turn white是什么意思_turn white短语搭配_turn white权威例句

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turn white

网络 变白

英 [tɜːn waɪt]play 美 [tɜːrn waɪt]play

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1. Black Hair Turn White 黑发变白发

2. turn white into black 颠倒黑白 ; 混淆是非

3. Makes the skin turn white 使皮肤变白

4. black beard will turn white 满头鬈发会变秃 ; 一丛黑胡子会变白

5. turn white and red alternately 脸一阵红一阵白 ; 脸一阵红

6. Turn white stones to sheep 第九景叱石成羊

7. Our Street Turn White 唱片名

8. turn white hot 白热化

9. Turn White-hot 白热化 ; 日益白热化


1. Olympic Gymnasiums How to Turn White Elephant into Business Opportunity


2. Using its built-in motion detectors, the light ring will turn white when it senses nearby movement in a dark room.


3. Pets with vitiligo may turn white on the paws, lips, and fur as well.


4. They will turn white as you select them.


5. Should the raw flesh change and turn white, he must go to the priest.


6. Other parents, upon learning that their child had been replaced by changelings, had their hair turn white overnight, were stunned into catatonia, heart attacks, or sudden death.


7. Look from the surface, at present Russia sends a fight to tend each turn white - hot.

从表面看, 目前俄各派斗争趋于白热化.《互联网》

8. They will turn white as you select them.


9. Once large areas of the picture turn white the remaining areas take on an otherworldly softness and glow.


10. Should the raw flesh change and turn white, he must go to the priest.


11. Weasels that live in cold regions turn white when winter comes.


12. Did the power of suggestion make her hair turn white overnight?

暗示的力量会使她一夜青丝变白头 吗 ?《电影对白》

13. Some dogs and cats will occasionally lose pigment from their noses, causing this feature to turn white or red.


14. When exposed to the same freezing temperature, the blood vessels in women's fingers constrict more than men's do, which is why they turn white more quickly.


15. As the blood flow is cut off the affected parts of the body will turn white or blue.


16. Competition double oligarch times is entered gradually turn white - hot.


17. The others said of Squealer that he could turn black into white.


18. She imagined him in the kitchen, head leaning against the wall, hand gripping the handset of the phone tight enough to turn his knuckles white, fighting to reject anger.


19. The leaves of sweet potato turn entirely white about in 20 days.


20. Worry and suffering have made her hair turn white.


21. In addition to getting cold, if you have Raynaud's, your hands might turn white, then blue, and red when you start warming up again.


22. If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it turn white.

如果把金鱼养在黑暗的房间里, 最后会变成白色?《互联网》

23. Competition double oligarch times is entered gradually turn white - hot.


24. At that time, the contention of machine market had entered decelerate to turn white - hot.

当时, 减速机市场的争夺已经进入了白热化.《互联网》

25. How could his hair turn white overnight?


26. The mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turn white."


27. The subform control in the main form will turn white and display the name of the subform.


28. Large hare introduced in North America; does not turn white in winter.


29. But what he did now made the crowd turn white with anger.


30. Most arctic foxes turn white in winter to blend with their snowy surroundings, though some, called blue foxes, wear a brownish-blue coat.


31. My brother you're migrating West and I your sister have a bitter heart I don't know how long you'll be away and my hair may turn white waiting for you.

哥哥你走西口,小妹妹我苦在心头,这一走要去多少时候,盼你也要盼白了头。《provided by jukuu》

32. Competition turn white-hot in lasers area


33. The competition of ferroalloy market is in like the ferromanganese in blast furnace turn white - hot condition.


34. In extreme cases, the tissue will turn white and harden.

极端情况下, 受冻组织会变白并硬化.《互联网》

35. How could his hair turn white overnight?

他怎么会一夜之间头发就白了 呢 ?《互联网》

36. Other parents, upon learning that their child had been replaced by changelings, had their hair turn white overnight, were stunned into catatonia, heart attacks, or sudden death.


37. See how his hands are starting to turn white?


38. If you keep a golden fish in a dark room, it will eventually turn white.

将金鱼置于暗室内, 它最后将变成白色.《互联网》

39. The saying "dews turn white first before the weather becomes cold" means the coolness in early autumn will turn into the coldness in deep autumn.


40. Most arctic foxes turn white in winter to blend with their snowy surroundings a brownish - blue coat.


41. Don't dawdle away your time, or the young head will soon turn white. Then it will be in vain for you to moan and mourn for this.


