
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈdeɪli]play美 [ˈdeɪli]play

  • adj. 每日的,日常的;一天的,按天计算的
  • adv. 每日,每天;日常地
  • n. 日报;<英>日工,女佣;(每天拍摄的)电影样片
  • 【名】 (Daily)(英)戴利(人名)

复数 dailies

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


daily /ˈdeɪlɪ/

  • 1.
    副词 If something happens daily, it happens every day. 每天地

    Cathay Pacific flies daily nonstop to Hong Kong.


  • 2.
    形容词 Daily is also an adjective. 每天的

    They held daily press briefings.


  • 3.
    形容词 Daily quantities or rates relate to a period of one day. 一天的

    ...a diet containing adequate daily amounts of fresh fruit.


  • 4.
    习语 Your daily life is the things that you do every day as part of your normal life. 日常生活

    All of us in our daily life react favourably to people who take us and our views seriously.




  • adj.

    day 日间的;逐日的

  • adv.

    day 每天;经常在白天地

  • n.

    day 一天;时期;白昼



1. daily use 日常使用;日用品

2. daily dose 日剂量;一日量

3. daily production 日产量

4. Daily Mirror 每日镜报 ; 逐日镜报

5. Oriental Daily News 东方日报

6. daily maintenance 日常保养,日常维护

7. Daily Mail 每日邮报 ; 英国每日邮报 ; 逐日邮报 ; 每天邮报

8. Science Daily 每日科学 ; 今日科学 ; 每日科学杂志

9. Daily Planet 日日新星 ; 星球日报社 ; 每日星球 ; 星球日报

10. The Daily Telegraph 每日电讯报 ; 每日电讯 ; 逐日电讯报 ; 英国每日电讯报

11. daily mail 每日邮报(英国伦敦的报刊)

12. daily express 每日快报

13. China Daily 中国日报

14. daily report 日报表;日报单;每日报告

15. daily routine 日常生活;日常工作

16. on a daily basis 每天(指一起共事)

17. daily life 日常生活

18. daily necessities 日用品;生活必需品

19. articles for daily use 生活用品

20. daily expense 每日费用

21. daily sales 日销售量;日销售额,日营业额

22. china daily 中国日报

23. daily news 纽约每日新闻 ; 每日新闻报 ; 纽约每日新闻报

24. New York Daily News 纽约每日新闻 ; 纽约每日新闻报 ; 纽约日报

25. daily telegraph 每日电讯报

26. daily schedule 日程表,日课表

27. daily work 每日作业

28. daily output 日产量

29. people's daily 人民日报


1. This daily dilemma is labeled the tradeoff between exploration and exploitation.


2. He began publishing a daily market letter, the'Supply and Demand Letter '.

他开始了出版一封每日的市场信,'补给和要求信 '.《期刊摘选》

3. Have bit of advertisement income, be about and everybody A a daily expense.

有点广告收入, 就要和大家A一份日常的开销.《期刊摘选》

4. The bank compounds interest daily.


5. His article appeared in China Daily yesterday.


6. The biggest and most important influences in your life are created by little daily acts.


7. The People's Daily is the official organ of the Communist Party of China.


8. I never even glanced at the political page of a daily paper.


9. This is evaluated by the experimental results of the teacher's daily attendance records.


10. The machines are inspected twice daily.


11. Understand the concept, check out your daily habits and incorporate you can.

理解概念, 审视你每日的习惯,然后尽力将无为融入到其中.《期刊摘选》

12. It is the nation's fastest growing national daily newspaper.


13. Daily repairing and spare parts management.


14. China Daily is soliciting subscriptions.


15. Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.


16. I exercise and meditate more and eat wholesome anticancer foods on a daily basis.


17. Carry out good daily housekeeping and proper waste disposal in the laboratory.


18. HFW is Japan's biggest daily publication for English learners and a proven Internet direct marketing medium.

HFW是 日本面向英语学习者的最大每日电子出版物,是已经证实有效的网络直销媒体.《期刊摘选》

19. Atomic energy has been discovered for many years, but so far it has not been widely used in industry or in our daily life.

