
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [swiːt]play美 [swiːt]play

  • adj. 含糖的,甜的;<美> 未加盐的,淡的;芳香的,芬芳的;清新的,纯净的,新鲜的;(声音)甜美的,悦耳的,动听的;<美>(音乐,尤指爵士乐)甜派风格的;惹人喜爱的,可爱的;亲爱的;温和的,和蔼的,善良的;愉快的,惬意的,令人满意的;<非正式> (用于表示同意,赞成)好的;容易操纵的,运转平稳的;丝毫的,一丁点儿的
  • n. <英>糖果;甜食;<英>餐后甜点;<旧>(亲昵的称呼)宝贝儿,亲爱的;快乐,乐趣(sweets);芳香

复数 sweets 比较级 sweeter或more 最高级 sweetest或most

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


sweet /swiːt/ CET4 TEM4 [ sweeter sweets sweetest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 Sweet food and drink contains a lot of sugar. 甜的

    ...a mug of sweet tea.



    If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 甜味

    Florida oranges have a natural sweetness.


  • 3.
    形容词 A sweet smell is a pleasant one, for example the smell of a flower. 芳香的

    ...the sweet smell of her shampoo.


  • 4.
    形容词 A sweet sound is pleasant, smooth, and gentle. 悦耳的

    Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl's.


  • 5.
    副词 悦耳地

    He sang much more sweetly than he has before.


  • 6.
    形容词 If you describe something as sweet, you mean that it gives you great pleasure and satisfaction. 令人痛快的

    There are few things quite as sweet as revenge.


  • 7.
    形容词 If you describe someone as sweet, you mean that they are pleasant, kind, and gentle toward other people. 温柔的

    He was a sweet man but when he drank he tended to quarrel.


  • 8.
    副词 温柔地

    I just smiled sweetly and said no.


  • 9.
    形容词 If you describe a small person or thing as sweet, you mean that they are attractive in a simple or unsophisticated way. (小孩或小东西) 可爱的

    ...a sweet little baby girl.


  • 10.
    复数型名词 Sweets are foods that have a lot of sugar. 甜食

    To maintain her weight, she simply chooses fruits and vegetables over fats and sweets.


  • 11.
    可数名词 Sweets are small sweet things such as chocolates and mints. 糖果
  • 12.
    有变体名词 A sweet is the same as a . 餐后甜点
  • 13.
    →see also   sweetness
  • 14.
    a sweet tooth →see   tooth



  • adj.

    sweetish 有点甜的;过甜的;有点可爱的

  • adv.

    sweetly 甜美地;温柔地;惬意地;讨人喜欢地

  • n.

    sweetener 甜料;好处;脱硫设备

    sweetness 美妙;芳香;可爱

    sweetening [化工] 脱硫;甜味剂;变甜

  • v.

    sweetening 使…变甜(sweeten的ing形式);加糖于…

  • vi.

    sweeten 变甜

  • vt.

