developed world是什么意思_developed world短语搭配_developed world权威例句

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developed world

网络 发达国家

英 [dɪˈveləpt wɜːld]play 美 [dɪˈveləpt wɜːrld]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. the developed world 发达世界

2. In The Developed World 在发达国家

3. world developed culture 世界先进文化

4. For The Developed World 对发达国家来说

5. FTSE All-World Developed Market 富时环球发达市场指数


1. Electric power consumption was 2.7 times higher in the developed world.


2. The country is one of the fastest aging in the developed world.


3. But in the developed world measures of consumer inflation are very low.


4. There are homework bans springing up all over the developed world in schools which had been piling on the homework for years, and now they're discovering that less can be more.


5. Academic plagiarism is seriously dealt with in the developed world.


6. We should keep these distinctions in mind when we research people's living conditions either in the developing or the developed world.


7. Some believe that phenomenon is perhaps already becoming visible in parts of the developed world.


8. Across the developed world, car use is in decline as more people move to city centres, while young people especially are opting for other means of travel.


9. But it's the developed world that has precipitated global warming.


10. We should keep these distinctions in mind when we research people's living conditions, either in the developing or the developed world.


11. The average citizen in the developed world uses over 155kg of paper per year.


12. The developed world has prospered through hydro electricity from dams.


13. A recession in the developed world won't do the job, mind you.


14. In the developed world, it's about 78 percent.


15. Lacklustre sales in the developed world need a lift, he says.


16. Another encouraging sign, I think, is that it's not just in the developed world that this idea's been taken up.


17. Now it is spreading fast in the developed world and becomes a global trend.


18. It is now mostly banned in the developed world.


19. The developed world is actually declining in demand in some of these things.


20. Executives from the developed world often underestimate emerging market colleagues.


21. The developed world as a whole is now approaching that key percentage.


22. Across the developed world, public debt is set on an explosive course.


23. Travel and tourism employees in the UK are among the worst paid in the developed world


24. Across the developed world, unemployment, public debt and taxes are rising.


25. Over the next 25 years, the developed world would go from 500 million to 3 billion.


26. The surplus and deficit countries span both the emerging and the developed world.


27. In the developed world, women lag behind men in pay and political power.


28. In the developed world, 85% of that water would be reused.


29. Some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem.


30. Some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem.


31. There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines.


32. Cheaper energy conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world.


33. We make such mistakes time and again in the developed world.


34. However, China's slowdown can be good news for the developed world, especially the US.


35. The developed world did make the problem, I admit that.


36. Fortunately, however, the developed world need not panic quite yet.


37. In the developed world it is easily 20 percent.


38. That's just in the developed world;


39. The developed world as a whole is now approaching that key percentage.


40. For much of the developed world, 2013 marked the beginning of a new technological era.


41. What's happening in the developed world today is China's tomorrow.


42. Issues Involving Women, Children, and AIDS Primarily in the Developed World


43. Almost everywhere in the developed world, such laws are being debated.


44. Can states fail within the developed world?


45. More women in the developed world are choosing not to have children.


46. But what will be the impact of the growth companies on their rivals in the developed world?


47. However, market share of its exports to the developed world may not rise further.


48. Hong Kong also has one of the highest elderly poverty rates in the developed world.


49. The average citizen in the developed world uses over 155kg of paper per year.


50. But in the developed world, the distribution of the benefits is unsustainable.


51. For most newspaper companies in the developed world, 2005 was miserable.


52. Economic growth remains slow in much of the developed world.


53. In the developed world, only America and, occasionally, Japan still use it.


54. "We are at a point where in much of the developed world the vast majority of young people grew up playing video games, and an increasingly high percentage of adults play these video games too," Werbach says.

“我们正处在许多发达国家绝大多数的年轻人是玩电子游戏长大的时代,而越来越多的成年人也在玩这些游戏,”沃巴赫说。《四级真题- 2016年 12月 3卷 信息匹配》

55. Travel and tourism employees are among the worst paid in the developed world.


56. In the developed world, girls perform better than boys in the classroom.



1. Now, in the South what developed and let's define it at least quickly what developed was one of the world's handful of true slave societies.

