor's eyes.


28. Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.


29. Five: stay with the injured person till the doctor or emergency services arrive.


30. They had to wait till Monday to ring the bank manager...


31. She got the boot because she stole money from the till.


32. I think the car will just last out till we get to London.


33. Till now, I any strong feeling that I am in somewhere overseas.

直到现在, 我还没有强烈地感到我已经置身海外了.《期刊摘选》

34. No natural heat till mine grows cold in death.

我的心头,叫它就象生长在你额上,/感受着体热,直到那心儿有一天冷却.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学》

35. Liz works part-time from 10 till 2.


36. She rang up all the items on the till.


37. The drunkard, blackguarded about the street till he got his head cut and his clothes torn.


38. I'll fight, till from my bones my flesh hacked.


39. We waited till twelve and we finally got on the plane.


40. There was hardly any traffic and we drove right along till we got home.


41. This din lasted till after supper.

这样闹哄,一直到大家都吃过饭.《汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子》

42. I'm on now till 8 tomorrow morning.


43. If nobody objects, we'll postpone the meeting till next week.


44. They lay , were read quickly and quickly slid, disc by disc, into the till.

钱撂下后, 迅速地过了目,就一枚一枚麻利地滑进钱柜.《期刊摘选》

45. Press Test button to start tuning. Adjust the volume slider till you hear the sound properly.

按“测试”按钮启动调谐. 调整音量滑块直到音量适中.《期刊摘选》

46. I've survived till now, and will go on doing so without help from you.


47. I shall postpone making a decision till I learn full particulars.


48. He's very angry now; wait till he comes around.

他现在正在气头上, 等他气消了再说吧.《简明英汉词典》

49. ...freshly tilled fields.


50. Just wait till you see it. It's great.


51. The cashier shut the till and locked it.


52. Illness pursued him till his death.


53. I sat up till she came back.


54. I'll work my fingers to the bone till I pay back all my debts.


55. We all held our breath till the bomb burst.


56. I haven't got to leave till seven.


57. Down and down fell Tom Thumb, till at last he struck the water.

大姆指汤姆落呀、落呀, 直到最后溅落到水面.《辞典例句》

58. To improve and prepare ( land ), as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; till.

改善和准备 ( 土地 ), 如通过犁地或施肥等, 用以种植作物; 耕作.《期刊摘选》

59. This land is too wet to till.


60. They're here till Christmas.


61. There was music and dancing till two in the morning.


62. Wait till I get my hands on him—I'll soon sort him out!


63. When you till the ground, it will no longer yield you its wealth.

你要耕种, 那地也不会再长出佳禾.《期刊摘选》

64. Till alll valleys of the world have been withered away.


65. Till the loops of time run.


66. ...long queues at tills that make customers angry.


67. Why should it be put off till next month?


68. Wait till you see what I've found!


69. The two girls would not be back till the following weekend.


70. People do not know the value of health till they lose it.


71. We're open till 6 o'clock.


72. He chooses to look into the matter till the truth is out.


73. She managed to eke out her student loan till the end of the year.


74. Workers were singing as they tilled the rice paddy fields.


75. I surprised him in the act of stealing money from the till.


76. It would be good if you can last until Boxing day . Till the exchange.

如果你能支撑那最好直到圣诞节.直到换防. -----《家园保卫战》.《期刊摘选》

77. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment.


78. To till your garden's soil , for instance , you swing the controller like a hoe.

要耕作花园的土壤, 你要像锄头一样挥动手柄.《期刊摘选》

79. Cook onion slice , celery and garlic on the side till softened.

再另一边炒洋葱, 芹菜粉跟大蒜,直到材料变软.《期刊摘选》

80. He hammered down the metal till it was the shape he wanted.


81. She writhed her hands till here fingers were wet with sweat or blood!


82. The farmers have to till the fields every spring.


83. We could bang on the desks and shout till they let us out.


84. The editor labored over the manuscript till early morning.


85. I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till I destroyed them.

我追击我的仇敌,并且把他们捕捉, 决不返回,直到将他们除尽灭绝.《期刊摘选》

86. They are out together with their friends from morning till night.


87. Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights.


88. He always fills his glass till it overflows.


89. His family has tilled these fields for four generations.


90. I hadn't left home till I was nineteen.


91. Bake the potatoes for 15 minutes, till they're nice and crisp.


92. He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated.

他一直喝, 喝到他快要迷糊地睡着了.《简明英汉词典》

93. Mike : They'll have a extra game, if it is still the same, one more, till the tie is broken.

他们会重赛一次, 如果重赛结果还是一样的话, 就再赛一次, 直到分出胜负为止.《期刊摘选》

94. They do not go away till It'stop rain.


95. If you're waiting for a bus, you'll have to wait till the cows come home. They're on strike.

如果你要等公共汽车得无限期地等下去, 他们罢工了.《简明英汉词典》

96. Keep at him till he agrees.


97. The mountaineers did not begin to come down the mountain till they had reached the top.


98. The street is full of traffic from morning till night.


99. Please pay at the till.


100. They worked till midnight.


101. He boozed till daylight and dozed into the afternoon.


102. Nobody is willing to till this infertile land.


103. Can't you wait till we get home?



1. Nodding off after dinner or wanting to sleep till noon could indicate circadian rhythm disorders.

WSJ: Unraveling the Riddle of Too Much Sleep

2. The Elder Brother is explaining that these angels will: Begin to cast a beam on the outward shape, The unpolluted temple of the mind, And turns it by degrees to the soul's essence, Till all be made immortal.

