in a blink是什么意思_in a blink短语搭配_in a blink权威例句

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in a blink

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  • 眨眼间:形容时间非常短暂,转瞬即逝。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Sync in a Blink 联系人同步

2. in a blink an eye 一眨眼的功夫

3. Happiness comes in a blink 幸福来的太快

4. in a blink of 一眨眼


1. In a blink, they'll go.


2. You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce anail-bitingfrenzy that can escalate into atriple-chocolate-mud-cake-eatingfrenzy in a blink of an eye!


3. "Three." And in a blink a "3" appears.


4. Lizards and mice can lose their eyesight in a blink (so to speak) inhabiting lightless caves.


5. You should know that love will never die, and see how it kills you in a blink of an eye.


6. Tanya: I know. It passed in a blink of an eye.


7. Until the science fictions dream of moving one place to another in a blink of an eye becomes reality, we'll be unhappy.


8. In a blink of an eye, he vanished.


9. The fox was frightened, but it had an idea in a blink. "You dare not eat me." it said.


10. The boy disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye.


11. Time flies, and in a blink of the eye, I've been studying in the further education college of CAFA (China Central Academy of Fine Arts) for more than a year.


12. Even in a sport where success is measured in thousandths of a second, everything in top fuel happens in a blink of the eye.


13. In a blink of an eye he had disappeared.


14. You should know that love will never die, and see how it kills you in a blink of an eye.


15. Hu Xuebing can use gypsum as skillfully as his ancestors.When the denatured protein meets the gypsum, the boiling soymilk quickly coagulates. The change is so drastic that it can be see in a blink of eye in ancient days.


16. My eyes widened-I expected it to vanish in a blink.


17. The search happened in a blink. But the phone's 3G hardware stayed in high power mode for up to seven seconds afterward, eating up much more energy than the search itself.


18. Today, the painter that painted with catapults is no longer the same as the child back then. It seemed that everything vaporized in a blink.


19. In a blink, they'll be gone.


20. It's been more than six months since I came to this company, and it feels like time flies in a blink, left me with nothing but barren and obscure memories.


21. November to recall the past, but is in a blink of time.


22. Enjoy him, as I can tell you they are grown in a blink of an eye.


23. What's been seen, now out of sight. The summer breeze blows gently and vanishes in a blink of eye.


24. The sky is clear, but the track can become covered with snow in a blink of an eye.


25. I have come to the world, stark naked; am I to go back, in a blink, in the same stark nakedness?


26. Made from fully-recyclable kraft paper, the book transforms into furniture in 'a blink of an eye'.


27. The OEM exhaust is so quiet that you don't even feel you're going that fast until the corners coming up in a blink, that's when the Brakes comes in handy, Good braking force with little effort.


28. You feel frustrated and anxious, may start nervously nail biting frenzy and hopelessly in a blink of an eye the triple chocolate cake - eating frenzy in!


29. You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!


30. You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!


31. Sadly, all his passion, all his devotion, seemed just existing for a rather flash on me, just in a blink.


32. But in a blink of an eye, she ' s gone again.


33. Isn't it a bit weird that spending it should happen in half a blink of an eye?

一眨眼就能花掉,这不是有点奇怪吗?《四级真题- 2015年 12月 2卷 阅读A》

34. Have you ever had the desire to travel to some place new in a blink of a second;


35. How time flies! Three years passed in a blink. Lots of memories left in my head. Teachers, classmates, hard work and above all friendship stay in mind.


36. What a bang! The bucket flies away and disappears in a blink!

碰的一声,水桶被踢得远远的,一下就看不见了!《provided by jukuu》


1. I, for one, allowed a record label to detect (but not track) my location in exchange for early access to the new Blink-182 CD, Neighborhoods.

FORBES: Google Maps: Are Digital Innovations Costing Us Our Privacy?

2. Switching involves looking at an element of the screen and giving a big blink to select -- the display seems adjusted in such a way that normal blinks won't trigger it, so you're less likely to accidentally set something off.

ENGADGET: Haier's Eye-Control TV set, we go eyeballs on (video) HD

3. Engineers can copy and re-engineer a product in a blink of an eye, but customer trust can give a vendor unmatched staying power.

