
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈhev(ə)n]play美 [ˈhev(ə)n]play

  • n. 天堂,天国;<非正式>极乐之地,极乐;<文>天空;神,诸神;与上帝同享永福
  • int. (表示惊讶或强调)天哪

复数 heavens

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


heaven /ˈhɛvən/

  • 1.
    专有名词 In some religions, heaven is said to be the place where God lives, where good people go when they die, and where everyone is always happy. It is usually imagined as being high up in the sky. 天堂

    I believed that when I died I would go to heaven and see God.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 You can use heaven to refer to a place or situation that you like very much. 极好的地方 (或情况)

    I would go to movies in the afternoon and to ball games in the evening. It was heaven.


  • 3.
    You say "Good heavens!" or "Heavens!" to express surprise or to emphasize that you agree or disagree with someone. (表示惊奇等) 天哪

    Good Heavens! That explains a lot!


  • 4.
    习语 You say "Heaven help someone" when you are worried that something bad is going to happen to them, often because you disapprove of what they are doing or the way they are behaving. (表示担心某人将有难) 老天帮帮某人吧

    If this makes sense to our leaders, then heaven help us all.


  • 5.
    习语 You can say "Heaven knows" to emphasize that you do not know something, or that you find something very surprising. 天知道

    Heaven knows what they put in it.


  • 6.
    习语 You can say "Heaven knows" to emphasize something that you feel or believe very strongly. 确实

    Heaven knows they have enough money.


  • 7.
    习语 If the heavens open, it suddenly starts raining very heavily. 突然下起倾盆大雨

    The match had just begun when the heavens opened and play was suspended.


  • 8.
    for heaven's sake →see   sake
  • 9.
    thank heavens →see   thank





sky air heaven 【导航词义:天空】

sky n. 天,天空

〔辨析〕 指广阔的天空或某一地区的上空,其复数形式 skies 主要用于描述天气或某处的天空情况。

例1: The sky was full of dark clouds.


例2: There are some birds flying in the sky.


例3: English skies are temperate in spring.


air n. 天空,空中

〔辨析〕 指地面或某物的上方空间,常与定冠词 the 连用。

例1: There were many birds flying in the air.


例2: Airplanes enable people to travel through the air.


例3: Flames leapt into the air.


heaven n. [文] 天空

〔辨析〕 表示此义时,通常用 the heavens 形式。

例1: The heavens shook with thunder.


例2: The astronomer scanned the heavens through the telescope.



1. son of heaven 天子

2. heaven forbid 上天不容;但愿不会如此

3. heaven on earth 人间天堂;天上人间;人间乐土

4. under heaven 究竟

5. the First Pass Under Heaven 天下第一关

6. move heaven and earth 竭尽全力

7. The Way to Heaven 天堂之路

8. Heaven Blue 蓝色天际

9. Music Heaven 音乐天堂合集

10. heaven and hell 天堂与地狱(音乐专辑名称)

11. the queen of heaven n. 天后

12. temple of heaven 天坛

13. go to heaven 升天;死去

14. the way to heaven 通往天堂之路

15. in the seventh heaven 非常高兴的;在无上的幸福中

16. thank heaven 谢天谢地

17. seventh heaven 极乐世界;七重天

18. Days Of Heaven 天堂的日子

19. Tree Of Heaven 臭椿

20. heaven knows 天知道

21. th Heaven 第七天堂


23. in heaven 究竟;已死

24. Dreams in Heaven 梦天

25. heaven and earth 天地,宇宙万物;天上人间


1. The whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles.

整个世界都在屏息聆听, 就连天国里的上帝也开颜欢笑.《辞典例句》

2. What in the name of heaven's going on?


3. Welcome to heaven, please buy your ticket by punching your head against the wall.

欢迎来到西方极乐世界, 门票就是把头用力撞向墙壁.《期刊摘选》

4. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.


