in contradiction to是什么意思_in contradiction to怎么读_in contradiction to的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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in contradiction to

in contradiction to


英 [ɪn ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃn tu]play 美 [ɪn ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪkʃn tu]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. In contradiction to a precedent 抵梧律例

2. in direct contradiction to 在直接矛盾 ; 直接矛盾

3. in contradiction to a precendent 抵牾律例


1. This is happening in contradiction to public expectations.


2. His practice is in contradiction to his stated principles.


3. Milton is also sensitive to the fact that the very phrase "Christian epic" is in some way a contradiction in terms.


4. Oxymoron as a contradiction in terms didn't show up until 1902 when someone who worked hard at being lazy was said to be a living oxymoron.


5. Is this not in contradiction to aggressive behavior?

这难到不是与剽悍的行为相互矛盾吗?《provided by jukuu》

6. Farmland Transferring is not in contradiction to household contracting farmland system. It should be based on the premise of stable household contracting farmland system but a further perfection and development upon it.


7. According to this work, the relative order of the~ 2Eg and~ 2A_ ( 1g) states is in contradiction to that proposed by Clark and Burns.


8. So many people do that. They think that they are positive, but they act in complete contradiction to what they say. Don't fall into this trap!


9. His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle.


10. To place criticism in contradiction to that policy is a gross misunderstanding or distortion.


11. Fourth, in direct contradiction to the ability to coordinate.


12. Sometimes you are in contradiction to close friends, or to test his mind whether you.

有的时候你很矛盾,为了身边的朋友, 或是为了测试他心中是否有你.《互联网》

13. In other words, to speak of a society without these costs entails a contradiction in terms.


14. Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is atrick life plays on philosophy of life.


15. It is actually a good lead-in to some of the techniques that Neel used, that she employed to bridge that contradiction.

这个问题引出了 Neel 曾经使用的一些技巧,她用这些技巧来调和这一矛盾。

16. However, establishing special reserve is in contradiction to the principles of the high seas 'freedom, it is a only way to protecting the high seas' biodiversity thought the development of the ocean history.


17. In case the instrument is handled in contradiction to these instructions, Yokogawa does not guarantee safety.

如果违反上述指示操作仪表,横河不保证安全性。《provided by jukuu》

18. The constructive finance mode that was established under the planning system was in contradiction to the general laws in finance mode development.


19. But in seeming contradiction, the unemployment rate also rose by two percentage points, from 9.7% to 9.9%.


20. That is in direct contradiction to the efficient market hypothesis.


21. The most pastoral response, as well as the most truthful theological response, is to live in the contradiction.


22. Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself.


23. The effect of this contradiction is to provoke cynicism and raise doubts about Medvedev's sincerity or the extent to which he is actually in charge.


24. To overcome the contradiction, principles and foundations for an efficient management of technical change are shown in this paper.


25. Their short term priorities are in direct contradiction to their long term goals.

他们的短期重点和长期目标互相矛盾。《provided by jukuu》

26. This is in contradiction to caloric-theory notion of conservation of heat.


27. Yet this is in contradiction to his main message, which is that there can be no mixture of state planning and free market competition.


28. Therefore, the import of agricultural products to Thailand will be excepted for the value-added tax in contradiction China has to pay for 13 percentages of the agricultural products import and 7 percentages for transformed agricultural products.


29. But often our very eagerness has prevented us from making a sober analysis of subjective and objective conditions, and we have therefore acted in contradiction to the laws governing the development of the objective world.


30. In an attempt to clarify this contradiction, the researchers repeated the study.


31. First, the transmission principle and structure of the DISCO CVT is introduced, and the conclusion that the factual compression characteristic of current constant power type is in contradiction to the needed is obtained by throwing analysis on its motion and force received.


32. All issues are in contradiction, but to both, if only the former or the latter, certainly not development, to seek a balance.


33. India is also insisting that it be given the explicit right to reprocess nuclear fuel - again, in contradiction of the US law.


34. Traditional linguists and grammarians defined tense as "a grammatical category expressing time distinctions". However, this definition is always in contradiction to language facts, because lots of verb forms denoted by tense do not indicate time distinction.


35. And I repeat again: These two uses of the law are in direct contradiction to each other.


36. But before something of that kind shall be advanced in contradiction to my scheme, and offering a better, I desire the author or authors will be pleased maturely to consider two points.