    sweeten 减轻;使变甜;使温和;使悦耳



1. sweet potato 甘薯

2. sweet love 甜蜜的爱

3. sweet corn [植]甜玉米,嫩玉米

4. sweet sorghum 甜高粱

5. sweet dream 酣梦,甜蜜的梦

6. Sweet Almond Oil 甜杏仁油 ; 杏仁油 ; 甜杏油 ; 手工皂油脂甜杏仁油

7. sweet taste 甜味

8. sweet girl 甜美女孩

9. sweet voice 甜美的声音

10. sweet spot 甜蜜点 ; 最佳听音位置 ; 甜蜜地带

11. Sweet corn 玉米 ; 作物 甜玉米 ; 粟米 ; 玉米潮流本铺

12. sweet heart n. 情人,恋人;甜心

13. sweet words 甜言蜜语

14. sweet almond oil 甜杏仁油

15. sweet orange 甜橙

16. sweet and sour 酸甜;苦乐;糖醋调味的

17. sweet wine 甜酒

18. Sweet Pea 香碗豆 ; 香豌豆花 ; 甜豌豆 ; 香豌豆

19. sweet almond 甜扁桃

20. sweet tooth n. 喜好甜食

21. Sweet Dreams 甜蜜梦幻 ; 甜蜜的梦 ; 甜美的梦

22. sweet smell 闻起来香

23. Sweet Spy 甜蜜间谍

24. sweet water 淡水

25. sweet talk 甜言蜜语

26. sweet potato starch 甘薯淀粉;蕃薯粉;地瓜粉

27. sweet memories 甜蜜的记忆


1. I had a craving for something sweet.


2. Love is as a sweet little girl of him to hear every words he speaks quietly.


3. And on your tongue, they enhance the response to sweet flavors.

一拳在舌头上, 增强对甜味的反应.《期刊摘选》

4. Any of various types of pickle, especially a pickled stuffed sweet pepper.

泡菜任一种不同类型的泡菜, 尤指腌制过富有甜味的辣椒.《期刊摘选》

5. The air was sweet with incense.


6. She gave him her sweetest smile.


7. Most of time I eat sweet food.


8. Curl of the heat, sweet sweet potato, which I will never forget the scene.

袅袅的热气, 香甜的红薯, 这是我永远也忘不了的一幕.《期刊摘选》

9. Acid and hIt'smack will experience a feeling of sweet, there is a new experience.

酸酸的,砸咂嘴,又会体会到另一种香甜的感觉, 有一种新的体会.《期刊摘选》

10. Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed.


11. There were little boxes of sweets and brightly hued crackers on the table.


12. Would you like some more sweet?


13. Instead of satisfying a sweet tooth, soft drinks may do just the opposite.

不是为了满足个人喜好甜食, 相反软饮料也许会起到完全不一样的作用.《期刊摘选》

14. I need my fix of sugar, sweets, and chocolate


15. Instead, they crave sweets, fruits ( especially citrus ) and dairy products.

但是, 她们却变得爱吃甜食 、 水果 ( 尤其柑橘 ) 和奶制品.《期刊摘选》

16. I've been eating these sweets all morning and I'm completely sated.


17. Look, our baby was sleeping so sweet.

看, 我们的宝贝睡得多香啊!《期刊摘选》

18. a sweet-smelling rose


19. When I say don't eat sweets, I have your health at heart.

当我说你别吃糖果时, 我是关心着你的健康.《简明英汉词典》

20. They go and buy big bags of the sweets. That Kevin eats and eats and eats.

他们去买上一大袋的糖果, 就是卡文不断的吃啊吃啊吃的那种.《期刊摘选》

21. If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar.


22. It is adding the business for sweets manufacturers, priests and astrologers.


23. It feeds the green food enterprise Huainan Yaohe Fishery with its sweet and refreshing milk.


24. Our host was arrogant and offensive. How his sweet wife could tolerate such a horror was baffling.


25. Our opportunities of meeting are short and sweet.


26. They may desire chocolate and other sweets.


27. The apple tasted just as I remembered – sharp, sour, yet sweet.


28. I haven't made a sweet today.


29. The drink is very sweet, but not unpleasantly so.


30. I can't tell you how sweet this victory is.


31. We eat peanuts and sweets.


32. His sister's a sweet young thing.


33. Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl's.


34. The fruit is rather like a sweet chestnut


35. Where's the money to keep us sweet?


36. Some of us thought that the orange would be sweet; others said it would be sour.

有一些人认为橘子是甜的, 有些人认为橘子是酸的.《期刊摘选》

37. I don't much care for sweets.


38. Do you prefer sweet or savoury food?


39. Will I dream of sharing a cheesecake with sweet Earl?


40. It was sweet of them to offer to help.


41. I can't help eating sweets whenever they are in my presence.

我无论什么时候一看到甜食就忍不住要吃.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

42. Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth.


