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英 [ɪˈmeʒərəbl]play美 [ɪˈmeʒərəbl]play

  • adj. 不可估量的

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immeasurable /ɪˈmɛʒərəbəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 If you describe something as immeasurable, you are emphasizing how great it is. 极大的; 不可度量的

    His contribution is immeasurable.




  • adv.

    immeasurably 无限地;广大无边地;不能测量地



1. immeasurable contrast 迥然不同

2. immeasurable faith 无限的信心

3. immense immeasurable 不可测量的

4. immeasurable a 无法计量的

5. immeasurable loss 不可估量的损失

6. Evil Immeasurable 祸害无量

7. the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 无量寿佛

8. immeasurable object 不可量物

9. four immeasurable minds 四无量心


1. Due to the lack of internal integrity, the loss is immeasurable.


2. To promote the use in the field of packaging decoration, its security role is immeasurable.

将其推广使用在包装装潢领域, 其防伪作用也是不可估量的.《期刊摘选》

3. Immeasurable quantity of natural resource is lost forever through misuse.

无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了。《provided by jukuu》

4. On the other hand, Along with the development of modern industry, How to better solve combinatorial optimization problem is not only becoming a academic research focus, and will bring immeasurable economic benefits.


5. These men's contributions to the English language and to Western thought in general are immeasurable.


6. His influence on all types of jazz was immeasurable.


7. Data mining technology has powerful data analysis and processing capabilities, provides important and valuable information or knowledge to make decision, and brings immeasurable value to society.


8. It is a very hard work, its value and role is immeasurable.


9. His contribution is immeasurable.


10. Pray.. There's immeasurable power in it.


11. But don't tell a scientist the thing he wants to understand is immeasurable.


12. Comparative Study on Law of Neighboring Violation on Immeasurable Matter


13. Keep in mind the value of our hands and fingers are immeasurable.


14. Housing standards improved immeasurably after the war.


15. The consequences of war are dire, the sacrifices immeasurable.

战争的后果是可怕的, 牺牲是无法估量的.《期刊摘选》

16. The immeasurable cannot be sought by thought, for thought has always a measure.


17. Your influence on their lives, whether or not you see results, is immeasurable.


18. There are the bubbles formationglass is like life: abstract and immeasurable.


19. Joy immeasurable, Sui Wei's knowledge was cloud.

欢喜无量, 遂为之识其后云.《期刊摘选》

20. It was there before him, around him, everywhere , illimitable, immeasurable.

它就在他的面前, 他的四周, 什么地方都是,一眼望不到头, 多得不可胜数.《辞典例句》

21. A trainings camp is of immeasurable value for an optimal preparation.


22. He stared into my eyes for an immeasurable period of time.


23. He is in immeasurable joy.


24. Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse.


