
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈseɪfli]play美 [ˈseɪfli]play

  • adv. 安全地
  • 稳定地

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safely /ˈseɪflɪ/

  • 1.
    副词 If something is done safely, it is done in a way that makes it unlikely that anyone will be harmed. 安全地

    The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive.



    "Drive safely," he said and waved goodbye.


  • 2.
    副词 You also use safely to say that there is no risk of a situation being changed. 稳定地

    Once events are safely in the past, this idea seems to become less alarming.


  • 3.
    →see also   safe



  • adj.

    safe 安全的;可靠的;平安的

  • n.

    safe 保险箱;冷藏室;纱橱

    safety 安全;保险;安全设备;保险装置;安打

    safekeeping 安全保护,妥善保管

    safeness 安全;平安;保险

  • v.

    safekeeping 保护(safekeep的ing形式)



1. discern safely 安全识别

2. Safely Remove Hardwares 安全删除硬件

3. Safely-elated-syStem 安全系统

4. safely ad 可靠地 ; 安全地 ; 安全地确实地 ; 牢靠地

5. land safely 安全着陆

6. Fishing Safely 安全垂钓

7. always safely afloat 经常安全漂浮 ; 永远安全漂浮 ; 始终保持安全漂泊 ; 一直保持安全浮泊

8. Using color safely 安全的使用颜色

9. DRIVE SAFELY 安全驾驶 ; 平稳驾驶 ; 请您注意交通安全 ; 小心驾驶


1. The Lady of Thomas Palmer, Esq. was safely delivered of a son.


2. The ship crossed the bar safely.


3. I was pleased to hear you arrived home safely.


4. Knowing that she had arrived safely restored my peace of mind.


5. Don't call 119 until you are safely outside.


6. Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load off my mind.


7. 'Drive safely,' he said and waved goodbye...