5. Heaven help the Yankees if they capture you!


6. Death is gain because it means heaven, holiness, and Him!

死亡意味著天国 、 圣洁及上帝,我们能坦然面对.《期刊摘选》

7. Look forward, look west, look to the heavens, look to God and make your choice.

朝前看, 看向西方, 看向天堂和上帝,做出选择吧.《期刊摘选》

8. Don't loose heart, you know. Heaven tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.

不要失去信心, 上帝会照顾弱者的.《期刊摘选》

9. I was in cinematic heaven.


10. Downloading music from the Internet has been manna from heaven for some consumers.


11. Unnatural son! You will be punished if there's a just God in heaven.

不孝的儿子! 如果上帝是公正的,你一定会受惩罚.《期刊摘选》

12. His father said, "Heaven be praised!"


13. I thought I had died and to heaven.


14. There were angels on earth, as there are angels in heaven.

这世上, 像天堂一样有天使.《期刊摘选》

15. For them there is no heaven nor hell, and in neither shall they praise God's name.

对他们来说,没有天堂和地狱, 他们亦不会在任何一处赞美上帝之名.《期刊摘选》

16. This isn't exactly my idea of heaven!


17. 'I thought you were bringing it.' — 'Heavens, no.'


18. Heaven help the man who ever really loves you.


19. Heaven knows what they put in it.


20. If this makes sense to our leaders, then heaven help us all...


21. It was heaven being away from the office for a week.


22. You've got a computer system, for heaven's sake.


23. Heaven — A place prepared for those who are prepared for it.


24. Inscrutable are the ways of Heaven.


25. I have walked in the courts of heaven, and held speech with the patriarchs.


26. Meanwhile, a pretty princess from heaven secretly came to the earth to find happiness.


27. The island is truly a heaven on earth.


28. The match had just begun when the heavens opened and play was suspended.


29. This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.


30. If heaven is A million years away.


31. Look forward, look west, look to the heavens, look to god and make your choice.

向前看,向西拓展, 向天堂看, 向上帝看,最终成就我们的选择.《期刊摘选》

32. Catholics believe that God uses purgatory to prepare sinful souls for the joys of heaven.


33. They thought they had died and gone to heaven.


34. Oh, for heaven's sake!


35. Where in heaven's name was she?


36. Heaven knows what they put in it.


37. Heaven knows they have enough money...


38. We're not sure whether we can admit you into heaven or not.


39. In its heyday, the studio's boast was that it had more stars than there are in heaven.


40. One day, a cat dies of and goes to heaven, where he meets the Lord.

一天, 一只老死了的猫眯上了天堂, 在那她见到了上帝.《期刊摘选》

41. Time in heaven is infinite. It never ends.

在天堂时间是无限的, 永远没有尽头.《期刊摘选》

42. Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I miss you.

玫瑰需要阳光的照耀, 紫罗兰渴望露水的浇灌, 天堂的天使们都知晓我对你的思念.《期刊摘选》

43. For Adam, heaven is his home; For Adam's descendants, home is his heaven.

对于亚当来说, 天堂是他的家; 对于亚当的后裔来说, 家是他的天堂.《期刊摘选》

44. Heaven help the man she marries.


45. He wants you to join him in heaven.


46. Well after teenage , I'm still young , and, to be young is to be in heaven.

在极乐在生命的晨曦中, 年轻就是天堂.《期刊摘选》

47. At issue is the TMT’s planned location on Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano worshiped by some Hawaiians as the piko that connects the Hawaiian Islands to the heavens.

三十米望远镜在莫纳克亚山的计划位置尚存争议,莫纳克亚这座休眠火山被一些夏威夷人奉为连接夏威夷岛和天堂的脐带。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

48. It will be a heaven-sent opportunity to prove himself.


49. Heaven knows what's happened to them.


50. After I was given my first camera I was in seventh heaven.


51. Atop the mountains that, into the heavens gaze.

在顶上山, 凝视进天堂.《期刊摘选》

52. Heaven forgive them,'said the doctor;'tis the mutineers!'

“愿上帝宽恕他们, ” 医生说, “ 那是反叛分子! ”《期刊摘选》

53. Every chemical substance is a key to the gates of heaven and hell.


54. Good Heavens! That explains a lot!


55. The island is truly a heaven on earth .


56. To the refugees, the food shipments were manna from heaven.


57. Four tall trees stretched up to the heavens.


58. We went touring in Wales and Ireland. It was heaven...


59. Heaven just got another beautiful angel, with her beautiful voice and kindness.


60. Marriage is not something that happens in heaven, it happens here, through the crafty priests.

天堂里没有婚姻, 只在尘世, 通过牧师的狡诈而存在.《期刊摘选》

61. Heaven please come down and save me.


62. The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique.


63. But God is now offering us Eternal Life in Heaven as a gift in Jesus Christ.


64. Love and knowledge, so far they were possible, led upward toward the heavens.

爱和知识, 只要有可能, 通向着天堂.《期刊摘选》

65. We went touring in Wales and Ireland. It was heaven


66. I've never believed. Not in heaven or hell or God or Satan until now.


67. "Heaven," he answered, and drove his spade deep into the soil, according to what parson says.


