
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈwaɪdli]play美 [ˈwaɪdli]play

  • adv. 普遍地,广泛地,范围广地;大不相同

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  • adj.

    wide 广泛的;宽的,广阔的;张大的;远离目标的

    widespread 普遍的,广泛的;分布广的

    widish 稍宽的;较广的

  • adv.

    wide 广泛地;广阔地;充分地

  • n.

    width 宽度;广度

    wide 大千世界



1. scan widely 放眼

2. publicize widely 广而告之

3. Applications widely 应用领域广泛

4. Acknowledged Widely 普遍认同

5. widely shared 广泛共享 ; 广泛分享

6. widely reputed 闻名遐迩

7. Widely famous 广为传颂

8. widely popular 广泛普及 ; 极其流行


1. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country...


2. Reserve currencies are currencies widely held by governments as part of their foreign exchange reserves.


3. The computers are already widely used in industry and in universities.


4. Vinca alkaloids are widely applied in antitumor treatment in clinic and proved to be effective.


5. Standards vary widely.


6. Birds are widely believed to have evolved from dinosaurs.


7. Credit cards are now widely used in place of cash or cheques.


8. It is well known that synchronization among neurons is a widely observed and studied phenomenon.


9. OGSA has been widely applied at present.


10. The rumour has been widely repeated in the press.


11. Her books are widely read (= a lot of people read them) .


12. Such tractor is used in plain, area and hills widely.

这种拖拉机用于平原, 山区和丘陵广泛地同有关的农业机械.《期刊摘选》

13. Organizers had consulted widely with police and safety officers to ensure tight security.


14. It has been widely applied gene analysis, detection of gene mutation and genetic disease.

近年被广泛地应用于核酸序列分析,基因突变分析,遗传病、转基因物种 、 病毒、微生物等的检测.《期刊摘选》

15. Which Application layer protocol is widely used to support resolving host names to IP addresses?


16. The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime.


17. CDMA technology is widely used in multiple access systems for burst mode transmission.

突发模式传输过程普遍地存在于各种多接入系统中,而CDMA技术 在多接入系统中被广泛应用.《期刊摘选》

18. Their findings have been widely disseminated.


19. However, one of the commodities will gradually displace all others, by being more widely acceptable.

然而, 最终只会有一种被人们更为广泛地接受的物品,逐渐取代了其他的物品.《期刊摘选》

20. He is widely acknowledged as the best player in the world.


21. This theory is widely derided by conventional scientists.


22. Garlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine.


23. ...a wide-brimmed sunhat.


