
学考宝 作者:佚名




英 [əˈnaʊns]play美 [əˈnaʊns]play

  • v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职

第三人称单数 announces 现在分词 announcing 过去式 announced 过去分词 announced

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


announce /əˈnaʊns/ CET4 TEM4 [ announcing announced announces ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you announce something, you tell people about it publicly or officially. 宣布

    He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office.



    She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you announce a piece of news or an intention, especially something that people may not like, you say it loudly and clearly, so that everyone you are with can hear it. 声明

    Peter announced that he had no intention of wasting his time at any university.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If an airport or rail employee announces something, they tell the public about it by means of a loudspeaker system. 广播

    The loudspeaker announced the arrival of the train.






advertise announce propagate 【导航词义:宣传】

advertise v. 为…做广告

〔辨析〕 指用报刊、电视、电台等形式反复宣传以引起注意。

例1: They advertised the house for sale.


例2: A new medicine was advertised in the newspaper.


announce v. 广播通知

〔辨析〕 尤指在机场或火车站用广播通知。

例1: They announced that the flight was cancelled.


例2: Station staff haven't announced the arrival of the train yet.


propagate v. [正式] 传播,宣传

〔辨析〕 指宣传或传播观点、信仰等,尤指官方、政党等为达到某种政治目的而进行宣传。

例1: We should propagate scientific ideas.


例2: The party started a newspaper to propagate their beliefs.


declare v. 宣布,声明

〔辨析〕 指公开而郑重地宣布某事,通常用于正式场合。

例1: The government has declared a state of emergency.


例2: The US administration declared war on Japan in 1941.


announce v. 宣布,宣告

〔辨析〕 通常用于正式宣布消息、决定、计划等。

例1: The government announced the discovery of another large oilfield at the bottom of the sea.


例2: Jack and Susan announced that they would get married the next Saturday.


claim v. 宣称,声称

〔辨析〕 指声称拥有某物、某事属实、对某事负责。

例1: He claimed that he owned the house.


例2: She claimed to have seen me crying.


例3: The group claimed responsibility for the event.


proclaim v. [正式] 宣布,宣告

〔辨析〕 指官方宣布重大政治事件,如国家独立、国王等的即位。

例1: The President proclaimed the independence of the Republic of South Sudan.


例2: The young princess was later proclaimed queen.


publish v. [正式] 公布,宣布

〔辨析〕 通常用被动语态,指通过报刊或其他媒介向公众公布信息。

例1: New traffic rules will be published next month.


例2: The latest employment figures will be published tomorrow morning.



1. A Few Things to Announce 通知几件事 ; 口头通知通知几件事 ; 下一篇

2. announce to 通知某人 ; 对外公布 ; 宣布 ; 向…宣布

3. Miss Announce 怀念的播音员

4. private String announce 聊天室公告 ; 会议室公告

5. herald announce 预示 ; 预报 ; 预告

6. announce the opening of 宣布 ; 宣布……的召开 ; 召开

7. announce results 公布成绩 ; 宣布结果

8. announce machine 广播录像机 ; 广播 广播录音机 ; 广播设备 ; 广播机

9. announce verb 宣布 ; 公布 ; 通告


1. The peculiar thing about getting engaged is that you're meant to announce it to everyone.


2. A ring at the doorbell announced Jack's arrival.


3. She announced that she'd given up smoking.


4. They announced the withdrawal of 12 000 troops from the area.


5. We are excited to be writing you to announce the 2009 China Open as Nationals.


6. She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter...


7. The magazine suggested, incorrectly, that he was planning to announce his retirement.


8. The company, a major energy supplier in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.

安持吉公司是新英格兰地区的主要能源供应商,它上周宣布将要违背“严格遵守该州核能法规”的长期承诺,这一举动无可厚非的引起了佛蒙特州民众的愤概。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

9. Since he began to informally announce the network at farming conferences and on social media, he's received a steady stream of inquiries from interested farmers.


