chip off翻译_chip off短语搭配_chip off权威例句

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chip off

网络 削去;切下

英 [tʃɪp ɒf]play 美 [tʃɪp ɔːf]play

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1. off chip amplifier 片外放大器

2. Poly Chip Off History 多边形碎片禁用历史

3. chip off-falling 建 掉块

4. Chip Off Whomp's Block 击碎石板王 ; 疯狂的铺路石

5. off chip resistor 片外电阻

6. Chip off the old block 雕像

7. Chip-off 芯片提取 ; 削去

8. Chip Package Chip Off 崩角

9. off-chip 片外 ; 客片欣赏 ; 客片展示


1. Police then said they caught an American student scaling a wall of the Colosseum to chip off pieces of marble.


2. NO04, Nail polish can chip off easily.


3. Chip off any loose paint.

刮掉所有松了的漆。《provided by jukuu》

4. Since May 1, 2017, round off chip magnetic composite card magnetic stripe transaction.


5. This technique destroys what it analyzes, so you have to chip off bits of the object for testing.


6. A chip-off is actually counter-productive tool to cut off the chip flakes.


7. Young Charlie a chip off the old block; he had blond hair like his father's.

小查理和他爸爸真是像, 他有和爸爸一样的金发.《互联网》

8. After all the off-chip to be scab tattoo at relatively dry skin you can smear some baby lotion which do not stimulate the skin moisturizing products.


9. L3 directory on chip reduces off-chip delays after an L2 miss.

芯片上L 3目录可以减少发生l2未命中之后的离片延迟。

10. PMM8713 is pulse division IC. This chip converts pulse signal to the signals which decide a stepping motor 'phases to be on or off.

P MM 8713为集成脉冲分配芯片,可将输入脉冲信号分配成一定相序的控制各相通断的脉冲信号。

11. The new index, which kicks off Jan. 10, will comprise 30 leading blue-chip companies ranked by market capitalization; Yangzijiang's market cap is about S$4 billion.


12. A chip off the old block; he acts exactly like his dad.


13. Her fifth child was born, a son who Sally at first thought was another chip off the old block.


14. The Virtex-4 can bootstrap itself directly off a special-purpose "Platform flash" chip.

Virtex-4 可直接从特殊用途的“平台闪存”芯片自引导。

15. After polishing off the pizza, the volunteers were presented with three generous platters of oatmeal-raisin, chocolate-chip and double-chocolate-chip cookies, and asked to rate them.


16. NO04, Nail polish can chip off easily.


17. Today on Language Snacks we take a look at the expression a chip off the old block.

今天的英语点心节目我们一起来看下a chip off the old block这个短语。

18. It is necessary to chip off the bark of the tree.


19. Pieces chip off, i forget all little things, but it's still hard to carry alone. So that's why i've told you, that's why i've told you my story.


20. She's a dead ringer for a girl I used to know. He is a chip off the old block.


21. This expression goes back at least to the early sixteen hundreds. The British writer of plays, George Colman, wrote these lines in seventeen sixty-two. "You'll find him his father's own son, I believe. A chip off the old block, I promise you!"

这个说法至少要追溯到17世纪早期,英国剧作家George Colman在1762年写下这样的台词:“我相信,你会发现他就是他父亲的亲生儿子,我向你承诺,他们像是一个模子里刻出来似的。”

22. My mother and I are very alike, I am a chip off the old block.


23. To chip off what they can.


24. A famous example of a chip off the old block is George W.Bush, who, just like his father, went into politics and, of course, became the president of the Unites States.


25. The chef, Kenji Fujimoto, later described the teenager in a memoir as a "chip off the old block, a spitting image of his father in terms of face, body shape and personality.


26. Jesus, chip off I forget the little things but still hard to carry alone


27. Chip off the old block but old Doc'is back.


28. If a jeweler's hammer isn't strong enough to chip off our rough edges, God will use a sledgehammer.


29. When I was in school, girls would put teethmarks all over their pencils, while boys would chip off the paint with fingernails.


30. "He is a great guy, a chip off the old block."