大哥解释说,这些天使将会:,在身体上投射光束,在心里未受污染的殿堂上投射光束,把它变回灵魂的本质,直到全部人都变成不朽的人。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. And then it starts getting hot like June till like September, it's hot.

然后天气逐渐转暖,从大概六月到九月,天很热。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于伦敦的天气

4. No-till keeps carbon in the soil and avoids the release of heat-trapping gases from motorized equipment.

VOA : special.2010.09.28

5. Till last year I'd never been to France.


6. Up till now, Eventbrite has focused on expanding its market across different types of events.

FORBES: Eventbrite Hit Nearly $41 Million In Ticket Sales Last Quarter

7. He was a philosopher till his death last year.

他是一个哲学家,去年去世了。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

8. In the words of the song: "You ain't been blue till you've had that Mood Indigo.

VOA : special.2009.11.15

9. till 2:00 in the morning. So they can't go to school at 7:00 in the morning."

VOA : standard.2010.02.24

10. The part of the till which was taken was recovered in a nearby lane.

BBC: Abertillery armed robbery: 'Terror' of shopkeeper

11. Till then, all of the campaigns are making the most of what they've got.

NPR: Sen. Obama Breaks Fundraising Record

12. "We want the polling stations to stay open tonight, till midnight if necessary, " Mr. Alvi said.

WSJ: Karachi Beset by Political Strife

13. The doctor's surgery is from ten till two.


14. The new contracts will define the required pipeline expansion to sustain shipments till 2015.

FORBES: Kinder Morgan Flexes Growth Muscles With Beefed Up Canadian Pipeline To Feed Asia

15. "Realistically, I can't see my vocal cords being ready till the summer, " said Michael.

BBC: George Michael to re-schedule UK tour following illness

16. If a fish came by ye saw it and just waited till it came in close.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Kieron Smith, boy'

17. Catch phrases like born to boogie and boogie till you puke were soon transformed into songs.

NPR: Boogie-Woogie Flu Sufferers, Unite

18. You can't get what you want, till you know what you want."

汝欲得之,必先知之"博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. You won't have to solve it in this class, you can wait till you get to 18.03 to start solving these types of differential equations, and hopefully, you'll all want the pleasure of actually solving the Schrodinger equation at some point. So, just keep taking chemistry, 18 03 you'll already have had 18.03 by that point and you'll have the opportunity to do that.

你们不用在课堂上就解它,你们可以等到得到18,03之后,再开始解这些类型的微分方程,希望你们都想得到,实际解薛定谔方程的乐趣,所以,保持来上化学课,你们在那个点将会得到,你们有机会做到的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. Recently, in exchange for cheaper gas, Russians extended their lease of the fleet till 2042.

BBC: Crimea, the Ukraines odd beach paradise

21. Till now Waze would update the maps stored on its servers every 24 hours.

FORBES: Traffic App Waze Introduces Real-Time Map Changes ?

22. But I think they'll be open till about 4, 5, 6 in the morning.

但是我想,它们会开到凌晨四五六点钟的样子。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 愉快的卡姆登的夜晚

23. From the beginning of the project till today all of us have learned that today we are talking about another Germany than what we used to know."

VOA : standard.2010.07.27

24. We were floating along good, till somebody just forgot to tell us about one little thing.

NPR: Industry Seeks to Extract Oil from Rocky Mountain Shale

25. Ivan Ilyich Of course,this example reminds us again of Ivan Ilyich, who screams and screams and screams almost till his death.

这例子又让我们想起了,他一直惊恐尖叫直到死去。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. We extended the life of of the program till 2024 and saved money for seniors.

FORBES: VP Debate Spirited and Revealing: Biden Applies Tourniquet

27. Dawn till then is when the pollen counts are generally at their highest levels.

FORBES: Six Brands to Consider and Six Suggestions of What to Do When February Flowers Bring March Allergies

28. I waited till ten o'clock.


29. We have not yet found them all, Lords and Commons, nor ever shall do, till her Master's second coming.

我们还有找到这些碎片,上帝和普通人,我们也不会去找,知道她的主人第二次来。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Winston Churchill never, never conceded that it was Istanbul; he called it Constantinople till the day he died.

