
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈhaɪə(r)]play美 [ˈhaɪər]play

  • v. <英>租用,租借;聘用,录用
  • n. 租借,租金;<美>被雇用的人
  • 【名】 (Hire)(美、印)希尔(人名)

复数 hires 第三人称单数 hires 现在分词 hiring 过去式 hired 过去分词 hired

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


hire /ˈhaɪə/ CET4 TEM4 [ hiring hired hires ]

  • 1.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you hire someone, you employ them or pay them to do a particular job for you. 雇用

    Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organizers.



    He will be in charge of all hiring and firing at PHA.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you hire something, you pay money to the owner so that you can use it for a period of time. 租用
  • 3.
    不可数名词 You use hire to refer to the activity or business of hiring something. 租用
  • 4.
    习语 If something is for hire, it is available for you to hire. 供出租

    Helmets will be available for hire at all Vail Resort ski areas.




  • adj.

    hireling 被雇用的;为金钱工作的

  • n.

    hireling 雇员;给钱就听人使唤者

    hirer 雇主,租借者



hire employ 【导航词义:雇用】

hire v. 雇用,[美] 聘用

〔辨析〕 指短期雇用某人,在美国英语中则不强调期限。

例1: She was planning to hire a detective.


例2: That company has never hired any foreign workers.


employ v. 雇用,聘任

〔辨析〕 较正式用词,一般指正规机构、大公司等聘用职员。

例1: The company employed about 10 men.


例2: She is employed as a manager.



