camping out是什么意思_camping out短语搭配_camping out权威例句

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camping out

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  • 露营:一种在野外扎营度过一个或多个夜晚的休闲活动。

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1. out for camping 假如明天下雨的话


1. Torrential rain has inflicted more damage in the earthquake zone where millions are still camping out in fear of fresh tremors.


2. Student-led protests have been under way in Hong Kong for more than 50 days, with hundreds still camping out in three areas across the territory.


3. Camping out is such great fun.


4. After camping out for six days, they took down their tents and closed up shop.

在外露营六天之后, 我们拔营结束.《互联网》

5. We'll have a great time camping out I'm sure.


6. The students love camping out in summer holidays.


7. I've always liked camping out.


8. We play camping out, and I don't need a tent.


9. We play camping out, and I don't need a tent.


10. We have the option of camping out on our tree platforms or sleeping suspended in hammocks between branches of the same tree!


11. A recreational vehicle equipped for camping out while traveling.


12. Camping out is such great fun.


13. Since they would soon be transfered to Shanghai, they were camping out in the staff living quarters.


14. Torrential rain has inflicted more damage in the earthquake zone where millions are still camping out in fear of fresh tremors.


15. That's why I started camping, out in the wild, across Java and Sumatra, in a cheap Kmart tent and the rain that fell at night.


16. This sort of watery camping out was a thing which these people were liable to be treated to a couple of times a year.

这种水上的野宿是这种人一年总要享受几次的。《provided by jukuu》

17. Are they camping out for our concert?


18. Tomorrow night we'll be camping out in tents.


19. In America, camping out in line is only for wastes of time like Star Wars prequels or iPads, but Chinese people need to camp out for days to register for housing or even get into some kindergartens.


20. The big papers had been camping out in Arkansas for weeks, looking for whatever they could find on my record and my personal life.


21. I'm camping out at a friend's apartment at the moment.

我目前暂时寄宿在朋友的住处。《provided by jukuu》

22. The question of whether camping out equals speech seems likely to be a central point as the legal battle over Zuccotti Park proceeds.


23. The children like camping out when we go on holidays.


24. "Campout" is a reference to the Duke tradition of students camping out in tents and camper vans for 36 hours in order to buy tickets for basketball games.


25. Let me tell you, going camping, camping, camping out under the stars.


26. Camping out in the great outdoors appeals to adventurous types.


27. The students love camping out in summer holidays.


28. Do you enjoy camping out?


29. This is the amazing moment a man driving home after spending a weekend camping out in the wilderness is greeted farewell by a giant bear.


30. That led to seven hours of camping out to get free tickets to Merchants of Venice, starring 6 Al Pacino.


31. Tomorrow night we'll be camping out in tents.


32. Or even camping out in the summer.


33. incidental Certain discomforts are incidental to the joys of camping out.


34. I've always liked camping out.


35. We'll have a great time camping out, I'm sure.


36. Those with more expensive tastes choose luxurious resorts and hotels. Camping out in the great outdoors appeals to adventurous types.


37. If Brazilians were doing Black Friday right, they'd have people camping out in front of Patio Higienopolis Thursday night, or at least barging through the doors at 00:01 on Friday at the nearest FNAC.

如果巴西人懂得怎么过黑色星期五的话,那就应该在周四晚上到Patio Higienopolis卖场门口扎营,或至少在周五凌晨第一时间闯入最近的FNAC门店。

38. And with three days to go until the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, some people have begun camping out for prime viewing spots.


39. I'm camping out at a friend's apartment at the moment.


40. The boys like camping out in good weather.


41. But in the long run Apple will maintain its position only if it comes up with new products worth camping out for.


42. People were sleeping on the street outside shattered homes or camping out at the airport.


43. Oh, I forgot you were camping out here.


44. Right . Here we are camping out in the woods instead of staying in a hotel.


45. Tourists come from around the world, often camping out in RVs so they don't miss the pre-dawn liftoffs.


46. Each time rides the saloon car to embark, whether keeps thinking about is camping out nearby the lonesome and quiet creek time.


47. Lines are long and passengers are still camping out in the hallways.


48. But after three consecutive nights of camping out I'd had enough, especially since the last had been spent near Verdun in Le Foret du Mort Homme, which translates as Dead Man's Forest.

但是连续在野外露营三天之后,我就感觉受不了了。特别是最后一夜在凡尔登(Verdun)附近的Le Foret du Mort Homme度过,翻译成英文就是“死人森林”。

49. Activists described a dire humanitarian crisis developing in the capital, with many families who live in the volatile outskirts of the city camping out in parks in the relatively safer city centre.


50. As they expected to move out almost immediately, they were camping out together in a small room.


51. These people think nothing of camping out overnight in freezing cold weather just to attend one of his speeches.


52. Camping out enables children to solve problems independently.


53. The children love camping out when we go on holiday.


54. The children love camping out when we go on holiday.


55. The boys like camping out in good weather.


56. We'll have a great time camping out, I'm sure.


57. Several hundred opposition activists are camping out in the Chistye Prudy area of central Moscow, in an action organizers are now calling "Occupy Abai" after the 19th Century Kazak Poet and Philosopher Abai Kunanbayaev, whose bronze statue sits amid the encampment.

注:文本转自UNSV在莫斯科市中心Chistye Prudy,数百名反对派活动人士在此处安营扎寨,组织者把此行动叫做“占领阿拜”。

58. As they expected to move out almost immediately, they were camping out together in a small room.


59. Certain discomforts are incidental to the joys of camping out.



1. But after days of camping out inside congress, Calderon lawmakers had done their job.

NPR: Calderon's Swearing-In Marred by Violence

2. People came and went, visiting other patients, surprised to see three grown women with fancy duvets camping out in a hospital waiting room.

