ask leave是什么意思_ask leave短语搭配_ask leave权威例句

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ask leave

网络 请假;告别

play play

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1. ask for leave 请假

2. ask for leave system 请假制度

3. ask for one day leave 请一天的假


1. Counsel ask leave of the court to show a film take of the accident.


2. Prior to answering a question, a witness may ask to leave the grand jury room to consult with his or her attorney.


3. So I ask leave from you, I can't attend the Sunday's activity.


4. You'd better ask leave to leave here.


5. They have to ask for permission to leave their bases and can do so only under an Iraqi escort.


6. He ask for leave of absence to visit his mother in hospital.


7. This article is to give some personal comprehensions about resign limit, deposition, accuse, ask for leave systems.


8. Imagine that they are unwelcome visitors at your door: acknowledge their presence and politely ask them to leave.


9. Can we ask for leave to see our roommate in the hospital?


10. We had to ask him to leave.


11. Read no letters, books, or papers in company; but when there is necessity for doing it, you must ask leave.


12. You also have the power to ask them to leave the local park if necessary.


13. Did she ask to leave any message?

她提没提出留什么话儿?《provided by jukuu》

14. He was so seriously ill that he had to ask for leave.

他病的太重不得不请假。《provided by jukuu》

15. Students need to ask for a leave ahead of time if they can't go to school for several days.


16. If you want to ask for sick leave, you must get your teacher's agreement.


17. Did she ask for leave?


18. I have to ask for leave of absence from this evening's piano lessons.


19. Her mother being ill, she had to ask for leave to take care of her.


20. OK. I will ask for leave and see the doctor this afternoon.


21. You'd better ask for leave, or you may be in trouble.


22. Can I ask the vacation and sick leave?


23. Can I ask for a leave?


24. When the guests are to leave, the host may still politely ask them to stay.


25. I'm writing this e-mail to ask for sick-leave because I'm not feeling myself today.


26. You might as well just visit their house and just ask them to leave the country.


27. He that will thrive must ask leave of his wife.

要想发家致富,就得妻子同意。《provided by jukuu》

28. I have to wait for the final diagnosis, so I have to ask for Leave for today and tomorrow. I hope you don't mind.


29. If I have got a cold, I will ask for leave.


30. Would you support my decision to ask herto leave class.

你支持我要她离开这个课室吗。《provided by jukuu》

31. "Are you never going to leave?" teachers would ask me as we passed in the corridors.


32. Go to the doctor and I'll ask a leave for you.


33. Should I ask a leave from my director and ask my bf also do that?


34. I will ask leave to call on you on Monday if you can spare me the time.


35. Also consider your personal situation and whether you will ask for paid leave or not.


36. He went to the monitor to ask for leave.


37. Would it be all right that we should ask for leave tomorrow?


38. If a player feels underpaid, he could ask for a raise or leave the organization — both of which are generally difficult to do, though.

如果一个球员感到其报酬过低,他会提出加薪或是离开俱乐部- - -但通常情况下这两样都难以做到。

39. Benjamin: If you want to ask for leave, you should get the approval from the manager in charge of your department.


40. Indeed, the then king did on several occasions ask ethnic Nepalis not to leave.


41. Would it be all right that we should ask for leave tomorrow?


42. Some might ask, why not leave the construction of a broadband network to the private sector?


43. I'm writing this e-mail to ask for a sick leave because I have a fever.


44. You should ask for leave if you have something to do.

如果你有事要做应请假。《provided by jukuu》

45. But that reminds me that I must ask your leave of absence for some days.


46. Maybe you want to take too many days off together or maybe you ask for leave at a very busy time.


47. She had no alternative but to ask for a few days' leave.


48. If I were to ask for leave, would he agree?

如果我请假,他会答应吗?《provided by jukuu》

49. I feign illness intentionally ask for leave.


50. Jack didn't come to school yesterday, nor did he call the teacher to ask for leave.


51. His readers leave feedback and ask him to keep on writing, and he's very happy about that.


52. You have to ask for leave if you take off work due to illness.


53. I have to ask for leave for the next week because of some issues to handle, please approve.


54. Eg. he ask for leave of absence to visit his mother in hospital.


55. OK. I will ask for leave and see the doctor this afternoon.


56. Being ill, Daniel had to telephone his teacher to ask for leave.



1. On the tape you will hear the president's lawyer Mr. Bennett -- and Mr. Ruff referred to this yesterday -- urging the Jones lawyers to abandon this definition, to leave it behind, and ask direct questions of the president as to what he did.


2. Weiner decides he will seek treatment "to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person" and will ask for a "short leave of absence" from Congress, his spokeswoman says.

CNN: Key dates in the Anthony Weiner scandal

3. We ask these men and women to leave their careers, leave their families, and risk their lives to fight for our country.

FORBES: Three Crucial Words Missing From President Obama's Speech Prove He Is Clueless

4. We ask these men and women to leave their families and their jobs and risk their lives to fight for our country.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifice | The White House

5. Addressing Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who was not present, "I ask you, before you leave, repair the damage you have done, " Jealous said from the pulpit.