8. We can safely say that he will accept the job.


9. Let children play happily and grow up safely.


10. The murderer is now safely behind bars.


11. Are all the boxes safely lashed up?

这些箱子都牢牢地捆起来了 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

12. The bomb has been safely disposed of.


13. They transported me safely into the future in a time _____.


14. Once events are safely in the past, this idea seems to become less alarming


15. The cargo is unloaded safely from the sinking ship.


16. They sailed through a narrow passage safely.


17. The batteries are safely enclosed in a watertight compartment.


18. Lon tucked his Padawan braid safely behind his ear and obligingly picked up the giggling infant.


19. The children were safely zipped into their sleeping bags.


20. The GET method should also be idempotent, meaning that it can be safely repeated.

GET方法应该是等幂的, 意味着它可以安全地重复.《期刊摘选》

21. After the operation, the patient had no recurrence of hydrothorax and underwent CAPD safely.

术后, 病人无水胸复委且可安全地进行连续性腹膜透析.《期刊摘选》

22. How to use electricity safely has become general knowledge in our village.


23. Use a pressure reducing regulator or separate control valve to safely discharge gas from cylinders.


24. I clearly knew compared to everybody. I am unable arrives you safely in the destination.

我比谁都清楚地知道. 我无法平安地到达你在的目的地.《期刊摘选》

25. I was thankful to see they'd all arrived safely.


26. Just when I put the glass safely down on the table, the cat jumped up and knocked it off.

我刚把杯子稳稳当当地放在桌子上, 猫就跳上去给弄倒了.《简明英汉词典》

27. The storm had passed and they escaped safely to land.


28. More people will be doing the work with proper supervision and thus, more safely.


29. They all arrived safely.


30. The money is safely locked in a drawer.


31. The pillows can be safely tucked away behind the couch.


32. Finally, we landed safely. It was a smooth flight.

终于, 我们安全地登陆了. 它是平稳的飞行.《期刊摘选》

33. Captain Cook was responsible for safely navigating his ship without accident for 100 voyages.


34. The pilot landed the plane safely.


35. The man parachuted safely to the ground.


36. The lions in the park are safely fenced in.


37. Polycarbonate bottles containing B. P. A. can be used safely by humans.

含有B. P. A. 可以让人类安全地使用.《期刊摘选》

38. Traders generally travel safely through the border.


39. The baby loved being thrown up into the air and safely caught again.


40. Original accessories and parts guarantee that the unit can be operated safely and without any breakdowns.


41. I think we can safely assume that this situation will continue.


42. Satellite sends back information to help scientists to safely Bar spacecraft into space.


43. Thanks to is assistance, we got out of the dark cave safely.

幸亏有他帮助, 我们才安全地走出漆黑的山洞.《辞典例句》

44. The number two seed is safely through to the second round of the tournament.


45. Capital can be safely invested in that company.


46. The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive.


47. Let her come home safely!


48. Hilbig said the fish landed safely and appeared to be in good condition.


49. The wheat crop is safely in.


50. When will you finish the project safely?


51. Her prayer answered and her son came home safely.


52. They parachuted to the ground safely.


53. I am quite proud of my flight crew. They brought the ship safely back.

我为我的飞行机组感到非常自豪. 他们把飞机安全地带回来了.《期刊摘选》

54. Then the crab crawled safely into the wonderful pond.


55. The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.


56. Only friends and partners of the Arabs were allowed to pass safely along its trail.


57. When all the crops are safely gathered in, the farmers can rest.

当所有的庄稼都安全入仓后, 农民们便可以休息了.《简明英汉词典》

58. Doctors should be able to decide who they can safely let out of hospital early.


59. The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive


60. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages


61. These recommendations can safely be ignored.


62. We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it.


63. Idea 3: Mark sets up cone safely but finds out he's out of cell phone batteries.

想法 三: 马克安全地放置好三角锥,但发现手机没电了.《期刊摘选》

64. The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to Earth today.


65. Screams ring out as he jumps to slam the veranda doors safely shut.


66. Delighted you are all safely home, and I hope you had a smooth run.

你们都已经平安地回国了,我感到很高兴, 并且希望你们度过的是一次风平浪静的航程.《辞典例句》

67. Go to work happily and go home safely.


68. I can rest easy knowing that she's safely home.


69. The pilot landed the plane safely at its home airport.


70. Firemen know how to perform rescues safely.


71. The pilot was able to set the damaged plane down safely in a field.


72. A. can be used safely by humans.


73. I think we can safely dismiss their objections.


74. It was late August and the harvest had been safely gathered in.


75. The slave safely saved the sharp shaves in a cave nearby the cafeteria.


76. We can build up the speed gradually and safely.


77. The plane landed safely.


78. We can safely draw some conclusions from our discussion.


79. The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today. “


80. The space shuttle returned safely today from a 10-day mission.


81. The night shift should have been safely down the mine long ago.


82. My trusty old car will get us home safely.


83. How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegated to less trained staff?


84. All the passengers were safely taken off the burning ship.


85. The plane came down safely in spite of the mist.


86. There was a cheer when it was realized that everyone was safely back.


87. Answer : Signal and adjust your speed to MERGE SAFELY.


88. To allow traffic to move smoothly and safely, everybody must follow the rules.

为了让交通顺畅和安全地移动, 每个人都必须遵循的规则.《期刊摘选》

89. Since everybody is safely aboard, we can shove off.

既然每个人都安全地上了船, 我们可以撑船离岸了.《期刊摘选》

90. This system can fast and safely receive the bilge water.


91. No method has been found yet to bury them safely or to neutralize them.


92. "Drive safely," he said and waved goodbye.


93. Ensure that all the waste is properly and safely disposed of.


94. The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive...


95. It may be safely assumed that there is no animal life on Mars.


96. The banker keeps the money tucked safely under his bed.


97. Once events are safely in the past, this idea seems to become less alarming...


98. I thought the kids were safely tucked up in bed.


99. By day a woman could safely walk the streets.


100. The lights by which we steer will bring us all safely to anchor.


101. She relaxed a little, pleased that she was getting safely away.

她感到轻松一点, 她高兴她可以平安地走开了.《辞典例句》

102. When I heard they'd arrived safely, it was a great load off my mind.

当我听到他们已安全到达时, 心里才如释重负《简明英汉词典》

103. 'Drive safely,' he said and waved goodbye



1. This allows more planes to be in the air more safely and able to fly more direct routes.

BBC: The futurist: The US new air traffic control system

2. If they safely reach quieter shores, much of the region may, with luck, follow.

ECONOMIST: After Mubarak

3. There FireEye can safely detonate the Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) that cyber-crooks cook up.