原子能已发现多年, 但至今仍未广泛用于工业或日常生活方面.《现代汉英综合大词典》

20. Does such an attitudinal change reflect real experiences in daily life?


21. Scores of dailies and weeklies are employing imagination to counter the recession and they are winning.


22. She goes about her daily routines, asking for nothing from the world.

她这么日复一日地过着, 不向这个世界要求什么.《期刊摘选》

23. He edited a daily paper before he came to teach at our college.


24. The food queues have become a daily occurrence across the country.


25. Products are synchronized with the Korean pop elements, the new updated daily, to accept orders.

所推产品均与韩国流行元素同步, 新款每日更新, 接受订货.《期刊摘选》

26. Daily safety training for drive forklift and emphasize all driver must follow process for each day.


27. The average daily broadcasting time of the seven stations of Radio Beijing reached 189 hours.


28. People living in different cultures do many daily things differently from one another.


29. W: This is Kerry Burke from New ?York Daily News.

女:我是《纽约每日新闻》的Kerry Burke。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

30. Preparation of housekeeping daily report and monthly reports, commenting on key performance indicators.

预备客房部逐日报告和每月报告, 对主要绩效指标进行评价.《期刊摘选》

31. I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood.


32. This, according to Daily Express, what thinks Arsene Wenger.

根据每日快报的消息, 阿森纳主帅温格是这么想的.《期刊摘选》

33. My duties seem to change daily at the whim of the boss.


34. My wages are more than enough to pay for my daily outgoings.


35. The castle is open daily from May to October inclusive.


36. Management of daily manufacturing operations and human resource management.


37. God wants more than an appointment our daily schedule . We are all our life experiences.


38. The offender, the Xinjiang Daily net will investigate its corresponding legal liability.

违者, 新疆日报网将追究其相应法律责任.《期刊摘选》

39. Everywhere people were going about their daily business.


40. The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction.


41. ...the failure of the government to improve most people's daily lives.


42. He sells daily newspapers.


43. On Sunday, the castle’s owner John Gordon, 76, was forced to move out his property after the River Dee swept away about 60 feet of land, leaving the castle dangerously close to the river, according to the Scottish Daily Record.

据苏格兰《每日记录》报道,周日,城堡的主人,76 岁的John Gordon被迫搬离自己的家, 因为Dee 河冲走了将近60 英尺的土地, 使城堡与河流过于接近, 超过了安全距离。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

44. They charge a daily rate.


45. It becomes necessary to cannibalize unsuccessful projects to fund those which can proceed ( Daily Report for Executives )

当务之急是将不成功项目中的资金抽调出来以支持那些可行项目 ( 管理者每日报告 )《期刊摘选》

46. What are the actual methods for solving our daily problems?


47. The museum is open daily throughout the year.


48. Commuting is a part of daily life for many people.


49. The Visitor Centre is open daily 8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

游客中心每日上午 8:30 至下午 4:30 开放。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

50. While waiting for the bus, he read a copy of China Daily.

等公共汽车的时候, 他读着一份《中国日报》.《期刊摘选》

51. Daily facial exercises help to retain the skin's elasticity.


52. It has to be given by injection, usually twice daily.


53. S. daily by the central bank announced in the previous session in the afternoon.

此前, 每日的中间价是由央行在前一交易日下午公布.《期刊摘选》

54. The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle.


55. The story was blazed all over the daily papers.


56. ...a diet containing adequate daily amounts of fresh fruit...


57. Check all the facility daily, make any kind of repair if any damage or potential risks.

对厂房进行每日的点检, 对发现的损坏或有潜在损坏的地方进行维修.《期刊摘选》

58. This have important guide significance to determination of the base line value and daily data processing.


59. She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting.


60. In the field beyond, behind the sawmill, the German soldiers were doing their daily drills.

在远处的一块田野中, 也就是在锯木厂的后面, 德国士兵正在进行日常的操练.《期刊摘选》

61. Invoices are signed on a daily basis.


62. These men believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press.

这些作家认为,新闻报道是一种职业,他们为自己的作品能够刊登在日报上而感到自豪。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