10. The winners were announced in reverse order.


11. They pick one color they expect to stay popular and announce their choice in December for the following year.


12. We are pleased to announce that all five candidates were successful.


13. Would you announce the guests as they arrive? (= call out their names, for example at a formal party)


14. The next letter announced the birth of another boy...


15. The book was announced in preparation.


16. That just meant to announce when the Allied Troops would attack.


17. Peter announced that he had no intention of wasting his time at any university...


18. In 1877, inventor Thomas A. Edison announced the invention of his phonograph.

1877年的今天, 发明家托马斯.A. 爱迪生宣布发明了留声机.《期刊摘选》

19. His victory was announced to a chorus of raspberries.


20. Dinner was announced, and served.


21. First, in November the authorities announced massive fiscal expansion, centred on fresh infrastructure spending.

首先, 去年11月,当局宣布施行大规模财政扩张, 重点是新增基础设施支出.《期刊摘选》

22. The day came at last when Pinocchio's master was able to announce an extraordinary performance.


23. "We can't announce other people's news," said Greg Joswiak, vice president of iPod and iPhone marketing at Apple.

“我们不能公布其他人的消息。”苹果公司 iPod 和 iPhone 营销副总裁 Greg Joswiak 说。

24. The government yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs.


25. Has our flight been announced yet?


26. Announce and promote training.


27. A major telecommunications company announced a tender for their shareholders.


28. The US Postal Service announced today that (5) it is considering closing about 3,700 post offices over the next year because of falling revenues

今天, 美国邮政服务公司宣布:由于收入下降, 他们在考虑于明年关闭约3700 个邮局。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

29. Last night the Beijing People's Broadcasting Station announced that a typhoon was approaching.


30. The senator announced for the presidency.


31. The government radio not only reported the demonstration, but announced it advance as well.

政府电台不仅报道了这次示威游行, 而且事先做了预告.《期刊摘选》

32. Our reporters will give a running commentary on the election results as they are announced.


33. She coughed discreetly to announce her presence.


34. (figurative)A ring at the doorbell announced Jack's arrival.


35. The election was announced and parliament was dissolved.


36. And Mr. Obama announced the creation of a President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.


37. The town's university was announcing a series of lectures on the problems of modern physics.


38. They announced his plane was delayed.


39. The government announced a cut-off in overseas aid.


40. The candidate got a drop on his opponent by announcing first.


41. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the recalls.


42. After a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners.


43. He made a gong to announce his arrival, respectfully bowed three times at the door, then sat down quietly in front of the master.


44. 'I've given up smoking,' she announced.


45. The government hopes the court will announce its findings before the end of the month.


46. Earlier this year the country's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced plans to pay Boeing to investigate formation flighty though the programme has yet to begin. 

今年早些时候国防高级研究计划局宣布了一系列计划:将调拨资金以供波音公司研究编队飞行,尽管这一项目还未开始。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

47. Last week, for example, (6) Postmaster General Pat Donahoe announced plans to stop mail delivery on Saturdays, a move he says could save three billion dollars annually

例如上周,邮政部长Pat Donahoe 宣布计划停止每周六的邮递业务,他称这一举措可为每年节省30 亿美元开支。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

48. She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter.


49. They haven't formally announced their engagement yet.


50. Yet write I must, for it has already been announced in the previous issue.

但我却不能不写, 上期预告已经出去了.《汉英文学 - 散文英译》

51. Their engagement was announced in the local paper.


52. She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.


53. His entrance was announced by a buzzer connected to the door.


54. Technologies in tout le monde publications above 70% to announce in English.


55. South Korea announced earlier this month that it was considering boosting its participation in PSI.


56. Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy...


57. What Cisco will likely announce this spring will be blade servers powered by virtualization.


58. There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement.


59. While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model.

我们的全部设计还在蓝图阶段, 我们的对手已抢在我们之前预告了他们的新式样了.《简明英汉词典》

60. I shall however , announce this blog in my fans'sites. It's been a while folks.

我会把这个blog向歌迷宣布. 有一阵子没跟大家打招呼了.《期刊摘选》

61. It announces that the application successfully completed a synchronization its sole reason for existence.


62. He hopes to be able to announce a date for inter-party talks.


63. They even had clips of Nixon announcing his candidacy.


64. They will announce the result of the vote tonight.


65. Mr. Bush even recently traveled to the Chesapeake Bay to announce federal protection for two species of fish, the striped bass and the red drum.


66. The winners of the competition will be announced next month.


67. The government has also announced the goal of full convertibility of the RMB by 2020.


68. I ran all the way home because I was very eager to announce the good news that I was admitted by the Peking University to my parents.


