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corporate workplace

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1. But other popular concepts like corporate citizenship and workplace diversity were at the bottom of the list of15 qualities.


2. To support the cultural change, the design team facilitated educational workshops discussing current research into generational and technological changes in the corporate workplace.


3. Take any workplace - small or large, corporate or local sweatshop - and what you will find, first and foremost, is a hierarchy.


4. "This is a new worker-centered model of Corporate Social Responsibility, which involves joint monitoring of conditions in the workplace through empowerment of the workers themselves," says Chan.


5. If you put a blindfold on and you took it off in one of these spaces, you'd think you were in a bar, says Mark Nicholls, Bank of America's corporate workplace executive.

美国银行企业工作场所高管马克•尼科尔斯(Mark Nicholls)表示:如果你蒙上眼睛,在这些地方中的一个摘下眼罩,你会以为自己走进了酒吧。

6. How will the new rules of the corporate workplace be translated in the world's most populous nation in2011?


7. How will the new rules of the corporate workplace be translated in the world's most populous nation in 2011?


8. As a result, the public is divided about whether the imbalance in corporate America will change in the foreseeable future, even though women have made major advances in the workplace.


9. IBM Lotus Workplace Web content Management is a key component of the Lotus Workplace solution, which helps customer manage their corporate content from initial creation to final Web presentation.

IBM Lotus Workplace Web Content Management是Lotus Workplace解决方案的重要组成部分,可以从最初的创建到最终的Web表示,全过程地帮助客户管理公司内容。

10. It reflects the corporate workplace, blending individual research with face-to-face learning, online collaborative learning and virtual learning technologies.


11. He says RIM listened to its corporate customers who faced demand from employees to use iOS and devices on Google's (GOOG) Android OS in the workplace.



1. Twenty years from now we may still be bemoaning the fact that even though women earn 57% of college degrees, hold 85% of the consumer purchasing purse, are 54% of voters and half the workplace, they're stuck at under one-fifth of congressional, corporate board, and top management seats.

CNN: Why women must seize this moment

2. With so much at stake, could adding corporate competitive crowdfunding to your workplace help nudge employee engagement in the right direction?

FORBES: Is Your Company Barking up the Right Fundraising Tree?

3. It might seem strange for a company that primarily produces hardware, and which has been the beneficiary of huge package deals with corporate buyers for many years, to be advocating a policy of heterogeneity in the workplace.

FORBES: Transforming CIOs from Benevolent Dictators to Product Managers

4. The fact that character and integrity showed as poorly as they did in the survey is proof positive for why the corporate workplace struggles with hiring.

FORBES: The Secret To Making Better Hires

5. Monetary awards in the corporate workplace are a squishy business at best.

FORBES: The Business of Awards: Five Things You Need to Know

6. Recruiting and retaining the right people that fit the corporate culture and that can continually add-value to the workplace experience is essential.

FORBES: Ask Your Employees What They Need Before Your Business Begins to Fail

7. The corporate imperative to make a profit might be fairly labeled conservative, but the workplace environment itself is increasingly liberal.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. Gliding up the corporate ladder, I thought I boded well with workplace challenges and arrogantly assumed I was too good to be stressed.

FORBES: Against All Stereotypes: Stress, Depression, Recovery, and Then?

9. Retrofit, a unique data-driven weight management company based in Chicago, has developed innovative ways to assist individuals as well as corporate clients lose weight by offering real world solutions to promote healthy workplace behaviors and eating habits.

FORBES: Why Sitting Increases Your Risk of Dying Sooner

10. Often lost in this bottom-line frenzy is financial consideration for how workplace giving and corporate volunteering programs will be implemented or improved next year.

FORBES: 'Tis the Season to Budget for CSR Success

11. But O'Neill refocused Alcoa on its core products, made a huge push for workplace safety, sold its corporate aircraft and hacked away at decades of hierarchy to help encourage ideas from the bottom up.

CNN: Turnaround Guy

12. According to Catalyst, a not-for-profit organization that advocates for women in the workplace, only 11% of corporate directors of Fortune 1000 companies are women.

FORBES: When Will Women Become Equal On Boards?

13. With the diverse mix of mobile devices being used in the workplace, companies must be assured about the security of corporate data and applications available on the devices.

ENGADGET: Sprint's Galaxy Note II to arrive October 25th, with LTE and $300 price tag

14. Although more women are in the workplace now, men still comprise 97% of Fortune 500 CEOs and 84 percent of corporate boards.

FORBES: Tiger Yes. Mom? No Thank You.

15. In the drearily head-lined article, Compensation negotiation among women in the workplace over at Science Daily, we learn that ingratiation (sometimes called kissing the backside of our corporate masters) remains one of the best ways to avoid the social punishment meted out to women who ask to be compensated for their true market value.

FORBES: The Single Best Women's Salary Strategy for 2013

16. Reputation Institute then analyzed what it calls the seven dimensions of corporate reputation, including workplace, governance, citizenship, financial performance, leadership, products and services, and innovation.

FORBES: The Companies With the Best CSR Reputations

17. Corporate America, too, periodically gets religion--in the form of workplace fads that inspire revivalist fervor, then fade away.

FORBES: I Feel Your Pain

18. Corporate volunteering and workplace giving programs are assuming an ever more important role in helping staff feel connected to their companies and broader communities and in helping organizations behave in socially responsible ways that resonate positively with the public.

FORBES: 'Tis the Season to Budget for CSR Success

19. According to the 2012 State of the Industry Report by CoreNet Global, a corporate real estate association, the continuing demand for the workplace is to serve as a central place for collaboration.

FORBES: Open Workspaces Are Here to Stay. Now, How Do We Get Any Work Done?



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