当时的南方变成了什么样,至少我们很快就能得出结论,当时的南方变成了世界历史上,为数不多的几个真正的奴隶社会之一美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. "China,after having been one of the world's strongest and most developed countries, went through a period of relative decline and relatively being pushed around by other countries."

VOA : standard.2010.04.21

3. Overall, Britain has the lowest rates of reading for pleasure in the developed world.

BBC: Book business struggles to boom

4. But it would depend, first of all, upon binding action by the developed world.

ECONOMIST: China, India and climate change

5. And there are many reasons for this, our success in eliminating infectious diseases as causes in the developed world.

还有很多原因,在发达国家我们成功地消灭了感染性疾病生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. They already account for much of what little population growth there is in the developed world.

ECONOMIST: Ageing in the rich world

7. In other words, the energy and agricultural policies of the developed world are to burn food.

FORBES: The Inflation Intifada: Hunger And Revolution In The Third World

8. That efficient metabolism that banks calories is highly efficient, highly important, highly adaptable, under circumstances where food is scarce, but not efficient and not adaptive under modern food conditions in the developed world.

能高效存储能量的代谢系统,在食品短缺的情况下,非常重要,有着较强的适应能力,但却不能适应,现代发达国家的食品环境关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. So, Piaget viewed the child as a scientist who developed this understanding, these schemas, these little miniature theories of the world.

皮亚杰将儿童视为科学家,认为儿童能够形成关于世界的,一系列看法,图示,或者说小型理论心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Gout has been on the increase in the developed world for the past 30 years.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Alcohol does increase gout risk

11. Because, first, our economy is growing faster than the rest of the developed world.

FORBES: The Market Will Defy Expectations...And Go Nowhere

12. Skinner developed, in World War II, a pigeon guided missile.

在二战时,斯金纳提出,用鸽子来为导弹导航。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. (Speaking) Toyota was founded in the early 1930s but the its real success came after World War II when it developed something called "The Toyota Production System."

VOA : standard.2010.02.15

14. Here and abroad in the developed world, winds are blowing in from the political left.

FORBES: The Wealth Gap Is Not Sustainable

15. "That is why we are asking for mitigation. The developed world yes you are the major causes.

VOA : standard.2009.10.13

16. IBM,which has developed new technology for predicting traffic flow, has identified the cities with the worst commutes in the world and those that are successfully easing the congestion.

VOA : standard.2010.07.26

17. Leaders of the major developed and developing economies discussed ways to fix the world financial system.

VOA : special.2009.10.02

18. Their consumer spending rose almost three times as fast as in the developed world.

ECONOMIST: Emerging markets

19. In many ways countries like Kenya are leading the developed world in this area.

FORBES: Let's Finally Get the Fundamentals of Healthcare in Place in Africa

20. But rates in the developed world are just about as low as they can go.

ECONOMIST: s struggle to answer a vital question

21. Thatcher had to deal with the most deficit-laden nationalized industries in the developed world.

WSJ: What Would Margaret Thatcher Do?

22. Most of the developed world has gone through exercises to prepare their systems in the event of a pandemic.

VOA : standard.2009.04.28

23. the developed world helping the... the developing world achieve those goals at the same time.

发达国家帮助发展中国家一起实现那些目标。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 全球变暖与国力

24. Throughout history and around the world, people have developed the art of forming clay to make ceramic objects,or pottery.

VOA : special.2009.09.09

25. Fosatti says he had no idea of the level of poverty that existed outside the developed world.

VOA : standard.2009.11.05

26. "If a woman gets breast cancer in the developing world, they has a much higher probability of dying than a woman who gets breast cancer in the developed world."

VOA : standard.2010.02.02

27. This kind of art has developed in many kinds of ways in places all over the world.

VOA : special.2009.04.08

28. "We have a moral imperative to do this. We are the greatest country that ever existed in the history of the world, the great economic leader of the developed world, but the only one that does have access to quality, affordable health care for our people, and we intend to do so,".

VOA : standard.2009.09.04

29. "It is largely a consequence of 150 years of industrialization in the major developed countries of the world."