69. She announced herself to me as my mother.


70. He used the occasion to announce further tax cuts.


71. Ten years ago on Monday, it was announced that the Games of the 30th Olympiad would be in London.

十年前的那个星期一,(国际奥委会)宣布第30届奥林匹克运动会将在伦敦举行。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

72. The company had previously announced the planned closures, but had not said which locations would be affected.

早先公司已经宣布过计划关闭一些门店,但没有宣布位于哪里的门店会受影响。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

73. She gaily announced that she was leaving the next day.


74. China will announce the new height of Mount Qomolangma.


75. It was announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced.


76. The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.


77. The company has just announced its £ 27 million purchase of Park Hotel.


78. Later in the afternoon they will announce who will get permission for the study trip to Africa.


79. Recently, Rio Tinto has already announced job cuts worldwide, mine production, and other cost cutting plan.

近日, 力拓集团已经宣布了全球裁员 、 矿山停产等削减开支计划.《期刊摘选》

80. The speaker announced the establishment of a new college.


81. Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries, my customers will wait until I announce the total.


82. The government announced a day of national mourning for the victims.


83. The company has announced net losses of$ 1.5 million.


84. The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.


85. He announced his retirement from football.


86. The event organizers recently announced that one of the latest states to joining join was Missouri.


87. We dashed off a letter to announce the news.


88. You know, our firm is going to announce tender for the order of two tanker.

您知道, 本公司打算招标订购两艘油轮.《期刊摘选》

89. The group announced that Gorbachev was ill andrelieved of his state post as president.


90. He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office...


91. China insists to announce the goal at a national level would make it binding.


92. Does Japan announce the Pacific Ocean battlefield day army has the number captive after surrendering?


93. We are pleased to announce the tournament schedule the coming year.


94. The retailer also announced the locations of 36 stores it will close in early 2016.

公司还宣布了将于2016 年初关闭的36家门店的位置。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

95. The pilot announced that there was some turbulence ahead.


96. They announced that the flight would be delayed.


97. Turkey and Iran have announced plans to build bases, too

土耳其和伊朗也宣布了建造基地的计划《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

98. Some of Australia's largest listed companies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week.


99. ‘I've given up smoking, ’ she announced.


100. They announced cuts in public spending.


101. The government has announced plans to create one million new training places.


102. He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office.


103. The significance of a great storm seemed to be ambiguous and might announce the death of a good person, or the passing of an evil person into hell.


104. 'I'm having a bath and going to bed,' she announced, and left the room.


105. We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.


106. The book was announced as in preparation.


107. We give people a few months to write their story and then it takes quite a long time to judge all the entries and to announce the winners.


108. They are hoping that she will announce for governor.



1. It's what United has also announced, and it's what I suspect Northwest will shortly announce.

NPR: Airlines Cut Unprofitable Flights as Fuel Prices Rise

2. We will announce in the Budget how much it will fall by next year.

BBC: Danny Alexander

3. "We are here today to announce the first synthetic cell -- a cell made by starting with the digital code in the computer, building the chromosome from four bottles of chemicals, assembling that chromosome in yeast, transplanting it into a recipient bacterial cell and transforming that cell into a new bacterial species."

VOA : special.2010.07.20

4. Switzerland and Italy were also expected to announce their own solutions later on Monday.

FORBES: Market Scan

5. So, the more enlightened view is, corporations only pay a stock dividend when they have some good news to announce.

所以更有说服力的观点是,公司发放股票股利的唯一原因是,他们有利好消息要公布了金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. In the next few weeks, the administration is expected to announce details of a plan for the housing crisis.

VOA : special.2009.02.13

7. Then he would announce that he was going away to Europe or to California, or to Egypt for a while.

VOA : special.2009.04.04

8. "Mister chairman," he said, "I rise to announce the change of four votes of Ohio to Mister Lincoln."

VOA : special.2009.07.09

9. They want to issue them "Out of the money" and then announce the news that brings them "In the money."

他们想发行价外期权,然后发布利好消息,使其变成价内期权金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. They would announce in December that we issued back in August these options to our executives.

他们会在十二月的时候通告说,我们已经在八月的时候,向公司经营管理者发行股票期权了金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. But the six-month period is only triggered when the owners announce their intention to sell.

