
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈjuːʒuəli; ˈjuːʒəli]play美 [ˈjuːʒuəli; ˈjuːʒəli]play

  • adv. 通常地,经常地

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


usually /ˈjuːʒʊəlɪ/

  • 1.
    副词 If something usually happens, it is the thing that most often happens in a particular situation. 通常

    The best information about hotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who have been there.



    Usually, the work is boring.


  • 2.
    习语 You use more than usually to show that something shows even more of a particular quality than it normally does. 比平常更甚地

    She felt more than usually hungry after her excursion.




  • adj.

    usual 通常的,惯例的;平常的



1. dwell usually 平素家居

2. She usually comes right in 她通常这时到来

3. Usually wears clothes 一般要穿衣服

4. father usually 父亲通常 ; 通常的父亲 ; 父亲平时

5. usually call Ms 已婚的

6. We usually are 通常这样

7. usually brown 通常棕色 ; 通常是棕色 ; 通常布朗

8. Loads Of Trouble Usually Serious 总有大麻烦

9. usually call Lady 以及不知道婚姻情况的女士


1. China usually treats its client states pretty well.


2. She usually wears long skirts.


3. They ate, as they usually did, in the kitchen...


4. Beholders usually carve out underground lairs for themselves using their disintegrate rays.


5. Also, we have a problem in the United States that usually only wealthy kids go to the best schools and it’s kind of a problem actually

而且,在美国还有一个问题:通常只有富人家的孩子才能去最好的大学。这确实算是一个问题。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

6. Lin? If I'm not at home, you can usually reach me at the Press Club here.

林,你一直试着和我联络 吗 ?如果我不在家, 你通常可以在记者俱乐部里找到我.《期刊摘选》

7. If you usually have your cholesterol tested in the summer a winter a slightly different picture.


8. Usually idles is being bored, depends on the picture several sketches to send own life!

平常闲着无聊, 靠画几张速写打发自己的生活!《期刊摘选》

9. Processes in reading comprehension are usually regarded as consistent with listening comprehension processes.


10. I drink an occasional cup of coffee; but usually I take tea.

我偶尔喝杯咖啡, 但平常都喝茶.《期刊摘选》

11. Mother usually grinds down the food for the baby.


12. Sammy was usually very nice to his little sister.


13. What time do you usually wake up?


14. Jeff: You usually come to work by bicycle.

杰夫: 您平常不是都骑自行车上班的吗.《期刊摘选》

15. Oxide is usually seen in our daily life.


16. When we ask teens to choose a hero, they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure.

当我们让青少年选一个心目中的英雄时,他们通常会选择一个年长的家庭成员,而不是什么遥不可及的公众人物。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

17. He usually has a cigar vised in his teeth.


18. I usually take off for the office at eight every morning.


19. What did farmers usually do on Mule Day in the 1840s?.

在19 世纪40 年代,农夫们通常在骡子节这天做什么?。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

20. Her books are usually escapist fantasies.


21. We usually play on the riverbed when the river dries up.


22. A smile transformed her usually impassive face.


23. The teacher usually worked on till late at night.


24. Trade usually picks up in the spring.


25. Farmers don't usually grow crops and flowers together.


26. Though usually solemn he outlaughed all the others at the play.


27. We usually stroll everywhere in the city center, seeing our friends possibly.


28. I usually practice in my apartment in the afternoon, but the neighbors don't like my music.

我经常在下午的时候在我的房间里练习, 但是我的邻居们不喜欢我的音乐.《超越目标英语 第2册》

29. I'm usually home by 6 o'clock.


30. If tenure is denidedenied, then the assistant professor usually has a year to find another job.

如果任期被拒, 助理教授一般有一年的时间用来寻找新的工作.《期刊摘选》

31. She usually writes about environmental issues.


32. Delicatessen usually require little preparation for serving.


33. The call price is usually slightly higher than the par value of the stock.


34. Girls usually score highly in language exams.


35. Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.