68. Thank Heavens you're not in rags.


69. Heaven forbid that he should leave because of me!


70. We hope you can happiness and Liberty in heaven.


71. The sun rides high in heaven.


72. There's a heaven above you baby.


73. His rule was ordained by heaven.


74. They would move heaven and earth to stop me if they could.


75. Heaven would show mercy , rejoined Hester, hadst thou but the strength to take advantage of it.

“ 上帝会显示仁慈的, ” 海丝特接口说, “ 只要你有力气来接受就成. ”《英汉文学 - 红字》

76. Generally, for matters under heaven, those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside.


77. Europe is not a gender-equality heaven.


78. This gained me some thinking time, and heaven knows I needed it.


79. And the Heavens reject not.


80. Fu Xi discovered the flow between heaven and earth.


81. She was sent here from heaven, and she's daddy's little girl.

她是上帝赐给我的厚礼, 她是爸爸的宝贝女儿.《期刊摘选》

82. Hope creates a heaven for us , Despair makes ahell foe us.

一线希望造天堂, 千般绝望坠地狱.《期刊摘选》

83. The just Heaven knows I am innocent of any.


84. Port tariffs , berthing fees, wharf handling and, heaven help us pilotage.

港口税, 船棚费, 处理费, 上帝帮帮我们啊,还有导航费.《期刊摘选》

85. I'm waiting for you in heaven.


86. He walked out into the middle of the road, looking up at the heavens.


87. Would you hold my hand if l saw you in heaven?

如果莪在天堂和迩相遇,迩愿意握住莪的手 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

88. Good Heavens! That explains a lot!...


89. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven.


90. Thank Heaven, I'm not a fish!


91. Heaven reward you for your kindness and self-denial!


92. Heaven will youand look at you and say.


93. The songs of heaven that dance inside my eye.


94. Where in the name of Heaven have you been?


95. ...a detailed map of the heavens.


96. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.


97. People said that heaven had punished the uncle for his misdeeds.


98. God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.

上帝两所住宅, 一个在天上, 和其他的温顺和感激的心.《期刊摘选》

99. Good heavens, what are you doing?


100. God in Heaven alone can help him.


101. Heaven knows they have enough money.


102. I never dreamed it had a name—ah, sweet heaven, I thought it was original.


103. If this makes sense to our leaders, then heaven help us all.


104. Heaven knows they have enough money


105. It's like looking into heaven.


106. the kingdom of heaven


107. Heaven forfend that students are encouraged to think!


108. You say: She will be abandoned by God, and fall away from heaven.

你说: 会被上帝遗弃, 从此离开天堂.《期刊摘选》

109. Now that he's been promoted he's in seventh heaven.


110. 'I thought you were bringing it.' — 'Heavens, no.'


111. Whom do I have in heaven but you?


112. How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell.


113. I don't think a lot of people will jump up and down and say 'thank heavens'..


114. And let the winds the heavens dance between you.


115. God's in his heaven. All's right with the world!

上帝在他的天堂里. 整个世界都是那么美好!《期刊摘选》

116. Now it's time to visit Heaven.


117. I believed that when I died I would go to heaven and see God.


118. Now God in heaven bless thee! Hark you, sir.

天上的上帝保佑您! 先生,我对您说.《期刊摘选》

119. The heavens declare the glory of God.


120. The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven


121. He was in his seventh heaven.


122. Heaven only knows what his mother would have said.


123. She is tearing up the ivories in heaven, I am sure.

她正在天堂里大弹特弹着钢琴呢, 我敢肯定.《期刊摘选》

124. We believe in God, Father Almighty, Creator of heavens and the earth.

我们相信上帝, 全能的父, 创造天地的主.《期刊摘选》

125. If this makes sense to our leaders, then heaven help us all


126. He has ascended into heaven.



1. Here Henry,JoJo and Ringo Garza sing their two thousand five Grammy award-winning song "Heaven."

VOA : special.2010.08.02

2. Difficult emotional journeys are beautifully rendered in "Far From Heaven, " and the musical is profoundly effective.

WSJ: Review: 'Far From Heaven' pretty close to heavenly

3. They were in seventh heaven. They were on cloud nine.

VOA : special.2009.07.26

4. It took Vera Lynn 70 years to have a number-one hit, for heaven's sake.

BBC: Chick Young's view

5. But the unmistakable physicality of the heaven imagined in the poem about Diodati gives us some idea, I think, of how to read the end of Lycidas.