FORBES: FireEye: Silicon Valley's Hottest Security Start-up

4. They also showed that the Apollo spacecraft could survive the launch and could re-enter Earth's atmosphere safely.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

5. That was when men from Earth -- American astronauts flew their Apollo Eleven spacecraft to the moon, landed and returned home safely.

VOA : special.2009.07.29

6. Still,there is one more important piece of nformation necessary for safely sailing the oceans.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

7. The waste is safely disposed of.


8. But we might safely assume by now that Kim and his circle know that, too.

FORBES: Try Real 'Change' Toward North Korea

9. This tells her that the teachers were not giving each student enough space to move around safely.

VOA : special.2009.08.06

10. His friends became concerned. One by one, they asked him if he was able to drive home safely.

VOA : special.2009.07.19

11. Safely deducting savings ahead of your check is exactly what a 401(k) does quite well.

FORBES: Five Steps Toward Fixing the Hole In Your Retirement Plan

12. Even if tomorrow someone were to hand doctors a magic new technology that would enable to control neurons and synapses with whatever precision they want safely inexpensively.

就算明天有人交给医生一项神奇的新技术,让他能安全,随心所欲地控制神经元和神经突触。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

13. Louis hitters reached safely and the Cardinals scored three times on Gee's first 11 pitches.

WSJ: Mets end scoring slump but still lose to Cardinals

14. But by then, Lee and his men had crossed safely back into Virginia.

VOA : special.2009.11.05

15. So they have to be engineered to be inert so that they can be safely inside a system and there's not every material you could pick would have that property.

缝合线必须是惰性的,以便确保植入人体后的安全性,不是随便哪个材料都能做到这一点生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. They are known for their ability to walk slowly and safely on the paths.

VOA : special.2009.10.07

17. Most couples agree to fertilize far more eggs than can be implanted safely in one procedure.

FORBES: IVF And The Legacy Of Its Inventors

18. But Miles says many hospitals found they don't do a good job of safely restraining patients.

NPR: Bedrails Can Cause Deaths in Frail, Elderly

19. Nibali and the other major contenders for overall honors finished safely in the main bunch.

CNN: Wiggins withdraws from Giro d'Italia

20. One can assume safely that Aristotle would have received tenure in any number of departments at Yale, whereas Socrates could not have applied to have been a teaching assistant.

你可以放心的认定,亚里士多德将可以,在耶鲁任何部门得到终身教授职,但苏格拉底却可能,连个教学助理的位置都申请不到。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. But they say the work will make it possible to safely double the number of visitors permitted inside.

VOA : special.2009.06.29

22. Lamps should be safely wired.


23. "We will have them here until they are able to return home safely, " Gore said.

CNN: 20,000 Kosovo refugees to be allowed into U.S.

24. Once events are safely in the past, this idea seems to become less alarming.


25. "I don't think that's a fair trade" for money intended to be invested safely, he says.

WSJ: Itchy Investors Ramp Up the Risk

26. He delivered the pick-up safely.


27. To safely capture up-close film footage of tornadoes, some project participants traveled in a seven-ton, armored tornado intercept vehicle directly into tornadoes as they formed.

VOA : special.2011.04.19

28. Since capital gains were all but guaranteed, the thinking went, you could safely spend them.

FORBES: Goose Eggs

29. So I think I can safely say that most people had the right idea and were counting quickly, 3 though I have a feeling that some people who wrote 13 might have forgotten about those 4 f, the 4 f electrons.

我认为我可以放心地说,大部分人的想法都是对的,数得也很快,只是我感觉不少选,13,的人都是因为3,忘了,4,f,4,f,电子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

30. But he wanted them to be able to land safely at Annapolis, a city on the Chesapeake Bay.

VOA : special.2009.08.20

31. Today,we tell about how people learned an important piece of information necessary for safely sailing on the oceans.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

32. All in all, Air Partner safely took 250 Western executives and their families out of Indonesia.

FORBES: Flight To Safety

33. Finding themselves safely at home, it would be of no importance whether they had ever been away."

VOA : special.2009.12.31

34. That would, needless to say, put him safely beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement.


35. And by the 1820s and 1830s the American South became what I think you could safely say was the fifth slave society in human history; maybe the sixth. This is debatable.

