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英 [heɪ]play美 [heɪ]play

  • n. (用作饲料的)干草;<美,非正式> 少量的钱
  • v. 割草晒干

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


hay /heɪ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Hay is grass which has been cut and dried so that it can be used to feed animals. (作饲料用的) 干草

    ...bales of hay.


  • 2.
    习语 If you say that someone is making hay or is making hay while the sun shines, you mean that they are taking advantage of a situation that is favourable to them while they have the chance to. 晒草要趁好太阳; 抓紧时机

    We knew war was coming, and were determined to make hay while we could.


  • 3.
    动词 to cut, dry, and store (grass, clover, etc) as fodder 把(青草、苜蓿等)制成干草
  • 4.
    名词 a circular figure in country dancing (乡村舞中的)圆圈舞步型



  • adj.

    haywire 乱糟糟的,乱七八糟的;疯狂的

  • n.

    haystack 干草堆

    haywire [电] 临时电线;捆干草用的铁丝

    haycock 圆锥形的干草堆

    hayfield 干草地,种秣草地

    hayloft 干草棚

    haymaker 干草机;制作干草的人;强力一击

    haymaking 制备干草;利用机会

    hayrack 干草架;叉形指梁;雷达信标

    hayrick 草垛;户外干草堆

    hayseed 乡巴佬;干草种子,干草屑

  • vi.

