
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈkruːdə(r)]play美 [ˈkruːdər]play

  • adj. 粗糙的;天然的,未加工的;粗鲁的(crude 的变形)

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Vernita R Cruder 标签

2. Cruder Vernita R 名称


1. In other circumstances smaller states, more incompetent banks, cruder interventions support for the banks has brought governments to their knees.


2. Upon seeing some of the collection later, he noted that some of his forgeries had been replaced with even cruder fakes.


3. The increase of product prices will be crucial a loss due to higher cruder price.


4. In wild fish, the teeth were harder and sharper, the fat in the body cavity was less, and the digestive tract was cruder and shorter.


5. While Apple's Macintosh had been using the system for a decade and cruder versions of Windows had followed, Windows 95 was much more refined and spread to a vastly larger audience than the Mac did.


6. A cruder suggestion is voiced by a Burmese friend of the author.


7. Perhaps soothsayers advised against accepting foreign aid. A cruder suggestion is voiced by a Burmese friend of the author.


8. Both of these groups leave to cruder minds the question whether existing wages are "fair." the real question, they insist, is whether or not they will work.


9. Most of the profits from these go straight to the record labels, not the middlemen who made a killing from earlier, cruder versions.

来自这些铃声的大部分利润直接进了唱片公司的口袋,而不是中间商。 此前这些中间商依靠比较粗糙的铃声赚了一大笔钱。 。

10. I admit, though, to being baffled by the cruder popular version of this phrase, "When there are no birds, even an arse is a nightingale."

可是,我也得承认,这句话最粗俗最流行的版本会让人有些尴尬,“ When there are no birds, even an arse is a nightingale . ”直译:林子里没有鸟,连“饭桶”都能混个夜莺当当。

11. We can scarcely even name the cruder ones.


12. Every piece of the team's complex structure matches evidence gleaned from electron microscope photographs and other, cruder models.


13. The artist toned down the cruder colours in his paintings.


14. Their psychological impact on investors was cruder.


15. For every buffelsfontein-style project in Africa there are more, cruder Chinese/ African business arrangements.


16. The artist toned down the cruder colour in his painting.


17. But the G. O. P. has responded to the crisis not by rethinking its dogma but by adopting an even cruder version of that dogma, becoming a caricature of itself.


18. Let me give just one example of the cruder kind of difficulty that arises.


19. On the periods of heading, flowering and grain filling, the roots of black-wheat were shorter and cruder than the white ones, the difference were significant. The root density of black-wheat grain was smaller, than three white wheat.


20. They were of a cheaper, a slightly more sensual and cruder, grade.

他们属于比较低级, 偏重肉欲而且较为粗俗的那等人.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

21. It was just hidden previously and swamped by a more crude difficulty and, when the cruder difficulty is explained away, people focus their attention on the new difficulty.


22. We have been told that our mental continually fluctuate, and that we are hardly aware of it, or are aware only of its cruder manifestations.


23. whose Canterbury Tales is one of the most extraordinary works in English, practically created, or at least made acceptable, a new language, which was a combination of the more elegant French and the cruder but more powerful Germanic elements.


24. It was easy to see why the cartoonists regularly portrayed him as a malign cherub. The artist toned down the cruder colour in his painting.


25. Location facility cruder, training device limited, worse or does not have the soccer location the school to account for the investigation total 27. 14%, the training device insufficiency and the damage degree is serious.


26. This is known as cultural displace- ment and this happens when the power of testosterone is ignored or attacked, so it re-emerges in cruder, less social forms .


27. How can models, created within an earlier, cruder system, properly simulate and predict the behavior of a later and vastly more complex system?


28. Other, perhaps cruder, measures should be contemplated.


29. Experiments for the conversion of reduced cruder on a contact agent at 480~ 540 ℃ were carried out with a fixed fluidized bed reactor.


30. The fields in village and towns are simpler and cruder than that in cities, and the physical training atmosphere there is poorer.



1. Approval of these plants requires copious data on the parental plant, the genetic construction, the behavior of the test plant and so on data requirements that could not be met for any plant modified with older, cruder techniques (which are exempt).

FORBES: Back To The Future: Let's Reverse 25 Years Of Flawed Agbiotech Regulation

2. Some people, of course, find cruder and less rational ways of protesting against the search for a risk-free life.

ECONOMIST: America, Europe and the management of danger: A hazardous comparison | The

3. But the cruder calculation will inevitably create hard cases.

ECONOMIST: Child support: Third time lucky? | The

4. But in much cruder terms this result is a psychological boost for one side, a blow to the other.

BBC: Will Wisconsin affect the presidential race?

5. It is noteworthy that experiments using bacteria with identical traits but constructed with older, cruder techniques require no governmental review of any kind.

FORBES: Commentary

6. Home-building was more labor-intensive then because of cruder tools and equipment, materials were harder to come by and houses were smaller because they didn't include bathrooms or kitchens.

WSJ: Moving Heaven and Earth for a HouseWSJ Mansion

7. As a check, he compared our ranking to a more common yardstick, the number of published patents (arguably an even cruder measure).

FORBES: What's With That Innovation Premium Anyway?

8. TV's set-top box actually does is fiddle with the typefaces and layout of a Web page being accessed so the text and graphics can be read on a television set's much cruder screen.

ECONOMIST: Is it tellynet or netelly? | The

9. This approach does not apply to animals created with older, cruder technologies commonly used, for example, for the genetic improvement of fowl, pigs and cows.

FORBES: Sequester Or No Sequester, Federal Agencies Could Spend Less

10. "Their spot was cruder, I think, " he says.

FORBES: Hey Bud, What's It to Ya?

11. But if Le Canard is all about scoops and unreported secrets, Charlie is both cruder and crueller - deploying a melange of cartoons and an often vicious polemical wit.

BBC: Charlie Hebdo and its place in French journalism

12. Repression there is far cruder than anywhere else in the region.

ECONOMIST: A good idea eventually, but not now

13. Mr Hoogewerf himself points out that many of the crimes committed by China's tycoons date back to an earlier era, when credit was harder to obtain and corporate governance cruder (see table).

ECONOMIST: The stigma of wealth in China

14. But rather than accepting the basic scientific reality of climate change and making the case that the costs of action outweigh the benefits, many conservatives have taken the cruder tack of simply attacking the entire enterprise of mainstream climate science as a hoax.

FORBES: Conservatives' Reality Problem





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