1. hire invoice 租用我是骗子

2. Cost Per Hire 单位招聘成本 ; 成本 ; 招聘成本

3. on hire 出租的;雇用

4. for hire 供出租

5. car hire 汽车出租;租车处

6. hire order 租用单 ; 出租单

7. Bicycle hire 其它方面

8. hire out 出租;受雇

9. hire purchase n. 分期付款购买

10. Hire Purchase 租赁 租购 ; 分期付款购物法 ; 贸易 分期付款购买 ; 留购

11. hire in 接受雇用并开始工作

12. Hire statement 租金单 ; 房钱单

13. acqui-hire 人才收购 ; 收购雇佣 ; 人才并购 ; 交易


1. Remand with hire loan.


2. The district hired eight PE specialists and 28 aides to rotate among 39 elementary schools.


3. I was hired as a calculator for a major insurance firm.


4. Within a year, I had to hire another cook and four waitresses.


5. No one perceived themself to be in a position to hire such a man.


6. You are hired. Please report to personnel office April first at eight o'clock in the morning.


7. She hired out as a maid.


8. The Budapest office plans to hire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings.


9. They hire people to do housework.


10. a hire car


11. And adjunct professor is higher hired to teach for a limited time , usually 1 semasterone semester.

临时雇用教授被聘用去进行短时间的教学, 通常是一个学期.《期刊摘选》

12. They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions.


13. Apart from administrative positions, those without degrees in related fields cannot be hired.

除行政职务外, 非相关学历者不得录用.《期刊摘选》

14. Art Troupe of Beijing Chen Ailian graduates can be hired on competitive basis.


15. This producer wanted to hire a ham for his comedy production.


16. Umbridge apparently also hired security trolls to guard the Firebolt she had confiscated from Harry ( OP 30 ).

乌里姆吉显然也雇用了巨怪,守卫她从哈利那里没收来的火弩箭 ( 凤凰社,第30章 ).《期刊摘选》

17. A killer hired by some employers killed the strike leader, a confident orchestra conductor.

一名受雇于一些老板的杀手杀死了罢工的领导人, 一名自信的管弦乐队的指挥.《期刊摘选》

18. They will make economies by hiring fewer part-time workers.


19. a car hire firm


20. If I were hired, how many accounts would I be handling?

如果我被雇用, 我管理几个帐号?《期刊摘选》

21. Why should we hire you?


22. If a company wants to hire you after graduation would you come?

如果一家公司想录用你,当你毕业的时候你会去 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

23. If you are hired, when will it be convenient for you to begin to work?

如果你被录用, 什么时候方便来本公司上班 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

24. His first move was to hire a lawyer.


25. Why would Finland hire American students to study a market in Russia? The answer , Mr.


26. All the bikes are for hire.


27. All hire cars are for personal use only.


28. To that end, they hire, recruit and train employees in their own mold.

为了达到那个目的, 他们以自己的模式雇用 、 招收、培训员工.《期刊摘选》

29. Farm labour used to hire themselves out for the summer.


30. Private enterprise needs the confidence to invest and hire.


31. Companies hiring out narrow boats report full order books


32. He does the hiring and firing in our company.


33. All drivers must be at least 21 years old to hire a car.


34. The price includes the hire of the hall.


35. He is a hired killer.


36. My barber, with his newfound affluence , had hired an attractive woman for this position.


37. Hiring, developing and retaining the best talents.

聘用 、 发展和留住最好的人才.《期刊摘选》

38. He signed up for a week's car hire.


39. Another is to developing better ways to hire, keep, and reward effective teachers and school leaders.

另一个方面是要发展更好的方法来聘用 、 保有和奖励卓有成就的老师和学校领导.《期刊摘选》

40. Q: Why should I hire you?

问: 我为什么要聘用你?《期刊摘选》

41. Q : Have you ever hired or fired anyone?

你有聘用和解雇人的经验 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

42. Bob was hired by an acquaintance named Jim to defend him against a criminal charge.


43. Sign on the dotted line if you want to hire the car.


44. The costumes are on hire from the local theatre.


45. He paid the carriage hire to the driver.


46. That said, he should seek to hire staff on the basis of merit, not nationality.

这说明, 他可能会根据价值来聘用成员, 而非依据国籍.《期刊摘选》

47. We can hire bikes for a day to explore the town.


48. The risks can be so complex that banks hire mathematicians to assess them.


49. She hires and fires people at whim.


50. The church here was left a bequest to hire doctors who would work with the poor.


51. Because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, the number of boats available for hire on the river is limited.


52. This car is for hire.


53. There is a large modern function room skittle alley, which is available for hire.

这里还有一个巨大的,功能齐全的现代功能房, 可以提供租用.《期刊摘选》

54. Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers.


55. Those without a year of related work experience cannot be hired.


56. The boy is worth his hire because he is a hard worker.


57. This is hacking on an industrial scale ,as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire, the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking.

正如2001年受雇于《世界新闻报》的格伦·穆尔凯尔所承认的样,此次窃听行为已达到行业规模,他是电话窃听案的关键人物。 《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

