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  • adj. 说英语的

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Fluent English speaking 英文口语流利

2. How is my English speaking 如何是我会讲英文 ; 我的英文讲的怎么样

3. English Speaking 程序员

4. Please use English speaking 请用英文讲 ; 请用中文讲

5. BackgTound of English-speaking Countries 第三部分 ; 第三局部

6. Practical English Speaking Co-ntest 语大赛

7. I speak to English-speaking people 我只和说英文的人说话

8. English Speaking Prouction Supervisor 生产主管


1. One day, I was taking part in an English-speaking competition.


2. I want to study in and English-speaking country.


3. In her first major English - speaking role, Zhang a Geisha'( 2005 ) .

章子怡在《艺 伎 回忆录》中,首次用英语演出角色.《互联网》

4. Today, Webster' s dictionary is still widely used in English-speaking countries.

今天,韦伯斯特词典仍然在英语国家广泛使用。《中考真题- 2015 哈尔滨 任务型阅读B》

5. His scientific works were widely read in English-speaking countries.

他的科学著作在英语国家中得到广泛阅读。《provided by jukuu》

6. English speaking and writing will be an appreciated plus.


7. Is it perhaps to go to university in an English-speaking country?


8. Throughout the whole Empire and the English - speaking world the name of New Zealand is saluted.


9. The same problem also exists in the English speaking world.


10. I'd like to hire an English - speaking private guide for half a day.


11. Is it perhaps to go to university in an English-speaking country?


12. China will soon become the Number One English-speaking country in the world.


13. Most of the English-speaking world, including America, Britain and Canada, still retains territorial copyright.


14. We have many short local tours with good English-speaking guide.


15. We are looking for an English-speaking tour guide.


16. I want to study in and English-speaking country.


17. Find native English-speaking people who will give you conversation practice.


18. English - speaking service, great atmosphere imported product, first class service.

服务员懂英文, 一流的环境,一流的产品, 一流的服务.《互联网》

19. In the first semester, we run an eight-week conversation class for students of non-English-speaking backgrounds, who wish to improve their fluency, grammar and pronunciation in English.


20. Advising non-English-speaking families to speak only English is equivalent to telling them not to communicate with or interact with their children.


21. Different Approaches in Oral Teaching Between Chinese and English-speaking Teachers Oral Input in Classroom


22. Generally, people from English-speaking countries don't touch each other very much.

一般来说,讲英语的国家的人不大彼此触碰。《provided by jukuu》

23. Will you only consider English-speaking programs or English-speaking countries?


24. Know the culture and customs of English-speaking countries.


25. So before I go to an english-speaking country, I want to improve my english ability first.


26. Both China and English-speaking countries have realized the importance of the culture exchanging.


27. One English-speaking guy asked if I was sure I wanted to go in.


28. Six of the top ten destinations are English-speaking and the rest are all in Europe.


29. Fortunately the natural instincts of the English - speaking people laughed him aside.


30. Particularly to English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia.


31. English - speaking instant messengers also refuse to burden themselves with punctuation and capitalization.


32. For the sentiment analysis, it focused only on English-speaking users.


33. And you may chat with English-speaking people to practice your oral English.


34. Even though 21 is the traditional adult age in many English-speaking countries the law nowadays is different in each country.


35. Lessons with English-speaking instructors can be booked and paid for in the resort.


36. Before going abroad, I thought it would be easy to study English with an English-speaking environment.


37. It's easy to look for some English - speaking people to chat with on the internet.


38. This is particularly true of the English-speaking countries, especially in the east and south.


39. Characteristics and Teaching Strategies of ′ the Survey of English-Speaking Countries ′


40. Nearly 80% of Chinese students abroad went to an English-speaking country in 2016.


41. Muffin-tops are generally considered undesirable. Muffin-top originated as Australian slang in mid-2003, but has since become popular in other English-speaking countries.