43. He promised me a sweet.


44. That store sells sweets.


45. Labour had a bitter root but a sweet taste.


46. Cajun Chicken Rice, the sauce is sweet and sour, the taste is unique but yet delicious.

炸鸡饭的酱料蛮特别, 酸酸甜甜的味道还不错.《期刊摘选》

47. She's very fond of sweet things.


48. Cardamom has an intense, pungent, sweet flavor.

小豆蔻具有刺激性的气味, 香甜的口感.《期刊摘选》

49. ...a mug of sweet tea...


50. I bought these sweets loose, not in a box.

我买的这些糖果是散装的, 不是盒装的.《期刊摘选》

51. Most children like sweets, but there are some exceptions.

大多数孩子喜欢吃糖果, 但也有一些例外.《现代英汉综合大词典》

52. I especially like sweet things.


53. There are few things quite as sweet as revenge.


54. You look sweet in this photograph.


55. ...a sweet little baby girl...


56. Your voice resounds like a songbird's, every word is a sweet, soft song.

你的声音好像鸟雀的欢唱, 每个词句像一首甜蜜 、 温柔的歌.《期刊摘选》

57. The hungry thinks any food sweet.


58. Children may eat pills in mistake for sweets.


59. I guess it depends on if you have a sweet tooth or not.


60. The soul of sweet delight can never be defil'd.


61. We often follow the savoury course with a sweet course.


62. She felt the sudden sweet release of her own tears.


63. We need some biscuits and sweets. We don't n meed any sweets. Let's buy some fruit.

我们需要一些饼干和糖果. 我们不任何糖果. 让我们买一些水果.《期刊摘选》

64. Have you looked round this rectory? Is it not a sweet and pleasant retreat?

你参观过这牧师住宅的环境 吗 ?这不是一个甜蜜而愉快的静修之地 吗 ?《辞典例句》

65. The air was sweet and pure.


66. It has a sweet taste.


67. I have two sweet in my mouth.


68. I am so proud of you, my sweet!


69. She was very found of sweets.


70. I gulped a breath of sweet air.


71. He was a sweet man but when he drank he tended to quarrel...


72. I think that's sweet, so there.


73. The cool, sweet milk is just what you need in the tropical heat.


74. He's got a very sweet tooth.


75. Clear rice vinegar Sweet and subtle clear vinegar made from fermented rice, relatively low in acidity.

白米醋用发酵大米制成的甜味的和甚为清澈的醋, 酸度较低.《期刊摘选》

76. Gordon: do you suggest for a guy who likes sweet things?

戈登: 对于一个喜欢甜味的人,你有什么建议?《期刊摘选》

77. Be passionately in love, the boy friend calls me dear, baby, bud, my sweet heart.

热恋, 男朋友叫我亲爱的 、 宝贝 、 花骨朵儿 、 我的甜心.《期刊摘选》

78. Sugar has a sweet taste.


79. You must avoid taking sweet foods, e . g . cake, chocolate, and ice cream.

你必须避免吃甜食, 诸如蛋糕 、 巧克力和冰淇淋.《辞典例句》

80. Conversely, as the mood improves, craving for sweets may abate.

反之, 随着情绪改善对甜食的欲望可能减少.《期刊摘选》

81. It'sends out one kind sweet smell that made us happy.


82. the sweet air of a mountain village


83. I do like something sweet.


84. Lemon tastes a lot different, I think it is slightly sweet lemon to eat the best.

柠檬的口味也有很多不同, 我认为微微有一点甜的柠檬最好吃.《期刊摘选》

85. My baby girl, my sweet pea, daddy did not mean to leave you and mom.

宝贝女儿, 我亲爱的, 爸爸不是故意离开你和妈妈的.《期刊摘选》

86. We eat special sweet dumplings.


87. Don't you worry, my sweet.


88. I love sweets but Mum doesn't let me have them very often


89. Yap, he uses rock sugar instead of sugar that is too sweet and artificial.


90. Pa is a sweet, selfish, irresponsible darling, Scarlett thought, with a surge of affection for him.

思嘉暗想, 爸爸是个可爱 、 自私 、 不负责任的的宝贝, 心头不由得涌起一股对他的热爱之情.《飘(部分)》

91. In the Song Dynasty, enjoying the full moon while eating sweet mooncakes became very popular.

在宋朝, 欣赏满月,吃着甜甜的月饼已经很流行了.《期刊摘选》

92. There's a bag of assorted sweets on the table.


93. Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them.