FORBES: Don't Waste Innovation on Products

4. Now add a 9.7-inch screen and a faster processor to the mix and you've got the ability to bop from one task to another in a blink.

FORBES: Commercial Shows iPad's Secret Weapon: Speed

5. In a blink of an eye, J.

FORBES: Ron Johnson Out At J.C. Penney, Ending Its Year Of Living Dangerously

6. But that look has been popular for, oh, several months now, an eternity in a culture where fashion winds shift with the blink of a blue-mascaraed eyelash.


7. It will be here in a blink of any eye.

FORBES: Holiday Shopping Savings Tips

8. In addition, the Blink Network will prove access to a web-portal containing a wealth of information about consumer's electric vehicles, and charging habits.

ENGADGET: ECOtality teams with Sprint to connect Blink EV charging network

9. Two million years is a long time to be stuck in traffic, but in evolutionary terms, it's the blink of an eye.


10. As investigators Friday tried to find the gunman in a black Range Rover SUV who triggered the shocking chain of events, families and friends tried to grasp the blink-of-an-eye finality of it all.

NPR: Rapper, Cabbie Meet Violent End Together In Vegas

11. In a blink of the flat screens above the counter, the alcohol suddenly was off the menu.

WSJ: An Unconventional Pairing

12. Like I said, I went from zero to a hundred in the blink of an eye -- all because of Ronnie.

CNN: Sammy Hagar remembers Ronnie Montrose

13. If a default is really possible, won't the man in the Oval Office have to blink first and isn't it just irresistible to inflict this humiliation on him?

ECONOMIST: Lexington

14. In fact, 30 years in the history of Arctic climate is no more than a blink.

BBC: Harrabin's Notes: Frozen assets

15. So let's just be -- let's remind ourselves that if you've got an economy suddenly contracting by 6 percent, or a loss of trillions of dollars of wealth basically in the blink of an eye, or home values descending by 20 percent, that that's going to create a whole lot of uncertainty out there in the business environment and among families.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats

16. Her first operations closed a gaping wound in her scalp, enabling her to close her eyes and blink, and straightened her arms which had become bent in the fire.

BBC: Shamiam Arif and her family expressed their gratitude

17. In my local area, I had a choice between Chargepoint or Blink.

FORBES: 2013 Chevrolet Volt - Not Quite Electrifying

18. To maintain political support for his task, General McChrystal reckons he has a year to show serious progress a blink-of-an-eye in counter-insurgency time.

ECONOMIST: Afghanistan

19. The strength-based brute had no way to get into close quarters with opponents to do his job, so a Blink Dagger was often mandatory fare for players interested in playing Centaur.

FORBES: Centaur Stampedes Into Dota 2

20. As for services, a new generation of easy-connection software like Sun Microsystems Jini might wipe out low- end systems integrators in a blink.

FORBES: Digital rules

21. These systems are so fast that, in a blink of an eye, millions of trades can take place and billions of dollars can be transferred from buyers to sellers.

FORBES: Reg SCI Gets A 'Yes But' From SEC Commissioner Aguilar

22. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell says you are much more likely to find a new job, for instance, through people to whom you are weakly connected than those you know well.

FORBES: Come On Now, Hit 'Submit'

23. By wiping out electrical systems and electronic devices, possibly coast-to-coast, America could be reduced to a pre-industrial society in the blink of an eye.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Concentrating on missile defense

24. In his book Blink, he suggests we live in a society dedicated to the idea that we should spend as much time as possible in deliberation.

BBC: Time to think

25. One feature it considered was a "three blink" turn indicator that's been available on its cars in Europe for years.

WSJ: How Big Data Is Changing the Whole Equation for Business

26. In that context, a difference in the blink of an eye is no surprise at all.

ECONOMIST: Homosexuality

27. Little random moments of jealousy can drive you to become a bully in the blink of an eye.

FORBES: 7 Ways To Spot A Bully At Work

28. In a blink Yahoo and Amazon raced to a billion dollars in sales.

FORBES: Digital Rules

29. In a blink of an eye, I have the four new podcasts on the phone.

FORBES: Apple Jacked Up My Podcasts. What's Next?

30. In the big picture that is our history, both of these men will pass through in a blink of an eye.

FORBES: Glenn Beck Just Doesn't Get America's Strong Character







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