自十九世纪二三十年代起,美国南方,绝对成为了,人类历史上的第五个奴隶社会,也可能是第六个,这仍然处于争议中美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. These people also need havens where they can safely and confidentially invest their money.

FORBES: Why Tax Havens Are A Force For Good

37. Once inside, staff members train the visitors on how to safely interact with the animals.

BBC: Play one-on-one with a giant panda

38. They had heard his plane and were safely in a slit trench when the bombs fell.

FORBES: George McGovern Passes On - Where Were You In 1972 ?

39. A navigator is responsible for guiding a ship safely from one port to another.

VOA : special.2009.12.23

40. You can transform your financial life and safely and confidently weather any financial storm.

FORBES: Weathering a Financial Storm

41. But we make sure we have enough water so runners can get around safely.

BBC: Runner dies after London Marathon

42. OK, I think we can safely go back to notes.

好的,我想我们可以放心地继续讲下面的内容了。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. Satan may be like the wind, Orion, but Orion here is also seen as vexing and destroying the Egyptians whose carcasses wash up on the shores of the Red Sea, and the Israelites, having crossed the Red Sea safely, look on at this destruction from the safety of their shore.

撒旦或许像风神一样,但是这里的风神在怒吼,在摧毁着埃及人,他们的尸体横陈在红海上,而以色列人,却平安的穿过了红海,从安全的海岸回望身后的摧枯拉朽。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Chevron insists it has dealt with the sulfur safely and legally, and is contesting the fine.

FORBES: Power Putsch

45. He could still give the bird to the hunter and return safely home.

VOA : special.2010.03.20

46. And it allows all manner of devices to safely connect to a satellite based wifi provider.

FORBES: Ready For Take-off? FAA Considering Rule Change On Personal Electronic Devices

47. They say current tests show that the pouch can safely store the drug for as long as four months.

VOA : special.2010.05.24

48. No rescues were necessary on this sortie, and the crew and plane returned to base safely.

CNN: Refueling 500 feet over Iraq 'keeps you on your toes'

49. The night passed safely and he was found by sheriff's deputies the following morning.

FORBES: Magazine Article

50. Shenzhen Airlines and Juneyao Airlines landed safely after some delays due to security checks.

WSJ: Chinese Airlines Receive Flight Threats

51. Mallory believed that was the only way they would have the energy and speed to climb the last three hundred meters to the top and return safely.

VOA : special.2010.06.30

52. The 6-month pilot program, dubbed People and Animals Living Safely, or PALS, begins Saturday.

WSJ: NYC gets first-of-its-kind domestic abuse shelter

53. But Edward can no longer safely live in the same town as Bella.

VOA : special.2010.01.20

54. If they work 5 days a week, that is 27.5 hours a week, safely part-time.

FORBES: The End of Full-Time Work in the American Retail Service Sector

55. France are also safely through to the quarterfinals with a 3-0 win over Israel in Rouen.

CNN: Czech Republic win 7-hour Davis Cup doubles marathon

56. We arrived home safely.


57. Natural gas stoves or gas water heaters are usually connected to a device that safely expels the gas from the home.

VOA : special.2010.02.02

58. After a few seconds, when the X-15 was safely away, the pilot started its rocket engine.

VOA : special.2010.07.07

59. Drowsy drivers often make it safely to their destination, but for some, the consequences are devastating.

WSJ: Drowsy driving remains an elusive highway dilemma

60. NASA's most important job was to send an American into space and return him safely to Earth.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

61. This is still NPR: safely highbrow, never snarky and, in its quest for inclusiveness, sometimes labored.

WSJ: The Improbable Rise of NPR Music

62. Pilot Chesley Sullenberger safely landed a US Airways passenger plane on New York's Hudson River after both its engines failed.

VOA : special.2010.01.02

63. Now the problem was how to get the astronauts back to Earth as quickly and safely as possible.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

64. Many people paid the money to send telegrams to their families back home to say they had arrived safely in Skagway.

VOA : special.2009.02.11

65. That a plane headed down the runway had only about a 60% chance of landing safely?

FORBES: Actively Managed Funds: A Faulty Product?



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