24. The cult of Ganesha is widely diffused, even outside of India.

甘尼萨的信徒广泛地分布, 甚至在印度以外.《期刊摘选》

25. With the improvement of travel time detection algorithm, it is widely used in traffic research.

由于旅行时间的采集日趋精确, 在交通领域被广泛地应用.《期刊摘选》

26. The news of shipwreck soon spread out widely.


27. The restaurant has been widely acclaimed for its excellent French cuisine.


28. The means of payments of bankbook account have been widely used in our country.


29. He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor.


30. Mrs. Zuckerman does not fraternize widely.


31. The shot was wide anyway...


32. Aluminum bronze is widely used in every industry or trade because of the excellent performance.


33. He published widely in scientific journals.


34. These cells are widely distributed throughout the body


35. SMC DMC molded products : Widely used in electrical field such as bus bar clamp.


36. From occurrence beginning, PRINCE is at public republic and private department widely.

自出现伊始, PRINCE就广泛地被用于公共和私人部门.《期刊摘选》

37. Residue hydrotreating technology had been used widely to process sour residue and poor quality residue.


38. The gold medalist has been widely exposed to the public on television.


39. Scientific research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the US.


40. These experience and knowledge already were mixed to accept by people control, understanding widely increasingly.

这些经验和知识已日益广泛地被人们把握 、 熟悉和接受.《期刊摘选》

41. At that time, advertising is widely popular word was used.

这时, 广告一词便广泛地流行并被使用.《期刊摘选》

42. His face broke into a wide grin.


43. She's very widely read in law.


44. I suspect this book will have the widest appeal of all...


45. Electrical resistivity is used widely as a measure of brine saturation in rocks.


46. The alfalfa plant is widely used as animal fodder.


47. There are wide variations caused by different academic programme structures.


48. All worktops should be wide enough to allow plenty of space for food preparation.


49. Since ancient times bamboo has been widely used in the daily life of the Chinese people.


50. Porous adonic aluminum oxide templates are widely used to fabricate nanowires or nanotubes of many materials.


51. a widely held belief


52. The idea is now widely accepted.


53. The venture has been widely dismissed as a $264 million white elephant.


54. In modern times, computers have been used more and more widely in the world.

在现代, 计算机被越来越广泛地应用.《期刊摘选》

55. Rural communities are widely separated and often small


56. He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.


57. At present, no widely approved vaccine exists for malaria.


58. Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease


59. 'It was huge,' he announced, spreading his arms wide...


60. Silver halide which has good light sensitivity is widely used in photochromic materials and photographic emulsions.


61. He's an educated, widely-read man (= he has read a lot of books) .


62. Open your mouth wide...


63. Containers are widely used for sea, railway and highway transportation.

集装箱被广泛地应用在海运 、 铁路以及公路运输上.《期刊摘选》

64. Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period.


65. He has travelled widely in Asia.


66. Numerical analog analysis technique has been widely applied to geotechnical engineering.


67. The case has attracted wide publicity...


68. The road is only one track wide.


69. English is widely used in India.


70. On the other hand, guns are legal and widely available next door in Canada.

另一方面, 枪支在加拿大是合法的,而且到处都买得到.《期刊摘选》

71. The cost of capital is widely misunderstood.


72. He's travelled widely, chiefly in Africa and Asia.


73. It's widely rumoured that she's getting promoted.


74. We advertised the concert quite widely.


75. The availability of nursery school places varies widely across London.


76. It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated.


77. Nowadays, discrete searching is being applied to various search practise more and more widely.


78. Their influence spread remarkably quickly and widely over Europe.


79. The brochure offers a wide choice of hotels, apartments and holiday homes...


80. The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.


81. Both impact assessments and public hearings were widely used to guarantee policies, projects and legislation support broader public policy objectives.

影响评价和听证普遍地用于保证政策、项目和立法支持更广泛的公共政策目标。《provided by jukuu》

82. Nearly half the missiles landed wide.


83. It brought a wide smile to his face and laughter to his eyes...


84. Chlorine is widely used to kill germs.


85. We must publicize the meeting widely.


86. Floating raft system is widely used in the isolation and noise reduction of ship power equipment.


87. The contract for this will no doubt be widely advertised.


88. Oakley locates housework in the wider context of economic, social and political structures.


89. These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.


90. ...a corridor of land 10 kilometres wide...


91. He emphasised the wider issue of superpower cooperation...


92. The proposed constitution gives him much wider powers than his predecessor.


93. The campaign was widely criticized for making tactical mistakes and for a lack of coherence.


94. The organ resounded ( through the church ).

风琴的声音 ( 在教堂里 ) 回荡着.《辞典例句》

95. The conversation ranged widely.


96. They were widely perceived to have been unlucky.


97. Pass effort of a few years, search people the product is accepted for user place widely.

通过几年的努力, 找们的产品广泛地为用户所接受.《期刊摘选》

98. It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer.


99. Such a diet is widely believed to offer protection against a number of cancers


100. Her books are widely read.


101. She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor.


102. He is widely acknowledged to be the best player in the world.


103. His achievements, though hardly exciting, were widely admired.



1. top designers, whose work has been widely copied


2. Go to Africa or India and you see Chinese brands very widely in the stores.

FORBES: Apple Will Revert To Niche Status As Chinese Advance, Expert Says

3. What makes these stocks potentially attractive is that they are not widely covered by Wall Street.

FORBES: Book Review: The Little Book Of Big Profits From Small Stocks

4. It then made Massachusetts the most stable state or essentially the most stable state in the country and it was widely-admired.

那时,它使马萨诸塞州成为了美国最稳定的州,或者说本质上最稳定的州,并广受好评与赞赏。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. The International Institute for Tropical Agriculture says the disease is widely found in Gabon,Angola,Malawi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

VOA : special.2009.09.21

6. Certainly it seems more and more clear that what we call "normal" in psychology is really a psychopathology of the average, so undramatic and so widely spread " that we don't even notice it ordinarily."