94. sweet food


95. a sweet voice


96. Free tickets? Sweet!


97. All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.


98. First statement: Ethylene glycol is sweet.

第一句: 甘醇是甜的.《期刊摘选》

99. Not risking a thing yet staying alive as sweet trickle, an underground resourse.


100. Tears tastes sweet as long as you live your life.


101. After their marriage, they had a really long and sweet happy time.

婚后, 两人曾度过了一段好长甜蜜快乐的时光.《期刊摘选》

102. Called ollie pollen in Holland, they are stuffed with sweets like raisins and fruit.

奥利博伦在荷兰, 他们是装满糖果如葡萄干和水果.《期刊摘选》

103. We have both sweet and dry sherry.


104. Time to eat with tongue licking you, there is a sweet feeling, appetites ah!

吃的时候用舌尖舔一下, 有一种甜甜的感觉, 令人胃口大开啊!《期刊摘选》

105. They sweet-talked him into selling the farm.


106. A kind word, a sweet smile, a courage expression one's eyes will light student whole life.

教师一个鼓励的眼神,一个恬静的微笑, 一句温柔的话语, 可以照亮学生的一生.《期刊摘选》

107. ...a stream of sweet water.


108. It tastes slightly sweet [ a bIt'sour ].

它稍稍有点甜味 [ 有点酸 ].《期刊摘选》

109. Southerners like sweet things , says Philip Mooney , Coke's chief archivist.


110. Mike's wife have a big sweet tooth.


111. Many people enjoy the sweet taste and it's another healthy treat.


112. The sweet food lay heavy on my stomach.


113. Can give other fruits instead, as pieces of apple, banana, they are sweet too, but healthy.

也可以给其它水果做替代品, 如一个苹果, 香蕉, 他们也是甜的, 但对身体健康.《期刊摘选》

114. Therefore let your visit to that temple invisible be for naught but ecstasy and sweet communion.


115. The house was really sweet.


116. The marshals were encouraged with plenty of water and sweets.


117. Spring is a season of growth, whose air is full of sweet.

春天是生长的季节, 空气中透着甜味.《期刊摘选》

118. The sweet was a mousse flavoured with whisky.


119. Fine tannin with sweet touches in the finale.


120. In this shop they retail tobacco and sweets.


121. a sweet shop


122. It is used in sweet foods like candy, pies, puddings and cakes.

像糖果 、 馅饼 、 布丁和蛋糕这些甜食都会用到巧克力.《期刊摘选》

123. What sort of food would you like, peppery taste or sweet taste?

你喜欢吃什么风味的菜, 辣味还是甜味?《期刊摘选》

124. You a sweet surrender I must go the other way.


125. She kept dipping into the bag of sweets.


126. We shared the sweets.


127. We stayed in a sweet little hotel on the seafront.


128. If really like sweet bread, nothing wrong with choice of toast 1 teaspoon jam wipe.

假如非常喜欢甜味面包, 无妨选择吐司抹1小匙果酱.《期刊摘选》

129. Mellow: Soft in the mouth, sometimes an euphemism for sweet.

柔和: 口感和谐.有时实为甜味的委婉说法.《期刊摘选》

130. Let me prove that their happiness is a sweet taste.


131. Not only do carrots taste sweet, are also good for your health.

胡萝卜不但有甜味, 对健康也有益.《期刊摘选》

132. The champagne was sweet and too gassy.


133. She's very demure and sweet.


134. Her voice drifted [ vii ] in the crisp [ viii ] air like sweet, crystal sugar melting slowly.

她的声波在 清冽 的空间扩散,像清甜的冰糖渐渐融化.《期刊摘选》

135. Too many sweets and not enough exercise will make you put on weight.


136. Don't cry, sweet one; I have a soft heart. Your crying like that touches me.

不要哭啦, 宝贝儿, 我的心太软,你的哭声让我动情.《期刊摘选》

137. How about the sweet ? No sweet , thanks. Just coffee.

谢谢,不要甜食, 只要咖啡.《期刊摘选》

