repeat back是什么意思_repeat back短语搭配_repeat back权威例句

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repeat back

play play

  • 重复回答:在确认对方的话或指令时,将其重复一遍以确保理解正确。

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1. radar repeat-back guidance 雷达回报导引

2. repeat back detail 回答指令

3. repeat-back 回复信号发送装置 ; 指令应答发射机

4. television repeat-back guidance 电视反馈制导

5. repeat-back device 应答装置

6. Back gauge repeat positioning 后挡料重复定位精度


1. Run up at a constant pace for up to 45 seconds, then jog back down and repeat four more times.


2. It means that you repeat back some words he is using, sending a clear signal that you're listening carefully and that you think what he is saying is important.


3. This instruction from the qrcode directory should repeat back the content of the acme.txt file.

这个来自 qrcode 目录的指令应该会复述 acme.txt 文件的内容。

4. Tot squats (hamstrings) : Standing with feet shoulder-width apart cradle baby with both arms. Keeping a straight back repeat deep knee bends.


5. More help after recurrence. If breast cancer comes back, many doctors repeat the original treatment.


6. If you need advice, they'll listen to what you need, repeat back to you some key points to ensure they got all the information, and then give you some tips and Pointers.


7. "Even when I'm angry at you I still love you, " I told my sons when they were little, and they still repeat this back to me after our fights.


8. Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and cradle baby with both arms. Keeping a straight back and repeat deep knee bends.


9. Repeat back at work, mutual understanding, I am grateful to them.


10. An hour or so later you call back and repeat the process, more nicotine-deprived and angry.


11. You ask the user for some basic information and simply repeat it back, without any other operations.


12. YES! When dealing with foreigners it is a good idea to ask this question and then try to repeat back what the foreigner has just said.


13. These are the only countries that I've been able to find that have high-quality, repeat sales price indexes going back a hundred years.


14. But after training two macaques to memorize an eye movement task and having them repeat it back, the MIT team thinks it has found exactly where the time-stamping is taking place.


15. You could see their mistakes if they're trying to repeat back something that's already known within a society.

如果他们试图重复,被社会所熟知的某些东西, 那你就可以看到他们的错误了。

16. Over time, people even began to transmit their own kind of AD hoe "Morse code", which they would repeat back to show they were following what the other person was saying.


17. For example, repeat business is not so important in vacation areas where tourists seldom come back.


18. Taking a few moments nto repeat back directions, what someone expects of you, etc., can save hours.


19. Some pieces of music can go for 40 minutes and require up to 50 page turns, including back turns for repeat passages.


20. Rather than killing them off or letting them clog up prisons, repeat offenders were often simply banished from a city and not allowed back.


21. I have also found getting her to repeat back to me what I've asked her to do seems to get it done faster.


22. Hear them out. Repeat back to them what you heard. You can put on your "fix it" hat later. Only if asked!


23. Repeat back what your boss says, create a written email record and try to have other people listening as you two talk.


24. Repeat back the discussion in fewer words to check that you have understood (known as summarizing, reflection of feelings) e. g. 'You seem to be saying……'


25. What I want is for you to synthesize information to reflect back on what we've read and discussed and to form your own ideas, not just repeat points from the textbook.


26. If you're in a hurry, you might nod curtly and be on your way; but you could decide to take your time, smile back and repeat the message before you go.


27. They will ask someone to give a version of events. Then they will ask them to go back to their story and repeat the events — but in reverse order.


28. Come back to your natural position and repeat in three sets of 20.



1. When he or she is done, repeat back what you heard.

FORBES: Taking Constructive Criticism Like a Champ

2. "I believe that this position would repeat the nearly catastrophic mistakes of Iraq and significantly set back the vital war effort in Afghanistan, " McCain said.

CNN: Reassessing Obama's 'war of necessity'

3. Somehow, my guide and I got back into the kayak, only to repeat the scenario at another rocky waterfall five minutes later.

WSJ: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams's Year Without Fear

4. Cycles of violence repeat over generations, and shift from criminal violence to political crime to outright warfare and back again.

FORBES: In Defense of Political Economy: new ideas on development from the World Bank

5. When in 1998 we called Donald Trump to confirm that he had won that year's bidding war for the trophy, he went out of his way to deny it, even calling me back to repeat the denial.

FORBES: GM Building Sale Shows REIT Resurgence

6. Even if the modest margins claimed in the past were to repeat--which, I believe, is highly unlikely--these back-tested hypothetical returns would be significantly eroded, if not totally erased, by those costs.

FORBES: About John "Jack" Bogle

7. More than a dozen musicians individually rotate on, play their parts, step back, repeat.

NPR: Broken Social Scene: Indie Rock Originals

8. He has screened 4, 800 funds, going back to 1982, to see if past winners repeat their success in the future.

ECONOMIST: Fund management

9. Stocks could go down further and commodities may repeat their break from 2008, especially if the world goes back into a recession and would bring a deflationary environment.

