currency value翻译_currency value短语搭配_currency value权威例句

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currency value


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1. the rmb currency value 人民币升值

2. energy-currency value 能值

3. currency value is firm 币值巩固

4. currency value stabilization 币值稳定

5. Ticket currency value 券面额

6. the Law of Currency Value 货币价值定律

7. foreign currency value theory 外汇价值论

8. currency value stability 币值稳定

9. currency value of rmb 民币币值


1. The currency value of resources which appears in a variety, input for realizing the function of teaching, management, science research and social service, constitutes the whole content of the cost of college.

摘要为实现教学、管理、科研和社会服务功能所投入的各种资源的货币价值构成了高校成本的全部内容。《provided by jukuu》

2. From 2003, the problem of RMB currency value has aroused the enthusiastic discussion of numerous experts at home and abroad.


3. A currency value in the range of0to999999.

货币值的范围从0到999999。《provided by jukuu》

4. According to the politics, economic and financial system and the facing economic situation and task of China at present, China's monetary policy objective should be multiple objectives and the primary objectives should be the currency value stabilization and economic growth.


5. Listing 7 shows how the currency value is obtained.


6. The original idea of anti-inflation is opposing the reduction of currency value, but the school confuses currency price with currency value.


7. The original idea of anti-inflation is opposing the reduction of currency value, but the school confuses currency price with currency value.


8. Accordingly, stable currency value and economy grow cannot do one thing and neglect another.

因此, 稳定币值与经济增长不可偏废.《互联网》

9. Currency value stability and the unity of opposites that economy grows is interaction, mutual influence concern.

币值稳定和经济增长是相互作用 、 相互影响的对立统一关系.《互联网》

10. The coefficient of value creation, coefficient of transfermation and transaction cost as well as currency value have an impact on the realization of value.


11. There are three main ways of determining the "correct" value for a currency.


12. In 1983 Argonia's currency, the argon underwent a reduction in value relative to the world's strongest currencies.

1983年,相对于世界上最强的货币,阿贡尼亚的货币 argon 贬值了。

13. That has helped limit sudden fluctuations in the dollar's value in currency markets.


14. There are two kinds of metering patterns: currency value measurement and non-currency value measurement.


15. The dollar must meet the following four conditions, strong national strength, stable currency value, perfect financial markets, inertia factors can become the currency of international.


16. As you can see, switching the currency formatting on a currency value can lead to incorrect results.


17. Substitute the second currency type value in the recording (USD) with custom code from SAMPLE_VAR2.


18. The historic mission of stabilizing currency value has not been completed eventually by the monetary reforms of Nanjing.


19. China has allowed its currency's value to rise, but not enough to stop the growing surplus.

中国已经允许其货币增值,但还不足以制止贸易顺差的增长。《provided by jukuu》

20. The won has already fallen by almost 40% against the dollar over the past year, swelling the local-currency value of its foreign debts.


21. The RMB Currency Value Overestimates The Standard Analysis of Which or Underestimated


22. Because the browser on our mobile device cannot display HTML, we will parse the HTML String to get the currency value and any related information.

由于我们的移动设备上的浏览器不能显示HTML,因而我们将解析html String来获取货币值以及任何相关的信息。

23. The value of Ecological Capital presents in three levels, existing value, service value in ecological services, and currency value after transformed.


24. As a result, modern risks evasion and risks evaluation technology about currency value type are in great demand in the development of domestic economy in our country.


25. Currency value is firm.


26. A recent Treasury research paper admitted that there was no fail-safe method to estimate the correct value of a currency.


27. It determines an individual country's currency value relative to other major currencies.


28. Each currency is given a value vis-à-vis the other currencies.


29. In recent years, the problem of undervaluing the currency value of RMB has been a widely discussed international issue.


30. The reserve currency countries should take up their due international responsibilities, keep their currency value stable and prevent exchange rate war incurred by competitive devaluation.


31. In order to stabilize the currency value, Nanjing conducted the Reforms from three institutional aspects which is the Institutions of Monetary Standard, the Institutions of Issuance of Currency and the Institutions of Issue Reserve.