36. The penis is usually in a flaccid state.


37. He likes to party and usually chases any woman in sight.


38. Around the silent, usually familiar with the house an strangeness.

周围鸦雀无声, 平常熟悉的房子多了一种陌生感.《期刊摘选》

39. I usually have to stand in the train in the evening.


40. I was usually a good judge of characterand this man had impressed me as reliable.


41. Usually each of the germination can shoot , shoot germination of a ship can grow into branches.

一般每个节间的芽都能萌发, 萌发的芽一船都能长成枝条.《期刊摘选》

42. Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome.


43. I'm calling about the job as an English teacher.


44. Where do Jim and Daming usually smoke?


45. The length of the course is usually about six weeks.


46. I usually get the bus to work.


47. I thought you usually can't choose a phone number when you buy a sim card.


48. Aren't you usually second count backwards? What to do with so bad result?

补考. 我的成绩一直很稳定.因为平时考倒数第一的人生病了.《期刊摘选》

49. We usually go on holiday in July.


50. A periodical talk is usually prearranged and requires some preparations.


51. Marine Corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions.


52. Yogurt is usually very low in fat.


53. Hard times may hold you down at what usually seems  like the most inopportune time,but you should remember that they won't last  forever.

这些艰难的日子或许会在通常看似最不合时宜的时刻压得你喘不过气,但你应该记住,它们不会永远持续下去。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

54. Ground water is usually removed by man through wells.


55. I don't usually have much personal contact with him.


56. She is usually a calm and diplomatic woman.


57. I usually have to go once every other day.


58. The federal courts have usually interpreted the matters of jurisdiction rather strictly.


59. Pull rod is the main bearing part of compact rolling mill and usually occurred abruption accidents.


60. Usually, I get up early.

通常, 我起得很早.《简明英汉词典》

61. This usually is a twenty minute process.


62. There are usually two parents, who spend a lot of time reading to children and worrying about their anxiety levels and hectic schedules.

这种家庭一般父母双全,会花很多时间来给孩子读书,并且会考虑到孩子们的焦虑程度和繁忙的日程。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

63. They are usually caused by vibration of the coating rolls, strip, or on eccentric roller.

这种现象经常由于涂布辊 、 钢带或其它辊子的振动引起的.《期刊摘选》

64. During the summer months some small animals usually store up nuts to eat during the winter.


65. I usually cycle home through the park.


66. I can't understand it, Mrs Clark said. Gretel is usually very punctual.

“ 我不理解, ” 克拉克太太说, “ 格莱托通常是很准时的. ”《期刊摘选》

67. It's usually used to describe a TV show, movie, or something someone says.

人们经常用cheesy这个词来形容电视节目, 电影或者某个人说的话.《期刊摘选》

68. This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare.


69. They usually ate the herb raw.


70. Continuous processes will usually be more economical for large scale production.


71. Bob usually walks with a slow gait.


72. The wheels are usually fairly large.


73. Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been dubbed the “invisible risk”group by the study’s authors

因为他们的行为通常不会被视为危险信号,这些年轻人被这项研究的作者称为“具有无形风险的”群体《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

