to threaten翻译_to threaten短语搭配_to threaten权威例句

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to threaten

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  • 威胁;恐吓

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1. I said to threaten your 我说就威胁你

2. Dare To Threaten Me 还敢威胁我

3. to threaten and bribe 威逼利诱

4. to threaten with 用…威胁

5. to threaten and deceive 诈唬

6. I said to threaten you 我说就威胁你

7. wēi xié to threaten 威胁

8. to put about to threaten 扬言

9. threaten to 威胁 ; 预示 ; 威胁着要


1. Might seem to threaten a mortal blow, right?

就像是要下死手一样,对吧?《provided by jukuu》

2. By this time the fire was beginning to threaten.


3. A couple of trends have combined to threaten justice and liberty.


4. We also may feel that this is the one, and we won't want anything to threaten this relationship.


5. And the white house is already to threaten to veto.


6. The option to threaten a player with being transfer listed if their poor performance continues.


7. Yet they made voters angry enough to threaten or end their careers.


8. It has already been a clinical difficult problem to threaten the health of mankind, especially the aged people.


9. We cannot allow the global financial and economic crisis to threaten the work of those institutions.


10. Being able to threaten credible retaliation makes co-operation possible.


11. The combination may in time be able to threaten Google's dominance in web search.


12. China has no intention to threaten any country? S security, nor will it be party to any arms race.


13. This has the potential to threaten the stability of the sector and the provision of a number of courses.


14. It seems to threaten everything from emerging markets to the pretty earnings narrative of the market as a whole.


15. And one idea is to threaten errant countries with the suspension of EU structural funds.


16. The implications go beyond a resurgence of deadly infections to threaten many other life-saving and life-prolonging interventions.


17. The gene manipulation and human cloning are the representative techniques to threaten human beings.


18. The global environmental crisis has already become the biggest problem to threaten human well-being and development.


19. They prevent development and cause long term instability which has the capacity to threaten us all.


20. Do you mean to threaten?

你是想恫吓 吗 ?《互联网》

21. But, this trend does not seem to threaten the average American.


22. When the intelligence forces realised who I was, they sent two policemen to my door to threaten me.


23. Gas disaster is always one of the main disasters to threaten the security of coal mine in the coal exploitation.


24. Acute myocardial infarction is a serious disease to threaten the extensive people's lives.


25. He advanced his queen to threaten his opponent's king, ie in a game of chess.


26. The number of mortgages at risk is too small for defaults to threaten everyone else.


27. I hope I won't have to threaten you as well.


28. Illegal communications by covert channel in network become an important way to threaten the network security.


29. The boss was ready to threaten the employees with dismissal.


30. Some people may not mean to threaten.

有些人可能并没有威胁的意思。《中考真题- 2017 重庆 阅读D》

31. In any case, we're not going to threaten to Sue Web sites that publish these products and prices.


32. He did not mean to threaten you.


33. We cannot allow the global financial and economic crisis to threaten the work of those institutions.


34. For example, I hate to threaten the LAD in trying to keep a littleside - branch.

例如, 我不会为了保护2mm的侧枝而影响左主干.《互联网》

35. Actually, I'm planning to threaten you.


36. Negative-incentive management is a kind of management, its nature is to threaten incentives.


37. “They're using litigation to threaten low- and middle-income countries,” says Dr.


38. To threaten force means being ready to follow through, which would be a big commitment.


39. Palmer finally speaks to Ferragamo but the doctor believes that the Senator is trying to threaten him again.


40. Greek debt may not be large enough directly to threaten European Banks, but world banking is in a fragile state.


41. What are the reasons he expects global capitalism to threaten these policies and practices?


42. It is illegal for barbers to threaten to cut off kid's ears.


43. To threaten Kimberly, Dan smashes Janet's arm with a crowbar.


44. And though famine continues to threaten places such as Zimbabwe, hundreds of millions of people are eating more — and better — each day.