138. Mori's sweets is well know in the east for their supreme quality.


139. This wine is too sweet for me.


140. Are you looking for some sweets?

你想买些糖果 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

141. Chocolate has a sweet taste.


142. How sweet of you to think of me!


143. Sweet proteinthaumatinisthe sweetestsubstanceknownsofar. Thaumatin hasmanyfeaturesthatmakeitattractivetofood andfeedmanufacturers.

甜味蛋白( thaumatin )是世界上已知最甜的物质,具有很大的应用前景.《期刊摘选》

144. From sweet potatoes, he created 118 different substances, among them, candy and shoe polish.

他用甜土豆制成了118种不同的物品, 其中包括糖果和鞋油.《英汉非文学 - 科学史》

145. There, there, don't cry sweet heart!

得啦, 得啦, 宝贝儿别哭了!《期刊摘选》

146. He only saw her sweet, shy face.

他只注意到她的甜甜的 、 腼腆的脸.《期刊摘选》

147. Some say the Roman emperor Nero invented ice cream to satisfy his sweet tooth.


148. U once said that i'm the most lovely and sweet girl in the world.


149. Bye, sweet. Have a good day.

再见, 宝贝. 过得愉快.《期刊摘选》

150. The sweetest grapes hang the highest.


151. A sweet is sweet.


152. I have two sweets in my hand.


153. Sweets 2007 Unit Cost Guide Book NEW!


154. ...the sweet smell of her shampoo...


155. Daddy gotta get going, okay, sweet pea?

爸爸要走了, 好吗, 宝贝?《期刊摘选》

156. A: My sweet heart Nothing's gonna change my love for you.


157. The sales of its dairy, bottled water and sweet biscuits comes out top in the world.

其乳制品 、 瓶装水和甜味饼干三大主导产品销量均居世界前列.《期刊摘选》

158. Manna was a sweet gum or resin type of bread that God supernaturally sent from Heaven.


159. The production applied sodium cyclamate and xylitol as sweet agent instead of sucrose.


160. Many sweet foods are on sale in the store.


161. Children licked their lips when they saw the sweets.


162. She squared her baby off and gave him another sweet.


163. a cup of hot sweet tea


164. He is a man of a sweet and soft temper, but looks grave and solemn.

他是一个脾气很温柔的人, 但是她的外表很庄严肃穆.《期刊摘选》

165. You are doing great sweet heart Ari kissed Nef's rosy cheeks and said.


166. Say your goal is lose weight by dieting and cutting off sweets.


167. The product had a pure flavor, sweet tastes and high nutrient value.

产品风味纯正, 带有蜜甜味,是一种有营养价值的保健型果醋.《期刊摘选》

168. The mouse says: Don't brush your teeth, and keep your mouth sweet.

老鼠说: “ 别刷牙, 保持你嘴里的甜味. ”《期刊摘选》

169. Their neighbours usually give them a treat of sweets.


170. She'sa very sweet woman, as you no doubt know by now.


171. She's a very sweet old lady.


172. ...the sweet sounds of Mozart.


173. I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods


174. Rice pudding is a sweet dish made by baking rice with milk and sugar.


175. What drink is sweet to thee, what food shalt thou find from the deep?


176. She'd baked some bread which made the air smell sweet.


177. Chocolate can always satisfy my sweet tooth.


178. Method: The time that A and B groups felt sweet was measured with sugar in test.

方法: 经糖精试验测量A、B两组患者感觉甜味所需的时间.《期刊摘选》

179. Adding traditional medicine, sweet agent, and sour agent into short pumpkin, a healthy food be produced.

本文利用矮生南瓜,加入辅料中药材 、 甜味剂和酸味剂, 采用新的工艺研制了矮生南瓜丝天然保健食品.《期刊摘选》

180. ...the sweet taste of illicit love...