74. The catastrophe of a tragedy usually brings death or ruin to the leading character.


75. Oceans, lakes, and areas with insufficient data ( usually because of persistent clouds ) appear in gray.

海洋 、 湖泊 、 以及数据不足的地区 ( 主要是由于一直有云 ) 呈灰色.《期刊摘选》

76. We usually snack on tea and cake at 4 p.m.


77. The play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare.


78. The trade position usually dominates current account movements for most advanced economies.


79. The infarcts are usually small but cumulative in their effect.


80. Usually the same drugs are used for more rounds of treatment to complete induction therapy.


81. A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.


82. Sagacity, unlike cleverness, usually increases with age.

明智和聪明不同, 通常是随着年龄增长的.《现代英汉综合大词典》

83. Such celebrations usually go unnoticed in America.


84. Hamlet is usually played as a sorrowful person who cannot make decisions or take action.


85. What also ache usually is very fierce!


86. Usually it happens at the worst time, before a client meeting or something similar.

一般都发生在最关键的时候, 比如与客户见面前等等.《期刊摘选》

87. For your information, our offers usually remain open for about a week.


88. Both Mollenhuer and Simpson turned a reserved and inquiring eye on their usually genial associate.


89. Their neighbours usually give them a treat of sweets.


90. Mr. Brown's lessons are usually excellent. He is a master of pedagogy.

布朗先生的课经常都上得很好, 他是教育学的硕士.《期刊摘选》

91. We usually go by car.


92. The Beautiful Game is not usually seen as a job that puts your life at risk.


93. Shanghai food usually takes slightly longer to prepare, making vegetables and meats more tender to eat.

一般来说,上海菜烹饪时间稍长, 这样就使蔬菜和肉吃起来更软一些.《期刊摘选》

94. I usually do not turn off my cell phone.


95. She felt more than usually hungry after her excursion...


96. Periodicals usually do not circulate outside the building of the Library.


97. We usually tip 18-20%.


98. Valium is usually prescribed to treat anxiety.


99. He was more than usually depressed by problems at work.


100. I usually save money till I have enough for what I want.


101. She usually goes to school by motor cycle.


102. A command is usually a small application which the shell will execute for you.


103. Normal and neoplastic tissues can usually be transplanted.


104. Their bonfire party usually lasts till the next morning.


105. How long does the journey usually take?


106. The people there usually cut across lots to visit their relatives.


107. May I know what color you usually wear?


108. I suppose that's why you're more than usually disagreeable on Monday.


109. During the typhoon the rainfall exceeded the amount the city would usually get in one month.


110. Usually, the work is boring.


111. She usually wears her hair loose.


112. Rain or snow usually comes from nimbus clouds.


113. Visitors to Dalian usually admire their policewomen.


114. She usually bathes twice a day.


115. In North America, old people usually live alone.

在北美, 老人们一般是单独生活.《期刊摘选》

116. He usually stops eating for a couple of days.


117. Usually, she talks little.


118. She was more than usually considerate.


119. A good receptionist is important because they are usually the first point of contact for clients.


120. But researchers are improving systems to measure a teacher’s performance throughout the year, and, with three years of data, it’s usually possible to tell which teachers are failing.

但是,研究人员正在改进测评一位教师全年表现的系统,然后,根据三年的测评数据,通常就可以看出有哪些教师不合格。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

121. Usually how do you get relief?

平常你是怎样止疼的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

122. I usually buy sliced bread – it's less bother.


123. KOBE: It didn't really fire us up as a team because we usually stay pretty cool.

科比: 其实这并没有真正地点燃我们心中的战火,因为我们的队伍向来都是一支相当酷的球队.《期刊摘选》

124. The illness is usually terminal.


125. I usually go up to London on the sleeper.


126. When we think of what success means , we usually aboutas good knowledge and a high salary.

一直以来, 我们对于成功的定义,是拥有广博的知识,有一份高薪厚职,带来家庭充裕的收入.《期刊摘选》

127. Any wobbling of the racquet is usually made with the wrist and forearm.


128. In the afternoon of a sunny day, the man left again as usually with happy.

在一个阳光明媚下午, 男人带着愉快心情,像平常那样出海了.《期刊摘选》

129. His stories usually have a happy ending.


130. The head teacher usually takes us for French.


131. I'm usually out during the day.


132. Usually my imagination has moved on and I can think of different contexts or a different way to do it.

通常来说,我的想象会脱离原来的状态,我会想出不同的情境或是不同的写作方式。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

133. Lemon has a lot of Vitamin C and usually becomes popular drinks like lemonade.


134. I don't usually stay out late, and I go to the gym regularly.

我通常不在户外呆的很晚, 我经常去体育馆.《超越目标英语 第3册》

135. Usually the earth's magnetic field acts as a shield.


136. When the government talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy the focus is usually on roads, railways, broadband and energy.

