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英 [ˌfaɪtəˈplæŋktən]play美 [ˌfaɪtoʊˈplæŋktən]play

  • n. [植] 浮游植物(群落)

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phytoplankton /ˌfaɪtəˈplæŋktən/

  • 1.
    名词 the photosynthesizing organisms in plankton, mainly unicellular algae and cyanobacteria 浮游植物 →compare   zooplankton




1. Marine Phytoplankton 海洋单细胞海藻 ; 植 海洋浮游植物

2. phytoplankton community 浮游植物群落

3. phytoplankton production rate 初级生产率

4. freshwater phytoplankton 淡水浮游植物

5. Super micro phytoplankton 超微浮游植物

6. Phytoplankton biomass 生物量 ; 浮游植物生物量

7. autotrophic phytoplankton 自营植物性浮游生物

8. phytoplankton blooms 植 浮游植物增殖

9. phytoplankton bloom 浮游植物大量繁殖 ; 藻华 ; 水华


1. Some phytoplankton can fix nitrogen and can grow in areas where nitrate concentrations are low.


2. Pigment Analysis and Chemotaxonomy of Phytoplankton in Jiaozhou Bay, China


3. Algae is the main ocean phytoplankton and chlorophyll - a is the main pigment of algae.


4. The Application of Artificial Neural Network in Forecast of Growth Trends of Phytoplankton


5. At the heart of the phenomenon lie tiny marine microorganisms called phytoplankton

这种现象的核心是被称为浮游植物的微小海洋微生物。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

6. The phytoplankton bloom is not the only source of color in the scene.


7. The Study on Phytoplankton Structure Characteristic in Excavating Coal Subsidence Pool


8. And the cells of phytoplankton were miniaturization.


9. But in some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton, and these areas will turn greener .

但在一些水域,如北极水域,气候变暖将使浮游植物成熟得更快,让这些区域变得更绿。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

10. Next Page: Importance of phytoplankton.


11. Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots, leading to changes in the ocean's appearance.


12. Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots, leading to changes in the ocean's appearance .

气候变化将促进某些地区的浮游生物的生长,又会抑制其他地区的生长,导致海洋外观发生变化。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

13. The model projects that currently blue areas with little phytoplankton could become even bluer.


14. The type of phytoplankton is changing.


15. However, phytoplankton still require other nutrients, such as iron, to survive.


16. A Comparison of Three Methods for Studying Phytoplankton Size Fraction


17. But phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean's warming trend .

但是浮游植物很容易受到海洋变暖趋势的影响。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

18. Phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean's warming trend.


19. As zooplankton become more abundant and eat more phytoplankton, the population of phytoplankton should shrink.

随着浮游动物变得越来越丰富,它们吃掉的浮游植物也就越多, 浮游植物的数量就会减少.《互联网》

20. This is the first marine phytoplankton database in China.


21. Because of the way light reflects off the organisms, these phytoplankton create colourful patterns at the ocean surface.


22. Larval CoT starfish eat phytoplankton in their first month of life, so more fertilizer in the ocean means more phytoplankton, which means more starfish, bad for the reefs.


23. Ocean colour varies from green to blue, depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton

海洋的颜色介于绿色到蓝色之间,这取决于浮游植物的种类和浓度。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

24. But in some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions worse for phytoplankton.


25. Studies on ecological characteristics of phytoplankton in the waters near Tianjin


26. The mean assimilation number of phytoplankton in the test ponds was 11.


27. Knit ( small, shrimp - like animals ) feed on phytoplankton.

磷虾 ( 小的 、 像虾一样的动物 ) 以浮游植物为食.《互联网》

28. Image Processing Research of Phytoplankton Based on Multi-wavelet Theory


29. Community composition of phytoplankton in controlled enclosure system at low salinity levels


30. While experiments subsequently confirmed that such a procedure increases phytoplankton growth, field tests have shown that such growth does not significantly lower atmospheric carbon dioxide.


31. Both species of fish make the phytoplankton communities succession towards different directions.


32. Study on phytoplankton in the Yellow Sea in Autumn and Winter


33. " Not only are the quantities of phytoplankton in the ocean changing, " she said, " but the type of phytoplankton is changing ."