    haymaking 割晒牧草



1. hay rake 二层台 ; 井架指梁 ; 干草架

2. Hay Day 卡通农场 ; 干草日 ; 高清游戏拼图 ; 中文名卡通农场

3. Hay Group 合益集团 ; 合益团体 ; 海氏评估体系 ; 合益咨询

4. hay tedder 农机 摊草机 ; 干草翻动机 ; 干草翻晒机 ; 翻草机

5. Louise Hay 露易丝·海 ; 露易丝海

6. Hay-on-Wye 海伊镇 ; 海伊小镇 ; 海伊 ; 黑镇

7. John Hay 海约翰 ; 约翰·海伊 ; 约翰·海 ; 美国国务卿海约翰

8. make hay 利用机会去赚钱

9. hay fever [医]枯草热;[医]花粉病

10. Timothy hay 成兔也以此为主食 ; 梯牧草 ; 提摩西

11. hit the hay [俚]睡觉,就寝

12. hay cutter 切草机,割草机


1. She's a victim of the dreaded hay fever


2. He could smell muck and clean fresh hay.


3. The horses were champing their hay.


4. There is a saying that every time the sheep bleats, it loses a mouthful of hay.

有句古谚曾说,绵羊每叫一声, 它就会掉落一口干草.《期刊摘选》

5. The farmers hurried to make hay before the rain came.


6. I feed them bales of hay every day, and it ought to be enough.


7. All afternoon we heaved bales of hay up onto the truck.


8. Hay bales, a picnic table and canopy attempted to re-create the relaxed feel of the Urban Farm at Lafayette.


9. They usually keep the hay in the barn.


10. Hay fever affects males more than females.


11. The farmer has stored up enough hay for his cows to eat in winter.


12. Make hay while the sun shines.


13. Hans takes the needle, sticks it into a hay-cart, and follows the cart home.


14. We knew that war was coming, and were determined to make hay while we could.


15. He raises 2,000 acres of wheat and hay.


16. On New Year's Eve, Russians have the world's latest bedtime, hitting the hay at around 3:30 a.m.

新年前夕,俄罗斯人保持着世界上最晚的就寝时间记录——大约在凌晨3:30。《四级真题- 2015年 12月 2卷 阅读B》

17. And there was always hay being pitched down to the cows and the hourses and the sheep.


18. The man filled the manger with hay.


19. These men have quarreled over the price of a load of hay.


20. Isn't this better than hay?


21. He drove by with a big load of hay


22. About half the guys in the village were hay burners.


23. He is carting hay.


24. European perennial grass widely cultivated for pasture and hay and as a lawn grass.


25. We have to fork the hay into the wagon.


26. When you are tired and you want to go to bed, you can say, "I need to hit the hay."

当你累了想上床睡觉的时候,你可以说,"我需要干草。(我得睡了)"《中考真题- 2019 长沙 阅读》

27. Once hay has been cut and baled, it has to go through some chemical processes.


28. She advised him to make hay.


29. He drove by with a big load of hay.


30. They struck out for the woods across a shaggy field of wasting hay.


31. Hay fever is an affliction that arrives at an early age.


32. a bale of hay


33. Just now, instead of hay, I should be eating some good bread and butter.


34. This is also true of soil, grain, hay and animals.

这也同样适用于土壤 、 谷物 、 干草和动物.《期刊摘选》

35. When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold.


36. Hay fever affects males more than females.


37. The hay was so well stacked that it kept up even in strong winds.


38. The magic word "abracadabra" was originally intended for the specific purpose of curing hay fever.


39. That's because a bed was often a big bag with hay inside in the past.

那是因为在过去,床经常是一个装满干草的大袋子。《中考真题- 2019 长沙 阅读》

40. Ah, you don't like hay either?


41. He's been a lifelong sufferer from hay fever.


42. If you want to be successful before thirty, you have to make hay while the sun shines.


43. But buckaroos also bail hay, mend fences, and haul trucks out of desert mud holes.

除此之外,牛仔还要整理干草 、 修补篱笆及将卡车拖离沙漠中的泥洞.《期刊摘选》

44. The cart has a load of hay.


45. She's a victim of the dreaded hay fever.


46. Scarcely had they set foot on the threshold, when Tom called out, "Don't bring me any more hay!"


47. Falling back into the fragrant hay, she soon slept peacefully and soundly still the bright morning came.


48. Then, we're led back to the stable like cows, to chew dry hay.

紧接着, 我们被牵回畜栏像母牛一样, 来吃干草.《电影对白》

49. My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make "It returns us to the work of mowing."


50. His family had a 40-hectare farm on which they grew wheat, maize and hay and raised pigs and cattle.


51. ...bales of hay.


52. But they feed us only grass and hay.


53. The children snuggled down on the hay.


54. Make hay while the sun shines ( or while sun is hot ) .

解释:趁太阳高照,将干草整理好.意思是指 趁热打铁,不要拖延耽误时机.《期刊摘选》

55. The hay was pitched into a barn.


56. But mostly it smelled of hay, for there was always hay in the great loft4 up overhead.


57. They laid in hay for the winter.


58. Finally, not finding anything else in the manger, he tasted the hay.


59. Secretary Hay concluded a treaty with the Colombian Charge , Tomas Herran, on January 22, 1903.

海国务卿在1903年1月22日与哥伦比亚代办托马斯? 埃尔兰 签订了一条条约.《辞典例句》

60. Hay has to be cut and gathered when it is dry.


61. Once hay has been cut and baled it has to go through some chemical processes.


62. Hay fever is an affliction which arrives at an early age.


63. The hay was baled and piled.


64. The farmers were delighted to get the hay in so early in the year.


65. Tom is hiding in that stack of hay.


66. Hay gives me a headache!


67. A farmer produced a bale of hay. One horse or another can eat it, but not both.


68. Humidity should be provided by stuffing the hidebox with moist leaves, hay, or peat.

准备个隐藏洞穴,周围布置干草,树叶, 书皮,再撒水, 这样就比较好了.《期刊摘选》

69. They use a big machine to bale hay.


70. Make hay while the sun shines or you'll regret missing the opportunities in your life.


71. ...traditional hay making methods.


72. Cotton, hay, and grain are field crops.

棉花 、 干草和谷物都是大田作物.《期刊摘选》

73. Hay fever sufferers have a worse time when the pollen count is high.


74. Gleb scrabbled about in the hay, pulled out a book and opened it.


75. Climbing up, she arrived at a hayloft, which was filled with fresh and fragrant hay.


76. At last, he cried out as loud as he could, "Don't bring me any more hay!"


77. He ignited the wood with a band of hay.


78. She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family's farm.


79. The driver heaped a cart with hay.


80. Great author , hay ? Go about with the swells.

嗨, 成了大作家? 尽跟头面人物打交道.《辞典例句》

81. Spring and summer are taken up by the reaping of hay and the threshing of corn.


82. "This hay is not bad," he said to himself.