63. Famous worldwide gourmet cuisine. Excellent daily specials and mouthwatering desserts.

全世界最有名的美食烹调. 精美的每日特餐以及令人垂涎的点心.《期刊摘选》

64. Be sure you get your daily quota of calcium.


65. The plants want to be watered daily.


66. Follow up daily production progress with related departments; take action to push up the delay batch.

与相关部门合作跟踪每日生产进程, 并采取行动推进延迟批次.《期刊摘选》

67. Invoices are signed on a daily basis .


68. These subjects reflect their daily lives.


69. These bright colors may fill our hearts with elation, but to many they are daily taunts.

这些鲜艳的色彩可能使我们心中洋溢着快乐, 但对许多人来说,它们是日常的嘲笑.《辞典例句》

70. Daily production reports & weekly summary report . Maintain good housekeeping. Strengthen discipline control.

每日向上级报告生产状况 及 做周报给上司. 保持良好的纪律及确保工作环境整洁.《期刊摘选》

71. There are so many things to remember on a daily basis.


72. I am doing a survey for the Green City Daily News.


73. I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood


74. In 1840 he obtained permission to edit a daily paper.


75. China Daily receives dispatches from all parts of the world.


76. They can only be a daily plague to your unnatural heart.


77. All of these help relax and de-stress you from the rigours of daily life.


78. The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.


79. Make English study a part of daily routine, the same as eating or brushing your teeth.

让英语言学习变成你每日生活的一部分, 就像吃饭或刷牙一样.《期刊摘选》

80. He edit a daily paper before he come to teach at our college.


81. Responsible for QC lab daily task arrangement.


82. Two of the four national daily papers are to become weeklies.


83. events affecting the daily lives of millions of people


84. The artists were going through their daily routines.


85. Temperatures should be checked twice daily and noted on cards accompanying the vaccine.


86. Maximum lean growth daily may not always be sought.


87. The nurses came on their daily round of washing, changing, combing and prettifying the patients before the matron's inspection.

护士长查房以前,护士们要为病人梳洗 、 更衣 、 打扮,这成为每日例行的公事.《简明英汉词典》

88. After 19 May, strikes were occurring on a daily basis


89. Backup Deluxe 2005 is a robust tool for daily protection and disaster recovery.


90. Set objectives and plan your daily activities around achieving them.


91. Repair daily breakdown of facility equipment, and maintain facilities supplied to production and engineering equipment.

维修并排除日常的设施故障, 维持对生产和工程设备的设施供应.《期刊摘选》

92. The denial was bannered by the People's Daily.


93. He told me that he loved the picture of his daughter in The Daily Telegraph.


94. a daily routine/visit/newspaper


95. Just believe your choice. Fashion and intellectuality immediately present. It is suitable for daily use.

相信你自己的选择吧, 时尚知性的你即刻呈现, 适合日常的使用.《期刊摘选》

96. This system will help the administrator reduce his working strength , facilitate his daily Examination manage work.

本系统将协助考试管理人员的日常考试管理工作,减轻其工作强度 、 方便其日常的考试管理工作.《期刊摘选》

97. Our average daily turnover is about £300.

我们的平均日营业额约为 300 英镑。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

98. Events of this description occurred daily.


99. Keep record daily outgoing report.


100. Usage: applied to the face, neck and arms, twice daily or applied, if necessary.

使用方法: 涂抹于脸部 、 颈项及手臂, 每日使用两次或在必要时涂抹.《期刊摘选》

101. My daily expenses has been increased by about half as much again.


102. The program airs daily.


103. China daily and People Daily has published article about the Martial Art Talent – Zhong Hai Ming.


104. Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers.


105. The plants want watering daily.


106. Oxide is usually seen in our daily life.


107. Youth, while we have it, we must wear daily and it will fast wear away.

青春, 一旦有了它, 就应该日复一日的去利用它,因为它会很快消逝的.《期刊摘选》

108. Checks the daily Arrival List , Special Arrival List for VIPs , repeat guests and FITs.

检查逐日预抵客人表 、 重要客人 、 回头客和散客的预抵表.《期刊摘选》

109. To prepack medication for daily utilization and check inventory of drugs and other consumables.


110. Daily workouts are insurance and preventative medicine against stress.


111. The amusement park is open daily from May to October inclusive.


112. A onetime dose may affect the body differently than daily consumption.


113. The Americans let Peanuts into their lives on a daily basis.

《花生 》 成了美国人逐日生活不可或缺的部分.《期刊摘选》

114. The weather alters almost daily.


115. A daily workout can improve our disposition.


116. As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar.


117. They are open outside normal daily banking hours.


118. You can record the daily progress and challenge your friends!


119. Legal Daily report said gas shortages led to the current situation.


120. During these different expeditions Fergusson was the most active and interesting correspondent of the Daily Telegraph.