VOA : standard.2009.11.08

30. But we must ensure that the developed world also comes to support us in this endeavor."

VOA : standard.2009.10.13

31. He agrees with Fisher that the tradition of non profits in developed countries giving tools and equipment to poor people in third world countries -- is a poor model.

VOA : standard.2010.08.09

32. These are amazing treatments themselves, and they have become almost routine in the developed world.

FORBES: Embryonic stem cells: can we make the blind see?

33. The basic thing, though, is that every country has to take the insights that have been developed around the world.

但是最基本的是,每个国家都要不断学习,世界各地的先进理论。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Kleinschmidt: Well, I think all of the developed world is in debt way over their heads.

FORBES: Forget Apple, Buy Microsoft! And Hold Gold, Says Contrarian Kleinschmidt

35. Plus, this is where the global economic growth was coming from, not the developed world.

FORBES: Oppenheimer's Main Street Case for Emerging Market Bonds

36. He says the developed world needs reliable weather information from developing countries and vice-versa.

VOA : standard.2009.08.30

37. Singapore's "Gini coefficient" the best-known economic measure of income disparity is the second highest in the developed world.

WSJ: Wealth Over the Edge | WSJ.Money Spring 2013

38. The developed world seems better equipped to weather the current environment of high oil prices.

FORBES: What Countries Are Most Vulnerable To An Oil Price Shock?

39. The pan-African meeting is expected to call for substantial financial support from the developed world to help developing countries to adjust to a non-carbon-based economy.

VOA : standard.2009.10.13

40. The cost of that lesson is now being borne by the developed world's taxpayers.

ECONOMIST: The banks' contribution to the economy has been overstated

41. There,he developed and owned one of the richest gold mines in the world.

VOA : special.2009.09.21

42. For all of Germany's industrial might, its capital markets are among the developed world's most primitive.

FORBES: Schulte-Noelle Scores

43. The return on cash is close to zero in most of the developed world.

ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

44. The crisis was followed by the slashing of interest rates in the developed world.

ECONOMIST: Emerging markets may be the next bubble

45. But cultures around the world also developed methods of making cloth that were artistic, creative,and beautiful.

VOA : special.2009.11.04

46. Desperate to maintain or restart growth, the developed world is effectively competing to devalue its money.

FORBES: Here Come the Currency Battles

47. This language was developed to make it easier to understand and translate documents used at aircraft repair centers around the world.

VOA : special.2009.04.06

48. That would be on top of the second highest corporate tax rate in the developed world.

FORBES: President Obama's State Of The Union Confusion And Deception

49. This enables the country to better ride out slow economic growth in the developed world.

FORBES: FOCUS: Indian Rupee Recovering So Far In 2013; Gold Market Keeping Tabs

50. Count on politicians and do-gooders to keep pushing plans for aiding the less-developed world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

51. Wang says that as the biggest developing country and biggest developed country, the mutual economic relationship of the United States and China is having an impact on the entire world.

VOA : standard.2010.05.25

52. Indeed, most of the welfare states of the developed world have scapegoated the wealthy.

FORBES: The Republican Fiscal Cave Is Much Worse Than The Fiscal Cliff

53. I do think that to the extent that the developed world can help the developing world

在这方面,我认为发达国家在某种程度上能帮助发展中国家SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 全球变暖与国力

54. Cape Verde graduated from the United Nations' list of least developed countries in 2007, and joined the World Trade Organization last year.

VOA : standard.2009.06.04

55. "We cannot stop terrorism or defeat the ideologies of violent extremism when hundreds of millions of young people see a future with no jobs,no hope and no way ever to catch up to the developed world,"

VOA : standard.2010.01.06

56. In the developed world, the greatest source of particulate matter is from diesel engines.

CNN: Air pollution kills, but deaths can be prevented

57. Unlike the rest of the developed world, China will grow old before it gets rich.

ECONOMIST: Demography

58. Perhaps the severity of the financial crisis will change attitudes in the developed world.

ECONOMIST: Have markets got what they wanted at last?

59. The U.S. already has the second-highest corporate income tax rate in the developed world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

60. So, for example, if you look in the developed world, airlines are dog meat companies.

FORBES: Ken Fisher Tells You Why You Need To Be Bullish


















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