net of是什么意思_net of短语搭配_net of权威例句

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net of

网络 净;扣除

play play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Net of Shadow 阴影之网

2. Net of Justice 社会经纬 ; 法网 ; 但如果译成

3. net of deferred taxes 递延所得税后净额 ; 按递延所得税后净额

4. Net of tax 税后净额 ; 扣除税的 ; 税收 扣除税款后净额 ; 税收 纳税后净额

5. net of lines 直线网

6. net of slip lines 滑移线网

7. net of curves 数 曲线网

8. The net of justice 法网恢恢 ; 法网

9. Net of love 情网


1. The form of competition has changed into the Value Net of enterprise.


2. Employing theoretical analysis and digital simulation experiments, this paper deals with the status of reactive power and power factor on supply net of such system.


3. YSP offered the safety net of unlimited email contact and an optional physical meet-up with a local person, but found a greater market in young professionals and retirees.


4. Calculation of higher order neural net of characteristic structure


5. Fishery economic benefit and fishery production on the swing net of


6. Net of Computer and Its Striking Function to Hydrological Work




8. The control net of GPS for the mainstream of the Minjiang River was established by using GPS receiver of SY-118 and the good results had been obtained.


9. Application of the net of PDS into patellar fracture


10. The wicked desireth the net of evil men: but the root of the righteous yieldeth fruit.

恶人想得坏人的网罗。 义人的根,得以结实。

11. There was a net outflow of about $650m.


12. Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net.


13. Development Reform of Control Net of Jiaozuo City


14. The sixth chapter is on how to perfect the institutional arrangement of the financial safety net of China.


15. When the Fisherman pulled the net out of the sea, he cried out joyfully: "Blessed Providence!"


16. Construction and practice on PLC controlling net of ceramic industry furnace


17. Of course, you also give up the safety net of the compile-time type checking.


18. Design and development about regional tourist net of Benxi City


19. There are no data on the actual number of black rural-urban migrants, but a defensible estimate would be a net of about 2.5 million during this 30-year period.


20. Try to Analyse the Important "Kink" of "Net of Thought"& the Central Concept


21. Balances of $5,000 and above will earn 11 percent gross, 8.25 percent net.


22. The common trend is to introduce the workfare to the last safety net of society.


23. The criminals can not escape the net of justice even if they flee to the remotest corners of the earth.

罪犯就是逃到天涯海角, 也逃不出法网。

24. Looking back now, I can recognize so well the delightful safety net of childhood's naivety and the belief that all could be explained somehow, somewhere.


25. Rope is made by twisting threads together. safety net of twine, cordage or rope


26. Which of the following is the correct net of the cuboid?


27. He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.


28. IPO application real return is defined as the return of capital for investors net of cost.


29. This safety net of employment reduces the risk of entrepreneurship and encourages new firm formation.


30. The net of Heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through.


31. To expand networks, women should develop a wide net of social contacts, including industry groups, women's business organizations, alumni associations and community groups.


32. It is true that gross lending to firms is much bigger than lending net of deposits, which the World Bank focuses on.


33. As one of the important components of financial safety net of one country, deposit insurance system has already been adopted by more and more countries.


34. The firm's Credit Opportunities fund was up 590% net of fees last year.


35. Then, a planned road net of the BRT for the city is proposed, and the road net form and the passenger flow volume estimated are put forwards.


36. Establish and perfect the comprehensive prevention and treatment net of hypertension in community;


37. Oracle said that net of Sun's cash and debt, the deal is valued at $5.6bn.


38. They save one fifth of their net monthly income.


39. Operation analysis of large capacity electric net of ferroalloy plant


40. So he ran to the place where the lion lay caught in the net of ropes.


41. Analyzing and discussing the radiation net of coal industry.


42. The United States social security played an important role in its economic prosperity and social development, so it is essential to social stability and it is the safety net of the society.


43. The ball hurtled into the far corner of the net.


44. so you can see that there is going to be two sets in antibonding, three sets in bonding for a net of one, giving us the single bond.


45. The irony is that for all the overexcited debate, the net effect of immigration is minimal.


46. Design Based on GPRS Net of the Environmental Auto Monitoring Data Transfer System


47. This paper introduces the application of the microcomputer to production adjustment and pressure control in the pipe-net of gas.


48. In the first phase of construction, laboratory workers remove the thin, sturdy membrane, embedded with a net of blood vessels, that encases the brain.


49. This system consists of net of TCP/ IP protocol and web sites which operate on the net to realize electronic file management.


50. I have caught you and wrapt you, my love, in the net of my music.


51. Grid Summary Defects of Corrugated Box The Divided Net of Vessel With Cracks by Finite Element Method


52. What you actually receive is net of deductions for the airfare and administration.


53. Analysis on Deformation Monitoring Net of Railway Tunnel


54. Construction of Control Net of A Engineering Survey and Its Precise Analysis


55. Cheese, as a combination of protein and fat, is a kind of emulsion, and heat disrupts the net of proteins that keep the fat trapped in the curd.


