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  • n. 英国人;英格兰人

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1. Steven Englander 英格兰德 ; 恩兰德 ; 花旗集团 ; 兰德尔

2. Steve Englander 英格兰德

3. Nathan Englander 英格兰德

4. Englander Robert 英格兰德 ; 恩伦德尔

5. Stephen Englander 英格兰德

6. Israel Englander 英格兰德

7. Debra Englander 英格兰德

8. New Englander 新英格兰人

9. new englander n. 美国新英格兰人或居民

10. Mitchell Englander 市议员英格兰德


1. Switzerland is the new incipient China, said Steven Englander, Citigroup's head of foreign exchange strategy.

花旗集团(Citigroup)外汇策略主管史蒂文•英格兰德(Steven Englander)说:瑞士开始表现得像中国一样。

2. Citi currency specialist Steven Englander explained that it's more about the euro strength right now and less about the dollar weakness.


3. Are you an Englander?


4. Steven Englander, of Citigroup, said the losers from a rise in energy prices driven by a supply shock would be currencies belonging to growth-sensitive, non-oil commodity exporters and to currencies of economies that have large current account deficits.

花旗集团(citigroup)的史蒂文英格兰德(steven englander)表示,由供应冲击推动的能源价格上升,将不利于增长敏感的非石油大宗商品出口国、以及那些有巨额经常账户赤字的经济体的货币。

5. By this time of year, a New Englander can feel the long cold winter approaching.


6. Sometimes I just can't seem to admit it because, as a good New Englander, skepticism and pragmatism are my intellectual heritage. Anyhow, it's not like I consciously went shopping for a Guru.


7. Steven Englander, a currency strategist, noted signs of "black swan fatigue" weariness with the idea that an extremely unlikely event could take place and cause havoc in the markets.

外汇策略师史蒂文英格兰德(steven englander)谈到了“黑天鹅疲劳”(black swan fatigue)的迹象人们对于极端不可能的事件可能发生、并给市场造成浩劫的观点感到厌倦。

8. He was active and punctual, which made him more of a New Englander.


9. Mr Englander said that, while the US was a big energy importer, the dollar would probably benefit more from the risk-off environment than it would from worsened us Terms of trade.


10. Steven Englander, CitiFX said, quote, "The process was so chaotic and the outcome so unsatisfactory, that we're likely to see a further U.S. downgrade at some point."


11. And now, Englander, you will pay the price.


12. Third stories are titled as "good luck", talking is story of famous one Englander.


13. In the view of the average New Yorker or New Englander, the vegetative David was more dead than the version who was dead.



1. "You're always looking to justify very large multiples with pizzazz from the product line, " says Englander.

FORBES: Biotech's Relative Blockbusters

2. He lays into the "waste and mismanagement" of the EU and, slightly disconcertingly, rounds on BBC News Online, claiming to know what I get up to in my leisure time when asked about claims UKIP has a "Little Englander" attitude.

BBC: Sketch

3. Mr Cameron denied his campaign to solve the so-called "West Lothian" question - where Scottish MPs can vote on issues which affect only England like health, law and order and education but not vice versa - was pandering to a "little Englander" agenda.

BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Cameron makes pledge on Scotland

4. Nathan Pusey was the first non-New Englander to be made head of America's oldest college (founded 1636).

ECONOMIST: Nathan Pusey

5. As a lifelong New Englander, she takes the snow in stride, but draws the line at storms after March 31.

WSJ: In snow-socked Northeast, spring seems far away

6. He has an instinct for weaving sturdy narrative fabric out of intersecting plot lines: While Nick keeps the city gawking, his brother, Joey (Jamie Bell), and Joey's girlfriend, Angie (Genesis Rodriguez), are busy breaking into the building across the street, owned by evil real-estate titan David Englander (Ed Harris).

WSJ: Man on a Ledge | The Grey | Albert Nobbs | The Theatre Bizarre | Man on a Ledge Does a Balancing Act | Film Reviews by John Anderson

7. The stereotype involving Coolidge is that he was a snobby New Englander, a member of the Mayflower crowd, who disliked the foreign born.

FORBES: People, Not Lobbies: Immigration And The 1920s

8. Bill Rodgers, a lifelong New Englander who became synonymous with this race by winning four times between 1975 to 1980, was at home Monday afternoon.

WSJ: Winning Boston Never Felt So Empty

9. Maybe I'm just being a panicky New Englander, but when 2 to 3 feet of snow drops on your city so fast that you can practically hear the thump, I can't imagine how we'd get our streets and trolley tracks cleaned fast enough to avoid a day when it's better if everyone just stays at home, does some shoveling and watches "Buffy" seasons 1-4.

CNN: Don't treat snow as an emergency

10. He would hate to be thought a nationalist or little Englander.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

11. One way Englander picks stocks from this 400-company sector is to look for companies developing drugs that will serve markets that seem enormous compared to the firm's market capitalization.

FORBES: Biotech's Relative Blockbusters

12. As a native New Englander, serving in the Deep South was a unique opportunity to experience a totally new culture in my own country.

WHITEHOUSE: Building Strong and Trusting Relationships

13. Englander watches the Food and Drug Administration as closely as she does the stock market.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. It helps that the New Englander is far from a typical young alt-folkie he's recorded for Bright Eyes' label and toured with Beth Orton and Death Cab for Cutie and his stripped-wood voice implies resilience more than defeat.

NPR: A Rugged Ode to Checking Out

15. Other books in contention were, What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank, by Nathan Englander and The Snow Child, by Eowyn Ivey.

BBC: North Korea novel wins Pulitzer Prize for fiction

16. She seems a cold flinty New Englander unable to relate to ordinary people.


17. Blair himself is a 49-year-old New Englander predisposed against letting his ego, or the industry's periodic mood swings, suck him into dumb investments.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. Englander has an undergraduate degree in biology from Yale and a Ph.

FORBES: Biotech's Relative Blockbusters

19. Tonight, this New Englander won, and you've sent me on the way to the Super Bowl.

CNN: Iowa caucuses spring surprises

20. Mr Cameron himself casts his views on Europe as a function of his liberalism, rather than as a symptom of little-Englander parochialism.

ECONOMIST: David Cameron

21. Kerry victories in Tennessee and Virginia could help prove the New Englander is also electable in the South.

CNN: Democrats battle for Tennessee, Virginia

22. "I voted to keep this status as it is, " said Jono Englander, 62.

NPR: Austria Appears To Back Status Quo Conscript Army

23. Englander is also interested in Cephalon (nasdaq: CEPH - news - people ), whose formulation Provigal has been approved for use in treating narcolepsy.

FORBES: Biotech's Relative Blockbusters

24. Libbe Englander, manager of the newly minted Investbio Opportunity Fund is betting that her scientific education will guide her through the tumultuous and chaotic world of biotech investing.

FORBES: Magazine Article

25. If the drug gains FDA approval, Englander will have to decide whether or not ID Biomedical can bring the drug to market without getting crushed by larger competitors.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. Jones, Jim Shepard, Deborah Eisenberg, Marilynne Robinson, Nathan Englander, Denis Johnson, Jonathan Franzen, Lydia Davis.

NEWYORKER: Joshua Ferris

27. Clay, who favored a program similar to that of Adams, threw his crucial support in the House to the New Englander.

WHITEHOUSE: John Quincy Adams

28. Englander believes that the FDA will eventually approve the drug for these broader uses.

FORBES: Biotech's Relative Blockbusters





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