当政府谈到为经济发展做出贡献的基础设施时,通常都聚焦于道路、铁路、宽带以及能源这几个行业。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

137. Winds from the sea are usually moist.


138. Is this the way the lab is usually kept?

实验室一直都是这个样子 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

139. Windows are usually sealed off.


140. It was strange to see these Prague streets, usually so animated, now completely empty and deserted.


141. Would it fade in color if you usually wash this true silk skirt?

如果你经常洗这条真丝裙子,它会褪色 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

142. It is usually played on full court with 2 hoops.


143. I usually go to work by bike.


144. The pulse is usually timed in micro-seconds.


145. The best information about hotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who have been there...


146. They are generally more popular than whites and can usually be paired with food more easily

它们通常比白葡萄酒受欢迎,而且更容易与食物搭配。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

147. Decreased packing usually increases surface conductivity.


148. Politicians are usually corrupt people, present company excepted.

搞政治的一般都很腐败, 但是诸位除外.《期刊摘选》

149. But except with family members and close friends, Americans usually don't give out wholesale hugs.

但除了对家人与好友外, 美国人通常不会经常随便拥抱他人.《期刊摘选》

150. They usually do it late at night after the little kids go home.


151. I usually trade at our local stores.


152. According to the suppliers that can not use usually, make contact whiling arrange the supplier files.


153. He gave me a look of the sort usually reserved for naughty schoolchildren.


154. A wife is usually considered unqualified to testify against her husband.


155. He usually wakes early.


156. However, unlike notebooks, workstations usually don't come with keyboards attached, so I do need one.

但是, 不像笔记本, 工作站一般不会安装内置键盘, 所以我得要一个.《期刊摘选》

157. Ant societies are rigidly stratified and usually ruled by queens.


158. He usually like to sound his opinions to his bored children.


159. I usually soak the beans overnight.


160. This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.


161. His two sons are usually fighting for food.


162. These herbs usually grow wild.


163. A sofa usually can hold three or more people.


164. It was usually in the morning that she saw her patients.


165. The most likely type of burglary ( 入室盗窃) by far is the unsophisticated crime of opportunity, usually involving a broken window or some forced entry.

目前为止,发生几率最大的入室盗窃类型是不复杂的随机作案,通常包括砸碎玻璃或强行进入。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

166. What Does Zhong Wentao usually do on Tuesday?

钟文涛通常星期二 干什么 ?《期刊摘选》

167. On grasses, injury is usually confined to areas between the veins.


168. What do you usually do in the evening ?


169. He usually refers his pupils to this dictionary.


170. Products which are usually considered unsuitable for selling online include those that have a taste or smell component.

那些通常被认为不适合在线销售的产品包括有味道和气味的产品。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

171. Ice cream is usually served as dessert after the main course.


172. Elements are usually rendered inside of views.


173. Often more than one embryo is produced initially, but usually only one reaches maturity.

胚具两片子叶,开始时不止产生一个胚, 但一般只有一个胚发育成熟.《期刊摘选》

174. In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents.

单打独斗,十字军战士通常会赢; 在小规模战斗中, 撒拉逊人经常能以少胜多.《简明英汉词典》

175. Food in a cafeteria is usually cheaper than in a restaurant.


176. Usually shy and reserved , I can be talkative given the chances.

我平常不怎么会说话, 但是高兴的时候,也可以谈到很多事的呢.《期刊摘选》

177. We a bored usually because of our weaknesses, instead of merits.



1. But it had rows of seats like that, usually made over a hill or dug into the ground in some way.

但是观众席的结构很相似,通常建在山坡上或挖入地下。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. I don't usually drink wine.


3. Budding entrepreneurs usually had to fly in a lawyer from San Francisco to draw up the papers.

FORBES: Startup City

4. So much so that "any minor change in what you usually consume is easily noted, " he says.

BBC: The recipe rage problem

5. True, the leg-work is usually sub-contracted to Russians, including shadowy figures still on the state payroll.

ECONOMIST: Western mans burden

6. We usually use this pattern when the question that you're asking about relates directly to the person you're speaking with.

当你在询问与谈话对方直接有关的话题时,你可以使用这个句型。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Do you 课堂

7. Referrals to the doctors' regulatory body more usually come from hospital trusts and health authorities.

BBC: Alder Hey doctors reported to GMC

8. Usually, the picture is that they are coming from the north or the northeast and pressing down into it.

他们通常来自于北方,或者东北,使用武力手段进入了迈锡尼古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Sharp words from a teacher,for example, can usually get a daydreaming student to put both feet on the ground.