181. A sweet, spicy smell of native beer came from the straw wall.


182. The voice was sweet and light.


183. Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing.

元宵这种食物实际上是甜馅“饺子”的一种, 用粘糯米和甜的馅料制成.《期刊摘选》

184. It can also be eaten as a sweet dish, with jam, syrup, or sugar.

你也可以把它当成带有甜味的碟子, 拌着果酱或糖浆一起吃.《期刊摘选》

185. When he brought Imelda her drink she gave him a genuine, sweet smile of thanks.


186. Just a bite, there is a sweet juice flow into my mouth.

刚咬一口, 就有一股甜甜的汁水流进了我的口中.《期刊摘选》

187. Avoid excessive indulgence in sweets and canned drinks.


188. Some examples of junk food are candy , sweets and potato chips.


189. You can taste the green chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet.


190. The majority of sweet peas are still bred by enthusiastic amateur gardeners.


191. The majority of the grains, about 80%, were from cereal crops like barley ( 大麦), and about 10% were bits of roots, 32 including lily, which would have made the beer sweeter, the scientists say.

科学家们称,大部分颗粒——约占80%——来自大麦这样的谷类作物,还有约10% 是让啤酒变得更甜的小块的根,(32) 包括百合。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

192. It tastes sweet.


193. The room held the faint, sweet odour of pipe tobacco


194. She had a sweet, lively personality.


195. Goodnight. Sweet dreams .


196. That there's nothing sweeter than sleeping with your babies and feeling their breath on your cheeks.


197. I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods.


198. Jasmine oil has a sweet and exotic smell and gives you warmness and happiness feelings.


199. She's a very sweet woman, as you no doubt know by now.


200. A sweet white wine or liqueur.


201. He has a partiality for sweets.


202. When an Englishman say'cake ', he means sweet cake.

英国人说‘cake ’ 的时候, 指的是甜的蛋糕.《辞典例句》

203. Too much indulgence in sweets is bad for our health.


204. Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping?


205. That sweet consists of eggs, honey and cream.

那种甜食包括鸡蛋 、 蜂蜜和奶油.《简明英汉词典》

206. Sour and sweet sound alike when you pour them out on the rattling tray.



1. They stayed alive on sweet potatoes, a rich source of calories, vitamin A and beta carotene.

FORBES: Millions Served

2. The mylk tasted clean, creamy, nutty, and sweet, despite the fact that NO sweetener was added.

FORBES: Mylkman Delivers A True All Natural Dairy "Mylk" Alternative

3. He's a sweet-natured guy.


4. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A.

VOA : special.2009.04.21

5. Some balls had golf-specific names, like Par King, the Sweet Shot and the Play-off.

WSJ: A Plea for More Poetry on Golf Balls | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport

6. This is a sweet to enjoy straight, unembellished, the way you might a complex single-malt Scotch.

WSJ: A Delicious Honey Budino From Karen DeMasco of New York's Locanda Verde

7. when I'm holding Helen, it just feels like home, sweet home.

所以当我牵着海伦的时候,我总能感到家的甜蜜与温暖。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 恋爱八个年头

8. It's, it's clean. It's sweet. It's nice to be in a smaller community. It's definitely less busy.

这里的环境十分干净,生活贴心。生活在小社区十分舒适。生活也没有那么忙碌。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想学习宗教学

9. That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called. Retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title.

我们叫做玫瑰的这一种花要是换了个名字,它的香味还是同样的芬芳,罗密欧要是,换了别的名字,他的可爱的完美,也决不会有丝毫改变。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. This is a gift of flour and oil and incense, which is burned after a portion is removed for the priests as dues to the priests, the rest is burned on the altar again with a sweet smell from the incense.

祭品是面粉、油和香,这香的一部分被掰去,作为祭司的会费,剩下的部分摆在祭坛里燃烧,会发出一股甜甜的味道。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Then comes hope with a sweet smile and says softly, 'There is joy in forgetting one's self.'