37. The Industrial property of education calls for the maximum of profit in the operation of capital, which comes in contradiction to the public serving property of education.


38. In contradiction to the above results, the interface between PTS and Fe plate has less strong chemical adherence, and the interface defects increase with the heat treating temperature.


39. But I also believe that ecologically sustainable development need not be in contradiction to achieving our growth objectives.


40. The only acceptable argument used to lie in the contradiction brought up between the philosopher enclosed within his system and the artist placed before his work.


41. Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.


42. Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself , which is a trick life in philosophy of life.


43. Your reply today is in direct contradiction to what you said last week.


44. Evidence shows that the entrepreneurial spirit has negative impact on export performance, which is in contradiction to the theory. It is discussed separately.


45. This is in contradiction to caloric - theory notion of conservation of heat.


46. However, the existing budgeting system is in direct contradiction to it, unable to reflect social resources possessed and consumed by the government annually in an all-round and accurate manner, which hinders us from making a scientific performance evaluation of government expenditure.


47. Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself , whelloch is a trick life plays on phellolosophy of life.


48. While the comprehension of geography subject and the complex maps are in contradiction to the mechanical memorizing among liberal arts students, which blocks the effective senior geography teaching.


49. Your attitude is in contradiction to your character.


50. The results here obtained are not in contradiction to present experimental data.


51. Your attitude is in contradiction to your character.


52. This is in contradiction to caloric-theory notion of conservation of heat.


53. Wisdom in contradiction to itself , whelloch is a trick life plays on phellolosophy of life.


54. Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.


55. His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle.


56. The most prominent contradiction for using BPEL for BPM is that analysts supposed to be non-technical and that the activities in a BPEL process boil down to web service invocations.

使用BPEL for BPM的最突出的矛盾在于:分析员被假定为不懂技术,而BPEL过程中的活动最终对应到Web服务调用。

57. 'From an American government point of view, that's in contradiction to the main strategy.'


58. The "naked marriage" is in sharp contradiction with China`s established marriage customs, which encourage parents to help lay the material foundation for their children`s marriage.

“裸婚”和中国现有婚俗形成了鲜明对比。 在中国传统婚礼中,双方父母会帮自己的子女打好物质基础。

59. The militants see no contradiction in using violence to bring about a religious state.


60. This is a very difficult mode of attention, one which is in contradiction to the familiarities woven by repeated hearing of classical music.


61. To place criticism in contradiction to that policy is a gross misunderstanding or distortion. Character Dualism Dispels Gender Antagonism& Comments on Lady Chatterley s Lover by D.H.Lawrence;


62. The difference is the increase in the number of apparent conflicts and their heightened significance, the fact that complexity, contradiction and paradox can be used to powerful effect.



1. Look, obviously the President is -- again, I'd refer you to the speech in May of 2009 that seeks to do -- well, I'd say broadly, the President does not believe that our national security and the protection of our homeland has to be in contradiction with our values as Americans.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

2. It is time for the Court to construct a straight-forward reductio ad absurdum proof by logical contradiction to uncover the fallacies and inconsistencies in its past reasoning, which have led to a constitutional contradiction.

FORBES: The Paradox of Rights 'Granted' Us by Government

3. In a direct contradiction to point 1, the pessimists suggest there is no meaningful alliance for China to balance against.

FORBES: What is China thinking?

4. Yet there is no contradiction with any of these in feeling proud to be European as well.

BBC: News | UK Politics | Charles Kennedy's speech in full

5. The contradiction in which the CNE is immersed also applies to UNASUR.


6. Update: Forbes editor Janet Novack pointed out that some small businesses are also calling for expiration of the high-end tax cuts in contradiction to their purported interests.

FORBES: Some Millionaires Want to Pay More Tax

7. But it is by no means in contradiction to decreasing our reliance on foreign oil, because we also want to increase the production of domestic oil sources, both offshore and onshore.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

8. Aglialoro is a man on a mission, struggling with an inherent contradiction in his quest to commit one of the most influential novels in history to film.

FORBES: Atlas Shrugged Producer Shares Insights And A Surprise That Awaits In Atlas III

9. The day I realized that this was what was missing, I knew that the subject of the film would be death itself, death rather than survival, a radical contradiction since in a sense it attested to the impossibility of the project I was embarking on: the dead could not speak for the dead.


