
学考宝 作者:佚名




英 [səʊl]play美 [soʊl]play

  • n. 灵魂;心灵;某种人;(用于否定句中)一个人(也没有);灵乐;感受强烈感情的能力;(艺术、音乐作品或文章中的)热情,气魄;精神,精髓;(某地的)人们,人口(souls);(人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质;(某种品质的)典范,化身;美国黑人文化(或种族尊严);鬼魂
  • adj. 激情黑人的,黑人文化的
  • 【名】 (Soul)(英、法)苏尔(人名)

复数 souls

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soul /səʊl/

  • 1.
    可数名词 Your soul is the part of you that consists of your mind, character, thoughts, and feelings. Many people believe that your soul continues existing after your body is dead. 灵魂

    She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.


  • 2.
    可数名词 You can refer to someone as a particular kind of soul when you are describing their character or condition. 个性

    He's a jolly soul.


  • 3.
    单数型名词 You use soul in negative statements like not a soul to mean nobody at all. 人 (用于否定句中)

    I've never harmed a soul in my life.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 Soul is the same as . 灵魂音乐

    ...American soul singer Anita Baker.




  • adj.

    soulful 感情上的;高尚的;充满精神的

    soulless 没有灵魂的;没有精神的;卑鄙的;无情的



1. Soul Hunter 猎魂者 ; 灵魂猎手 ; 封神演义 ; 灵魂猎人

2. Soul Surfer 灵魂冲浪 ; 灵魂冲浪人

3. My Soul 忧伤还是快乐 ; 我的灵魂 ; 我的心 ; 枯竭的悲伤坠落下来

4. with heart and soul 热心地,全心全意地

5. soul mate 情人;性情相投的人;心心相印的伙伴

6. Soul Nebula 灵魂星云

7. Soul Men 灵魂歌手 ; 片 ; 英 ; 灵魂乐手

8. Soul Calibur 灵魂能力 ; 刀魂 ; 灵魂力量 ; 及灵剑

9. lost soul 地狱亡魂

10. SOUL EDGE 魂之利刃 ; 魂之芒刃 ; 魂之利刃专辑 ; 刀魂

11. have no soul ◎没有生气;缺乏气魄

12. Soul Sacrifice 灵魂献祭 ; 暗魂献祭 ; 灵魂祭品 ; 灵魂牺牲

13. poor soul 可怜的人

14. Soul Umbrella 心灵雨伞

15. the life and soul (某一集会中)最活跃有趣的人;活跃分子;中心人物,首要人物;骨干;灵魂

16. soul music n. 黑人乐


1. The associative guilt was ingrained in his soul.


2. Her mother, poor soul, came to an even worse end.


3. They threw themselves heart and soul into the project.


4. She committed herself body and soul to fighting for the cause.


5. Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the body.

祈祷净化灵魂, 而痛苦则净化身体.《期刊摘选》

6. Why have these souls gone into forgetfulness? Forgetfulness occurs for many reasons.

为什么这些灵魂进入了遗忘? 遗忘的发生有许多原因.《期刊摘选》

7. Stare into the darkness of your soul.


8. In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls.


9. Academic discipline is the soul of a university, the spiritual backbone of its subsistence and development.

摘要学风是一所大学的灵魂, 是学校生存与发展的精神支柱.《期刊摘选》

10. This is because he believes that the soul exists, will continue to exist after the death of the body, and the soul is immortal.


11. A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul.


12. ...a struggle for the soul of the Republican Party.


13. The group perform variations on soul and gospel music.


14. When thou readest this, my soul will be near thee.


15. The Greeks accepted belief in the immortality of the soul.


16. Gratitude is the sign of souls.


17. There wasn't a soul in sight.


18. the dark side of the human soul


19. Enterprise culture is the soul and spiritual prop of enterprise survival and development.


20. She sold her soul for money.


21. And the souls will feel torture and torment and love and compassion.


22. Take time to laugh; it is the music of the soul.

花些时间欢笑, 那是灵魂的音乐.《期刊摘选》

23. His drifting soul was anchored in the love of God, in the rock that endured forever.


24. Out of surfering, it merges the strongest souls. The most massive characters are shriveled with ghast.

在患难中,诞生最强大的化身, 最伟大的精神也会因恐惧而枯萎.《期刊摘选》

25. They barely have enough money to keep body and soul together.


26. I believe in living passionately hard and fast like a steam train, and touching souls.

我相信生活要充满激情,对人放开怀抱,像一辆蒸汽火车般坚定不移, 而且拥有令人感动的精神.《期刊摘选》

27. Brevity is the soul of wit Act II, Scene II.


28. Lotus and water lily bloom in summer. It brings joy to one's soul refreshes the mind.

荷花和水仙花在夏天开放, 不但给人带来心灵上的娱乐,还振奋精神.《期刊摘选》

29. May God have mercy on your soul.


30. Soul theorists have another option, that is, they are not.


31. He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul.


32. ...American soul singer Anita Baker.


33. She has a soul above material pleasures.


34. He's a lost soul.


35. He believed his immortal soul was in peril.


36. Encouragement is oxygen to the soul.


37. He is the soul of discretion.


38. ...politicians who would sell their soul for the sake of office.