VOA : special.2009.11.15

12. It is called,"Honey,I'm Homemade: Sweet Treats from the Beehive, Across the Centuries and Around the World."

VOA : special.2011.05.24

13. The liquid hits the back of my throat like an electric shock, at once bitter and sweet.

BBC: The three colours of Ibiza

14. I was only myself, Sal Paradise, sad, strolling in this violet dark, this unbearably sweet night wishing I could exchange worlds with the happy, true-hearted, ecstatic Negroes of America.

引-我只是我,萨尔·佩拉提斯,无精打采地徘徊在这个,温柔的难以忍受的夜晚,多希望自己能够变成,一个快乐,真诚,热情奔放的美国黑人。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. She's charming, a sweet creature.


16. And Taiwan introduced the world to Bubble Tea, a sweet milky beverage containing little pearls of tapioca.

BBC: Musical destinations: Taipei, Taiwan

17. Strands of black tagliatelle were flecked with succulent peekytoe crab and sweet cubanella peppers.


18. And that's where the sweet spot seems to be: the white matter slightly below Area 25.

CNN: Treating depression with electrodes inside the brain

19. Last year, the team made it to the Sweet 16, where it lost against Baylor.

FORBES: A Move To The Pac-12 And Coaching Changes Brought Winning Back To University Of Colorado Basketball

20. Dear Sal, sweet Laura. I've come, I've gone, but wait, ah, yes," and he stared with rocky sorrow into his hands. "Can't talk no more.

亲爱的萨尔,温柔的劳拉,我已经来了,我马上要走“,可等等,嗯,是的“,他盯着自己的手,脸上露出不安的神情。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. And actually, what we usually eat are what are called sweet almonds, and there aren't actual cyanide in the sweet almonds we eat, there's precursors to cyanide, which might not make you more comfortable.

实际上,我们经常吃的,被叫做甜杏仁,我们吃的甜杏仁其实不含氰化物,它里面含有的是氰化物的前驱体,这可能并不会让你感到更舒服一点。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. Jan Low with the International Potato Center, a research organization, says the sweet potato needs a better image in Africa.

VOA : special.2011.01.04

23. But Mr.Gustafson sees a better chance for the efforts to increase the popularity of the orange sweet potato in Africa.

VOA : special.2011.01.04

24. Oh, that was sweet. What a gift.

这是甜蜜的,多么好的礼物呀。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

25. Products that miss the sweet spot by arriving too early or too late, often fail miserably.

FORBES: DEC's Final Demise

26. Isn't she sweet?


27. I sometimes have trouble with students who talk very softly which is alright in itself and sometimes very sweet.

有时候有些同学说话轻声轻语,这样说话本身没什么,但我却有时听不太明白。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. So more profits are generated per barrel of sweet, light than heavier or sour crude oils.

FORBES: Does it Matter if Humans Trash the Planet?

29. For example,a child might offer something sweet to her little brother and then take it away when he reaches for it.

VOA : special.2009.09.27

30. The sweet,golden syrup is made from the sap harvested in spring from Vermont's sugar maple trees.

VOA : special.2010.10.25

31. And what the heck, it just looks pretty sweet -- never a bad thing.

ENGADGET: Numark NS7 II Serato DJ controller hands-on (video)

32. Well because you can, because it's less expensive to do so than it is elsewhere in the world and people naturally like sweet tastes.

一是因为你能做到,二是因为这么做的成本比在其他国家低,更何况人们天生喜欢甜味关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Elizabeth Custer wrote that a doughboy was a sweet food served to Navy men on ships.

VOA : special.2010.03.07

34. Enjoy sweet dreams at Posada de San Juan, which is close to the mission.

BBC: For the birds: Hitchcocks California

35. Gazprom is now said to be sweet-talking the Poles into a long-term gas contract.

ECONOMIST: Russia, NATO and Europe

36. She's very demure and sweet.


37. Parents might sometimes withhold sweet food from a child as a form of punishment for saying bad things.

VOA : special.2010.06.20

38. Ms. HOLIDAY: (Singing) Life can be so sweet on the sunny side of the street.

NPR: 'With Billie': A Jazz Great, As Others Saw Her

39. See how from far upon the Eastern road The Star-led wizards haste with odors sweet: O run, prevent them with thy humble ode, And lay it lowly at His blessed feet.