BBC: Old Minehead hospital to be sold by NHS Somerset

12. Instead, the Obama administration was planning to announce the successful counterterrorism operation that Tuesday.

WSJ: Best of the Web Today: What Would Bulworth Do?

13. And it failed to announce even one specific phone that will use Phone 7.

FORBES: Nokia: Microsoft Deal Leaves Investors Unsatisfied

14. Prosecutors say they will announce on 1 April if they want to pursue the death penalty.

BBC: Aurora shooting: Not guilty plea entered for James Holmes

15. DeGale said he will announce a decision on his future by the end of the month.

BBC: Parade gives DeGale 2012 quandary

16. What I'll always remember was seeing him, about an hour later, momentarily take off his thick dark rimmed glasses,and announce: "From Dallas,Texas,the flash, apparently official, President Kennedy died at one p.m.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

17. Wherever and whenever they announce themselves, they are actually somewhere else, lost in dream.

NEWYORKER: Late and Soon

18. So he took the financial plans of the conservative Government that was then in power, five years ahead, and he said these are my financial plans, I'm going to announce these today as my financial plans five years ahead.

所以他就用了当时执政的,保守党的财政计划,作为未来五年的财政计划公布给民众,他说这些计划就是他的执政计划,我现在就宣布,这是未来五年的财政计划博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. So, I said I would announce it, that's the end of exam 1 material.

那么,我说过我会宣布的,到这里就是第一次考试内容的全部。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. What the Fed said it would do is announce an auction of so many billion dollars of loans to member banks and the banks have to supply collateral to the Federal Reserve.

美联储声明的它会做的事是,举行一场对,会员银行发放几十亿美元贷款的拍卖会,条件是这些银行必须,给联邦储备银行提供抵押品。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. I like this piece because it does something and I've used it in previous years, and I put it on and I would announce "I'm now going to play out of the-- It's an album called Document by REM ," and put it on and REM and it's fine with me.

我很喜欢这曲子,因为它确有独到之处,过去几年的教学中我一直用到,我往往会说,现在我放一段曲子,这张专辑叫,文档,是REM乐队的,然后就放曲子,我没觉得有什么问题聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. And at the end of class we'll announce which recitation that is, we'll also make sure to give you a little bit of a prize if you are, in fact, in that recitation.

而且在这节课的最后,我们将会宣布哪个讨论小组答题正确率最高,并给这个小组的每位同学,发个小奖品。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. The government will announce the March industrial production data toward the middle of May.

WSJ: India March Infrastructure Output Expands

24. Now let's get to it boys, else there won't be much left to announce in September.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

25. "This is an unprecedented move for a company to announce this sort of change, " he said.

BBC: Starbucks agrees to pay more corporation tax

26. This weekend,Project Green Search will announce its selection of a new model for the environmental "Green Revolution."

VOA : special.2009.11.06

27. This is something I used to announce near the end, but then some people felt that it's not fair not to know this from the beginning.

这些话我以前都是在期末的时候说的,但后来有些同学反映,如果不在课程一开始知道这些会很不公平基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Khatami was under pressure from fellow reformists to announce his intentions regarding the upcoming election.

CNN: Top Iranian reformer to challenge Ahmadinejad, reports say

29. Nick Clegg and Vince Cable will today announce a white paper on regional growth.

BBC: Heseltine: 'Private sector to lead regional recovery'

30. They'll say, we are pleased to announce that we are paying a dividend in new shares issued today by the company equal to 5% of your existing shares-- so it's a 5% dividend--congratulations.

他们会说,我们很高兴的宣布,本次股利,今日将以新股的形式发放,价值为现存股本的5%,所以是5%的股利,恭喜金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Today, I can announce that our ambassador is on his way back to Tripoli.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Salutes the People of Libya

32. Oracle is expected to announce its fiscal year Q4 2011 earnings on June 23rd.

FORBES: Oracle Earnings Could Vault Stock To $38

33. Eighty percent or more of social media posts announce our own experiences or views.

FORBES: Talking About Yourself: The PR Impact

34. "That's why today, I am please to announce that over the next year, the State Department will be creating Virtual Student Foreign Service Internships to harness the energy of a rising generation of citizen diplomats."