FORBES: FOCUS: Financial Market Break Revives Memories of 2008

10. Fetting believes that the 58-year-old Miller, who suffered during the savings and loan crisis and then came roaring back when financials started to perform better, is well positioned for a repeat.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. Given the complacency of the PCAOB until now to push back hard on auditors for repeat deficiencies, the auditors had nothing to worry about.

FORBES: Auditor Rotation Proposal Just More Spin

12. The 17 members of the eurozone, of which the UK is not a part, are expected to back further fiscal and political integration in an effort to prevent a repeat of the debt crisis.

BBC: Labour conference: EU referendum on cards, says Murphy

13. It was virtually a word-for-word repeat of a short clip from an interview I recorded for the BBC with Richard Caborn back in 1995.

BBC: Dj vu in Yorkshire on government spending

14. In a bid to repeat their 2007 campaign tactics, the opposition parties took a back seat, leaving the student movement to spearhead rallies and marches.

ECONOMIST: Venezuela

15. Asking patients who booked over the phone to repeat back the time and date of their appointments cut DNAs by 3.5% compared with the previous month.

BBC: Simple measures 'cut NHS missed appointments'

16. In the front row Phil Vickery scares the Aussies and his return will bring back dark memories of past batterings - they will be fearing a repeat.

BBC: Jeremy Guscott column

17. Then they repeat back to you what they heard.

NPR: Debating Marriage's Effect on Poverty

18. Would you please repeat them back to me?

你们能重复一遍刚才的指示吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Would you please 实战

19. No one wants a repeat of Argentina back in 2002. (The video below shows what the situation was like in Argentina as the crisis hit).

FORBES: Greek Euro Exit: 60% Currency Devaluation, Default, Banking Sector Collapse

20. Swing it back to the start position and repeat on the other side.

FORBES: Here Are Some 100-Calorie Workouts For Your Work Day

21. At this point, cycle back down to a moderate intensity but change the repetition range and repeat the intensity cycle.

CNN: Should I always lift to muscle failure when weight training?

22. When appointments were made via phone, schedulers asked patients to repeat back the time and date of their appointment.

FORBES: Persuading People to Keep Appointments

23. In one of several tests, participants heard a list of 15 words and were asked to repeat them back.

MSN: How that pot belly makes you stupid

24. An engineering program manager, whose job it is to pull together the various hardware and software engineers who contribute to a product, will typically bring the latest beta version back to Cupertino for senior executives to see and then get right back on a plane for China to repeat the process.

FORBES: Inside Apple: Can It Thrive Without Steve?

25. But, now that I look back, his actions clearly fall into a classic seduce-isolate-abuse-repeat pattern.

FORBES: How My Abusive Marriage Left Me $100,000 In Debt

26. It turns out that the excessive marketing spend was also propping up repeat purchase, and pulling back to achieve profitability is increasing churn.

FORBES: The Dangerous Seduction of the Lifetime Value (LTV) Formula

27. That would help to convince financial markets and households that it will not repeat its mistake in 2000 when it raised interest rates prematurely, pushing the economy back into recession.

ECONOMIST: Japan has hitched a ride on China's boom

28. Can Alabama repeat after losing key personnel like running back Trent Richardson?

FORBES: Move up t Move down

29. These are the only countries that I've been able to find that have high-quality, repeat sales price indexes going back a hundred years.

只有这三个国家,在100年前就已经出现,优质的重复销售价格指数金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. It said it would work with the London Stock Exchange to examine what changes and back-up arrangements needed to be made to avoid a repeat of the debacle.

BBC: London shares chaos

31. Repeat back some of the points you are hearing to verify and clarify.

FORBES: 10 Ways to Become a Better Listener

32. They often have exercises that you can repeat back.

那里的练习你可以跳回去再做。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在外国说英语的方法

33. In terms of function they're very important because this stem cell which is produced goes back into the population of stem cells and is able to repeat this process to form new committed progenitor cells and to form new stem cells.

但就功能而言这些干细胞则至关重要,因为这类分裂产生的子细胞,依然是干细胞,可以再次重复上述步骤,生成新的定向祖细胞,和新的干细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. The 50% bonus depreciation provision was put in the tax code as a business gimme in the 2007 stimulus package, effective Jan. 1, 2008 through Dec. 31, 2012 (a repeat of a temporary break Congress used back in 2002).

FORBES: BigTax Break For Business Owners Buying Equipment, SUVs Expires Dec. 31.

35. You could see their mistakes if they're trying to repeat back something that's already known within a society.

如果他们试图重复,被社会所熟知的某些东西,那你就可以看到他们的错误了心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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