try things out翻译_try things out短语搭配_try things out权威例句

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1. To Try Things Out 尝试事情


1. I came here to try to smooth things out with you.

我来这里是为了让事情能够顺利得到解决。《provided by jukuu》

2. If you're not doing heavy up-front development or committing to years of maintenance on each feature, you can easily try out different things.


3. Try working without them for a week. Turns out, you can do amazing things without goals.


4. I've also read about people who don't like what they do, but still try out everything to focus and get things done, just to fail each time.


5. As Godbey points out, the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it.


6. They want to try things out, and if they believe something is good, they're willing to change what they're doing.


7. When you can, try things out for yourself, and you're much more likely to be happy with the final product.


8. Make these changes to your code and try things out in Internet Explorer again; you should see the form you created ( without an error message).

这样修改代码之后再使用Internet Explorer试验,就应该看到已经创建的表单(没有错误消息)。

9. Anyhow let's calm down and try to figure things out.


10. I try not to stress out when things go wrong.


11. That of course turns into a bigger problem when you try to marshal things back out, and the problem propagates quickly.


12. I go back and edit, and I constantly try new things. But none of this can happen unless you spit it out.


13. Yeah, I was, and I should have... but he said that he wanted to try to work things out: a.k.a. leave in the middle of the night.


14. We provide some installation instructions so that you can try things out for yourself, but you should be familiar with both applications, as well as with IBM's class sharing.


15. There are respecs, skill runes that either slightly augment or completely change how skills work, and we want people to try all those things out.


16. Be bold and try out new things, like playing a new sport or listening to different kinds of music.


17. One way to find out would be to try to put ever larger things in such states.


18. I'll try to sort things out with Chairman baek.

我去跟白会长摆平这件事。《provided by jukuu》

19. But without discourse, without sharing, we do not even give ourselves the simple chance of being able to try to work things out.


20. If things get bad, you can take a job with someone else, or try a new tactic, or figure something out so that things don't get that bad.


21. If we try to straighten things out again on the literary and artistic front and persist in cleaning up the publications market according to the current plan, the situation will improve.

对文艺战线再加以整顿,整顿书刊市场照现在的部署坚持下去,会变的。《provided by jukuu》

22. But you don't usually know ahead of time which ones they will be, so you need to experiment, try things out, and see what works.


23. One of the first things you should do is just have new users try a system out, and make sure that they see all the help and dialog boxes.


24. Somewhere in his mind he just assumed things would work themselves out without actually having to try.


25. This means you can rapidly try things out and deploy things during the development phase, before worrying about proper packaging into applications or full extensions.


26. If you're one of those who thinks sitting down and talking things out is the only solution to a fight, try this method out, the results could just surprise you in unexpected ways.


27. Try out things you've never done before.


28. Doing this enables you to try things out with a smaller investment footprint.


29. Without it, you're afraid to try new things or put yourself "out there" to expand your abilities and skills.


30. If you are spending a lot of money on activities such as going out, maybe try doing things that don't cost as much, or better yet, free.


31. As we start building these things, people are going to look at the departments that are implementing their SOA projects and try to figure out how to bind these things at an enterprise level.


32. you have to try new things and figure out if they're right for your life.Step outside of your comfort zone daily and get a blueprint for the kind of life that makes you happy.


33. You think out-of-the box. You try new things and if they fail, you admit the mistake, but don't apologize for having tried.


34. They tend to read a ton ( whether online or offline) and they tend to love to try things out and learn from experiences as well.


35. Then how would I convince her to try out new things?


36. That of course turns into a bigger problem when you try to marshal things back out, and the problem propagates quickly.


37. They want to try things out, and if they believe something is good, they're willing to change what they're doing.


38. I'm fascinated by some recent, popular economics-type books that try to root out the hidden reasons behind certain things that people do.


39. Make these changes to your code and try things out in Internet Explorer again; you should see the form you created (without an error message).

这样修改代码之后再使用Internet Explorer试验,就应该看到已经创建的表单(没有错误消息)。

40. When things are disappointing, I know they are happening for a reason, so I try to find out why and learn from them.


41. This wound will fester unless you try to sort things out between you.

如果你不解决你们两人之间的事情,问题会更糟。《provided by jukuu》

42. One Web 2.0 strategy does not fit all, and sometimes the best way to find out what's best for a given company is to try some things out and see what happens.


43. We want to try out new things, make lot's of friends, fit more things to do into our lives.


44. They needed to figure things out and try to find a happy place again.


45. If this were almost any other project, we could afford to take risks and try some things out.

如果是其他的项目,我们可以冒些风险试着做些事情。《provided by jukuu》

46. And I try to balance things out by cutting down on certain everyday foods because of my love for others.



1. and try out new things and meet people, so.

新的事情,交些新朋友。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 参加10公里竞走

2. Paulose suggests firing people on Friday afternoons, asking them to collect their things and escorting them out of the building in case they try to make a scene.

FORBES: How To Slim The Ranks

3. You can take commercial foods, like Wheaties, and go to the manufacturer and try to figure out how many boxes of these things are produced.