VOA : special.2009.06.05

35. Sony was expected to announce details about its own gesture-controlled system, called Move, later Tuesday.

CNN: Nintendo unveils handheld 3-D gaming system

36. The Senator is expected to announce next week.


37. The government hopes the court will announce its findings before the end of the month.


38. The managers of the companies are kind of a group helping each other -let's award options to each other and then after we award them we'll announce the good news and the stock price will go up and you guys will get money.

这些公司的经理在一起,彼此互相帮助,我们互相奖励股票期权给对方吧,在这之后,我们就发布利好消息,然后股价就会上升,这样大家就都能赚到钱了金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. They did not announce their marriage for three years.

VOA : special.2010.05.23

40. Perhaps the biggest number to watch is one John Swinney won't announce and can't control: inflation.

BBC: Budget challenge

41. Media reports say Apple plans to announce the tablet, possibly called the iSlate, later this month.

VOA : special.2010.01.26

42. GlobalTV's maker, MultiLingual Media, will announce its first major customer before Dec. 1, Silverman said.

CNN: Speech tech comes to TV, handhelds

43. He explained his plans and read to Douglas the declaration he would announce the next day.

VOA : special.2009.08.13

44. But the leaders did not announce any detailed plan for Greece after meeting Thursday in Brussels.

VOA : special.2010.02.12

45. This has made it very clear that there has to be -if you announce anything you have to announce it all at once on a certain date and you can't have favored people that you give the announcement to.

很明显的一点...,如果要宣布事项,就要选定某一天,而且,你宣布的消息,不能只针对某一人群金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. "I am pleased to announce that Chrysler and Fiat have formed a partnership that has a strong chance of success.

VOA : standard.2009.04.30

47. With this first poem treating the subject of the nativity of Christ, Milton is able implicitly to announce something like his own nativity as a poet.

因为它的主题是基督诞生,弥尔顿能够含蓄的宣告一些东西,比如他作为一个诗人从此诞生了。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. In his speech the president did not announce any new proposals.

VOA : special.2010.07.03

49. The last eight lines announce the course of this new poet's life -announce the fact that this poet's course in life is about to undergo a drastic change.

最后8行预示了这位新生诗人的生命轨迹,预示着他的生命轨迹,将要发生惊天动地的变化。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. But they expect him to announce a 2014 Senate election rather than a special contest this year.

CNN: Lautenberg leaves tricky political question for Christie

51. Toyota, Nissan some big electronics makers will announce when the market reopens next week.

FORBES: Whither Japan Stocks: Investors Saying 'Show Me Growth'; Sharp On Life Support

52. President Lincoln and his cabinet met the next day and wrote a declaration that the president would announce on Monday.

VOA : special.2009.08.13

53. Sometimes companies will announce that they are paying not a cash dividend, but they're paying a stock dividend.

有时公司会宣布,他们不发放现金股利,取而代之的是股票股利金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. This month,the W.H.O.joined with other groups to announce a new effort against malaria.

VOA : special.2009.05.26

55. It increasingly looks like Google will announce a new mobile-payment service for its Android devices tomorrow.

FORBES: Morning Tech Wrap: Facebook, Twitter, Google

56. Barclay said investigators are expected to announce a probable cause of the wreck early next week.

NPR: America's Cup Expected To Go On After Fatal Wreck

57. Ashton will announce on Tuesday his team to tackle France in Marseille this Saturday.

BBC: Tindall & Hodgson miss World Cup

58. The Interior Ministry said the investigation was continuing, and didn't announce any charges Wednesday.

WSJ: Russian Police Detain Head of SocGen Unit

59. Real Madrid summoned a press conference to formally announce that Jorge Valdano will take over as coach next season.


60. He is expected to announce his retirement later today.


61. Did it announce a new product, venture, a major purchase or anything of value?

FORBES: Further Thoughts On Why The News Release Is Worthless (Part Two)

62. Novak came out to announce his withdrawal to a capacity crowd at the Madrid Rockodrome.

BBC: Agassi crowned champion

63. The companies will announce the completion of their merger tomorrow.


64. Stay tuned, however, as UK carriers are expecting to announce their pricing any minute now.

ENGADGET: HTC shows off One X+ in the UK, we go hands-on (video) Mobile

65. This was to announce that military operations had begun to remove nuclear weapons from Cuba.

BBC: The speeches written but never given



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