58. He'll never hire out as assassin with you.


59. A number average hire of a year is 120 yuan, expire cost wanting add.

一个靓号一般一年的租金是120元, 过期要续费.《期刊摘选》

60. The day's hire for the car is ten dollars.


61. I'm a new employee. I was hired yesterday.

我是一个新雇员. 我昨天被录用的.《期刊摘选》

62. She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.


63. They can hire a gardener to do the work.


64. Hire San Po Kong industrial estate to set up studio.


65. If hire, when would you able to start working?

如果录用, 你可以开始什么时候工作?《期刊摘选》

66. University: raising the academic culture, easy to hiring the best people.

大学: 提高学术文化, 容易录用到优秀的人才.《期刊摘选》

67. Four million people get hired every month in the U.S.

在美国,每个月都有 400 万人被聘用。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

68. Labor hires its services for wages, paid in various ways: salaries, fees and commissions.

劳工为获取工资而出租自己的劳动,劳动有多种偿付方式: 薪水, 酬金还有佣金.《期刊摘选》

69. Those with unsatisfactory dress and appearance cannot be hired.


70. EXAMPLE: The movie company hired an experienced wrangler who coordinated people background of film.


71. He hired a car and a man to drive it.


72. One should not encumber oneself with hire purchase repayments at the beginning of a marriage.


73. Increasingly, employers aren't hiring candidates with too many posts on their resumes.


74. Local authorities have hired thousands of extra staff to track down smokers and impose the fines.


75. After these two come out of hire more or less to decide redound period.


76. My point is, I want to hire you.


77. Fishing tackle is available for hire.


78. If you are hired, how long do you plan stay with us?

如果你被录用, 计划在我们公司干多久?《期刊摘选》

79. What is your hiring philosophy?

贵公司的聘用主义是甚 麽 ?《期刊摘选》

80. When I knew I just being hired, I jumped out of my skin.

当我被录用时, 我简直欣喜若狂.《期刊摘选》

81. to hire a lawyer


82. We're buying a new cooker on hire purchase.


83. As soon as passes through hires, throws five insurances.

一经录用, 投五项保险.《期刊摘选》

84. These cars are for hire.


85. He hired a workman to repair the fence.

他雇用了一个工人修理围墙.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

86. Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree?

企业应该雇用雇员他们的整个生活. 您是否同意或不同意?《期刊摘选》

87. Instead, hiring has restarted only after inflation has picked up.

相反, 企业只是在通涨率重新抬头之后才开始聘用员工.《期刊摘选》

88. When a president retires or dies, we hire a new office boy.

当总经理退休或死亡时, 我们就录用新的职工.《辞典例句》

89. The hire fills a missing piece in Citigroup's China investment banking team.


90. You can hire a bicycle, a car, or a horse in that park whenever you want to.


91. The company hired the President's special trade representative to lobby Mr. Pierce.


92. They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.


93. Hire of skis, boots and clothing, is all available.


94. When you hire people are smarter than you are, you prove are smarter are.

雇用比你聪明的人, 证明你比受雇用的人聪明.《期刊摘选》

95. Payment Confirmed Booking shall be made in accordance with the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF HIRE.


96. You also hire the mistresses of Oxford High School for girls.


97. If you want to hire a car, take along your driver's license.


98. We had to hire maids through an agency.


99. The existence of system hire raised system cost greatly, raised whole society namely trade charge.

制度租金的存在大大地提高了制度成本, 也就是提高了整个社会的交易费用.《期刊摘选》

100. They hire out boats to people on holiday.


101. Complete hiring & termination procedure as per government policy & hotel related procedure.

根据政府 和 酒店的要求,完成员工录用 和 辞退手续.《期刊摘选》

102. An employer cannot afford to hire incapable workers.


103. To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence


104. If you fail to find a good playmaker in your own team, go hire one.

如果你不能在自己球队中找到一个优秀的组织核心, 那就去雇用一个吧.《期刊摘选》

105. There is one step the TSA could take that would not require remodeling airports or rushing to hire: Enroll more people in the PreCheck program.

美国运输安全管理局可采取这样一个既不用改造机场又不用急着去租用器材的措施样让更多的人加入预检计划。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

106. If you want to hire the meeting room you have to submit a request in advance.


107. Once to get hired and once to ask for more money?


108. There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff.


109. Hire the slim one.


110. Zhang said, however, that Fan had been hired for his extensive teaching experience and talent.

但是, 张文斌表示, 学校聘用范美忠是因为他丰富的教学经验和才华.《期刊摘选》

111. He hired and fired people on his partner's say-so.


112. Employers want to hire positive people.


113. Athletes were hired. And some foreign athletes were even nationalized as Greeks to join the Games.


114. It's true that many employers prefer to hire workers a demonstrated track record of success.


115. Additional, still by outport hire whole slew tug 2.

另外, 还由外港租用了全回转拖轮2艘.《期刊摘选》

116. The ski hire ranges from fifty to two hundred dollars in this area.


117. Farmers used to hire themselves out for the summer.


118. The strong man was hired to squire the old lady.


119. When we hire them, we have more information than other employers.


120. One newly hired aide said, if you offered Geneen an opinion based on feeling, you were dead.

一位新雇用的助手说: “ 如果你凭感觉给吉宁提意见, 那你就完了. ”《辞典例句》


慢船私人租用旅行 ( 半天 )《期刊摘选》

122. Casual workers at this company can immediately get their hire when the job is finished.


123. A: How much does it cost to hire a motorbike?


124. I want to hire a person with experience in sales.


125. Though poor, Tom never hires out to do servants'work.

汤姆虽穷, 但永不受雇当佣人.《期刊摘选》

126. Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate


127. Her hired car was found abandoned at Beachy Head.


128. to hire a car/room/video

租汽车 / 房间 / 录像带《牛津词典》

129. Unfortunately, the union in Chicago is insisting that teachers who are laid off—often for being ineffective—should get priority in new hiring.

