television exposure翻译_television exposure短语搭配_television exposure权威例句

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television exposure

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权威例句 实用例句


1. At the same time, according to the actual situation of the Association, the Joint exposure information will be published newspapers, magazines, television, radio and other media.


2. Vehicle exposure refers to the number of individuals exposed to the media vehicle, such as the number of people who read a or watched a television program.


3. In fact, due to their lower frequency, at similar RF exposure levels, the body absorbs up to five times more of the signal from FM radio and television than from base stations.


4. That thwarted a deal Li Ning had to outfit China's state broadcasters and sports television hosts, which would have given the company hefty Olympic exposure.


5. Television exposure is of supreme importance in American politics.

电视的宣传报道对美国政治极其重要。《provided by jukuu》

6. Dim-light exposure at night—comparable to having a television on in a darkened room—appears to be capable of triggering depression in animals.


7. The 2006 effort, designed to launch the corsa, mixed online and television exposure, pan-European and national marketing.


8. So I had very, very limited exposure to television as a kid.


9. Our culture, with so much exposure to the way other people live their lives and the choices they make, through both reality and fictional television, is very example oriented.


10. " These results may explain the association between infant television exposure and delayed language development," Christakis said.


11. All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press.


12. One of the best things you can do is limit your child's exposure to scary and repeated images on television.


13. Is also available on the school canteen, Chi Chu flies, schools Luanshou materials issues such as television, newspaper exposure, I are reported.


14. Its significance has reduced with the game's wider exposure on television.


15. The letter also described studies showing that television exposure at ages 1 through 3 is associated with attention problems at age 7.

信件同样描述了,研究表明在1 - 3岁之间看电视,与7岁时的注意力问题存在关联。

16. An actor with much recent exposure in television.


17. China limits foreign films brought into the country, so television is the way to go for Disney to gain maximum exposure.


18. To begin with, the argument depends on the assumption that increased exposure to the visual arts on television, mainly public television, has caused a similar increase in local are-museum attendance.



1. This wiretapping operation preceded the exposure in 2007 of the so-called Ergenekon conspiracy in which senior military commanders, journalists, television personalities, entertainers and businesspeople have been implicated in an alleged attempt to topple the AKP government.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Turkey's cautionary tale

2. "The television exposure means that we don't have to advertise anymore, " Mr. Paxton says.

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3. Splitting the sessions will also give the sponsors of smaller teams more television exposure, the MotoGP website said.

CNN: Rookie Marquez outshines MotoGP champion Lorenzo in Qatar

4. Pernetti's finest hour may have been when he helped in the school's move to the Big Ten Conference, which means millions in additional revenue by way of television contracts and more national exposure, especially in football.

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5. Most importantly, for young players like Thompson, Tseng (still only 23 despite her five major titles) and Jessica Korda, the 19-year-old American who won the Australian event at Royal Melbourne, the future seems secure, if not yet brimming with dollars and network-television exposure.

WSJ: The Comeback of the LPGA and Women's Golf | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport

6. That's a shame, since there is a consensus among doctors and mental-health professionals about the danger to children from exposure to the violence depicted by movies, television and videogames.

WSJ: Campbell Brown: The President Gives Hollywood a Pass on Violence

7. The Celebrity 100 is based on entertainment-related earnings plus media visibility (exposure in print, television, radio and online).

FORBES: Celebrity 100: How We Create The List

8. Certainly, the most popular ones are increasingly dominated by personalities whose reputation has less to do with their writing than with their exposure on television arts programmes.

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9. Arum claims that despite frequent conversations with English promoters Frank Warren and Barry Hearn, the relative lack of exposure given to his fighters on English television presents a problem in matching fighters from either side of the Atlantic.

BBC: Big fight diary: Day two

10. IFE's monitoring of television and radio news, all three leading candidates get roughly equal exposure.

ECONOMIST: Mexico enjoys a real election campaign | The

11. While the seekers after utopia, nirvana in civil society are still getting free grub and marching and most of all getting exposure on national television we will be fascinated by this welcome diversion from the Republican debates, from the European contagion.

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12. While college football is at an all time high in terms of television contracts, bowl guarantees, marketing rights fees and commercial exposure, presidents, chancellors and trustees see the signs of trouble brewing.

FORBES: NCAA Investigation Of UNC Reveals Much About Business Of College Football

13. After that, Pejic says he would love to go back to university to study law, and his media exposure has opened up possible opportunities in television and movies.

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14. That authenticity is key in driving fans toward DJ, who, until recently, lacked the radio play and face time offered by the traditional exposure outlets of radio and television.

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