45. As players themselves start to threaten the game's equilibrium, it may become the most important.


46. The chemical agent must be delivered in order to threaten someone, and the threat can be countered.


47. MDD might seem to threaten their elevated position, because it will demand different skills.


48. In many areas it is illegal to threaten someone so those cases should be reported to the police.


49. If I want to die, I'll die. Whom would I want to threaten or frighten?

要死就死, 要挟谁? 吓谁?《汉英文学 - 围城》

50. but the knowledge that we were breaking the law empowered that man to threaten us.


51. To threaten Kimberly, Dan smashes Janet's arm with a crowbar.

为了威胁金伯利, 丹用一根撬棍打碎了珍妮特的手臂.《互联网》

52. Instead he appeared to threaten the whole nation.


53. The spilled diesel is not bad enough to threaten the wildlife native to the Galapagos Islands.


54. Especially when they're trained to threaten somebody.

特别是他们想要恐吓某人的时候。《provided by jukuu》

55. Boys tune them out, and that keeps parents in aone-down position, forced to threaten and beg their sons to acknowledgehousehold rules.


56. Wheat stripe rust became the most important disease to threaten wheat's safe yield in Sichuan province.

摘要小麦条锈病已成为威胁四川省小麦安全生产最重要的病害。《provided by jukuu》

57. I do not mean to threaten your authority.


58. More spectacular attacks in Kabul must be expected, and perhaps a greater effort to threaten Kandahar, the second-largest city.


59. The systems were not yet expected to threaten energy operations in the Gulf of Mexico.


60. It goes on to threaten that any forcible deployment of peacekeepers could lead to out - and - out war.


61. Croatia patently lacked self - belief and had no pace with which to threaten the speedy English defence.

显然克罗地亚全队缺乏 自信 和能够威胁到快速的英格兰防守的跑动.《互联网》

62. It is easier to threaten to leave the country than actually to do so.


63. You're in no position to threaten anyone.

你没有威胁任何人的权利。《provided by jukuu》

64. "They tend to threaten desecrators with divine retribution by the council of the gods, " Ikram said.


65. The eastern rebels in Benghazi are too far away to threaten Tripoli directly. But even they are showing signs of progress.


66. Other tactics are to threaten family members if a victim does not comply or, as in Flores's case, to use blackmail.


67. Most hedge funds are simply too small to threaten the financial system.


68. One of the major interference to threaten the power quality is the voltage sag.


69. Joker: You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength.

小丑: 你不能拿任何 、 任何的东西威胁我, 凭你的全部力量根本做不到任何事情!《互联网》

70. It is a criminal offence to threaten someone with violence.

用暴力威胁他人是犯罪行为。《provided by jukuu》


1. Glaciers also began expanding on Greenland, soon to threaten Norse settlements on the island.

FORBES: To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

2. Diouf was the next to threaten, climbing to meet a Davies cross but denied by Cech.

BBC: SPORT | Football | Premier League | Bolton 0-1 Chelsea

3. He is replacing it with a plan that would provide a combined land- and sea-based capability more quickly, focused on shorter range missiles Iran could use to threaten Europe, with the option of expanding later to cover longer range missiles if necessary.

VOA : standard.2009.10.23

4. PPP, one of two official opposition parties allowed under the old system, to threaten a walkout.

ECONOMIST: On democracys front line

5. Osama bin Laden's No. 2, who has continued to threaten that these attacks will continue.

CNN: Amanpour: A 'matter of time' for Jordan

6. The Europeans are keener on offering incentives and the Americans readier to threaten punishment.

ECONOMIST: Iran, accused and defiant | The

7. The FBI says the smugglers often threaten their victims and make it difficult for them to pay off their debts.

VOA : standard.2010.05.24

8. His last measure was to use a knife to threaten Jack and make his position clear.

BBC: Murder accused claimed Jack Frew 'exposed himself'

9. Albion were also beginning to threaten more on the break, playing some crisp, flowing football when they got the chance.

BBC: Stoke 1-0 West Brom

10. They will only put it out if it's a fire in the home of a subscriber or if it starts to spread and to threaten the home of a subscriber.