显然,我们平常称之为'正常'的东西“,在心理学上,实际是种大众精神病理,看上去平平无奇却又非常广泛,我们甚至没有注意到它“幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

7. But the poorly designed protection system was widely known to be too weak to protect against a major hurricane.

VOA : special.2010.01.22

8. So to get this slice, this next slice here, I need rationality; as some of you know that's widely criticized in the social sciences these days.

要剔除这个范围,需要理性因素,可能有些人知道,这一点最近社会科学界广受质疑博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Her identity became widely known years later as a result of a legal fight between Stratemeyer Syndicate and its former publisher.

VOA : special.2009.08.24

10. The evidence that Mr Dawkins sets out so persuasively here is already widely known.

ECONOMIST: The evidence for evolution

11. The best you can do sharing among yourselves is sharing your own risk, the risk of your own community; but your own community goes up and down and you're not sharing widely enough.

你们所能做的仅仅是在成员之间,分摊自己的风险,即你们这个小团体的风险;,但由于共有背景下的正相关性,你们的风险无法摊薄。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. It's a widely--it is widely and mistakenly thought that the purification offering purifies the sinner or the impurity bearer or the offerer. This can't be true.

很多人错误得认为,净化祭可以净化不洁者或供奉者,身上的罪孽或不洁,事实并非如此。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. But research continues to give new life to one of the oldest and most widely used drugs in the world.

VOA : special.2009.10.20

14. Why have such tactics known in military parlance as "computer network attacks" not been used more widely?

WSJ: Battling the Cyber Warmongers

15. This is the conclusion of Russ Winter of Minyanville, a widely followed financial blog.

FORBES: Each $100 Billion QE2 Good for 5% Rise Commodities

16. This was widely reported as "Tomlinson turned down", "GCSEs and A-levels to stay" and so on.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Q&A: Exam changes

17. They were very suspicious of the democratic tendencies, or so it seemed, the democratic tendencies of that northern society which was spreading literacy more widely, and eventually the right to vote more widely, at least among white people.

他们也对民主倾向表示怀疑,事实就是如此,有着民主倾向的北方社会,文化教育的开展更为广泛,因而更广大人民有着投票权,至少大部分白人有投票权美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Ive is widely expected to alter the look and feel of the expected iOS 7.

FORBES: Is 2013 WWDC A Make or Break Event For Apple?

19. The device isn't widely available, but Google plans to publicly launch it next year.

WSJ: Google Glass Is WatchingNow What?

20. The widely used program steals log-in information for online bank accounts that thieves then plunder.

BBC: US extradites SpyEye cybercrime suspect Hamza Bendelladj

21. The abuse is widely known among Iraqis, and those inclined to act don't need photographic evidence as justification.

BBC: Obama defends abuse photos U-turn

22. Not everyone agrees with this theory but it is quite widely held to be true.

FORBES: Niall Ferguson's Keynes Was Childless, Gay, So Don't Worry About The Long Term Rumpus

23. Woodcuts were also a widely used artistic form in Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.

VOA : special.2009.09.02

24. All in all, Japan is widely acknowledged to be one of the most earthquake-prepared nations.

BBC: How Japan tackles its quake challenge

25. This is maybe not widely appreciated, but every decade that goes by we do a better job of incentvizing people and preventing them from being discouraged by risks.

也许在当下,一些措施看似并非有效,但若以十年跨度回望,我们所采取的措施确实能有效地激励人们,并且防止他们因风险受挫。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. As these tools became applied more and more widely, we learned more about how human physiology worked.

当这些工具应用的越来越广泛时,我们对人类生理运作的了解也逐渐加深生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. This is the vaccine that you probably took; the vaccine that's still most widely used in the U.S.

你可能也服用过这种疫苗,在美国这种口服疫苗至今生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Such excellent initiatives, which exist in many countries, should be rapidly scaled up and replicated widely.

FORBES: The Future of Life On Earth: A Two-Part Discussion

29. But their studies have come to widely varying conclusions about who saved and how much.

FORBES: Study Finds Payroll Tax Cuts May Boost the Economy More Than You Think

30. The resulting turmoil in commodity markets led a number of hedge funds to speculate widely.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. His paintings have been widely acclaimed.


32. Although Hobbes is widely taken to be a defender of monarchical absolutism, you will note, in your readings, that he displays a kind of studied neutrality over actually what form the sovereign should take.