121. We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily.


122. Manage salesmen's reports, including training salesmen to fill reports correctly, file daily and monthly reports.

管理销售人员报告, 包括培训销售人员正确填写报表, 存档日报和月报.《期刊摘选》

123. Guangzhou daily: QiQi? What does she think?

广州日报: 琦琦呢? 她怎么想?《期刊摘选》

124. Average number of cigarettes daily? b For how many years have You smoked?

平均每日的吸食香烟数量? 阁下的吸烟年期?《期刊摘选》

125. He was tacking about on this daily though perilous voyage.


126. The Contractor shall perform a daily cold box cleaning.


127. This should take care of all your daily needs.


128. The smallest details of the operation had been daily chronicled by the journals.


129. We pump water from the well for daily use.


130. Now that I am a senior citizen and retired from routine daily Business.


131. Freedom from habit or formula. Escape from daily routine or the ordinary. Unworldly. Transcending the conventional.

脱俗(脱俗)解脱于习惯或公式定律, 远离日常的琐事和寻常事, 超凡脱俗.《期刊摘选》

132. Please consider me applicant for the information processing position that you advertised in today's China Daily.


133. Her daily life involved meeting lots of people.


134. The second one: students can listen, read, and write the following daily expressions: What's for breakfast?

第二项: 一,学生可以听, 读, 说和写以下每日表情: 什么早餐?《期刊摘选》

135. Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike.


136. Select national dailies first. Then select regional or local daily newspapers.

首先选取全国性报纸. 再选取地区性或本地日报.《期刊摘选》

137. This store has a daily turnover of several thousand yuan.


138. The men were daily becoming weaker from want of rest.


139. The People's Daily is the organ of the Chinese Communist Party.


140. Daily hassles are an unavoidable part of life.


141. There are daily conference calls with Washington.


142. Implements the daily planner and ensures completion of all tasks.


143. Bright and early for the daily races, going no where, going no where.

清晨起早,为了每日的奔波, 却不知奔向何方, 去往何处.《期刊摘选》

144. Most Americans rely on social media to check daily headlines.

大多数美国人依赖社交媒体来查看每日新闻头条。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

145. Copies of the local daily had been scattered on a table.


146. Responsible for daily acing calculation treatment ( 25 % ).

负责公司日常的会计核算和账务处理; ( 25% ).《期刊摘选》

147. They held daily press briefings.


148. All the major dailies carried the story on the front page.


149. What did Kerry Burke from New ?York Daily News say about the man?.

关于男士,《纽约每日新闻》的Kerry Burke说了什么?。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

150. That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.


151. The only daily newspaper in the city did not publish yesterday because of a strike.


152. Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.


153. Third form a habit of reading an English article in China Daily every day.


154. User can load task list to Daily Scheduler for easy scheduling.


155. Cathay Pacific flies daily nonstop to Hong Kong.


156. The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.


157. Build trust. Start forming this bond with daily greetings and then work up to conversation.

建立信任. 每日的问候和对话都可以建立这种联系.《期刊摘选》

158. Automobiles has become daily vehicle by substituting carriages.


159. Sales support is back office staff who provide daily support to front line sales people.


160. The story was in all the dailies.


161. However, these results should not be interpreted as an incentive to increase your daily coffee intake.

然而, 这些结果不应被解释为鼓励增加每日的咖啡摄入量的原因.《期刊摘选》

162. Now there are thousands of podcasts available daily.


163. After May 19, strikes were occurring on a daily basis.


164. Daily check list record to ensure any errors can be track.


165. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents to help protect the river against pollution.

在一项报告中, 安徽每日的要求居民帮助保护河免于污染.《期刊摘选》

166. Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow...


167. Daily log files for the largest Web sites can grow into the GB range.


168. There is a column in China Daily concerning language study.


169. I read Sewell's obituary in the Daily News.


170. Websites of the People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and CCTV will also cover the activities live.

在人民日报, 新华社,中央电视台网站也将涵盖的活动现场.《期刊摘选》

171. General malaise or weakness, inability to perform activities of daily living.


172. A commentary in the Shanghai Daily points out that innovation doesn’t mean piles of documents.

《上海日报》上的一篇评论指出,创新并非意味着成堆的文件。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

173. Where the psycho vigilante killer continues his daily strung out.


174. You need a daily plan for both expanding your roots and bearing fruit.


175. Hyperactivity, pharynx pain, aphonia: Sydney Daozhi slowly with the pharynx, daily for 3 ~ 4 times.

肺热 、 咽疼 、 失音: 雪梨捣汁徐徐含咽, 每日服3~4次.《期刊摘选》

176. To prepare daily reports of work done, keep written and photographic record of subcontractor's work.

准备日常的完工报告, 保留分包商工作的书面及照片记录.《期刊摘选》

177. This resolution was carried in yesterday's People's Daily.


178. His quotes example will be from the organization daily business related.


179. Here is today's issue of China Daily.


180. Two greyish shapes steered there , like long, rounded pieces of wood or slate. They were fish.

两个灰色的像两个又长又圆的木头或石板一样的影子又向那里游来, 它们是鱼.《期刊摘选》


1. As part of the study, the young men and women were asked how many hours of television or videos they watched daily.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

2. The last new daily "Peanuts" appeared January third in two thousand six hundred newspapers in seventy-five countries.

VOA : special.2009.10.25

3. His efforts to reach young voters include appearances on MTV and "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" along with college visits.