42. Now the English - speaking man said we were going for a ride.


43. I want to be an English - speaking star. I want to speak amazing English.

我想成为说英语的明星, 我想说一口非常棒的英语.《互联网》

44. Australia is an English-speaking country.


45. Instead, he aimed to improve the minds of the "English-speaking race".


46. Luckily, there are so many English-speaking people in Beijing now.


47. Many of the students come from English-speaking countries.

学生中有好多来自说英语的国家。《provided by jukuu》

48. Package price include: pick - up service, transportation, English - speaking guide, entrance tickets, Chinese lunch.

费用包括: 酒店 接送 服务, 旅游用车, 英文导游, 景点门票, 中式午餐.《互联网》

49. Lessons with English-speaking instructors can be booked and paid for in the resort.


50. Good English speaking and writing and necessary It'skills is preferred.


51. What's more, body language is more widely used in English-speaking countries than that in China.


52. Different Text Structures Resulting from Different Thinking Modes between the Chinese and the English-Speaking People


53. People from English-speaking countries all have the same accent.


54. Science and technology communication of the core English-speaking countries makes English head other languages.


55. In Britain, Australia, Canada and a few other English-speaking countries, people don't stop celebrating when Christmas Day is over.


56. For people who are not born in English-speaking countries, English is a foreign language.


57. Luckily, there are so many English-speaking people in Beijing now.


58. Nowadays, neither of these meats is a frequent menu item in the English-speaking world.


59. Have you found it harder to reach English-speaking readers?


60. Snow and camel are far less important in English-speaking cultures, and the single words "snow" and "camel" can usually satisfy their needs.


61. From the white, middle - class English - speaking mold almost all of its teachers had emerged.


62. Sports newspapers hardly exist in English-speaking countries, and seem unlikely to appear.


63. English-speaking ability is a requirement for this position.


64. I base this conclusion not on any individual study, but on large-scale and systematic reviews of thousands of studies conducted in every major English-speaking country.


65. Because so many English words sound similar, misunderstandings among English speaking people are not uncommon.


66. I want to find a native English-speaking foreigners make friends.


67. I can go to any English-speaking country and communicate easily.


68. Don't allow yourself to hang out with other English-speaking people. That's too easy.


69. Now the English-speaking man said we were going for a ride.

说英语的那个人说,我们要开车离开。《provided by jukuu》

70. Most English-speaking professionals have to be imported.


71. Spread of Christianity of the core English-speaking countries promotes English spread.



1. Unfazed by maritime danger, Churchill braved the Atlantic following Pearl Harbor to support his English-speaking brethren.

WSJ: Churchill: The Power of Words | Morgan Library & Museum | The Origins of His Oratory | by Alexander Heffner

2. Many in France feel the EU has become too big, too open, too liberal and too English-speaking.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

3. Such arrangements are rare in the English-speaking world, but quite common elsewhere, particularly in East Asia.

ECONOMIST: Protection money

4. By contrast, low-context cultures (most of the Germanic and English-speaking countries) expect messages to be explicit and specific.

FORBES: How Culture Controls Communication

5. She says her kindergarteners from English-speaking families may have never heard Spanish before.

VOA : special.2010.06.17

6. For American firms, a domestic market of 300m interconnected English-speaking consumers is a big advantage.

ECONOMIST: Entrepreneurship and technology

7. When it began, many among the French-speaking majority felt that they were bossed around by an English-speaking elite.

ECONOMIST: A more confident Quebec has other things to think about

8. It also expanded Bing Games into other English-speaking countries like Australia, Canada, the U.K. and New Zealand.

FORBES: Microsoft Getting Social With New Casual Games Hub

9. Since these marketers don't operate in English-speaking markets, their product names have had a minimal impact on sales.

FORBES: Brand Blunders

10. Next, learn how to cook the dish from scratch with an English-speaking chef at Bologna Cooking School.

BBC: Ten culinary weekends in Europe

11. This includes vast portions of China and India -- the latter alone has 200 million educated, English-speaking people.

FORBES: Digital rules

12. The perseverance of Baroness Cox is an inspiration to the English-speaking world and the United States in particular.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rollback #4: The United Kingdom takes on Shariah law

13. So, English-speaking children, for instance, can--English-speaking babies, babies who are born in the United States can distinguish between English phonemes like "Lip" And "Rip".

在美国出生的讲英语的婴儿,能够区分出诸如"Lip"和"Rip"这样的,英语音位上的差别心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Many Quebeckers see their culture as central to preserving their identity in an English-speaking world.