但在关于迪奥达蒂的这首诗中弥尔顿所想象的,天堂的物质性是无可置疑的,这能给我们一些启发,帮我们理解《利西达斯》的结尾。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. "By Heaven! It is nearly gone,"

VOA : special.2009.09.26

7. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there.

WSJ: Steve Jobs: 'Find What You Love'

8. And then he goes back to hell and then back up to heaven -goes back and forth between these two rhythmically very different concepts.

然后它回到了地狱,接着又升到了天堂,在这两种节奏非常不同的概念之间,来回往复聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. He gets to go up to Plato's heaven where he can have more direct contact with these things, with the forms.

他可以飞升至柏拉图的天堂,在那里他可以更直接地,接触到型相死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. It would be heaven to hold you in my arms again.


11. Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells Shattering and avalanching on the snow-crust-- Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away You'd think the inner dome of heaven had fallen.

VOA : special.2010.09.17

12. You can also hear Satan's critique of the tyranny of heaven in this account of the rhyme as well. Like kingship, rhyme is a custom.

在这关于押韵的一段话中也可隐约听到,撒旦对上帝独裁的批判,押韵同王权一样都是惯例。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Dr Peter Richardson, of the Marine Conservation Society (MCS), said Wales' waters were currently "turtle heaven".

BBC: Leatherback turtle sightings up in west and north Wales

14. Dad died and took the express bus to heaven, where he got his sight back!

FORBES: The Worst Youth Sports Song Ever Recorded (Sung By the Guy Who Did 'Run Joey Run')

15. Still, most of the subjects who identified themselves as Jewish said when they die they will go to Heaven.

大部分接受调查的犹太人,也认为他们死后将步入天堂心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. For there is none worthy of the name but God, whom heaven, earth, and sea obey.

FORBES: The "True" Legend of Canute

17. It's an image of ascent toward heaven, from which the boy returns.

这是接近天堂的的样子,从那里,这个孩子又回到地面。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. I think it's fair to say that Milton can't really imagine or fully invest himself in the Christian heaven until he can fully corporealize it and imagine it bodily.

可以说弥尔顿不能真正想象一个,基督教的天堂,除非将其完全物化。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. A popular expression used at the time was MGM had "more stars than there are in heaven."

VOA : special.2009.05.31

20. Even the expulsion of Satan from heaven was not sufficient to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the legitimate authority of God.

即使是将撒旦逐出天堂也不足以,无可置疑的证明上帝的至高权威。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Heaven knows whether we have sowed the seeds of more bin Ladens through massive bombing.

FORBES: Man with a vision

22. And this new pharaoh will enslave the Israelites, and so embitter their lives, that their cry will rise up to heaven the same cry from the generation of the flood, the same cry from Sodom and Gomorrah.

这个新法老将会迫使以色列人为奴,他如此激怒他们,他们的哭号传至天堂,就像大洪水时期一样的哭号,像来自罪恶之城俄摩拉城一样的哭号。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. To witness its vaulted roof and Romanesque frescoed apses glow in such brilliance is like entering heaven itself.

BBC: The Swiss train tourists dont take

24. Then she has this revelation where she is actually seeing who is going into heaven and it's all the people.

后来她突然醒悟,因为她看到了前往天堂的人们,每个人都上了天堂。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

25. unwilling levitation meeting heaven before expectation.

VOA : special.2009.04.17

26. Coming up, the Catholic church may find that unbaptized babies get into heaven after all.

NPR: Foley, Iraq Cause Headaches for GOP

27. a highway to heaven


28. Astonishingly, Hess turns this fable-like premise into a juvenile but grand-scale vision of earth and heaven.

NEWYORKER: Gentlemen Broncos

29. When God began this process of creating the heaven and the earth, And the earth was unformed and void, And his wind was on the surface of the deep and so on, He said, "Let there be light and there was light."

当上帝开始开创天地的过程,大地一片混沌,虚空无形,他的呼吸掠过这混沌的表面,他说,“要有光,于是便有了光“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. No one's threatening the overgenerous pensions that heaven, er, the state has guaranteed, Mer says.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. "It's like an order from heaven, " he said about becoming PM in such sad circumstances.