不幸的是,芝加哥的工会坚持认为,那些被解雇的教师——常常是因为教学效果差——应在新一轮聘用时被优先考虑。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

130. To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence...


131. Boats for hire: one shilling an hour.

游船出租: 每小时一先令.《简明英汉词典》

132. She was hired three years ago.


133. Lunar hire 3600 yuan, contain property cost , cost , detain 3 Fu Yi.

每月租用金额金3600元, 含物管费 、 卫生费, 押三付一.《期刊摘选》

134. Why don't you hire a car? Then you'll be able to visit more of the area.


135. bicycles for hire , £2 an hour


136. They hired a top lawyer to plead their case.


137. If you are hired, how long do you plan to stay with us?

若是你被录用, 打算在我们公司干多久?《期刊摘选》

138. He was hired for a three month period on a trial basis.


139. Hire charges are reckoned from the date of delivery.


140. He hired himself out to whoever needed his services.


141. These girls never hired out to do servants'work.


142. He was hired as a teacher in a new school for the deaf in Boston, Massachusetts.

他受雇于马萨诸塞州波士顿一所新办的聋哑人学校.《英汉非文学 - 科学史》

143. Jack hired on as a clerk with the shop.


144. Why should I hire you?


145. The band hired a crane to lift the piano into the theatre.


146. A headline should include your job target as well as the main benefit of hiring you.


147. We're hiring a disco for the party.


148. Ski equipment can be hired locally.


149. If hired, do you have a reliable means of transportation to get to work?

如果受雇用, 有可靠的交通工具上班 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

150. Since there isn't much time left, I'd rather we hire a taxi.


151. There are three small boats available for hire


152. Why go to the expense of buying an electric saw when you can hire one?


153. Child car seats only cost about £10 a week to hire.


154. Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organisers...


155. Companies that hire off workers can enjoy governmental subsidies.


156. How expensive is it to hire an agency like yours?


157. The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts


158. If hired, can work in one month's time.

若被录用, 可于一个月内参加工作.《期刊摘选》

159. He was hired to feather the bedframes together.


160. Excuse me, where can I find a hire car?

请问, 哪里有可供租用的汽车?《期刊摘选》

161. He was responsible for hiring and firing staff.


162. In 2000, the Nets hired him as an assistant to Coach Byron Scott.

2000年, 篮网聘用了弗兰克,他成为拜伦·斯科特的副手.《期刊摘选》

163. Accor's policy is to hire the best people and provide with ample opportunities for career advancement.


164. The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts...


165. Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.


166. Selection and recruitment practices are concerned with identifying and hiring the appropriately qualified candidates.


167. He hired 200 more police officers, though that was fewer than the 400 promised.

他新雇用了200名警员 —— 虽然并没有达到他所承诺的400名.《期刊摘选》

168. All the managerial personnel at the factory are hired on contract.


169. They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.


170. Representatives from many companies visit colleges to hire students.


171. He graduated from an accredited cooking school anda short time was hired by a famous restaurant.


172. That is mode of hire of electronic map API.


173. We might be hiring more people but nothing has been decided yet.


174. After a thorough evaluation of the applicants'interests and skills, our company hired 5 of them.

在经过仔细的评估申请人的兴趣及技能后, 我们公司雇用了5名员工.《期刊摘选》

175. Why would you hire a man with mental problems?


176. AndAn adjunct professor is higher hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester.

副教授被雇用在有限课时教书, 通常只是一学期.《期刊摘选》

177. Those related within five generations of a company employee cannot be hired.


178. Hiring a nanny has turned out to be the perfect solution


179. And mode of cloud calculative hire just offered appropriate solution for these medium and small businesses.


180. She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard.


181. Record’s suggestion is to prohibit agents from hiring models with a BMI below 18.

Record 的建议是禁止经纪公司聘用身体质量指数低于18 的模特。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

182. Do you hire out bikes?


183. If we decide to hire you, we will notify you by mail.

如果我们决定雇用你, 就写信通知你.《期刊摘选》

184. You can hire a car if you want to explore further afield.


185. All exclusion and optional hire item fees will be levied upon arrivals.


186. Agents and fashion houses who hire  models with a BMI under 18 could pay $82,000 in fines  and spend up to 6 months in jail.