"不仅海洋中浮游植物的数量在变化,"她说,"而且浮游植物的种类也在变化。"《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

34. Phytoplankton cause mass mortality in other ways.


35. At the heart of the phenomenon lie tiny marine microorganisms called phytoplankton.


36. Ocean colour varies from green to blue, depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton.


37. This image of phytoplankton was produced by the MODIS Rapid Response System.


38. The quantities of phytoplankton in the ocean are changing.


39. In some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton, and these areas will turn greener.


40. What are Phytoplankton?


41. The variations in colour are caused by different species and concentrations of phytoplankton.


42. However, phytoplankton flourish only in surface waters where iron levels are sufficiently high.


43. Phytoplankton can also be the harbingers of death or disease.


44. Dimethylsulfide is the major sulfur compound emitted from sea, which is mainly produced from marine phytoplankton.


45. Found in all the oceans of the world, including the Arctic Ocean, appendicularians tend to remain near the water's surface where the density of phytoplankton is greatest.


46. The Comparative Study of Growth Characteristics about Phytoplankton and Attached Algae


47. Killing off phytoplankton would be like removing all grass from land.


48. In other words, phytoplankton respond very rapidly to changes in their environment.


49. Many theories have been formulated to explain the role of grazers such as zooplankton in controlling the excluded grazers from regions of high phytoplankton concentration.


50. Study on the Size Distribution of Marine Phytoplankton


51. Study on Phytoplankton Community Structure in Offshore Water of South Qingdao


52. There are no significant change in the biomass and structure of phytoplankton.


53. Impact Study on phytoplankton with temperature increase of water body


54. Light absorption and scattering properties of phytoplankton: a theoretical modeling


55. But phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean's warming trend.


56. Toxic effects of copper, zinc, lead and Cadium on Marine Phytoplankton


57. The species composition and distribution characteristics of phytoplankton were discussed.


58. Phytoplankton live at the ocean surface, where they pull carbon dioxide into the ocean while giving off oxygen.


59. Discrimination technology for bacillariophyta and pyrrophyta was established by chlorophyll fluorescence excitation spectra of phytoplankton.


60. Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that grow in the ocean.


61. Analysis on water quality and phytoplankton diversity of the two different depth ponds


62. The Outside Contour Extraction and Shape Analysis in Marine Phytoplankton Automatic Identification System


63. What Are Phytoplankton?


64. Because of the way light reflects off the organisms, these phytoplankton create colourful patterns at the ocean surface .

由于光从生物身上反射的方式,这些浮游植物在海洋表面形成了五颜六色的图案。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

65. Application of Shape and Texture Analysis in Marine Phytoplankton Automatic Identification System


66. Review of research on the bottom-up effects of phytoplankton growth


67. Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth, since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow, but also nutrients .

全球变暖改变了海洋的主要特征,还会影响浮游生物的生长,因为除了阳光和二氧化碳,它们还需要营养物质才能生长。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

68. The model projects that currently blue areas with little phytoplankton could become even bluer .

该模型预测,目前浮游植物较少的蓝色区域可能会变得更蓝。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

69. Phytoplankton live at the ocean surface, where they pull carbon dioxide into the ocean while giving off oxygen .

浮游植物生活在海洋表面,它们在释放氧气的同时将二氧化碳吸入海洋。《高考真题- 2019 北京 阅读D》

70. They put zooplankton and phytoplankton into 4 - liter tubs and let them sit for 8 days.


71. These nutrients have an effect on the starfish, because they cause an increase in the growth of phytoplankton.


72. 3D fluorescence spectra classification of phytoplankton based on radial basis function networks


73. Eventually, the surface phytoplankton exhaust the available nutrients and slow their growth.

最终, 表层浮游植物耗尽了可获取的养分使其增长放缓.《互联网》

74. Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth, since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow, but also nutrients.



1. Krill (crustaceans resembling prawns) subsist on phytoplankton and are in turn eaten by fish, squid, jellyfish, seabirds, penguins, seals, whales and other animals.

BBC: How Antarctica works

2. Traditionally people have believed that a lot of energy within the ecosystem is dependent on primary production of phytoplankton but we believe recycling has a strong input.

BBC: The model should aid future management of the North Sea

3. Planktos had announced that it would dump tons of iron dust in the ocean to spark the growth of phytoplankton, and then sell credits based on how much carbon the phytoplankton consumed.

NEWYORKER: Neptunes Navy

4. "The dispersant is moving the oil down out of the surface and into the deeper waters, where it can affect phytoplankton and other marine life, " said John Paul, a marine microbiologist at the University of South Florida.