温斯顿·丘吉尔从没承认那里是伊斯坦布尔,直到死前他还叫那个地方君士坦丁堡古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. And they often don't have to till at all, which is better for the soil.

VOA : standard.2010.04.15

32. Till now, no other phone maker has exploited the empty backside of a phone.

FORBES: As iPhones Chug Along, A Russian Telco Rethinks Smartphones

33. So, you can see the whole period till 1945 is an even more horrible thirty years war than that of the seventeenth century.

你可以看出来这段时间一直到1945年,和十七世纪相比之下,是一个更可怕的"三十年战争"1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Ironically, the show itself was based on the British sitcom Till Death Us Do Part.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | TV's obsession with spin-offs

35. not a feather then he fluttered -- Till I scarcely more than muttered, "Other friends have flown before - On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before."

VOA : special.2010.10.31

36. Certainly IBM has that skill, just up till now not directed squarely for this use.

FORBES: Can IBM Compete With Facebook In Social Media?

37. It's important we waited till the last possible second to get a good shot.

WSJ: Pondexter lifts Liberty over Shock in OT

38. Wait till I get you home, young madam.


39. Till recently, it has been better known for its litter and the world's largest stray-dog problem.

ECONOMIST: Romanias capital mayor

40. From May fifteenth till August twenty-third, the Guggenheim in New York will present "Frank Lloyd Wright: From Within Outward."

VOA : special.2009.04.06

41. His case was postponed till next week and he will remain in custody in prison.

FORBES: Fake South African Billionaire Arrested For Fraud, Homicide Charges

42. Till then the males fly in biblical swarms among the treetops, serenading the fair sex.

ECONOMIST: Cicadas in Illinois

43. The last one.Just follow along till you catch up. All right, guys, today we are gonna beobserving the behavior of planaria, aka flatworms.

VOA : standard.other

44. And then I drove everybody crazy till I got some puppets when I was seven.

NPR: Photo Walls: Bob Baker's Marionette Theater

45. Every cash till would need reprogramming and cash handling charges would double, he added.

BBC: How the euro crept into Britain

46. Goldmanites are expected to work from dawn till night and to value teamwork over individual glory.

ECONOMIST: The firm that came to dominate world finance

47. Let's say you have a teacher who gives you work that keeps you up till 5 in the morning sometimes.

假如你的老师,他布置的任务有时甚至能让你做到凌晨5点。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : How long课堂

48. That's not till Friday, and last week's two lectures are both available online at cs50.net.

那些课程也是直到星期五才出来,上周的两堂课,都可以在cs50,net找到。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

49. Alex didn't read fluently till he was nearly seven.


50. They are waiting till 11pm to 2am in the morning and then you speak to one of them. -Right.

他们会从晚上11点工作到早上2点,你和他们通过话,-是的。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

51. While it helps the environment by preventing erosion, no-till farming keeps fertilizer in the upper soil.

WSJ: Report predicts ever-bigger Lake Erie algae blooms

52. Strangely enough, I kept my job, stayed till Disney took over, and the rest is history.

FORBES: Steve Jobs and QuickTime

53. Where the bakers who bake till the dawn so we can have cake in the morn mixed Mickey in batter, chanting: Milk in the batter!

VOA : special.2009.10.05

54. From next term we try to move it into the own term version of electromagnetism, which are up till now has been taught in the lecture-station format.

从下学期起我们将搬去,电磁学自己的实验室,现在这门课还是用,讲座-背诵型方式讲授。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

55. Emmett Till, over the years, has become synonymous with the racial horrors of the old South.

NPR: Mississippi Officials Weigh New Emmett Till Probe

56. Till now, every account holder had to deposit at least 2 euros a month.

FORBES: Flattr Goes Free To Revolutionize Online Payments

57. And that's interfered in some ways with the El Nino pattern up till now.

NPR: Can Climate Change Explain Odd Weather?

58. Now, the strategy here is pretty clear. As often is for the continuous problem. What's the strategy? I pour in the gold till I run out of gold.

现在我们的战略已经很明显了,对连续性问题战略是怎么样的?,我先把所有金子,装进去。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. They say no-till stores more soil carbon, which helps the soil particles stick together.

VOA : special.2010.09.28

60. "Till tomorrow then," said the Justice, starting to loosen his shoes.

VOA : special.2009.11.14

61. We know their dream; enough ; To know they dreamed and are dead; And what if excess of love Bewildered them till they died?

我们知道他们的梦,他们曾梦过,死了;,在他们死前就算过多的爱,曾使他们困惑,又怎样呢?现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. Then all of a sudden Smiley's dog would grab that other dog by his back leg and hang on till the men said it was over.

VOA : special.2009.08.29

63. Another preparation method is to till the ground completely.

VOA : special.2009.07.07

64. And that will stick with me till my time comes which won't be long.

BBC: Tia Sharp murder trial: full Stuart Hazell letter

65. Here is "Till the End."

VOA : special.2010.06.11



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