尽管霍布斯被广泛地认为是,君主专制主义的维护者,但在阅读中你们会发现,他对国家应当采用何种政体,是保持中立姿态的。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Star Wars is so widely enjoyed that not even George Lucas himself can destroy its goodwill.

FORBES: Re-Imagining Star Wars

34. He wasn't that widely read, I must admit, but it shows us how far pro-slavery could ultimately go.

我必须承认,他的作品流传不广,但他向人们展示了亲奴主义者可以走多远美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. This concept of introducing foreign genes, genes that are made of recombinant DNA into animals using this kind of technique is widely used in biomedical research.

这种通过基因重组,来向动物体内导入外源基因的方法,广泛应用于,各种生物医药的研究中生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. It varies widely.

变数很大。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 电脑图片的魅力

37. He has now helped to build more than ten straw bale houses and says the building material is becoming more widely accepted.

VOA : special.2009.10.05

38. I think it's pretty widely known that asset allocation is far and away the most important tool that we have available to us as investors.

我认为,人尽皆知,资产配置是,投资者可用的工具中,最重要的工具金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. This suggests that animals with more widely spaced nostrils could attack from better positions while swimming fast.

VOA : special.2010.08.03

40. Photos of his detention and alleged possessions have been widely circulated in the Russian media.

BBC: Moscow holds talks with US ambassador over spy scandal

41. COPE, though also widely seen as too middle-class, is drawing support from across the racial divide.

ECONOMIST: South Africa

42. The proliferation of religious texts and the proliferation of religious sects produced what was widely seen to be a potentially anarchic political situation in the early 1640s.

迅速增多的宗教文本,和迅速增多的宗教派别,创造出了被普遍认为在17世纪40年代初,的潜在的无政府状态的政治状况。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. She was widely recognized by other researchers for her work with a protein called transforming growth factor-beta.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

44. On the Democratic side, two names widely bandied about former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner and Sen.

NPR: End of the Road for Frist; What Next for Hastert?

45. Later,when penicillin was widely available, the researchers denied the men the drug that could have cured their illness.

VOA : special.2010.07.21

46. The most common and the most widely used was Achaeans, another one is Danaans, and a third one is Argives.

最普通也最广泛应用的是亚该亚人,另一个是达南人,第三个是阿戈斯人古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Doctor Kuiken says the devices used in the study need more work before they will be widely available.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

48. Qatar is widely believed to be supporting opposition forces, some of them also foreign.

BBC: Syria crisis: Rebels condemn opposition coalition

49. The technology is over 60 years old and the materials and skills needed are widely spread.

ECONOMIST: Getting to zero

50. Problem is, Reader is not as widely beloved as its most fervid users assume.

ENGADGET: The outrage and sadness of Google Reader's demise

51. This book is widely considered one of the most important books of photographs published since World War Two.

VOA : special.2009.03.23

52. Real-name registration was supposed to be have been implemented in 2011 but was not widely enforced.

BBC: China approves tighter rules on internet access

53. But others say music like Lead Belly's would never have become widely known if it wasn't for the work of John Lomax.

VOA : special.2010.01.18

54. The anti-malarial drug Chloroquine was widely used until recent years when the malaria parasite became resistant to the drug.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

55. One way to fight against higher rates is to shop widely for better prices.

NPR: Coastal Homeowners Stagger Under Insurance Costs

56. The offers are widely reported to be from Spanish giants FC Barcelona and Real Madrid.

WSJ: Brazil Soccer Star Neymar Appears Europe-Bound

57. Mr Medvedev, who has held the presidency since 2008, is widely expected to become prime minister.

BBC: Ex Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov: Medvedev 'dictatorial'

58. The phrase to be left holding the bag is as widely used as the expression to let the cat out of the bag.

VOA : special.2009.01.25

59. There is some evidence that firms are having to trawl more widely to fill their boardrooms.

ECONOMIST: Non-executive directors

60. They are part of a generation that shares personal information more widely and rapidly than before.

WSJ: Social Media Pose Riddle for CIA

61. In France, Ms Cassez is widely considered the victim of a miscarriage of justice.

BBC: Florence Cassez behind bars, file picture

62. Mrs Zuckerman does not fraternize widely.


63. The gramophone has made music widely available.


64. The concept of World Heritage has acquired great importance and is widely used today.

UNESCO: World Cultural and Natural Heritage

65. His achievements, though hardly exciting, were widely admired.




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