对象可以是麦片那样的商品,去联系制造商然后估算出,这些东西生产了多少箱关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Rather than just learning a particular set of rules or a formula in a lecture, simulations let managers try things out.

ECONOMIST: Serious games

5. Maximum vigilance is called for, but until the evidence is firmer, the best course may be to let markets try to work things out.

ECONOMIST: A new approach to financial risk

6. Andrea heads back to either try once again to smooth things out or, if she has what it takes, to assassinate Phillip.

FORBES: 'The Walking Dead' Season 3, Episode 11 Review: The Judas Of Woodbury

7. And then George will bring it back and wash it out, or if I try and sneak it in the bin or hind it under things.


8. We smelled a scam in there somewhere, or possibly scamola, and since our whiny emails to the company asking them to explain how exactly this worked went unanswered, we decided to just call them up to try and sort things out.

ENGADGET: Free iPods from Engadget gets the scoop

9. All these things have to be weighed not just by the consumer but by the manufacturer when they try and figure out whether they have a business case to be made.

NPR: Auto Giants Put Best Wheel Forward in Los Angeles

10. So we have to be inventive, try things out, not get disheartened when we fail, and just keep on being creative, no matter what.

FORBES: 5 Key Lessons for Authors and Self-Publishers from Neil Gaiman

11. There are bad people out there that will try to do bad things.

CNN: Microsoft servers hit by another hacker

12. "When you find yourself in a losing position a few times during the year, you want to try to figure out how to change those things around, " Sharapova said.

CNN: Sharapova faces Serena in WTA final

13. That sort of free rein to try things out and fall on your face is invaluable.

NPR: Aaron Parks: Projecting The 'Invisible Cinema'

14. Just go out and shoot as much as you can and try different things.

出门能照多少就照多少,尝试不同的东西。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢的照片

15. It acknowledges that you don't always win, that when things don't turn out well, you try a different approach and then another until you find a solution, until you reach a new continent, until you write the right constitution, until you invent the right machine.

CNN: Is optimism really good for you?

16. We New Yorkers like to think of ourselves as trendsetters, as being ahead of the curve and as a group of people who try out new things before others do.

FORBES: Bike Sharing Comes to New York (Finally)

17. While tabulating the responses they got, he did various checks and examinations, drawing on earlier research where possible, to among other things try to separate out anger and anxiety, which he conceded is not an easy thing.

FORBES: To Win People's Hearts, Make Them Angry

18. Let's try to sort things out by considering two extreme cases.

CNN: Can a manic episode look like a tantrum?

19. It also helps give them the confidence to venture out and try new things.

CNN: Wheelchair rugby puts athletes back on the team

20. It gives us alternatives to try out different things.

CNN: Pelligrini says Madrid squad now 'complete'

21. And very often if you take a picture out before you finalize it and some things work and some don't, you try to go back with the editing and finish it.

NPR: A Robert Wise Reprise

22. On their end, consumers should try to find out how secure the sites they buy things from are.

CNN: Is the e-commerce boom fueling security holes?

23. It's easy to duck out of things, but lots of things touch me and I try to help some people ... that I was kind, and I was a nice person.

CNN: Former 'Family Feud' host Richard Dawson dies

24. Towards the end of her academic life, in early in 2008, Steph decided to try things out on her own, venturing out to play a few low-key local band support slots as a solo performer.

BBC: BBC Introducing - Steph Newton

25. You will never know what can work better unless you try different things out.

FORBES: 12 More Ways To Be Legendary And Successful On Social Media

26. "I've called them several times, and then I had my real estate agent call to try to work some things out, to see if we could get the rates lowered, " he says.

NPR: Downturn Puts Soldiers' Homes, Careers at Risk

27. The absence of excess baggage or paralyzing past failures, the willingness to think out of the box and openness to try new things are also huge advantages when trying to problem-solve in limited time.

FORBES: Be Responsive To Improve Your Career

28. If the force-field models do turn out to be accurate reflections of reality, it will be possible to try some new things.


29. There are a few things you can do to try to figure this out.

FORBES: Passion, Hobby, or Purpose?

30. They can also try to improve things for the long-term by going out and acquiring something.

FORBES: IBM's Sam Palmisano Leads Wal-Mart and Microsoft In Stock Buyback Frenzy

31. It may be the Americans who, as so often, have to try to sort things out.

ECONOMIST: Turkey and the EU

32. Things got worse when the resulting line-out lead to Foster's try to make it 34-12.

BBC: Bourgoin 19-34 Exeter

33. Mr. KAGAN: You tell the American people above all that you are not simply continuing with the same old, same old and hoping that things would work out nor are you simply going to try to subcontract our problems in Iraq to Iran and Syria and various other bitter enemies of the United States.

NPR: Iraq Report 'Recipe for Defeat,' Says Right Wing

34. hey'd rather single step it through using Idol or something, than just read it and try and figure things out. The most important thing to remember when you're doing all of this is to be systematic.

比起阅读代码发现错误来他们,宁愿用内置的操作层,或者其他工具一步完成,你要记住的最重要的事情,就是要系统化的去做调试。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课



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