32. US wanted to increase Chinese's consumption level by increasing chinese currency value.


33. The currency time value exists objectively in economic appearance.


34. That is bad for the dollar, since inflation erodes a currency's value.


35. The demand for foreign currency depreciates the real value of local currencies.


36. According to the investment characteristic of low permeable oil fields, this paper evaluates currency value of the economic recoverable reserves, residual economic recoverable reserves using technical economic theory.


37. This is how we value our currency, and against all other currencies exchange rates are freely floating.


38. Since the Chinese subsidiary no longer has costs to pay, Mr Ling can then direct it to place its renminbi-denominated revenues into mainland banks to take advantage of higher interest rates and rising currency value, thus replenishing Anta's cash reserves on the balance sheet.


39. The theory and practice has proved that only comprehensive price index can measure currency value fluctuation and the situation of inflation.


40. The stability and predictability of home currency value is one of the important attributes in improving the demand strength of national currency.


41. When the decimal position is obtained, digit values are retrieved and arranged in proper order to get the currency value.


42. For guaranteeing the realization of multiple objectives for monetary policy, we should take the quantification into the currency value stabilization and economic growth and take measure of double objectives system of inflation rate and economic growth rate.


43. The currency value and other related information soon appear on the mobile device's user interface.


44. Cannot convert data to a currency value.


45. US wanted to increase Chinese's consumption level by increasing chinese currency value.


46. The goal of Central Bank is to maintain the currency value to be stable, and promote the national economy to develop coordinately on this foundation.


47. Yet the equilibrium value of a currency is highly sensitive to this assessment.


48. The currency value should be a composite index and it may have limitation if the value just determined by the CPI.


49. Years ago, some countries in Southern America went bankruptcy and their currency value depreciated so much that wealth of government and people became nothing overnight.


50. In addition, the article tries to apply the model to measure manpower capital's currency value and set an allotment method according to the manpower capital's currency value.


51. { There is a problem with the currency value.} A slash (/) cannot be used as part of the currency symbol.


52. This kind of method takes the forecast as its foundation and should consider currency time value in calculating evaluation value.


53. Axis - currency value of the dollar is expected to shake the EU's position has been strengthened.

基轴 货币美元价值的动摇有望使欧盟的地位得到加强.《互联网》

54. The United States and Europe want Beijing to raise the value of its currency, to trim the Chinese trade surplus.


55. Cannot convert data to a currency value.

不能将数据转换为货币值。《provided by jukuu》

56. The stability and predictability of home currency value is one of the important attributes in improving the demand strength of national currency.


57. The author think that the international point about RMB currency value under-estimating mainly base on the political reasons rather than the economic reason, hence I feel that we need mollify the current pressure from both short-time and long-time.



1. He points out that sharp declines in stocks over the last two weeks have coincided with a weakening greenback, suggesting that international investors are losing their appetite for U.S. equities as the American currency loses value.

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. They will default, their currency will lose value, and high inflation will result, causing higher unemployment and a further erosion of their economy.

FORBES: 8 Things That Are Most Likely to Occur!

3. In addition, the rapid expansion of the money supply causes the currency to lose value against hard assets and foreign currencies.

FORBES: Inflation Destroys Real Wages

4. That knocked about 16% off the currency's value last year.

ECONOMIST: Taiwans currency

5. In the case of a gold standard system, the policy target is to create a currency whose value is fixed to gold.

FORBES: My Thoughts On Lewis Lehrman's Gold Standard

6. The uncertainty of a currency's value makes capital more expensive to employ.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

7. Because these convoluted, complicated approaches are the result of faulty economic theory, which posits that a currency's value is directly tied to a government's fiscal policies.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

8. Currency does not in itself create more currency, it is only through the use of currency to add value to products or services is actual worth increased.

FORBES: Yes, Spanish Crisis Has Triggered the Euro's Endgame

9. I would be looking at this--at the debt areas Student: You mentioned about the U.S. dollar falling in value recently. What kind of foreign currency vehicles or trading would you recommend to kind of hedge a bet against a dollar assuming that it continues to fall?

我会考虑这方面的投资--债务市场方面的机会,学生:你刚才提到美元,最近贬值的问题,那么哪些品种的外汇金融工具,或者外汇交易在你看来可以用来,对冲美元贬值的风险,如果我们假设美元还会将继续贬值?金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. So do institutional investors such as banks, multinational corporations and central banks that need to hedge against foreign currency value fluctuations.