NPR: 'Pretty' Chronicles Drastic Steps to Prevent Cancer

3. As you mentioned, the rally downtown is over now, but slowly mothers and family members of troops who've died in Iraq have been making their way out to Camp Casey, this site along the road to President Bush's ranch where Cindy Sheehan has been camping out.

NPR: Crowd Gathers in Crawford to Support Bush

4. She said she has received word that firefighters are camping out on her driveway and her neighbor's, putting out spot fires.

CNN: Family films frantic escape from Colorado wildfire

5. This is just a continuation of a trend that has not let up since the financial crisis: investors shedding equities and camping out in bonds.

FORBES: Connect

6. Jake (John Malkovich) and Tina (Andie MacDowell) are a glamorous American couple camping out in a suite in a swank London hotel.

NEWYORKER: The Object of Beauty

7. Many began camping out in any open-air section of the ship.

CNN: , Special to

8. Soon I was inviting friends to Utah for the festival, camping out overnight for tickets and sitting through as many as four films a day.

CNN: Redford and me: Confessions of a Sundance stargazer

9. This spring training, he took his efforts to the next level, camping out with team trainers in the back rooms of the team's Tampa complex and experimenting with a variety of devices.

WSJ: It's for Sliding, Not Baking

10. In the end, red-shirt protesters, after camping out in the Thai capital for more than two months, surrendered in the face of the overwhelming might of the Thai army (see article).

ECONOMIST: Thailand in flames

11. The bass has fantastic oomph and the audio plenty of clarity and depth when you're holding the Jambox in your hand, pointed at your face, but it won't fill a large party room (or function terribly well outdoors, as we learned camping out for Black Friday) and still sound like something worth listening to -- and the close-set speakers don't provide much stereo separation to speak of, either.

ENGADGET: Jawbone Jambox review

12. Camping out spooked the rangers.

ECONOMIST: Independence has left South Sudan with much to do

13. There are so many people who have gone there expecting the world to end and are already camping out.

BBC: The wizard of weirdness

14. Some people are camping out on the decks because some cabins don't have air conditioning, he said Monday evening.


15. Notably, a 17-year old fan snagged the pole position in line after waiting just 36 paltry hours, which still suggests that we Americans are more devoted (or delusional, depending on perspective) when it comes to camping out, but we don't even want to imagine the mayhem that would've ensued here if the first hundred buyers were eligible for a free display.

ENGADGET: London's crime-free PS3 launch results in free HDTVs / cab rides

16. Dick Morris has written that for a couple of summers, the Clintons went West because a Morris survey had found that voters would look more kindly on a vacation that included hiking and camping out.

CNN: Camp For Show, Putt For Dough

17. Mark Charlot, who has been camping out on high ground a few blocks from his flooded house says the reason is simple.

CNN: Mail for those who still have homes

18. He looks the part of 1960s hippy, the kind Megyn Kelly would blame for supporting Obama and camping out at Zuccotti downtown.

FORBES: Outside Gingrich NH Offices, Ron Paul Supporters Party

19. J. were camping out at a Motel 6 in Palo Alto and getting ready to drive to Pittsburgh, where they planned on starting the company at their alma mater, Carnegie Mellon.

NEWYORKER: No Death, No Taxes

20. One Anonymous member camping out in the shadow of London's St Paul's Cathedral said she was with a group of 15 people and planned to stay for "as long as necessary".

BBC: V for Vendetta masks: Who's behind them?

21. Increasingly, families are looking for more memorable ways to spend their holiday time, with activities that they can share and enjoy together, such as travelling on a felucca down the Nile, getting up close to incredible wildlife on safari or camping out under the desert stars.

BBC: For family travel, bold is better

22. She was bringing food and Halloween candy to protesters camping out in trees to protest the Keystone XL pipeline.

FORBES: Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Arrested Again

23. Young Muslim families camping out in neat rows of tents on the damp grass gathered from every corner of Britain for an exuberant weekend of recreation, entertainment and worship.

ECONOMIST: Middle England takes middle-class Islam to its heart

24. But for weeks, the couple shared photos online from their trek through Argentina, Chile and Peru, showing themselves posing beside their bikes on remote mountain roads, camping out in tents and smiling at the beach.


25. Camping out for tickets for the games against UNC and Maryland in Krzyzewskiville on the muddy ground outside of Cameron Indoor Stadium is a rite of passage, as important a requirement for earning a Duke diploma as your 34 class credits.

FORBES: On being a Duke fan

26. "It was the first time we'd been camping out under the stars and walking around in pitch-black darkness, " she recalls.

BBC: England captain sacrifices all for World Cup glory bid

27. The lad was from the Pennsylvania mountains, he was accustomed to camping out, he had been there a couple of weeks, living on venison, and intended to stay until the war ended.

CNN: Private Ryan was a hero, but there were bums, too

28. An AFP reporter in Gaza saw tens of thousands of people camping out at roadsides, some forced to eat grasshoppers to survive.

BBC: UN: Floods displace 70,000 and kill 36 in Mozambique

29. Her family, which includes children ages 4, 2 and 1, is camping out at the San Diego stadium.

CNN: Flames fickle in their ferocity

30. She was known for camping out each summer with the Air Force Academy freshman class, for going up in almost every kind of plane the Air Force flies, and for taking off on early-morning bicycle treks when she visited bases around the country.

CNN: Air Force Secretary Widnall Stepping Down



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