他们只扑灭发生在会员家里的火灾,或者是即将蔓延到他们会员家里的火灾。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Instead, budgetary pressures and further U.S. force reductions appear to threaten one or more of these programs.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Mapping a National Security Failure: Ratification of the New START Treaty | Page: 18

12. Orient rode the spell of pressure and began to threaten in the closing stages.

BBC: Swansea 1-2 Leyton Orient

13. So not only is there evolutionary pressure for me to lie to you, for me to persuade you for instance, that if we're going to have a conflict- if you are threatening me " "Don't threaten me, I am not the sort of man you could screw around with" But there's evolutionary pressure for you to look and say, "No. You are the sort of man you could screw around with.

因此,不仅存在着要求我对你说谎,的进化压力,比如,如果我们之间存有冲突-,当你威胁我时,我会说“别吓唬我,我可不是吃素“,而且还存在着要求你辨别谎言的进化压力,你会说,“不,你肯定不行。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. The South's most potent weapon is to threaten that they cannot continue paying high borrowing costs.

BBC: Eurozone crisis: North versus South

15. Fraud,insecurity and the weather all threaten to make next month's run-off elections difficult for one of the world's newest democracies.

VOA : standard.2009.10.21

16. Yes, it is illegal to threaten the life of the President of the United States.

FORBES: Will the Secret Service investigate all those who voted yes in the 'Should Obama be killed' Facebook poll?

17. To threaten force means being ready to follow through, which would be a big commitment.

ECONOMIST: The war in Syria

18. As he was leaving, the accused father continued to threaten the coach, swearing at the man.

FORBES: If You Attack a Youth Sports Coach, You Are A Terrorist

19. Thus, to ignore their problems is to threaten the health of a great many Americans.

FORBES: If American Doctors Are Going Broke, Who Is Really Responsible?

20. To the contrary, the U.S. has provided 28, 500 nuclear hostages for Pyongyang to threaten.

FORBES: Why Are U.S. Troops Still In Korea?

21. To prevent this, the employer would need to threaten the worker with things like deportation.

ECONOMIST: Economics focus

22. Tim Whittman says the smugglers often threaten their victims and make it difficult for them to pay their debts.

VOA : special.2010.06.14

23. Supervision of all firms big enough to threaten overall stability will be consolidated under the Federal Reserve.

ECONOMIST: Financial reform in America

24. "So the fact that the UAE is pressuring RIM to essentially create a back door around its encryption, may actually threaten the reputation of BlackBerry as the most secure smartphone platform."

VOA : standard.2010.08.02

25. Advocates for public defenders say continued cuts may threaten the programs needed to provide justice for those accused of crimes and for the victims of crime.

VOA : standard.2009.05.22

26. Republicans assert that an expanded government rolewould threaten the current private system, separate from the federally administered Medicare system for the elderly, and add to the government budget deficit.

VOA : standard.2009.09.09

27. I was one of those kids, and I remember rather vividly walking through the hall way of my high school having people split me, call me names, threaten to beat me up.

我还清楚地记得有这么一个孩子,穿过我所在的高中的大厅,让周围的人朝我吐痰,骂脏话,威胁着要把我狠狠打一顿。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. And it would create a group to identify and regulate companies that are so big, their failure could threaten the economy.

VOA : special.2010.04.16

29. Mr.Obama,due to chaira special U.N.Security Council session Wednesday on nuclear disarmament, said nuclear actions by Iran and North Korea threaten to take the world down a "dangerous slope" toward uncontrolled proliferation.

VOA : standard.2009.09.23

30. Fires continue to threaten a number of sites and efforts to fight them are ongoing.


31. And that has prompted one longtime Nike-sponsored athlete and potential medalist to threaten to go barefoot instead.

FORBES: 3 Olympic Winners to Buy Before the Games

32. Dagne says highly de-centralized and mobile al-Shabaab forces threaten the Transitional Federal Government, and noted that African Union forces are constrained because they are not authorized to take offensive action.

VOA : standard.2009.06.26

33. "We will not allow organized crime to threaten any person or company in our country, " he said.

CNN: Sabritas target of a string of attacks in Mexico

34. That has prompted the agriculture committee of the (federal) House of Commons to threaten fines.


35. "The Brazilian government is gravely concerned that the same people who perpetrated the coup d'etat might threaten the inviolability of the embassy to forcibly arrest President Zelaya,".