83. Asthma, a bronchial condition, is much less common ailment than hay fever, an allergic inflammation of the nasal passages.


84. Rainy weather brings blessed relief to hay fever victims.


85. The film crew are touring around the world to promote their new romantic comedy prior to Valentine's. They are making hay while the sun shines.


86. He fetched some hay for each cow.


87. Farmers cut the hay, fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns.


88. These plots were hayed late in the year.


89. A classic metaphor is that a donkey starving between two stacks of hay because of the inability to choose.


90. The farmer forked hay.


91. Opening her eyes, she saw her little bed and the hay beside her bathed in golden sunlight.



1. En Osetia del Sur y Abjasia, opina Boonstra, no hay una historia de violencia tan marcada.

BBC: Mundo | Internacional | El costo de la independencia

2. Today Hay released research provided by 310 U.S. companies from March through June of this year.

FORBES: Compensation Is Going Up -- But Only At The Top

3. In other words, if the weather is good and the hay grows, you can't cut it.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

4. Some people slept on hay in barns where they kept their farm animals.

VOA : special.2009.09.20

5. Hitting the hay simply means going to bed.

VOA : special.2009.09.20

6. The findings are to be presented in a lecture at the Hay Festival in May.

BBC: William Shakespeare

7. The hay isn't handed over to you.

这堆草不是直接给你们的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. An action group was formed in Hay two years ago in opposition to the new supermarket.

BBC: Deal for 'free' Hay-on-Wye school dropped by Powys council

9. Farmers know that it is necessary to make hay while the sun shines.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

10. So,the mother learns to make hay while the sun shines.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

11. Much political hay has been made about the top 1% of income in the United States.

FORBES: What Equality Should We Seek in Society?

12. Former Celtic, Dunfermline, Livingston, Motherwell and St Mirren Davie Hay had been interviewed for the vacancy.

BBC: McCall takes control at Firhill

13. That is a good idea. I think I will hit the hay now.

VOA : special.2009.09.20

14. The libraries. There are, the library nearby, John Hay's library has a human bound book,

图书馆。有,附近的图书馆,约翰·海伊图书馆有一本人皮装订的书,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 布朗的宿舍公寓

15. Cows were kept on the first floor and the one above was used to store hay.

VOA : special.2009.12.29

16. Secretary Hay refused to wait for them to act.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

17. it's like finding a needle in a hay stack.

这简直是大海捞针。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : It's like 课堂

18. He put fresh hay around Maudie and went to look for some old cloth.

VOA : special.2010.01.09

19. Protesters stepped forward to burn pictures of Mr Kangler on a hay bale bonfire.

BBC: Why Slovenia is content no more

20. My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make" returns us to the work of mowing and the work of reading and interpretation and deciphering.

我的长长的镰刀低语着留下一堆稻草“,这让我们重新回到割草的劳动中,来朗读,解释,解密这首诗歌。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. The lorry was loaded with bales of hay.


22. Secretary Hay asked the nations involved to agree to equal trading rights for all countries in all parts of China.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

23. Not every big business boss is rolling in bonus dough, the Hay analysis showed.

WSJ: Executive Bonuses Bounce Back

24. He passes me a wicker basket of hay and shows me how to swing it on my shoulder.

BBC: Snowbound Slovenia

25. Maudie was quiet. In the hay,lay a 1ittle wet calf.

VOA : special.2010.01.09

26. hay-fever sufferers


27. Hay fever affects males more than females.


28. No obstante, hay diferencias de criterio entre los candidatos acerca de cuales deben ser estos cambios.

BBC: Mundo | A fondo | 2005 | Elecciones Bolivia | Claves: elecciones en Bolivia

29. William Hay, DUP, and Martina Anderson, Sinn Fein were elected on the first count in Foyle.

BBC: Former Assembly Speaker criticises poll count system

30. Hay lanzadores que en la primera entrada se meten en problemas y hacen hasta 40 lances.

BBC: Mundo | Deportes | Concepcin: el pitcheo "ser clave"

31. The hay, that is, well, what? The payoff, what the poem is all about, what mowing is all about.

这堆草又是什么呢,是成果,诗歌的成果,割草的结果。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. The land will also be used to make hay and silage in the summer.