CNN: Allen: 'Our first goal is to do no harm' in Gulf

5. Scientists have known for some time that large swathes of the earth's oceans harbor extremely low densities of phytoplankton.

CNN: Topical waters

6. Scientists have to work through the night to collect biological samples during the brief hours of darkness when the phytoplankton is not photosynthesizing.

CNN: Could volcanic eruptions signal boom time for ocean life?

7. The Census of Marine Life reported that phytoplankton, the microscopic plants producing most of the oxygen from the oceans, have been declining by around 1% a year since 1900.


8. Some of the data it gathered about the abundance of phytoplankton - plant-like organisms that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and provide food for other sea life - could already be monitored by satellite.

BBC: PacX Wave Glide

9. These blooms indicate proliferation of phytoplankton that is fundamental to ocean life and climate regulation.

ENGADGET: Liquid Robotics' Wave Glider breaks Guinness record, does it in the name of science

10. Martin tested his hypothesis in Antarctica and found that phytoplankton thrived in jars of seawater infused with iron.

CNN: Topical waters

11. As well as playing an important role in food chains, phytoplankton also absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

BBC: Iceland volcano ash cloud triggers plankton bloom

12. She met with him last December when he came to visit her lab, where she researches the ocean phytoplankton Prochlorococcus, the most abundant photosynthetic cell on the planet.

WSJ: GZA on 'Dark Matter' Album - Interview: Rapper Finds Muse in the Stars

13. Scientists fear that the population of phytoplankton in the world's oceans is being affected by rising sea temperatures, with a paper published in the journal Nature in 2010 controversially suggesting that it had declined by as much as 40% since the 1950s due to climate change.

BBC: Seafarer science: Sailors asked to help measure plankton

14. He thinks there'll be phytoplankton boom - bloom, and it'll suck all the CO2 out of the air.

NPR: Report: Iran Halted Nuclear Ambitions

15. Furthermore, multi-decade time series, including the Hawaii Ocean Time Series, the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series, and the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, also showed increasing phytoplankton biomass during the past 20-to-50 years.

FORBES: Another Global Warming Crisis Canceled For Lack Of Evidence

16. Global warming alarmists and their allies in the media were ringing the alarm bells last summer after a study in the journal Nature claimed the global phytoplankton population had declined by 40% since 1950.

FORBES: Another Global Warming Crisis Canceled For Lack Of Evidence

17. Growth of phytoplankton in certain areas is usually limited by lack of iron in the water, and the sub polar Atlantic is believed to be one of these areas.

CNN: Could volcanic eruptions signal boom time for ocean life?

18. But data on phytoplankton populations is sparse.

BBC: Seafarer science: Sailors asked to help measure plankton

19. They therefore suspect the main source of food for AAPB is dissolved organic matter released by phytoplankton.

ECONOMIST: Bacteria and climate change: Invisible carbon pumps | The

20. There have been some unexpected responses, for instance markedly different phytoplankton communities and total biomass resulted from two iron addition experiments conducted a year apart at the same site in the north west Pacific Ocean.


21. Marine Scotland Scientists have sampled the foam and seawater around Footdee, using a microscope to examine the phytoplankton - very small algae - present.

BBC: Footdee foam clears as area returns to normal after storms

22. However during the bloom triggered by the ash deposits from the eruption, the team recorded that it was a shortage of nitrogen that limited the size of the phytoplankton bloom and - as a result - the volume of carbon dioxide uptake.

BBC: Iceland volcano ash cloud triggers plankton bloom

23. So while the additional dissolved iron triggered an earlier-than-usual phytoplankton bloom, as the metal triggered growth in a greater number of phytoplankton cells, the bloom was only 15-20% larger than normal because the growth was limited by the amount of available nitrogen, another vital ingredient required for the organisms to develop.

BBC: Iceland volcano ash cloud triggers plankton bloom

24. Phytoplankton -- microscopic organisms that congregate near the ocean surface - absorb atmospheric CO2 through photosynthesis.

CNN: Topical waters

25. Phytoplankton usually blooms in the spring, but dies back in the summer.

CNN: Could volcanic eruptions signal boom time for ocean life?

26. We need to do a lot more analysis back at the lab before we can confirm the volcano has caused extra phytoplankton growth.

CNN: Could volcanic eruptions signal boom time for ocean life?











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