VOA : special.2010.10.28

4. And BP's chairman told Sky News that Tony Hayward will no longer be supervising the daily operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

VOA : special.2010.06.19

5. Let's say you have been a runner for some time and you have been running daily

假设你是个赛跑手,你每天都会跑步。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : That's why 课堂

6. Dr. Ornish's diet plan limits daily calories from fat to less than ten percent, with little to no saturated fat or cholesterol.

VOA : special.2011.07.05

7. Mathews keeps an archive of press coverage from the daily El Heraldo de Chihuahua.

FORBES: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

8. But if you just mind your own business, you can go about daily life.

FORBES: Leading Economist Gives Up On Putin's Russia

9. Roscioli will be open daily through August, except for Sundays and on 15 August.

BBC: Where to eat when Rome shuts down

10. Events of this description occurred daily.


11. There may be some measures that will affect our own daily lives, like tighter procedures in airports.

BBC: Military action: Labour viewpoints

12. This almost daily "catch me if you can" game is wearing thin on investigators.

CNN: A bizarre visit to John McAfee's pleasure palace in Belize

13. People can also be unable to perform the simple activities of daily living without assistance because of the severe myofascial pain.

VOA : special.2011.07.26

14. Admission to Easter in 3D, open daily from 9:30 am to 8 pm, is 7.50 euros.

BBC: See the new pope this Easter in Rome

15. Of course, in Blair we have the regulatory daily double of OBA and Away Accounts violations.

FORBES: Stockbroker Fined And Suspended For Service As Executor And Having Outside Accounts

16. Experts credit the Greek astronomer Archimedes with developing the earliest known device to show the daily movement of the planets.

VOA : special.2010.09.29

17. Check out these five impact-worthy apps to help you fit paying it forward into your daily routine.

CNN: 5 impact-worthy apps

18. Here, the menu is still written out by hand daily and then mimeographed in lilac-colored ink.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Hungry for Paris'

19. Click here for all recommended trades, updated daily, from Larry McMillan in Option Strategist.

FORBES: Clinton's Cure For Capitalism

20. A low-fat diet is one in which less than thirty percent of a person's daily calorie intake comes from fat.

VOA : special.2011.07.05

21. March Comex silver futures prices are also in a three-week-old uptrend on the daily bar chart.

FORBES: Comex Gold Weaker On Corrective Pullback From Recent Gains

22. How does that factor into what the reader lives in daily reality?

怎样融入了读者的日常现实?1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Daily boat tours allow visitors to get up close to the birds in their natural environment.

BBC: Natures biggest treasure hunt

24. Dosage: 1 tablet 3 times daily.


25. This is a neighbourhood place, where many of the same swimmers greet each other daily.

BBC: Dublins chilly tradition

26. Poetry is a response to the daily necessity of getting the world right."

诗歌是对世界正确转动的琐事的反应“现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow.


28. So, they reduced the size, so it looks like one of those-- like New York Daily News newspapers now.

因而他们缩减了版面,现在看起来,有点像《纽约每日新闻报》金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Sign up for the daily newsletter: the best of The New Yorker every day.


30. Yes. Daily participation in language labs required.

是的,要求你们天天要去语言实验室聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. There are daily conference calls with Washington.


32. Daily charter flights are also available for those averse to traffic jams and long car journeys.

BBC: Tanzanias alternative to the Serengeti

33. In fact, it's about five percent of daily output of all the OPEC producing countries.

NPR: OPEC Cuts Production To Stem Drop In Oil Prices

34. How do you set the daily schedule for President Bush?

你是怎么设置布什总统,每日的日程的?国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

35. Missus Schulz said she wants visitors to feel as if they are taking part in his daily life.

VOA : special.2009.10.25

36. So every generation of Israel is to view itself as standing at the sacred mountain to conclude a covenant with God, and that decisive moment has to be made ever-present. That's a process that's facilitated by the obligation to study, to study the laws, to recite them daily, to teach them to your children: these are instructions that are contained in Deuteronomy.