看一下明星引导的术士们是怎么,从东方遥远的路途上带着馨香匆忙赶路的:,快些,快把你们卑微的歌辞献上,谦虚地在他圣洁的脚下安放。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Is the stuff that makes soda sweet as bad for you as the nicotine in a cigarette?

FORBES: Souring On Sweeteners

41. Using compressed helium, the gun shoots the microscopic gene-bearing balls into sweet potato leaves.

FORBES: Millions Served

42. North Sea Brent and WTI, the two benchmark crude oils are both sweet, light.

FORBES: Does it Matter if Humans Trash the Planet?

43. Through smart strategic moves--and a bit of luck--Johnson Controls is in a sweet spot these days.

FORBES: Control Freaks

44. Just doing whatever you like and calling that sweet, free, and blessed throughout.

尽管做你爱做的事,并称之为惬意,自由,与喜悦。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. How sweet it is. Okay So that's sweet-sounding homophonic texture, mostly just chords. Thanks, Lynda.

多甜美啊,好,这就是甜美的主音织体,大多数只是和弦,谢谢,琳达聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Back then, he seemed like such a sweet man to me, and this felt unnecessarily cruel.

CNN: Former Playboy girlfriends feud

47. Some refineries are designed to distill sour crudes which cannot distill sweet and vice versa.

FORBES: Up Through the Ground Didn't Come a Bubblin' Crude

48. Families and friends gathered in homes to share a dinner of turkey,cranberries, sweet potatoes,green beans and pumpkin pie.

VOA : special.2010.11.26

49. But who is out there, who'd be sweet and kind and loving and wonderful?

但全世界又有谁,是温柔体贴而又慈爱美丽的呢?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. When Zephyr also has,with his sweet breath, Quickened again,in every holt and heath, The tender shoots and buds,and the young sun...

VOA : special.2011.01.05

51. She ordered six oysters,a chop, something sweet, a glass of wine and a cup of coffee.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

52. It has been summoning the press to the White House for sweet-talking sessions with the president.

WSJ: Strassel: Is the Obama-Media Alliance Over?

53. Nana put on a kettle to boil some water for an herbal tea called Sweet Dreams.

NEWYORKER: The House Behind a Weeping Cherry

54. But Candy knew that this boy was neither sweet nor darling, and probably never had been.

NEWYORKER: The Visitor

55. `Isn't that sweet?' he says mockingly.


56. He recently created an all-orange dish of nasturtium blossoms, sea urchin and sweet potatoes.

WSJ: Petal Pushers: Chefs Pick Edible Flowers

57. To make up for the nearly unbearable smell, the fibrous, powdery tanfruit has an addicting sweet taste inside.

BBC: Search the

58. "We're in the sweet spot of our product portfolio, " said GM Chief Financial Officer FritzHendersonFritz Henderson.

FORBES: Magazine Article

59. We ate it with big spoons, washing it down with hot, sweet black tea.

BBC: A train to nowhere in Siberia

60. Judge Sweet said the patent office thinks DNA should be treated like any other chemical compound.

VOA : special.2010.04.09

61. "She was a sweet girl, and everyone liked her, " said Ms. Rivera, leaning over her fence.

WSJ: Missing Cleveland Women Found Alive

62. Alpine skier Lindsey Vonn also experienced a sweet victory when she won the gold medal in the womens downhill ski race.

VOA : special.2010.02.26

63. What voice more sweet than hers When young and beautiful, She rode to harriers?

她,正值芳龄,秀丽动人,她骑着马去追野兔时,谁的声音能比她更动听?现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. So how do you find the sweet spot for developing an ROI for social media?

FORBES: Click Here for a Social Media ROI

65. and it was really sweet. We managed to get like a massive bit of cheese.

那次真的很贴心。我们得到了很大一块芝士。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 充满人情的地方



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