“他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样”《provided by jukuu》

31. Jane's a chip off the old block. She talks just like her mother.


32. Jonathan Strange is a real chip off the old block. He argues about things in just the way his father did.


33. He was not merely a chip off the old block, but the old block itself.

他不单只跟老头儿长得一模一样, 简直就是老头儿本身.《互联网》

34. These souvenir collectors chip off pieces of stone when the guards are not looking.


35. Battery over-voltage sensing allows the IC to stand-off up to 50 v, allowing the chip to meet automotive IC load-dump requirements.


36. "Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger," said the voice.


37. Rob: A chip off the plate.


38. If only I could get him to knock a chip off my shoulder,


39. External control terminals of two digital signals controls the chip off or the choose of LED three levels of brightness, and by the two chip resistors side or access port, the PWM LED dimming can be achieved.


40. These souvenir collectors chip off pieces of stone when the guards are not looking.

这些纪念品收集者趁警卫没看见时敲掉一 些石屑。

41. Mark looks exactly like his dad – he's a chip off the old block.


42. Use the tip of a knife to chip off the top of an egg.


43. Some of the enamel on this pan is chip off.


44. I brush some potato-chip crumbs off my lap.


45. Earlier this week, Intel, the world's largest chip maker, said it would lay off at least 5, 000 people and close some test and manufacturing plants to deal with vanishing demand for its products.


46. I said I could. "Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger," said the voice


47. Over time, an unprotected joint can become deformed and parts of the rubbing bones can wear away and chip off, causing even more discomfort.


48. " Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger," said the voice.


49. A chip off the old block ; he acts exactly like his dad.

有其父必有其子; 他一举一动与他的老爸一样.《互联网》

50. The paint have chip off where the table touch the wall


51. The new chip is expected to wean China's computer industry quickly off dependence on foreign central-processing units.


52. Now, Mr Fukuda fils is proving a chip off the old block.

现在, “小”福田(福田康夫)也要“谨随父命”了.《互联网》

53. If you are well-off, the confident tone, classic watch, and Italian shoes will wordlessly communicate that you are a blue-chip investment.


54. The son followed his father's footstep; a chip off the old block.

儿子步老爸的后尘; 有其父必有其子.《互联网》

55. If a jeweler's hammer isn't strong enough to chip off our rough edges, God will use a sledgehammer.


56. If you strike high up on a tree with an axe, the chip of wood that is cut off will fall into your eye.


57. The rectangle light is shield can be marked precisely, time of keeping off light is measured by single chip Microcomputer.


58. I can't believe how similar he is to his dad. He's a real chip off the old block.


59. Jeff is a chip off the old block. He is tall, handsome, athletic, and a musician like his father.


60. But the ion Torrent machine USES a silicon chip that can detect the hydrogen ions given off when a new base is added to a strand of DNA.


61. Young Charlie is a chip off the old block; he had blond hair like his father's.


62. The credits, if you would, would go onto and off of that chip by a method similar to Bluetooth thats used today.


63. Eg : Mymother and I are very alike, I am a chip off the old block!

我和妈妈非常相像, 我完全是她的翻版!《互联网》

64. Your son is certainly a chip off the old block.

你儿子的确和他父亲一模一样。《provided by jukuu》

65. Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it on your finger.



1. The chip industry has pulled off this trick, like clockwork, for 41 years.

FORBES: Digital Rules

2. Rather, he circles his prey, returning again and again to the same issue, firing an arrow here, knocking off a chip there and waiting, one feels, for the walls of Jericho finally to collapse at the nagging of his persistent trumpet.

ECONOMIST: Farming and history

3. The Pentium III is essentially a Pentium II processor, with the same 512KB off-chip secondary cache and 100-MHz system bus.

CNN: Graphics applications scream on Intel Pentium III

4. The first chance of the game fell to Aaron Black but his chip was cleared off the line.

BBC: Crusaders 2-5 Coleraine

5. But while the Hang Seng has recovered to within 30% of its August 1997 all-time high, the red chip index is still 57% off its peak.

CNN: Red Chip Frenzy Again?