56. What you actually receive is net of deductions.



1. the saying goes. But the debate over net neutrality could define how free the exchange of information is going to be in the future.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

2. A lot of guys say it's just not worth it." Ryan says he used to net 70 percent of what he sold.

VOA : standard.2010.07.20

3. At the end of the day, the goal is to make something that's of interest to you, fun for you, cs50 net/ohs and you'll see at for office hours, what the schedule is therefore.

目的是让大家做一些,有意思的事,一些有趣的事,请关注,该网站上有我们的工作时间以及安排。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

4. Macaulay is a little coy about his returns, net of his fees--1.3% of assets, plus a 20% cut of profits.

FORBES: The Connecticut Oil Baron

5. So far this year, Boeing - has taken orders for 73 planes, but with cancellations of 66, the net order intake is only seven jets.

VOA : standard.2009.06.16

6. That idea was dropped amid disagreements, but members say they still want to agree on some kind of "safety net" for international banking.

VOA : standard.2010.06.05

7. Davenport, a CIO, lost his job after his corporate employer struggled financially and lost the safety net of health insurance.

FORBES: Time To Hang A Shingle? The Era Of Independent Consulting

8. This 7% is about equal to the total return you can expect on stocks, net of inflation.

FORBES: Peekaboo!

9. Net of the cash, the stock would be about eight times forecast earnings.

WSJ: Upside: Apple Isn't the Only Company With a Cash Hoard

10. When Ghanaian goalkeeper Daniel Agyei then saved Brazilian Alex Teixeira's effort, Emmanuel Badu clinched the cup by placing his shot in the corner of the net.

VOA : standard.2009.10.17

11. Even during their early marriage, they always had a safety net of a affluence to back them up.

FORBES: Ann Romney, Chris Christie Declare War For The Women's Vote In Election 2012

12. As drug enforcement shows, cracking down on illegal goods often catches innocent bystanders in the brutal net of the law.

FORBES: Education Is Best Weapon Against Web Piracy, not SOPA

13. The strategy has worked, returning 18.5% net of fees over the last two decades.

FORBES: Activist Investing Maven Roepers Shares Top 5 Stock Picks At Value Investing Congress

14. B'net Houariyat is made up of five women from Marrakech.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

15. The first is that U.S. growth has averaged something like 3% (net of inflation) per year since 1980.

FORBES: Why GDP Growth Matters

16. "We put our best foot forward tonight." "We couldn't put the puck in the net, but we are proud of ourselves.

VOA : standard.2010.02.26

17. So the net of it is this: More than ever, people want tailored offerings.

FORBES: Having It Your Way Is Not Always The Best Way

18. That 20% is what the fund manager takes from any profit made that year net of management fees.

FORBES: A Call To Cut Hefty Hedge Fund Fees

19. Presumably the present value of cost recovery deductions net of future recapture is embedded in the fair market value of buildings.

FORBES: Wandering Tax Pro Will Not Be Loved in Real Estate Community

20. The return is net of expenses fairly high as ETFs of U.S. stocks go, at 0.6% a year.

FORBES: Inside Track

21. Apple is currently being priced as a near-zero growth stock at 9x forward earnings, net of cash.

FORBES: A Dangerous Sign for Apple's Stock

22. The solution: Give businesses a deduction for dividends paid (net of money raised through new stock issuance).

FORBES: Magazine Article

23. So that means if we add up all of the formal charges within the molecule, what we would expect to see is that they sum up to give a net charge of negative 1.

那么这就意味着如果我们把这个分子中,所有的形式电荷加起来,我们应该会看到它们加起来,之后得到的净电荷量为负一。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. This net saved the lives of nineteen men during the construction.

VOA : special.2010.07.23

25. So, when we get really close together, granted, there is a net positive negative charge with a Coulombic force of attraction.

当它们真正离得很近时,假设有一个带正负电的电荷,带有库仑引力。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. By subtracting them at the end, it is not necessary to make all the other spending categories net of imports.

FORBES: The Role of Foreign Trade on GDP

27. Germany -- like most of Europe -- has a broad safety net: benefits for the poor and unemployed, universal health care and good pensions.

VOA : standard.2010.06.16

28. Ultimately, governments will probably need to provide a safety net of some kind for those at high risk.

ECONOMIST: Testing times | The

29. Revenue and operating income are for 2013-14 season and net of revenue sharing and arena debt service.

FORBES: New Orleans Pelicans

30. This is incredibly important because,when you look at this number that we started out with,saying the benchmark was 9.9 but net of fees the managers on average only lost thirty basis points--or .3% -you'd say,well that's a game I don't mind playing.

这极其重要,因为当你看这些数字时,刚才说过基准收益是9.9%,但是主动管理型基金经理人的平均净利润,只落后了30个基点或者说0.3%,你可能会说这个游戏,我不介意玩一玩金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. The second way to have something that is net nonpolar is to have spatially symmetric disposition of polar bonds.