VOA : standard.2009.09.25

36. He says he wants to ensure that the failure of a single, large financial firm would not threaten the entire economy.

VOA : standard.2010.01.21

37. What in the Directory is so disturbing that it would lead the NASD to threaten litigation?

FORBES: NASD Threatens Suit Over The Siedle Directory of Securities Dealers (March 1, 2002)

38. Scholars have always been quick to point out that in both cases, This ark, this tevah, is in the words of one scholar "The instrument of salvation through perilous waters" waters that threaten to capsize it, and so blot out God's hopes and plans for his creatures.

学者们总是很快指出在这两个地方,这个方舟,tevah用一位学者的话说就是,“从恶水中获救的工具“,那些要倾覆它的水流,这也体现了上帝的希望和给创造物的安排。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. And efforts to threaten or kill Israelis will do nothing to help the Palestinian people.

WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

40. They threaten the common security of all nations. A nuclear weapon in the hands of terrorists is a danger to people everywhere, from Moscow to New York to South Asia."

VOA : standard.2010.04.11

41. Russia may be hostile, but it lacks both the will and ability to threaten Europe.

FORBES: NATO's Lack Of Any Serious Purpose Means It Should Retire

42. Pyongyang goes on to say what it calls "the reckless military provocations" threaten to prompt a naval clash.

VOA : standard.2009.10.15

43. For instance, the European debt crisis has popped up again to threaten economies and roil markets.

FORBES: Big Stimulus Last Two Years May Pervert Usual Presidential Cycle

44. Wardens failed to threaten, finishing on 177-9, leg spinner Elliott Green enhancing a growing reputation with 5-49.

BBC: Cricket

45. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction affords them new opportunities to threaten us and our allies.


46. Ethiopia has recently attempted to assure oil companies the ONLF no longer has the ability to threaten exploration and production in the Ogaden region.

VOA : standard.2009.11.16

47. And armed conflict continues to threaten the lives of millions.

VOA : special.2010.02.15

48. It entails separation of an object to that which sanctifies it, which is God; and it involves separation from, in the form of safeguards against, anything that would threaten to remove its sanctity.

它导致了物体和使它纯洁的上帝之间的不同,这也包含着,以预防的形式,物体和会威胁它失去神性的物体之间的区别。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Senators can threaten a bill with unlimited debate unless sixty senators vote to prevent it.

VOA : special.2010.01.23

50. "We will strengthen Pakistan's capacity to target those groups that threaten our countries and have made it clear that we cannot tolerate a safe haven for terrorists whose location is known and whose intentions are clear,".

VOA : standard.2009.12.06

51. By so doing, we can further cut into the wealth our enemies use to threaten us.


52. Mr.Netanyahu's base of support is among Israelis who fear that an independent Palestinian state might fall to radical Islamist rule and threaten the Jewish State - much like has happened in the Gaza Strip.

VOA : standard.2009.04.09

53. "God only knows what he wants," "There are all kinds of discussions, whether this is about succession wanting his son to succeed him, and whether or not he is looking for respect, whether or not he really wants a nuclear capability to threaten the region.

VOA : standard.2009.06.14

54. By 1977 the drain had become so great as to threaten the financial solvency of the system.

CNN: A Debt-Threatened Dream

55. One goal is to increase supervision of big companies whose failure could threaten the financial system.

VOA : special.2009.06.19

56. He said the United States will "take appropriate steps to let North Korea know that it can't threaten the safety and security of other countries with impunity."

VOA : standard.2009.04.03

57. Celtic relaxed after going in front but failed to threaten again before the half-time whistle.

BBC: Motherwell 2-1 Celtic

58. Through this program, different government agencies try to identify visa applicants who could threaten national security.

VOA : special.2009.06.11

59. The president says the bill will subject large and small banks to tougher oversight, and prevent banks from taking so much risk they could collapse and threaten the economy.

VOA : standard.2010.05.15

60. It has threatened war if Japan follows through on its vow to shoot down the rocket if it appears to threaten Japanese territory.

VOA : standard.2009.04.01







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rough and tumble是什么意思_rough and tumble短语搭配_rough and tumble权威例句










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