10. The idea that government could ever be used actively to promote their goals in some positive sense is a contradiction in terms to them.

NPR: Looking at President Bush, Seeing an 'Impostor'

11. There are two areas where our respective parties have largely stood in contradiction, and I want to take a few minutes to address them tonight.

NPR: State of the Union: Democratic Response Text

12. However, we did point out to him that stating policy views which are in contradiction to party policy, or misstating party policy, in public media was not only in breach of his responsibilities but also contrary to the YI's objectives.

BBC: UKIP logo

13. In fact, there is this contradiction today in India, where we talk about the right to property as a fundamental right .

WSJ: Questions & Answers: Aruna Roy

14. Sarko's view is in blatant contradiction to that of Jose Manuel Barroso .

FORBES: Sarkozy Slams The Euro

15. The inherent contradiction in those two positions seems to escape their notice.

FORBES: Property Tax Caps and Local Governance

16. So I don't see any contradiction in the positions you were just trying to divide us on there.

BBC: William Hague

17. The question is will this continue or is there a similar type of inherent contradiction in the structure which will lead it to go the same way as the Japanese model.

FORBES: Are Chinese State Owned Enterprises A Threat To U.S. Companies?

18. They found that in contradiction to the Palestinian and Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics forecasts, while Jewish fertility rates are on a steep and consistent incline, Arab fertility rates are steadily declining.


19. But in contradiction to Israel's insistence that the option of using force against Iran must be maintained, America's secretary of defence, Robert Gates, has cautioned that a military attack would only delay rather than destroy its nuclear programme.

ECONOMIST: America's new diplomacy

20. U.S. officials have started to downplay expectations for Rice's trip as long as there is no resolution to what they call this internal contradiction in Palestinian politics.

NPR: Rice Set to Make a Swing Through Middle East

21. Only those in other words engaged in the continual struggle to clarify their thinking to remove sources of contradiction and incoherence only those people can be said to live worthwhile lives.

换言之,也仅有那些身处,持恒挣扎于厘清其思维的人,于移除矛盾及无条理源头的人,仅有那些人,才称得上是值得活的生命。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. "There is no contradiction here because we are mandated to represent the EU in the Hague Convention negotiations, " he said.

CNN: European justices pass stiff e-commerce law

23. Mr Garcia also says there is a serious contradiction at the heart of the government's plan to promote literature in Venezuela.

BBC: Venezuela's revolutionary reading

24. The move, which came into force in 1992, is "in complete contradiction with the Olympic Charter" according to Gueye and represented an unacceptable form of "racial discrimination".


25. The Venezuelan people, consistent with the country's republican tradition, its struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall not recognize any regime, legislation or authority that stands in contradiction to the country's values, principles, and democratic guarantees.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Civil disobedience as an option for Venezuela

26. Now, speaking of reconciliation, I don't have the slightest idea how one reconciles what one says in Washington and what one says in their district when they seem to be in such contradiction.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

27. EV1s in direct contradiction to the company's public vow to save the car.

ECONOMIST: A curiously compelling documentary about electric cars

28. Telling everyone what they want to hear and getting away with it is a great way to win an election but the inherent contradiction in such a policy will emerge soon after.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The change coming to El Salvador

29. When there's a contradiction in our heads we're not happy and will take steps to make the contradiction go away.

当我们的心理活动出现矛盾时,我们会不安,会采取办法,让这种矛盾消失。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. In contradiction to the usual cartoonist caricatures of right-wing extremists, Mr Marais could also laugh at himself.

ECONOMIST: Jaap Marais

31. This central contradiction alone--elevating recounts in Democratic counties to high principle while ignoring recounts in the rest of the state--renders the court's ruling a travesty.

CNN: Our Imperial Judiciary

32. But Milton's also sensitive to the fact that the very phrase "Christian epic" is in some way a contradiction in terms.

但弥尔顿对有些事实也很敏锐,某种意义上“基督教史诗“这个词语,本身就是矛盾的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. We all know the inherent contradiction in this as anyone who has tried to do it will tell you: Making complicated things simple is complicated!

FORBES: Marketing Made Simple



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