第二种构成,需要空间非极性,就是需要极性键的空间对称分布。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. As a result, a net of only 1 percent of wage and salary income was misreported.

FORBES: New IRS Tax Gap Report: Cheating Still Rampant

33. "For example,of all the turtles that are killed out at sea, due to gill net fisheries.

VOA : standard.2010.07.15

34. Still,the net loss of 125,000 jobs shows the uneven nature of the U.S.recovery.

VOA : standard.2010.07.02

35. So, a massless body cannot have a net force on it, because the acceleration of the rope cannot be infinite.

所以没有质量的物体不会受到力,因为绳子的加速度不可能是无穷大基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Compare it to the same number a year earlier, again net of fees.

FORBES: Retirement Investing vs. 'Performance Delusion'

37. The return is net of expenses--fairly high as ETFs of U.S. stocks go, at 0.6% a year.

FORBES: Money & Investing

38. When you add this whole thing up, -411kJ/mol it gives you a net of minus 411 kilojoules per mole or about 4 eV per ion pair.

当你全部加上时,得到净能量,或者是4eV每个离子对。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. It is the sum of consumption, investment, government expenditures and the net of exports minus imports.

FORBES: Here's Why The U.S. Economy Is A Lot Stronger Than Numbers Suggest

40. This is providing work that's being used in here, but if you take the whole outside of the surroundings and this whole thing is the system, no net work, these things cancel each other, and yet heat's going up.

如果把外面的全部当成环境,把这里的全部当成系统,那么就没有净的功,它们相互抵消了,热量向上传输,会发生什么?热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. Starting next week you'll actually be using a cluster Cloud CS50 net of systems that CS50 itself runs called

从下周开始你将使用一个运行CS50的系统群集,称为。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

42. So, if we think about the second case here where we have c n minus, now we're talking about a molecule with a net charge of negative 1.

那么,如果我们考虑的是第二个例子,也就是氰离子,那么现在我们讨论的是一个净电荷量为负一的分子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. so you can see that there is going to be two sets in antibonding, three sets in bonding for a net of one, giving us the single bond.

因此你能看到,反键轨道上有两组,三组成键,得到一组净成键,所以成的是单键。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. And during that time, a new kind of structure arose called news groups that is where computers on the net will be used to collect e-mails and keep them, so that other people might view a conversation conducted an e-mail, and this will be categorized by topics.

在那段时间里,一种新结构出现了,叫做“新群体“,它是连网的电脑用来,收集和保存电子邮件的地方,以便于,其他人可以查阅通过电子邮件进行的会话,它会以话题进行分类。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

45. What we've seen is we have a net lowering of energy of the molecule versus the individual atoms.

分子轨道对于单个原子轨道来说,我们可以看到的是一个净的能量降低。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. From the end of World War II to 2000, the U.S. averaged close to 3.5% annual growth net of inflation.

FORBES: Dear President Obama: Our Children Need Economic Opportunity, Too

47. shuttle cs50 net So if you go back to, you can pre-order for free your own CS50 Shuttle Cards, Shuttle Cards particularly those of you in the Quad, Mather and the like.

如果你去看,你可以免费,提前预定自己的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

48. Revenue and operating income are for 2011-12 season and net of revenue sharing and arena debt service.

FORBES: New York Mets

49. Accounting and finance fared worst, with a net of -1% planning to hire.


50. Some people say the mosquito nets have heat, and we are actually explaining to them the importance of the mosquito net,".

VOA : standard.2009.04.25

51. That means returns, net of inflation, could average out to perhaps only 4%.


52. "Right now a tractor-trailer load of illegal cigarettes will net the truck driver about $2 million in profit."

VOA : standard.2010.08.11

53. Rowe Price Group and Vanguard Group, rebate all securities-lending income (net of expenses) back to the funds that generated it.

WSJ: Is Your Fund Pawning Shares Off You?

54. Revenue and operating income are for 2012 season and net of revenue sharing and stadium debt service.

FORBES: Cincinnati Reds

55. The net worth of the company is their assets minus their liabilities and that represents the value that the company has if they paid off all their liabilities.

公司净资产为,资产减去负债,也表示,公司清偿债务后的价值金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Over the coming decade the U.S. is expected to lose a net of 750 golf courses.

FORBES: How to Cheat at Golf -- Without the Guilt

57. Three and a half billion dollars was the net worth, roughly, of slaves in 1860.

860年,奴隶作为资产,市值约35亿美元美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. The proposal was a surprise because the two companies have been on opposite sides of the debate over net neutrality.

VOA : special.2010.08.20

59. Net of inflation and net of taxes, that's awfully close to zero real after-tax return.

WSJ: Baby Boomers' Investment Returns Will Be Constrained, This Researcher Warns

60. Understand that the performance for Morgan's index is a total return, net of all expropriations and currency crises.

FORBES: Russian Roulette Investing





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安徽省阜阳市第三名校2023-2024学年高二上学期12月二调(期中)地理试题 (含答案)







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