VOA : special.2009.03.08

10. And it's usually something that's very simple that's embodied in the personality of an entrepreneur.

而企业家的性格里常常具有的,就是这种非常简单的品质。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

11. Usually, you're going to have a melody and you're going to have a bass, so the bass is doing stuff-- underneath there.

通常,如果有一段旋律,而且使用了低音提琴,那么低音提琴就作用在音域的下面聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Given this generous tax treatment, pre-re muni yields are usually significantly below those on equivalent Treasuries.

FORBES: Munis: Better Than Treasuries?

13. Some students already take GCSEs early, usually maths and maybe a language such as French.

BBC: GCSEs 'too easy' for brainy pupils

14. Natural gas stoves or gas water heaters are usually connected to a device that safely expels the gas from the home.

VOA : special.2010.02.02

15. What happens when that recognition takes place is that your immune system gets activated, and the activation that happens usually involves two things.

当识别进行时会发生什么呢,那时免疫系统会激活,免疫系统的激活通常包含两个过程生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. This is a distinction which is not meant sort of counter-intuitively to suggest that somehow or another, as opposed to what we usually think, writing precedes speech--not at all.

这个区别没有在某种程度上故意地,与我们的直觉相反,暗示,无论如何,与我们通常想的相反,我们通常认为书写是在讲话之前的,完全不是这样。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. The natural desire for fame seated in the breast of every true scholar usually pushes him to make haste by the readiest way of publishing and divulging conceived merits.

每个真正的学者本质上都极度渴望成名,这使得他们匆匆发表那些,还未成形的文章。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Prices for high-end apartments and villas in Egypt are usually listed in US dollars.

BBC: Living in: Great cities for history and ancient ruins

19. All it usually takes is the ability of ambitious U.N. bureaucrats to put together a conference.

FORBES: Keep An Eye On The U.N.

20. And that usually gives one even greater comfort that the initial offering will be boffo.

FORBES: Venture Vetting

21. "I usually get together with a daughter and a granddaughter and we go out to dinner and exchange gifts.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

22. When people spoke of the divine, they were usually talking about an aspect of the mundane.

NPR: Karen Armstrong: Myths and the Modern World

23. Previously, the ceiling was set at 25%, with voting shares usually triggering concerns closer to a 10% cap.

FORBES: Private Equity Allowed A Bigger Bite Of Banks

24. As is usually the case, the more you can wait, the better your options.

ENGADGET: HTC Gold with Windows Phone 7 in November, and more from a rumored UK roadmap leak

25. In parts of Papua New Guinea, deaths and mysterious illnesses are sometimes blamed on suspected sorcerers, usually women.

BBC: PNG repeals sorcery law and expands death penalty

26. You can usually find good clay in low areas of islands or land, especially if volcanoes helped form the land.

VOA : special.2009.09.14

27. An astronaut who does work outside the space shuttle usually is wearing more than seventeen pieces of protective equipment.

VOA : special.2011.04.06

28. Like most Middle Eastern deserts, the Negev is usually associated with sand, rock and the odd camel.

BBC: The Negev desert wine route

29. Some applicants contact many. An important part of the application usually is the Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

30. Health officials say these numbers usually increase during this time of year as more Americans cook and eat outdoors.

VOA : special.2011.06.17

31. It consists of a promise to pay, usually denominated in currency, and there are both long-term and short-term debt instruments.

是一种付款承诺,通常是货币支付形式,有长期债券,以及短期债券金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Idle soldiers were usually put to use maintaining roads, building parks, planting trees, landscaping and even collecting trash.

BBC: Overcoming 40 years of solitude on Kinmen Island

33. Sometimes we might just directly tell you that's probably the easiest scenario, because when we think about work functions those are usually reported in energy.