经纪公司或者时尚公司如果聘用身体质量指数低于18 的模特,就会被处以82,000 美元的罚金及最高六个月的监禁。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

187. Under law, your employer has the right to hire a temporary worker to replace you.


188. The two fields pay the most, and — no surprise here — hire the most MBAs.

上述两个领域的公司付出的代价最高, 聘用工商管理硕士生的人数也最多.《期刊摘选》

189. Some accounting department's student, practises originally in Wall Street, afterward had no way to hire.

有些会计系的学生, 本来在华尔街实习, 后来都没法被录用.《期刊摘选》

190. I'm a new employee. I was hired last week.

我是个新雇员. 我上周才受雇的.《辞典例句》

191. The hired hands were paid off at the end of the harvest season.


192. Assist in developing effective selection tools to ensure hiring quality and in legal.


193. This suit is on hire.


194. We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.


195. All right. Can you relocate if you're hired by us?

我明白了. 如果我们录用你的话,你能搬过来 吗 ?《轻松英语会话---联想4000词(上)》

196. Has been hired submit a report document and other documents.


197. He had the hire of a car for a week.


198. They were hired on the farms.


199. Helmets will be available for hire at all Vail Resort ski areas.


200. Frank hired out as a saxophonist with a dance band.


201. Skis are available for hire on a daily basis.


202. Hiring the same company to design and host your site.


203. Many people have hired her to give private lessons in their homes.

许多人雇用她在家中上课.《超越目标英语 第4册》

204. Solely on the strength of his recommendation we're going to hire you.


205. Do you like to hire out as a secretary?

你愿意受雇当秘书 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

206. Cathay Pacific's hiring British pilots at a high salary.


207. Have you made any final decisions on hiring new staff?

关于雇用新人的事,你已经做最后决定了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

208. They booked our hotel, and organised car hire...


209. Transact hiring process for new hires.


210. Hiring extra help is as easy as adding a new moderator.


211. My friends wants to hire a classic car for their wedding.


212. They hired eight college graduates to start work after the college year ends in March.


213. Currently I am a freelance photographer for hire, residing in my hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana.

目前,我是一个受雇的自由摄影师, 居住在我的故乡——新奥尔良的路易斯安那州.《期刊摘选》

214. I was hired yesterday.


215. Child car seats only cost about £ 10 a week to hire.


216. He agreed to hire her at slightly over minimum wage with two weeks' paid holiday.


217. It was in many ways a fluke that I was ever hired into business.


218. If how tenant does not have capture to pay hire to do?


219. And hire testers who are quick studies and are good at understanding other people's work patterns.


220. If a pane wants to hire you after graduation, would you e?

如果一家公司想聘用你毕业后, 你会来 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

221. Several weeks after a young man had been hired, he was called into personnel director's office.

一个年轻人在被雇用几个星期后, 被叫到人事经理的办公室.《期刊摘选》

222. If you are hired, when can you start work?

如果你被录用, 什么时候你能开始工作?《期刊摘选》

223. The Labour party hired a concert hall for the election meeting.


224. Akamu was hired to correct the problem in the plaster model.



1. Twenty-three hire boats were also affected, with cranes brought in to help right them.

BBC: Clean up after part of the canal collapsed

2. Third-party collection agencies exist and make phone calls and send letters to consumers because creditors hire them.

FORBES: Verizon: Hey Zombie Lady, Can You Hear Me Now?