NPR: NAACP Head: Even Some In NYPD Oppose Street Stops

6. More than one prime minister was known to ask civil servants and advisors to leave the room so that they could have private discussions with Kenny about the meaning of the latest political happenings.

BBC: By BBC News Online's Bob Eggington

7. There was a red cloth wound around the tower, and Sopheng said that the cloth showed that this was a living temple where locals came to leave their offerings and to ask the gods to answer their prayers.

BBC: Piecing together puzzles in Cambodia

8. Some gal named Felicia had this number before all the calls ask for Felicia, and they leave messages on our machine, too, all P.

NEWYORKER: Shauntrelle

9. This means they have to leave your website, ask their network, wait for an answer, and then maybe come back to finish the buying process.

FORBES: How To Make Your Website As Social As Your Customers

10. We ask our men and women in uniform to leave their families -- our Guardsmen and Reservists to leave their jobs.

WHITEHOUSE: President and Mrs Obama on the American Jobs Act Bus Tour

11. Before you leave, ask your carrier to unlock your phone--a quick, software-based process.

FORBES: How To Call Home From Outside The U.S.

12. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone.

FORBES: Freshly-Minted Declaration of Internet Freedom Demands 'Free and Open Internet'

13. Anyone who wanted to leave the courtroom had to ask a security guard for an access card and then display it before being allowed to re-enter.

CNN: Airplane bomb suspect pleads not guilty

14. If the casino personnel determine that you are doing it, however, they may ask you to leave.

FORBES: The Highly Profitable Blackjack Side Bet That Became As Elusive As An Ex-Girlfriend

15. The authority is cutting 350 posts and will also ask staff to take five days of unpaid leave a year as it tries to reduce costs.

BBC: Wirral disabled day care centre to close in funding cuts

16. We ask our men and women in uniform to leave their families and their jobs and risk their lives to fight for our country, and the last thing they should have to do is fight for a job when they come home.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Getting Our Veterans Back to Work

17. "When people ask me about Lance, I try to leave him out of the conversation if I can discuss Livestrong in the answer, " he said in an e-mail.

CNN: Cancer survivors: Mixed feelings on Armstrong

18. "To the mafia, I ask you to leave this land, and to abandon the struggle, " she said, according to the Gazzetta del Sud newspaper.

BBC: File image of the town of Corleone

19. If they wish to campaign for a particular party, they must ask their superior's permission and take paid leave.

ECONOMIST: On democracys front line

20. What will we leave behind, he will ask?

FORBES: Why We Don't Need An Infrastructure Bank? Japan Is Why

21. Send out a link to your Pinterest account in your next e-newsletter and ask readers to leave comments.

FORBES: Pinterest Power: How to Use the Third Largest Social Media Site to Promote Your Business

22. "I want to thank you and also ask you to show this warmness for the whole duration of the tournament until they leave South Africa."

VOA : standard.2010.06.11

23. In some cases, we have to ask people to leave or they leave on their own.

在某些情况下,我需要让有些人,离开,或者等他们主动离开。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

24. And in my household -- is if you say you're not hungry, then you have to eat your vegetables, and then you get up and leave, and you don't ask for anything else, and go to bed, right?

WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Urges Healthy Diet and Exercise

25. If you don't ask me questions, I'll just leave.

WSJ: Tortorella Press Conference Etiquette 101

26. Do you know whether during the NRC chairman meeting that it was raised at all that at some point the American embassy may ask Americans to -- or suggest Americans leave Japan, or reduce the embassy staff size in Tokyo?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

27. We ask these men and women to leave their families, disrupt their careers, risk their lives for our nation.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Retaining Teachers and the American Jobs Act | The White House

28. In between those two parts I will ask that anyone who is shopping the class and would like to leave at that time do so then.

在前后两部分之间,请来试听并且想离开的同学在那时候离开,如果你能尽量等到那个时候。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. The jury heard that Mrs Kennedy offered to go down with her husband and ask Mr Kane to leave but her mother refused to do this.

BBC: Kathleen Milward

30. If you ask the question why did many Italians leave their homes, especially south Italians in the late nineteenth century and come-- well, go all over the world actually, to South America, Australia, but the largest numbers to the United States.

如果问及为什么很多意大利人离开家乡,特别是十九世纪居住在意大利南部的人们,事实上他们的足迹遍布全球,南美,澳大利亚,但更多的是到美国来了古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. The authority will also ask staff to take five days of unpaid leave a year as it tries to reduce costs.

BBC: Wirral Council ?42m cuts proposed

32. "If I wanted to leave he would ask me where I was going, why, and how long for, " she said.

BBC: Child fire deaths: Michael Philpott 'hit mistress'

33. If there is a breakup in the Janata Dal, Yadav could ask his MPs to leave the Front and join Kesri.

CNN: On the Edge Again

34. After you leave you ask your partner if you did the right thing and you then see the kids waving you off with the teenager telling you thanks for everything.

FORBES: The Top 12 Video Game Soundtracks Of All Time







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