42. The number "one" is shown in turn by two white stripes, two black stripes, two white stripes, and one black stripe.


43. The saying "dews turn white first before the weather becomes cold" means the coolness in early autumn will turn into the coldness in deep autumn.


44. Mr Gatiss, 47, told Australian gay magazine DNA: "Oh my God. I get sent things that would make your hair turn white. It's not just Sherlock and Watson holding hands on a park bench, I can tell you that."


45. Should the raw flesh change turn white, he must go to the priest.

祭司要察看.灾病处若变白了、祭司就要定那患灾病的为洁净 、 他乃洁净了.《互联网》

46. According to recent data, smiling can help boost the immune system by decreasing stress levels, which in turn increases white blood cell count and releases beneficial antibodies that help fight infection and disease.


47. The doctors rub the cotton swab on the opening of a woman's uterus. Once the liquid touches the organ, any pre-cancerous or cancerous cells will turn white.


48. Worry and suffering have made her hair turn white.


49. Weasels that live in cold regions turn white when winter comes.


50. Methods Freeze and solidify and turn white with liquid nitrogen to focus first. In focus being fast to shine the focus in order to CO2 last before unfreezing, vaporize it to totally know the focusing.


51. But what he did now made the crowd turn white with anger. For he deliberately stamped upon the fuse and put it out.


52. The contention that turn white - hot happened 2007.


53. Pets with vitiligo may turn white on the paws, lips, and fur as well.


54. Some dogs and cats will occasionally lose pigment from their noses, causing this feature to turn white or red.


55. Soften the butter in room temperature. Whisk with sugar in a large bowl, until they turn white and just hold soft peaks.


56. But what he did now made the crowd turn white with anger. They met, panting, at the foot of the printing-office stairs;


57. Other parents, upon learning that their child had been replaced by changelings, had their hair turn white overnight, were stunned into 36 catatonia, heart attacks, or sudden death.


58. Drive closer and the sharp white peaks turn out to be a small Alps of salt -the Aral Tuz Company stockpile.

当车辆靠近后,那白色的尖峰就变成了一个由盐构成的小阿尔卑斯山——那就是咸海塔兹(the Aral Tuz)公司的储备。

59. When exposed to the same freezing temperature, the blood vessels in women's fingers constrict more than men's do, which is why they turn white more quickly.


60. And the world turn white, I can make snowmen with my friends, that's wonderful!


61. Global flexible pack market turn white-hot in competition


62. Now males, when they fight, if they're really aggressive, they turn white.


63. I thought my hair would turn white.


64. And the world turn white, I can make snowmen with my friends, that's wonderful!


65. The coral then effectively expel the algae and turn white.


66. Although the contention between at present Microsoft and Yahoo with each passing day "turn white-hot", but final result still is pacifically is reached trade.



1. They can turn a white character black or a straight one gay if they want.

FORBES: Taking Control

2. All but a few White House staffers met a Tuesday deadline to turn over documents to the White House counsel that may be pertinent to the investigation, senior Bush administration officials said.

CNN: Sources: FBI quizzes Wilson, Novak

3. The screens behind the stage turn black-and-white, revealing a video of Jackson outsmarting a series of detectives as they try to track him down.

FORBES: Why Michael Jackson Is The Top Touring Act In America, Again

4. Then I watched Raychel's rosy cheeks slowly turn to white and her nails turn blue and it was over.

BBC: Marie and Ray Ferguson

5. In turn, White House policy is consistent with the a CSIS report that was influential in shaping the Cyberspace Policy Review.

FORBES: Cyberwar: We Don't Know What It Is Or If We're In One, But...

6. Will white farmers get their turn at the trough since similarly situated minorities are now being officially favored?

FORBES: Pigford II: Politically Correct Wealth Redistribution Infects Obama's USDA

7. With the free, downloadable word processor, OmmWriter, students can turn their entire back screen white or choose from four backgrounds, such as a snowy landscape.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. ' And they would turn white.

NPR: Black Monday: A Bad Day Led to Many Changes

9. Kaschei's efforts to keep his female captives in submission and put Ivan under his spell turn futile once the white-clad hero waves the feather he gained for granting freedom to the firebird.

WSJ: Firebird | American Ballet Theatre | Ratmansky's Fresh Fantasy | By Robert Greskovic

10. Grassley is demanding that the White House turn over all details of an internal review that found no wrongdoing by advance staff members, and he renewed his call Wednesday after receiving Sullivan's response that the Secret Service inquiry didn't involve White House records.