3. Can you team up with other businesses to hire the veterans in your communities?

WHITEHOUSE: Businesses Must Hire More Vets

4. Hire of skis, boots and clothing, are all available.


5. For startups, the time to do the people filtering and fit analysis is before the hire.

FORBES: 7 Reasons Big-Company Executives Fail in a Startup

6. Multinational companies usually hire engineering student to do pre-sells, to do technical support.


7. Because you can hire someone who is a software engineer and he's been doing it for 10 years and if they're doing it for 10 years that's probably what they're doing for their life, you know, and I mean that's cool.

你可以聘用一名,有着十年工作经验的软件工程师,如果他已经在这行业,待了十年了,那么可能这辈子他都会干这行,这样不错。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

8. When they have strong recommendations in 1989 you're willing to hire everybody, and this is not a difference at all.

在1989年,当候选人的推荐信一样好时9,你雇用谁的几率都是一样的,他们的雇用率是几乎没有差别的。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. At the wedding itself, many couples hire small chamber groups to play classical music before and at the end of the ceremony.

VOA : special.2010.08.09

10. Price includes equipment hire and tuition.


11. Having established groups hire composers to write new music is important, but that is not enough.

VOA : special.2010.07.12

12. That has made it possible for the Park Service to hire three thousand seasonal workers.

VOA : special.2009.09.28

13. Private enterprise needs the confidence to invest and hire, and lenders need the confidence to lend.

FORBES: The Jobs Speech Obama Should Give, But Won't

14. Coxey proposed that the federal government should hire unemployed men to build roads.

VOA : special.2010.06.24

15. There were no kings with the wealth to hire mercenary soldiers.

国王的财富不足以,招募雇佣军古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. They also demanded that the city hire black bus drivers and that anyone be permitted to sit in the middle of the bus and not have to get up for anyone else.

VOA : special.2009.03.08

17. Only a minority of buyers hire a "buyer's agent" whose primary responsibility is to them.

FORBES: Knowledge @Wharton

18. But then you'd hire out other people to do the taxes.

但是他们会雇人替他们收税。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. As a result, you are far more likely to hire someone who is like you.

FORBES: Why Job Descriptions Are A Waste Of Paper

20. Pensions often hire managers their consultants have recommended primarily because other pensions have hired these managers.

FORBES: The Politics of Fraud: How Pension Politics Enable Money Managers To Commit Fraud (July 1, 2001)

21. and then the person decides whether they want to hire us or not. So,...yep.

然后别人决定要不要聘请我们。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 求职攻略

22. Most women are highly relational and hire employees they like, further complicating the employer-employee dynamic.

FORBES: 3 Steps That Make Correcting Your Employees Easier

23. or you can just hire them out, like... You put your card in,

或者你只是租他们,比如……你插入你的卡,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 伦敦的蓝色自行车

24. The United States is one of thirty-one countries in the O.E.C.D Gaetan Lafortune says in recent years many of the countries increased their efforts to hire foreign nurses.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

25. You hire cooks and that sort of stuff.

你雇佣厨师或者做诸如此类的事情。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 很好奇住宿生活

26. Local authorities are unlikely to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations.


27. You then hire carpenters, plumbers and electricians to build a small house on the chassis.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

28. to the extent that people can do it and people are willing to hire them,

既然人们能胜任工作,也有人愿意雇佣他们,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想成为律师的话

29. Your generous wage would make it impossible for other employers to hire for less.

FORBES: Is There A Moral Case for "Buy American"?

30. Hire charges are £32 per week.


31. If they continue to hire and award wages increases they will see their net profits decrease.

FORBES: Brazil Needs To Grow Less, Says Nomura

32. Another is developing better ways to hire, keep and reward effective teachers and school leaders.

VOA : special.2009.07.30

33. They can stall you for a year; you're trying to sell the house, they hire lawyers and sue you and you've got to hire lawyers.

能拖延你整整一年的时间,当你准备卖掉房子,他们会请律师起诉你,然后你也不得不请律师金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. There are some large companies like from where I'm from that hire mechanical engineers.