那么每一代以色列人都将自己看做站在圣山上,与上帝立约的人,于是那个决定性的时刻,被变为了恒久的场景这是通过学习,学习律法,而达成的过程,每天背诵它们,把它们交给你的孩子们:这是申命记中,包含的指示。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. Contained within the elegantly designed thermostat is Honeywell's scheduling technology that learns homeowners' daily schedule in just minutes.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

38. Google Trends provides daily and weekly reports on the volume of queries related to various industries.

FORBES: Big Data Gets Bigger: Now Google Trends Can Predict The Market

39. but it just takes a lot of dedication, a lot of daily practice.

不过,要想学好,就要奉献精神,每天都要勤加练习。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想学会4种语言

40. As part of the survey, the young people were asked how many hours of television or videos they watched daily.

VOA : special.2009.02.11

41. In daily life, everything seems to come to rest unless you push it or you pull it or you exert some kind of force.

在日常生活中,一切物体都会停下来,除非你去推它,或者拉它,或者施加某种外力基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. The biggest benefit to Spirit is that average daily utilization for its aircraft is 12.6 hours.

FORBES: Spirit Airlines: We Board an A320 in 20 Minutes

43. And another study has linked each hour of watching television daily to an eighteen percent increased risk of death from heart disease.

VOA : special.2010.01.13

44. The observation desk is also witness to proposals of marriage almost daily, according to unofficial tallies.

BBC: At 80, the Empire State Building strikes back

45. Each easy-loan rider makes 50 visits a day, and together the fleet processes 14, 000 new loans daily.

FORBES: Mexican Maverick

46. I agree, meditation is not something that you just do for an hour a day or a month or however much time you do it, it's supposed to be a practice you implement into your daily life.

我也认为冥想不是坚持一天或一个月,就能达到的,不管花多少时间在上面,这都只是种练习,要融入到日常生活中去。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

47. Everyone from our company need to be ready to learn new things almost on a daily basis.


48. It is baked fresh daily in a hearth oven and remains the exclusive bread of Chez Panisse.

BBC: Flour power in San Franciscos sourdough

49. He promulgates decrees as czar about daily life.

他也以沙皇之尊颁布有关日常生活的法令欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Or perhaps, they chose to stay hidden from the daily flurry of human activity.

BBC: Where The Jungle Book comes to life

51. The proposals were approved on during the daily voting session on 11 December 2012.

BBC: Laws on EU trade agreements

52. And it is moving around and we are sitting on that electron watching it go about its daily affairs.

它正在运动,我们正置身与电子上面,观察它时刻发生的事件。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. When the expansion is done, 2 million passengers are expected to use the metro daily.

FORBES: Delhi's Subway Builder

54. That is because critics say Miller was able to dramatize the emotional pain that average people suffer in their daily lives.

VOA : special.2009.11.29

55. Back to the yellow-papered bedroom, the smell of cooked cabbage, the daily ride to work on the crowded street cars.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

56. In 2005, Peruvian authorities reduced the daily number of visitors to the Incan ruins to 2, 500.

BBC: Are there too many tourists?

57. Shares in Daily Mail and General Trust shares fell, shedding 7 pence by close to 616.5 pence.

BBC: NEWS | Business | Daily Mail sees profits improve

58. All sorts of people lose their temper in their daily lives, it's part of human nature.

BBC: Andrew Mitchell resigns over police comments row

59. "We have to choose the countries we want to target, " he told the BBC's Daily Politics.

BBC: UK Politics

60. I try to live by that on a daily basis.

我每天都在努力按照这个生活。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

61. The first time I looked through its magic lens, the clouds that surrounded my daily life rolled away.

VOA : special.2009.07.18

62. Eggs were candled daily.


63. I know this is true, that is, I know I have the reputation, both because I periodically in my student evaluations get told I'm one of Yale's harsher graders, and because every now and then the Yale Daily News will have an article about grade inflation and they'll always ask me, " ... Well Professor Kagan is somebody..."

这是真的,而我之所以有这样的名声,是因为在学生定期评估时,我被告知自己是耶鲁最严厉的人之一,还因为那不时出现的耶鲁日间新闻,有篇文章会谈到关于成绩膨胀的事,人们总会问我“,卡刚教授“死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. This means they briefly leave their temperature-controlled environment and single daily snapshots of their development are possible.

BBC: IVF 'may be boosted by time-lapse embryo imaging'

65. But before we'd do that I'd like to just have a quick discussion about your experience with the Daily Plate.

但是在我们讨论之前,我想对你们,所做的每日饮食记录做个简单说明关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课









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