有时候我们可能只是直接告诉你,那可能是最简单的情况,因为当我们考虑功函数时,它们经常用能量来记录。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

34. Usually I don't wear make-up.


35. Most herbivore teeth are grinders, canines are usually absent.


36. And so it's usually the case that you can get a higher return if you're willing to take more risk.

同样很常见的例子是,所以如果你愿意冒高风险,你可能就会有高回报。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

37. It does not usually take long for most newbies to stand up and paddle themselves across the water.

BBC: In search of Australias real Gold Coast

38. Ask Istanbullus what makes their city special and the answer usually comes straight from their stomachs.

BBC: Top five Istanbul cooking courses and food tours

39. These traditional, only-in-Arequipa restaurants are usually located in suburban areas and inspire fanatical local followings.

BBC: Perus gastronomic renaissance

40. The great wealth taken from the gold and silver mines was usually invested in other businesses: shipping,railroads,factories, stores,land companies.

VOA : special.2010.03.18

41. Nelson still sometimes keeps some of his seed, but not usually, and not much.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'

42. It is usually much better to prevent a problem from happening than it is to find ways to solve it.

VOA : special.2009.08.30

43. The love songs that predominate, as they usually do with Oberst, are long on social context.

NPR: Conor Oberst: When Love Turns Sour

44. In American history our reform crusades have usually had to do with one of several objects or purposes or problems.

在美国历史上我们为理想而进行的改革,通常与如下几个目的,或意图,或者问题之一有关联美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. But looking around the garden it is greener than it usually would be at this time.

BBC: Making a bee-line for city roofs

46. When teams have lost value, it is usually because the owner has not leveraged his asset beyond hockey.

FORBES: Ice Capades

47. Greek novels usually were about a man and a woman, young,rich,who see each other and fall madly in love and passionately want one another.

希腊小说通常是关于男人与女人,年轻,富有,一见钟情,渴望对方。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Something is usually said about Kafka in connection with Wise Blood, but I have never succeeded in making my way through The Castle or The Trial, and I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Kafka.

经常有人说到卡夫卡,与《慧血》之间的联系,但我从来没有成功地,读懂《城堡》或者《审判》,我不会假装我了解卡夫卡的一切。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. "My name is Seth Montuori. I was adopted. I usually go up to my grandpa's and my grandma's house.

VOA : special.2009.12.21

50. Dates usually kick off the feast, since the sugar- and vitamin-rich fruit helps your stomach readjust to eating.

BBC: What to eat at a Dubai iftar

51. And the animals usually avoid their own waste, so that reduces the amount of good grazing space even more.

VOA : special.2010.01.19

52. Yet insurance usually costs too much for a farmer with as little as a hectare or two of land.

VOA : special.2010.05.11

53. Occasional stings do occur, but the professional beekeepers are usually able to deal with it.

BBC: In Canada, a competition for the best bee beard

54. Gifts like chocolates or flowers are usually allowed.


55. This can usually be handled through your broker, and the paperwork will take a few weeks to process.

FORBES: The Global Test

56. And the rail networks usually let you pay in your own currency, helping you avoid foreign exchange fees.

BBC: Top sites for booking European rail tickets

57. They start, usually, by saying that they've never written a letter like this before.

WHITEHOUSE: White House Forum on Health Reform

58. Usually, the work is boring.


59. Normally this is used for a reaction in the condensed phases and liquid usually.

通常它是用于凝聚态,液体相的反应,这是一个恒压量热计。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. These usually schedule a 20% cutback around 2020, 40% by 2030, and 80% by 2050.

FORBES: China Talks A Green Line While The U.S. Walks One

61. Lemminglike, she usually went along with the majority view, even when it was wrong.

FORBES: In Search of the Buy Button

62. A "run on the bank" usually happens when people believe there is danger a bank may fail or close.

VOA : special.2009.04.26

63. The researchers found the presence of carbon thirteen, a version of the carbon atom that is usually found in space.

VOA : special.2009.09.30

64. Most restaurants can cobble a couple of dishes together, but full meals are usually an afterthought.

FORBES: Vegetarian (and Gluten-Free, Diabetic, etc.) Meals That Aren't Afterthoughts

65. So when your friend ask you to go out that night even though it's something that you usually like to do,

所以当朋友们想叫你晚上一起出门玩的时候,尽管这是你平常挺爱干的事,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I feel like 课堂
















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