FORBES: Working In Finance: 5 Forex Careers

11. "When you are creating a currency whose purpose is to be unregulated and then that currency gains value and its exchange rate with the dollar or the pound sterling increases, then clearly this is going attract all sorts of people who want to launder their illicitly earned money, " he says.

BBC: Digital currency: Brave new world or criminal haven?

12. An inverse relationship between the issuance of paper by the state and the hard-currency value of that paper has been recognized for centuries, and it can be observed in U.S. history.

FORBES: Ben Bernanke's Quantitative Easing: The Monetary Policy Of The Adolescent

13. U.S. business leaders and members of Congress want to see the Chinese currency appreciate in value as a way to reduce the U.S.-Chinese trade surplus.

NPR: U.S. Treasury Secretary Arrives in China

14. However, sometimes other factors come into play that prevent a debased currency from losing value against other currencies.

FORBES: Gold's Allure Tied to Interest Rates

15. Experiential currency is the value produced when a brand establishes an experience as a medium of exchange.

FORBES: 4 Steps To Building An Enduring Brand: Lessons From Hermes

16. The value of the euro currency has plunged for example, which makes American exports - key to the U.S.economic recovery - less competitive.

VOA : standard.2010.02.26

17. Some experts then proclaim that intervening in the foreign markets to keep up a currency's value is futile.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

18. Bank of China's move comes at a time of U.S. pressure on China to let its currency rise in value.

WSJ: New Move to Make Yuan a Global Currency

19. "When you have a commodity or currency whose value has grown as rapidly as Bitcoin it makes sense to hold on to it as a speculative instrument, " he said.

WSJ: Web Money Gets Laundering Rule

20. The broader policy goal is to create a currency of stable value, free of human manipulation.

FORBES: My Thoughts On Lewis Lehrman's Gold Standard

21. The government should promote a stable currency value.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

22. It was inevitable, as Europe cannot grow with too high a currency value.

FORBES: Has EU's Juncker Given The EUR The 'Kiss of Death'?

23. Governor Wheeler and his fellow cohorts are expected to step up their resistance against further NZD strength, especially now that they have revealed their pain threshold level in the spot market for the NZD currency value.

FORBES: Euro Bulls' Rise Slow But Steady

24. Ultimately we trade products for products, and to express oneself in a currency whose value is defined by the dollar is the best way to facilitate those exchanges.

FORBES: Due to Your China Stance, Donald Trump, You're Fired

25. Pushing down a currency's value may be easier, since a government can sell as much of its currency as it wants to print.

ECONOMIST: Meddling in the currency market

26. They also say Washington has avoided the tough talk of previous administrations about the value of China's currency.

VOA : standard.2009.11.10

27. Its use may halt a bank run, but at the cost of eventually trashing the value of the currency and indirectly the value of depositor accounts too.

FORBES: Cyprus, Anything But Unique and Why to Worry

28. Hyperinflation involves price increases running out of control as a currency collapses in value.

BBC: Yen breaches 100 threshold mark against US dollar

29. As a minor variant of this, especially if there has been a dramatic recent move in currency value, you could pick something closer to the 1-year trailing moving average.

FORBES: There Are Only Three Ways To Reinstate a Gold Standard

30. The market is certainly hearing from the euro exports corner, but what can ECB chief Mario Draghi do or say, if anything, to walk the currency value lower?

FORBES: A 'Yen' For Your Thoughts

31. Over time, the currency loses value.

FORBES: Economic Booms And Busts Of The Gold Standard Era

32. Currency crises might also occur because pegging the exchange rate requires governments to use monetary policy in order to maintain the currency's value.

ECONOMIST: Disaster has spawned a new theory of financial crises

33. Concerns raised before the annual summit about the value of China's currency, the yuan,have been played down by economic leaders.

VOA : standard.2009.11.13

34. If a currency declines in value by 50%, and your wages do not rise by a corresponding 100%, then you are obviously getting paid less.

FORBES: Oil Continues to Rise Because the Dollar Continues to Fall







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