ECONOMIST: Economic fears ambush Stephen Harpers hopes of a majority

15. In French-speaking Quebec, many complain that English-speaking puritans in Ottawa are dictating what is good for them.

ECONOMIST: Free speech in Canada

16. So if you are in an English-speaking country, my advice to you is to go out on the street and be local.

所以,如果你在说英语的国家,我建议你像当地人一样到街上去。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在英语系国家

17. Kitts and Nevis, which has approved now the first Biosphere Reserve in English-speaking Region.

UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

18. Even the term "gay" can be considered to apply only to an educated, English-speaking, wealthier class here.

CNN: In the Field

19. And so they are hedging their belts, at least partly on India as a democratic English-speaking country ... which they may be able to... so strategically I think that's a very important sort of part in American thinking in terms of future of India.

所以美国要布下防线,至少在印度这个,说英语的民主国家布下防线,这样他们才可能。,因此从战略角度出发我认为,这是美国政府对于印度未来的,一大设想。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

20. But the English-speaking world has been slow to catch on to his cutting charm.

ECONOMIST: African literature: Prince of the absurd | The

21. It does not hail from the traditional English-speaking elite that produced Sri Lanka's other presidents.


22. His sunny personality he was known as Smiling Jack in English-speaking Canada and le bon Jack in Quebec helped.

ECONOMIST: Canadas opposition

23. And she wanted just everyday, small-town, regular Italians and not where there would be hundreds of English-speaking people.

CNN: Amanda Knox: Fighting again to clear her name

24. Yeats, I said, wanted to speak for and to the Irish people, as well as to explain Ireland and Irishness to an English-speaking world abroad.

我认为,叶芝,想为爱尔兰人写诗,并把爱尔兰及其民族特色,介绍给整个英语世界。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. It bears all the marks of the analytical tradition in philosophical thinking of the English-speaking world.

ECONOMIST: Letters | The

26. Would 1, 800 Falklanders loyal to the Crown, English-speaking be consigned without real protest to foreign rule and dictatorship?

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Not for Turning

27. English-speaking countries boast a strong tradition of settling disputes (commercial or personal) by legally binding arbitration.

ECONOMIST: Sharia in the West

28. But there are many, many more websites coming up in different parts of the world They want to make sure that they address English-speaking audiences As well as their own audiences.

但更多的网页建立在,除了美国外的世界各地区,这些网页不仅仅想要,吸引英语语种的浏览者,也想囊括其母语的使用者。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

29. It was the first prime-time TV show to feature characters speaking in their native language with English subtitles.

VOA : standard.2010.05.25

30. He is neither a rotten manager nor a particularly taciturn one, but an English-speaking American.

ECONOMIST: Tongue-twisters

31. India's most often-cited advantage is its large English-speaking population, which has helped to fuel the call-centre boom.

ECONOMIST: The place to be

32. The English-speaking people who lived nearby greatly enjoyed Dutch festivals.

VOA : special.2009.12.20

33. The races which would suffer most under a literacy test would be those with which the English-speaking people have never united, and who are most different from the great majority of the people of the United States."

VOA : special.2010.05.20

34. And foreign-born and Spanish-dominant Latinos trail not only whites but also native and English-speaking Latinos.

CNN: Why one in five U.S. adults doesn't use the Internet

35. I chose this country because it's English-speaking.

我选择这个国家,是因为这里说英语。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 世界就是我的故乡

36. Perhaps, too, there is something about the English language itself that makes fantasy so popular in English-speaking countries.

FORBES: Is Fantasy a Christian Genre?

37. And read a lot and listen a lot because obviously, not just in English-speaking countries,

大量阅读,大量地听,因为明显地,不能只是在母语是英语的国家,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 语法和语调是关键

38. Either some meaning has been lost in translation or the owners are trying to out-baffle English-speaking tourists.

BBC: A golden slice of old Tokyo

39. Thomas was born in Cardiff in 1913 and grew up as an English-speaking child in Holyhead on Anglesey.

BBC: RS Thomas

40. The study, which focuses largely on English-speaking countries, looks at the price of housing relative to household income.

FORBES: Why Affordable Housing Matters

41. Outside the English-speaking world newspapers often face less competition from online news aggregators and other Silicon Valley wheezes.

ECONOMIST: Newspapers



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