6. Gurus focused most of their selling fury on technology stocks, starting off in the chip sector by cashing out of semiconductor equipment company Applied Materials (nasdaq: AMAT - news - people ) and integrated circuit maker Linear Technology (nasdaq: LLTC - news - people ).

FORBES: Gurus Snap Up Steel And Dive For Pearls

7. Under Obamacare, any kid whose parents earn between 100% and 133% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) will be forcibly moved off of CHIP and into Medicaid.

FORBES: An Obamacare Setback for Poor Children

8. Transmeta's biggest weapon against Intel is its technology, which uses software to take some of the power demands off the chip and automatically adjusts performance to the requirements of particular applications.

FORBES: Transmeta unveils Crusoe's first customers

9. As a result, researchers around the world are engaged in a search for the most efficient way to take the heat off the chip industry.

BBC: IBM aims to cool chips with water

10. Gurus focused most of their selling fury on technology stocks, starting off in the chip sector by cashing out of semiconductor equipment company Applied Materials and integrated circuit maker Linear Technology.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. All of which makes it much easier to move off to another chip fab to get those chips made.

FORBES: Is Intel Going To Make Apple's Chips?

12. While Intel gets headlines every time it expands one of its sprawling chip factories, AMD sold its off years ago.

FORBES: As Intel Chases Smart Phones, AMD Grabs Cheap Notebooks

13. An impudent chip from Angel di Maria rounded off the Real scoring on an eventful night.

CNN: April 4, 2012 -- Updated 2127 GMT (0527 HKT)

14. Knock the chip off your shoulder.

FORBES: 7 Tips For Internship Preparation

15. Whittaker and Davis had low drives cleared from in front of goal, but Zenit broke clear and Arschavin beat Alexander only to have his chip towards goal headed off the line by Sasa Papac.

BBC: Zenit St Petersburg 2-0 Rangers

16. And Eduardo's chip went in off Jody Craddock's head to make it 2-0 before Robin van Persie's exquisite touch set up Fabregas to score a classy third.

BBC: Wolves 1-4 Arsenal

17. Give customers what they want, and keep them from buying a chip plus off-the-shelf parts to make their own pad.

FORBES: Touchy Touchy

18. But Trundle came agonisingly close to settling it in normal time only to see his chip bounce off the bar.

BBC: Bristol C 2-1 C Palace (agg 4-2)

19. Yvonne Markowitz, a jewelry curator at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, said men rarely talk about the pieces they're collecting in the way they might show off a blue-chip painting.

WSJ: Collectors Focus on Jewels as Investments

20. In the eighties, as cable caught on, with channels like CNN, TBS, MTV, and Lifetime, it began to chip off pieces of the audience from the networks.

NEWYORKER: Streaming Dreams

21. The problem is not only how to get rid of the heat, but how to cope with the very large electrical currents that must flow on and off the chip without melting the connecting leads.


22. The blue chip index finished just off session highs.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

23. Management has cut costs, jettisoned underperforming products, and spun off a chip-fabrication business that was draining needed capital.

FORBES: AMD Still Gets Bullied By Intel And Isn't Worth Your Lunch Money

24. If the ratio of magnesium and iron on the moon conforms with scientists' predictions it will provide evidence that the moon really is a chip off the old block.

ECONOMIST: Astronomy

25. Intel is one obvious target although on the day Mr Jackson's findings were published, another American court ruled that the chip maker can cut off product support to Intergraph, a computer maker that had sued Intel over an alleged infringement of its patents.

ECONOMIST: And the winners are

26. Give customers what they want, and keep them from buying a chip plus off-the-shelf parts to wire together their own pad.

FORBES: Touchy Touchy

27. If a camera detects a blemish on a chip, it sends a signal to one of the airhoses under the conveyor, and a jet of air blows the chip off onto the floor.

NEWYORKER: Snacks for a Fat Planet

28. Even so, a true three-dimensional chip is still some way off, as the necessary etching technology is still in its infancy.


29. Avram is a chip off the old block.

FORBES: Proving their net worth
















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