有许多像我家乡的几家大型公司,都招聘机械工程师。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 就业很难

35. It may also mean that you hire freelance people who specialize in specific tasks.

FORBES: Extreme Outsourcing

36. Microsoft needs to hire in droves because it has become such fertile poaching ground.

FORBES: Winners And Losers In Silicon Valley's War For Talent

37. Hire people across the company who understand how digital interactivity impacts their business role.

FORBES: Perpetual Connectivity Will Change How We Experience The World

38. And then you have to hire an army of consultants that they will supply you to get it to work.

之后就得雇一大批顾问,他们帮助顾客运用软件。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

39. But some hire a wedding planner to organize everything for them.

VOA : special.2010.08.09

40. Officials at SAIC say they were told by the Defense Department to hire her.

NPR: Wolfowitz Faces New Allegations of Favoritism

41. The employer chooses workers they would like to hire.

VOA : special.2009.02.02

42. Cutting-edge businesses from all over the world are deciding to build here and hire here.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on the Economy

43. Sabine Wilke of the aid group CARE says many also lack the money to hire help to prepare the land.

VOA : special.2010.04.13

44. Rajiv Shah says he plans to hire more experts.

VOA : special.2010.01.16

45. you don't need to go to high school if they'll hire you, you know, whatever.

如果他们答应给你工作,你连高中都不用上。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想成为律师的话

46. We had to hire maids through an agency.


47. The House passed legislation Thursday giving companies that hire the jobless a temporary payroll tax break.

NPR: U.S. Unemployment Rate Holds At 9.7 Percent

48. Some students even pay for them. But NACE says ninety-two percent of the employers it asked had plans to hire interns this year.

VOA : special.2010.06.11

49. Today I finished interviewing my third new hire this month, two of which are women.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

50. And hire someone who will immediately pick up a sledgehammer and start knocking down that wall.

WSJ: The Experts: How to Knock Down the Wall Around IT

51. We're all free agents. If I wanted to work as a professor, I could send out notes to a hundred different universities and say 'Does anyone want to hire me?'

VOA : special.2010.07.26

52. And that has created a cottage industry of influencers for hire, repurposing, or simply listening to.

FORBES: Selling The New Cool: Inside The World Of 'Influencers'

53. The risk tolerance curve for the tens of thousands of people that we needed to hire, you just couldn't quite get them.

由于风险承担曲线,我们需要雇佣数万名员工,但是却,雇不到。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

54. Say you're a human resources manager at a Texas firm looking to hire a bean counter.

FORBES: Is Your Product's Price Right?

55. Some people would say, Well, there's still a part of our church, there's still a part of our Mass, there's still a part of our synagogue, we don't have to hire someone who doesn't agree with our principles.

一些人会说,我们仍保留着部分教堂生活,仍然保留着部分弥撒活动,仍保留着部分犹太教会堂,我们不必雇佣一个,不赞同我们原则的人。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

56. Mr Craig said rural districts do not have the money to hire full-time police officers.

BBC: South Dakota to allow armed teachers in schools

57. And if they still knowingly hire undocumented workers, then we need to ramp up the penalties.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Comprehensive Immigration Reform | The White House

58. Hirsh did a lot of work for hire before he got to that point.

FORBES: Toon in

59. So for her and me we have to hire experts to help us out.

FORBES: How Amy Promotes This Old House

60. The high-level executive hire came as Goldman announced a new management structure for the firm post-Paulson.

FORBES: Goldman Giveth And Taketh

61. And since they do not have enough money to hire people, the work will simply not be done."

VOA : special.2010.04.13

62. As the world s second-biggest electronics manufacturer-for-hire, they ve seen them all: smartphones, storage hardware, networking switches.

FORBES: Made In Silicon Valley

63. But how could Rutgers hire anyone with a questionable coaching background after the Rice debacle?

CNN: Rutgers president needs reality check

64. We would hire one other programmer to work on the client's site and build a hardware out, I would build the server software and then answer that question.

我们计划雇佣另一个程序设计师来做,客户网站,再准备好硬件,我还会编出一个服务器软件,一个月后,我们就会回答那个问题。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

65. But most of us have the good sense not to hire someone to kill them.

FORBES: Hit Me With Your Best Shot: Tax Pro and Former IRS Agent Pleads Guilty to Hiring Hitman







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