BBC: Belted Galloway

33. In many places, hay bales were used as a base to dump the snow on.

VOA : standard.2010.02.16

34. My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make.

我的长镰低语,离开一堆堆干草。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. This is also true of soil,grain, hay and animals.

VOA : special.2010.08.10

36. As hay fever medicines are scuttled by generic Claritin, Merck begins advertising a new allergy pill.

FORBES: Merck's Allergy Bet Paying Off

37. With their help,Secretary Hay got the others to accept money -- not territory -- as payment for damages.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

38. For my 10th birthday I persuaded my mother to fill my bedroom with hay.

WSJ: A Horse-Crazy Girl's Separation Vacation

39. Nate and Olive sat in the hay.

VOA : special.2010.01.09

40. Footprints have also been painted near bins in Hay-on-Wye, Powys, and Torfaen's Pontypool and Cwmbran.

BBC: Footprint art on pavements to tackle litter problem

41. But for years farmers just harvested soybean plants for hay.

VOA : standard.2010.02.01

42. Wildflowers in Cumbria's hay meadows are "thriving", thanks to a restoration project by volunteers.

BBC: Cumbria wildflowers thrive after hay meadow restoration

43. Within a month of Hay's announcement, violence broke out against foreigners in China.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

44. Secretary of State Hay quickly announced America's policy on the issue.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

45. If you are tired after hitting all those nails on the head, then it is time to hit the hay.

VOA : special.2009.09.20

46. Other studies have suggested hay fever was less common among children living on farms.

BBC: Asthma vaccine hope

47. To prevent that from happening, American Secretary of State John Hay proposed what became known as the "Open Door" policy.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

48. The commune is important in the big Hay Market Affair, the collective memory of the commune in the Hay Market Affair in Chicago and the people hung there in-- when was it--1886.

公社在"干草市场事件"中至关重要,公社的集体记忆在芝加哥"干草市场事件"中,是至关重要的,人们被吊死,时间是...一八八六年1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Hay has to be cut and gathered when it is dry.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

50. I slept on the hay in the farmer's barn.


51. Mrr Hay said the number of attacks on Protestants was "a sad, sad tragedy".

BBC: 'Rise in attacks on Protestants'

52. Como no hay leche baja en grasa, la gente tiene que mezclar agua con calcio.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Venezuela Brief: Countdown to Tyranny II

53. Only the booming forex traders(and yes, the gold bulls) are making hay of it.

FORBES: What To Do About A Falling Dollar And A Rising Yuan

54. The company released Clash of Clans and Hay Day in the summer of 2012.

FORBES: Is This The Fastest-Growing Game Company Ever?

55. She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family's farm.


56. That expression comes from the days when people slept on beds filled with dried grass or hay.

VOA : special.2009.09.20

57. Carlos Berroeta los nombres de los coordinadores regionales, indicando que hay algunos por nombrar.

UNESCO: Enero 2011

58. There was no increase in asthma or hay fever levels between 1992 and 2000.

BBC: Childhood asthma starting to fall

59. So a wise farmer never postpones gathering his hay when the sun is shining.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

60. That was up from 35% in 2009, according to Hay Group, a consulting firm.

FORBES: Why 'Pay For Performance' Is a Sham

61. Meanwhile assistant head coach Andy Hay has signed a one-year extension with the Tigers.

BBC: Castleford hand Arundel contract

62. The cow lay quietly,chewing some hay.

VOA : special.2010.01.09

63. Congressional leaders were quick to try and make political hay out of passage of the bill.

FORBES: The Great Currency Debate

64. The rise in compensation detailed by the Hay Group is part of a broader trend.

FORBES: Big Bonuses Are Back: Is There Anything Wrong With That?

65. Hay pilas de escombro que llevan al hoyo que ahora tiene la casa de Azem Ali.

BBC: Hazem Ali afirma que fue sujeto a una pesadilla de 12 horas.



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