
Sb is fun后接动词用不定式还是现在分词
Sb is fun后接动词用不定式还是现在分词People think that the girl is fun _______ (be) with, but I don’t like her. 请问句中的空格处是填不定式 to be 还是填现在分词being?还是两者都可以?若填不定
It is fun后接动词是用to do还是用doing
It is fun后接动词是用to do还是用doingSome pupils think it’s fun ________ (try) the teacher’s patience. 请问句中的空格处是填不定式 to try 还是填现在分词或动名词 trying?还是两者都可以?若填不定式和
Swim is fun对吗(名词swim可以做主语吗)
Swim is fun对吗(名词swim可以做主语吗)以下两句都正确: Swimming is fun. To swim is fun. 但是,可以说 Swim is fun 吗?盼望专家老师能解惑。
可以说 a great fun 吗
可以说 a great fun 吗在《新观察(课前课后)七年级英语上册》第110页的短文填空中,有这样几个句子:Today is April 30. We have the school trip. It is a great f_____. 该书所给的答案是 fun,而老
分析语法:Relevant universities said government funding is still underway amid media reports that China's two main college funding initiatives were alreadyabolished,the Beijing News reported Thursday
分析语法:Relevant universities said government funding is still underway amid media reports that China's two main college funding initiatives were alreadyabolished,the Beijing News reported Thursday“Relevant universities said government funding is still underway amid media reports that China's two main college fundin
the function of sth作主语时表语要用不定式吗
the function of sth作主语时表语要用不定式吗老师说,当the function of sth作主语时,后面的表语要用不定式,不能用动名词。如: The primary function of a window is to let in light. 窗户的首要功能是透光。 请问上面句
fun和funny的用法有区别吗?看到You're funny. It's a funny dog. It's fun. 怎么感觉这2个词可以互换。都可以做表语,或定语。请问老师,这2个词有什么区别吗?
funnies是什么意思_funnies短语搭配_funnies权威例句funnies的意思是:n. 连环图画;笑话;滑稽戏;反常的怪事(funny 的复数)。学考宝为您提供funnies是什么意思,funnies翻译,funnies短语搭配,funnies权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
a fun person与a funny person的区别
a fun person与a funny person的区别一个有趣的人,说成英语是 a fun person 还是 a funny person?fun可以用于名词前作定语吗?fun 与 funny 有哪些区别?
主谓一致问题 Problems are what make travel fun and interesting.
主谓一致问题 Problems are what make travel fun and interesting.Problems are what make travel fun and interesting. 这里的谓语动词make为何没用单数形式?盼专家老师指导。
funicle是什么意思_funicle短语搭配_funicle权威例句funicle的意思是:n. 纤维;脐带;细绳。学考宝为您提供funicle是什么意思,funicle翻译,funicle短语搭配,funicle权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
to make fun of翻译_to make fun of短语搭配_to make fun of权威例句
to make fun of翻译_to make fun of短语搭配_to make fun of权威例句to make fun of的意思是:网络 取笑;开玩笑;嘲弄;捉弄。学考宝为您提供to make fun of是什么意思,to make fun of翻译,to make fun of短语搭配,to make fun of权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
fundamental principle翻译_fundamental principle短语搭配_fundamental principle权威例句
fundamental principle翻译_fundamental principle短语搭配_fundamental principle权威例句fundamental principle的意思是:基本原理或基本原则。学考宝为您提供fundamental principle是什么意思,fundamental principle翻译,fundamental principle短语搭配,fundamental principle权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
funster翻译_funster短语搭配_funster权威例句funster的意思是:n. 幽默家;喜剧演员。学考宝为您提供funster是什么意思,funster翻译,funster短语搭配,funster权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
funny翻译_funny短语搭配_funny权威例句funny的意思是:adj. 滑稽的,有趣的;古怪的,难以解释的;微恙的,稍有不适的;生气的,不友好的;疯疯癫癫的;出故障的;可疑的,不诚实的;放肆的 n. <美>(报纸上的)滑稽连环漫画;<非正式>笑话 adv. 古怪地,奇怪地。学考宝为您提供funny是什么意思,funny翻译,funny短语搭配,funny权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
fun翻译_fun短语搭配_fun权威例句fun的意思是:n. 乐趣,享受;嬉戏,玩笑 adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的 v. <美,非正式> 开玩笑,取笑。学考宝为您提供fun是什么意思,fun翻译,fun短语搭配,fun权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。