25. The grief that the victims' parents, siblings, grandparents and friends suffer is immeasurable.


26. But if the network is attacked spitefully, the expense would be immeasurable.

一旦网络受到恶意攻击或破坏, 带来的损失将是无法估量的.《期刊摘选》

27. In the immeasurable distance there glimmers a solitary star on the highest point of heaven.


28. China is a market of immeasurable potential.

中国是个有着无限潜力的市场。《provided by jukuu》

29. I'd just like him to feel immeasurable pain.

我只是喜欢让他感到不可估量的痛苦。《provided by jukuu》

30. Current drugs can suppress it to almost immeasurable levels to keep patients alive.


31. The depth of the universe is immeasurable.


32. The awesomeness of God is immeasurable.


33. Cat ownership has many benefits are immeasurable in terms of companionship and love.


34. From the stone age to the iron age implements the change is immeasurable.


35. In today's knowledge society, knowledge has an immeasurable effect.


36. Love that is geometric, love that is scientific, a love of immeasurable sacredness.


37. A giving, loving and patient partner can be of immeasurable value to her.


38. The Immeasurable Information Collection and Management System for the Equipment of Power System


39. The unplanned exploitation of land can cause immeasurable damage to ecosystem.


40. The valor and selfless devotion of these men fills their families with immeasurable pride.


41. Brand as a symbol of development for a region, the regional economic impact is immeasurable.


42. The very sense of belongingness has led us to immeasurable expectations.


43. You would measure time the measureless and the immeasurable.


44. Pray or meditate. There's immeasurable power in it.

祈祷或冥想, 其内含的能量之大是无法估量的.《期刊摘选》

45. They tell us that the future is one of immeasurable possibility.


46. Its influence is immeasurable.


47. It was as if she were looking into immeasurable space.


48. E-commerce on the global economy has had an immeasurable effect.


49. Brown's admiration for her was immeasurable, and he wanted her to accompany him on the raid.


50. We sat like that for another immeasurable moment;


51. Since the true extent of your evil legacy is immeasurable.

因为你那邪恶传统的实力是无法衡量的。《provided by jukuu》

52. Its influence has been immeasurable.


53. Human potential is an immeasurable wealth of mineral resources, just waiting for us to dig.


54. Her films had an immeasurable effect on a generation of americans.

她的影片对一代美国人有着无法估量的影响。《provided by jukuu》

55. Only from the popularity of this point of view about what has been immeasurable.


56. The delay or failure of these computer systems could cause immeasurable loss.


57. to cause immeasurable harm


58. There was an immeasurable distance between the quick and the dead.


59. Dahlia's patience was immeasurable, because it would take several minutes just to communicate one sentence.


60. Relief atlases, with the names of all providers of relief services, would be of immeasurable help in major emergencies.


61. Building a presence in overseas markets can produce immeasurable benefits.

在海外市场上树立起形象可带来不尽利润。《provided by jukuu》

62. He's more motivated than ever and his quality as a player is immeasurable.


63. I felt an immeasurable love for him


64. How else could she show her immeasurable gratitude?


65. Defects in company liquidation do immeasurable harm to the development of our company system.


66. To improve productivity and reduce labor intensity, improve the quality of products have an immeasurable effect.

对提高生产效率,降低劳动强度, 提高产品质量有着不可估量的作用.《期刊摘选》

67. The list goes on, and among these immeasurable vital functionsof nature is of course its ability to absorb carbon dioxide.


68. The effect of any innovation on society and economy is almost immeasurable.


69. The economic, social, and personal costs are immeasurable.

对经济、社会及个人更造成难以估计的损失。《provided by jukuu》

70. The value of the industry is immeasurable.


71. Any gain in speed for a hairless cyclist be so small as to be immeasurable.


72. The value and role of brand design can also be seen, the commercial impact is immeasurable.


73. Thee ideal strength is immeasurable, it is not just a goal, is also a hope, but also a power.


74. Through this immeasurable probability, you are all here.

如同我们今天能聚在一起的概率一样, 是无法计算的.《电影对白》

75. He has an immeasurable faith for the future.


76. Will Dalian immeasurable economic and social value, cultural value and environmental value.


77. Cable going wrong in using will bring the immeasurable loss for communications business in operation.


78. China Is On The move, and when it moves, everything moves around it, its energy and power are incredible and immeasurable.


79. I felt an immeasurable love for him...


80. He is in immeasurable joy. What a joy to have you with us!

他沉浸在巨大的欢乐之中. 有你和我们在一起真令人高兴!《期刊摘选》

81. How shall I turn this sea within me into mist, and move with you in space immeasurable?


82. Because our products are less domestic product, and prospects immeasurable, to be an enormous market.

由于我们的产品是国内较少的产品, 而且前景不可估量,市场需量很大.《期刊摘选》

83. What an immeasurable difference there is in the depth and vehemence of his emotions!


84. And of course the answer, inevitable and immeasurable as the fluttering silence of our sun, is yes.


85. Stress has an immeasurably more serious effect on our lives than we realize.


86. To follow the truly humane will bring immeasurable good.



1. This must have been causing Jean immeasurable grief.


2. "If the measure of man's life is what he achieved, Robin achieved so much it's immeasurable, " continued Mr Graham.

BBC: Robin Gibb: Blue plaque unveiled at Bee Gee home

3. C. but the national security community and the Congress to reject this "fire-sale" of an asset with immeasurable significance for the Nation's future strategic interests and economic competitiveness.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Vote No to Firesale of Fiber-Optic Network

4. For 25 years, Jeanne had an immeasurable impact in helping ramp up America's response to this epidemic.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs Ryan White HIV/AIDS Act

5. Even though submarines can be located and sunk, they still provide an immeasurable advantage to navies which possess them.