CNN: Taking Over

32. One night with you is like heaven, and so while I'm walking the floor...

NPR: Doyle Lawson, Digging Deep

33. It's about our leaders who want to take us to what they call Heaven.

BBC: Iran views: Anger remains

34. But the capital is like heaven compared to the area hit by the earthquake and tsunami.

FORBES: In Tokyo New Earthquakes, Blackouts Add To Misery

35. That the shoulders of men may uphold heaven, but the hemline of heaven brushes the earth.

WSJ: Joaqun Sorolla & the Glory of Spanish Dress | Between Heaven and Earth | By Laura Jacobs

36. Deborah Mitchell, maker of Heaven, describes venom products as a topical, natural alternative to Botox.

WSJ: Bee Venom Cosmetics | Outer Beauty

37. See, he's living in 2004, and they have heaven help us a magical mailbox.

NPR: Double Feature: Playing with Words, and Time

38. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth.

VOA : special.2009.05.16

39. We're up there in heaven thinking about our lives in the future, as people, and what would we do?

我们在天堂某处思考着将来,生而为人的生活,我们会怎么做?金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Gillian wrote a report of how he spent the thousand dollars: "Paid by Robert Gillian, one thousand dollars on account of the eternal happiness, owed by Heaven to the best and dearest woman on earth."

VOA : special.2011.08.13

41. " "Truly a tragic loss for us on earth but what a wonderful blessing for heaven.

CNN: Music producer and innovator Phil Ramone dead at age 79

42. He takes the carcass; he slices it into two halves, Rather like a clamshell, and out of the top half he creates the firmament, the Heaven.

他提起死尸,将它劈成两半,就像掰开贝壳一样,用死尸的上半部分,他创造了苍穹,也就是天空。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. All I ask,the heaven above and the road below me.

VOA : special.2010.01.30

44. God created Heaven and Earth.


45. He said he hoped to be in Heaven.

VOA : special.2009.03.22

46. The painting shows some good people rising to heaven.

VOA : special.2010.02.03

47. You know how we learned that in the beginning, God created heaven and earth.

NPR: Battling Back from Breast Cancer

48. She can't get in to heaven anyway. So she says: "Dear Mary: I am a bastard and a bastard shall not enter the kingdom of heaven as we all know. But I have this personality that makes boys follow me.

反正她是怎样也升不进天堂的,所以,她写道,亲爱的玛丽:,我是一个私生子,我不能进入天堂,众所周知,但我拥有吸引男孩的独特个性。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. He did reveal in interviews that the two would meet again, presumably in heaven.

FORBES: What the Manti Te'o Hoax Says About Big-Time College Sports

50. Now,it's very tempting at this point to say,look,of course Nothing could be easier ? Just imagine being in heaven forever,right?

现在我很想说,当然了,这没什么难的,只要想象永远在天堂就行了对不对?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. It is a commonplace that the Christian Heaven, as usually portrayed, would attract nobody.

NPR: Excerpt: 'All Art Is Propaganda'

52. They make the vuvuzela sound like Louis Armstrong playing Gabriel's trumpet on a cloud in heaven.

CNN: How I learned to love the vuvuzela

53. This help was, he believed, heaven-sent.


54. As it happens, her new album, Don't Hurry For Heaven, also just came out.

NPR: Paul Curreri And Devon Sproule: A Couple Of Solo Artists

55. This is the ultimate in foodie heaven for those who enjoy getting stuck in!

FORBES: Top 10 UK Food and Drink Trends For 2012

56. Therefore everything I learn that is true makes me more like my father in heaven.

FORBES: The Survivor Part 7 - Clayton Christensen Discusses Life And Death Issues

57. Maybe they go to a restaurant or, heaven forbid, take a vacation once in a while.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

58. The Stanislau was like Heaven on Earth.

VOA : special.2009.07.04

59. But for heaven's sake don't write that we'll invade the U.S. in that year.

FORBES: Magazine Article

60. They think as long as the US forces are here, Iraq will turn to heaven.

NPR: Translator Details Difficulties of Iraqi Life

61. Because the earth is made of iron, heaven knows everything is made of the same stuff, all heavenly bodies.

因为地球是由铁构成的,上帝知道一切,世间万物是由同一东西组成的,即天体。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. The soft brushed cotton feels like heaven on the skin.


63. It is based on the story of a fairy from heaven who comes to Earth and marries a cowhand on a farm.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

64. Heaven forbid that a man would ever actually marry a woman who's fun to be around.

WSJ: The Jazz Scene: Easy Keys, Bass Instincts

65. "The quality of mercy is not strain'd It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath;

VOA : special.2011.06.06



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