11. Orange and white turn signals look like angry eyebrows above the headlights, while small fog lamps are recessed into the lower bumper.

FORBES: Jeep Revives Cherokee For 2014 With Polarizing New Design

12. But there are many here who now fear the high-speed rail network may turn out to be a white elephant, too expensive, saddled with massive debts that it will never pay off - a wealth destroyer not a wealth generator.

BBC: China to the UK's aid?

13. Only 72 Democrats took Clinton's side on the bill, not a lot considering how hard the White House worked to turn out votes.

CNN: Tucker Carlson: China vote creates political winners

14. Instead, the White House agreed to turn over 2, 000 pages of material to Burton's House Government Reform and Oversight Committee by the end of Tuesday, and comply with all seven subpoenas from the committee by June 13.

CNN: White House, Burton Agree On Documents

15. He went on to win a smashing re-election in 1984, survived the Iran-Contra scandal in his second term and closed out his presidency on a wave of popularity that allowed him to help turn the White House over to his vice president, George H.

WSJ: Lessons of Reagan's Rebound

16. Training black officers is a big part of the job: By 2000 the plan is to turn the predominately white-led police force into one in which half of the managers are black.

FORBES: Beer baron turns top cop

17. Indeed, big, slow-moving ships owned by a collective of wealthy white Americans tend to turn, well, slowly.

FORBES: KC's Social Effort Shines During MLB All-Star Game

18. Training black officers is a big part of the job, since by 2000 the plan is to turn the predominately white-led police force into one in which at least half of the managers are black.

FORBES: Beer baron turns top cop

19. The tourists' pace attack carved through the Indian middle order to leave them at 166-6 at tea on day four, but, concerned by the slow over rate, Ponting was forced to turn to slow bowlers Cameron White, Mike Hussey and Michael Clarke to reach their overs target.

BBC: India deserved victory - Ponting

20. White gained slight turn from a ball that was pitched on a length outside off stump and Tendulkar, attempting to run it down to third man, handed Hayden a straightforward catch at slip.

BBC: Kumble bows out with Delhi draw

21. So it is possible that some will turn to Google as a white knight in response to capabilities developed by GM, Daimler or Toyota.

FORBES: But how will Google profit?

22. This is not to say that Mr Bush is likely to turn White House meetings into open-ended seminars, like Bill Clinton, or that he is going to waste much midnight oil reading the latest conservative tomes.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

23. One is that the displays must turn from black-and-white to colour.

ECONOMIST: Electronic screens as thin as paper are coming soon

24. According to what i heard on bloomberg TV the other day one of RIM executives said he wont be surprise if the white house turn back to RIM as its preferred choice.

FORBES: Three Areas Of Blackberry 10 That Will Decide RIM's Fate

25. The campaign, which launched last week and finishes on 28 February, is the store's attempt to turn down the white noise on modern living through meditation, silence and an awareness of loud branding.

BBC: Silence is golden at Selfridges

26. The White House, in turn, may be stiffening its strategy.

ECONOMIST: The row over the debt ceiling is going down to the wire

27. And speaking in turn to the arden secularists to say religion should have no part in the White House.

再说到艺术世俗主义者,他们说白宫不应该涉及宗教。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

28. He read the tales of how bad the Dell was doing and how Michael Dell could not turn the company around under the white-hot scrutiny and short term demands of the public markets.

FORBES: What Icahn Sees In Dell

29. The entire legislative schedule is even more compressed as lawmakers and the White House increasingly turn their focus to the November mid-term congressional elections.

VOA : standard.2010.07.19

30. To the naked eye, bleaching is when the coral reefs turn white and eventually die.

CNN: All About: Coral Reefs

31. Instead, the two Democratic White House hopefuls now turn their attention to Wyoming on Saturday, Mississippi on Tuesday, and far more importantly, the April 22 showdown in Pennsylvania.

CNN: Analysis: GOP focuses on November, Dems on each other

32. The day ended early for BMW Sauber driver Robert Kubica, who appeared to suffer an engine failure as he accelerated out of the hairpin at Turn Seven - sending thick white smoke into the Abu Dhabi night sky.

BBC: Kovalainen top as McLaren shine







rough and tumble是什么意思_rough and tumble短语搭配_rough and tumble权威例句

rough and tumble是什么意思_rough and tumble短语搭配_rough and tumble权威例句










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