6. His contribution is immeasurable.


7. During National Hispanic Heritage Month, we pause to celebrate the immeasurable contributions these individuals have made to our Nation -- from its inception to its latest chapters.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

8. Their passion and the risks they faced have made me a better entrepreneur by offering immeasurable perspective.

FORBES: Being Raised By A Firefighter Made Me A Better Entrepreneur

9. "His behaviour that night was simply cruel and the lasting psychological harm he has caused is immeasurable, " she said.

BBC: IPad filming rapist Hesam Khosravi's sentence increased

10. The initiative is of immeasurable importance.


11. Family caregivers have an immeasurable impact on the lives of those they assist, but their hours are long and their work is hard.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

12. "On operations, this selfless legacy, though immeasurable, has undoubtedly helped save the lives of both Afghans and British servicemen alike, " he added.

BBC: UK troops killed in Helmand named

13. "The NFI has been vital in identifying and combating fraud, its long term value for the public sector has become immeasurable, " added Mr Colman.

BBC: Fraud detection scheme nets ?4.5m

14. This immeasurable uncertainty, he argued, explains why people hoard cash, why investment is volatile and why financial markets are inherently unstable.

ECONOMIST: John Maynard Keynes

15. While the SEC Championship games themselves have been mostly unmemorable affairs, the impact of the game has been almost immeasurable.

FORBES: The SEC Championship Game Is The Reason For The Crazy Conference Realignments In College Football

16. "The prestige that Nick Park and his colleagues have brought to Bristol is immeasurable, " said Mr Abraham.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Bristol/Somerset | Aardman offered freedom of city

17. "Steve's impact is immeasurable, " Jay Adelson, a co-founder of Internet infrastructure giant Equinix, wrote on Twitter.

CNN: Mark Milian,

18. The value of these reverse mentorships where the junior advises the senior is immeasurable.

FORBES: Why You Should Be Networking With People Half Your Age

19. It comes at an immeasurable cost in terms of time and stress as we struggle to keep our noses above the junk (mail).

FORBES: An Open Letter To Zuck: Forget Ads, Make Us Pay For Facebook

20. And once we emerge from the immediate crisis, the long-term economic gains to communities that have been left behind in the digital age will be immeasurable.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on June Jobs Numbers

21. Following the sentencing, the Bishop of Chichester, Dr Martin Warner, said Rideout had caused "immeasurable and destructive suffering over a long period of time".

BBC: Sex abuse priest Gordon Rideout jailed for 10 years

22. And the benefits, when estimated using a standard climate model, will reduce temperature only by an immeasurable one-tenth of a degree Fahrenheit by the end of the century.

WSJ: Bjorn Lomborg: Climate-Change Misdirection

23. On White Cane Safety Day, our Nation celebrates the immeasurable contributions the Americans who use canes have made as valued members of our diverse country.

WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Proclamation--White Cane Safety Day

24. The Aberdeenshire West MSP said many people with a disability found assistance dogs of "immeasurable value".

BBC: Assistance Dogs are Working Dogs Too debate

25. Accept these universal challenges and embrace the supportive community though the monetary and emotional costs of entrepreneurship may be high, its rewards can also be immeasurable beyond belief!

FORBES: Starting Up? Embrace Your (Sometimes Scary) New Normal

26. And, she says, since dalits have been abused by their countrymen for centuries, there is immeasurable value in gestures to lift their caste pride.

ECONOMIST: Caste in India

27. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the federal income tax (February) and the Federal Reserve System (December), both of which today are doing immeasurable harm.

FORBES: Two Awful Anniversaries: Income Tax and Federal Reserve

28. Avid chat participant Ify Ofulue uses chats to brainstorm with guest speakers and says it is an immeasurable source of knowledge.

CNN: Why women in business are flocking to Twitter chat

29. And it has embodied immeasurable sacrifices by brave volunteers and their beloved in defense of freedoms that we and citizens of other threatened nations so fortunately enjoy.

FORBES: In Reflection, With Resolve, Rediscovering American Exceptionalism

30. The IMF has done immeasurable harm to developing countries around the world, and Haiti has been a particularly hard-hit victim.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

31. One area in which the President-elect can do immediate, immeasurable good is to vigorously declare for a strong and stable dollar.

FORBES: Miraculous March to the White House

32. The immeasurable side effect of all this is perhaps the most insidious of them all: a loss of confidence in financial institutions.

FORBES: Basel Barriers: How capital requirements would impede progress in the sovereign debt crisis

33. We break down the immeasurable immensity of universal time into seconds, hours, days and years.

FORBES: What's "New Year" Anyway?



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