39. They make statements about yoga being for the body, mind, and soul.


40. Spirituality is an inner fire, a mystical sustenance that feeds our souls.

精神是一份心中的激情, 是滋润我们灵魂的一种神秘食粮.《期刊摘选》

41. There is no truer torment for my soul than to know you unwell and unhappy.


42. She went to pray for the soul of her late husband...


43. You're a brave soul.


44. While straining the brain, you may experience the soul sound necessary for transitioning to an OBE.

拉张脑部时, 你会听到灵魂声音,这是出窍过程中必要的.《期刊摘选》

45. That soul will not remember the memory as Shelly Kagan.

那灵魂不会记得作为 Shelly Kagan 的记忆。

46. There was not a soul there.


47. There wasn't a soul in sight (= nobody was in sight) .


48. Real friendship is when two individuals share the same soul.


49. She's lost all her money, poor soul.


50. Knowledge is the food of soul.


51. The soul is immortal.


52. And the leader needs to absorb a purely good soul to complete the ritual.


53. She went to pray for the soul of her late husband


54. A light , relaxing cucumber fragrance allows your body, mind and soul to reconnect.

清新的青瓜香味令身 、 心、精神为之一振.《期刊摘选》

55. A ghost A body in search of a soul?


56. He's a jolly soul...


57. Things made by great men reflect the harmonious communication between spirit and eternal soul.


58. The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls.


59. Orpheus had lost his soul mate forever because he had broken Hades'essential demand.


60. Here's to her whose birthday is so sweetly linked with my soul birthday!

让我们为她的生日,这个与我精神的新生紧紧相连的生日举杯! (刘思敏译)《期刊摘选》

61. Bless my soul! Here comes Bill!


62. Body and soul he needed her , needed her for his work too.

他的身体,精神,事情,没有一处不需要她的.《汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子》

63. The true cultural heart and soul of Alaska's fisheries, however, is salmon.


64. He's not about the kind of self or soul that theologians about. It's something very concrete.

他不是在谈论那些理论学家喜欢纠缠的关于灵魂或是自我之类的东西, 而是一些真实可感的东西.《期刊摘选》

65. Few men would have bared their soul to a woman as he had.


66. Most people believe that a man's body dies but his soul be Immortal.


67. Or that there is a revival of the spirit and soul.


68. It was a very polished performance, but it lacked soul.


69. The soul of criminal legislation and criminal justice is criminal policy.


70. She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.


71. Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.

洛丽塔, 我生命之光,我欲念之火. 我的罪恶, 我的灵魂.《期刊摘选》

72. Painting is the art of reaching the soul through the eyes.


73. Soul theorists say, "Follow the soul, unless the soul is divided."


74. ...a tiny village of only 100 souls.

一个只有 100 位居民的小村庄《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

75. You must enter into a blood covenant with Sara's soul. Focus your spirit on Sara.

你必须同这女人签订血的契约! 对她集中精神!《期刊摘选》

76. He's a jolly soul.


77. The mysteries were concerned with man's problem of freeing his soul from the world.


78. The soul of the British people and race had proved invincible.


79. The place is balm to the soul.


80. But if other thing creates you, then you are merely a puppet without any soul.

但如果你是别的什么创造的, 那你只是一个木偶,没有灵魂.《期刊摘选》

81. 'I will put my heart and soul into the job,' he promises.


82. They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound


83. Meanwhile, they have an indomitable spirit of sacrifice towards men, either with their body or soul.

对待男人, 她们在灵魂与身体上都体现出了一种大无畏的自甘牺牲的精神.《期刊摘选》

84. Although he was twice as old as us, he became the life and soul of the company.


85. If she had gone after my soul, I would have been sunk.

如果她在追逐我的灵魂, 那我只好荡然无存.《辞典例句》

86. Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.


87. You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.


88. They believed that their souls would be condemned to burn in hell for eternity.


89. Deaths attributed to him, he attributed the silence of the soul.

他归于死亡, 他的灵魂归于沉默.《期刊摘选》

90. Teachers are engineers of human soul.


91. All of you carry these traumas within you as scars on your soul.


92. I've never harmed a soul in my life.


93. a soul singer


94. There was a feeling of restlessness deep in her soul.


95. A little body often harbours a great soul.


96. The spirit of adventure rose in the boy's soul once more.


97. Souls are given over to the demons and their saraband.


98. Anyone with half a soul.


99. The face is the mirror of the soul.


100. Our spirit and soul, or individuality, are joined to Him.

我们的精神和灵魂 、 或个性和上帝合而为一.《期刊摘选》

101. He dedicated himself body and soul to the education of young men


102. He at first kept body and soul together by selling cartoons to the humorous papers.


103. She looked ghostly, as if she were merely a soul at large.


104. I've never harmed a soul in my life...


105. Certain souls bemused with their own power and began to experiment with it.


106. She was now committed to the band, body and soul.


107. (literary)a village of 300 souls (= with 300 people living there)


108. I've never harmed a soul in my life


109. He and the stunt coordinator, Nick Gillard , were kind of my soul mates on the film.


110. ‘Want a ride? ’ ‘No thanks. Walking is good for the soul. ’


111. A house without woman and firelight, is like a body without soul or sprite.

无女人与炉火之房屋, 犹如无灵魂或精神之身体.《期刊摘选》

112. May his soul rest in peace!


113. Beyong your eyes, father on, the evenings were blazing . Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul.

越过你的双眼再过去, 夜正发光. 干燥的秋叶在你的灵魂里回旋.《期刊摘选》

114. University's school tradition is university's soul, is the university spirit centralism manifests.

高校的学风是大学的灵魂, 是大学精神的集中体现.《期刊摘选》

115. Don't tell a soul (= do not tell anyone) .


116. “ Real friendship is when two individuals share the same soul.

真正的友谊是两个人灵魂相通,《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

117. We commend her soul to God.


118. One of them mentioned that lost souls often seek out are sensitive and spiritually aware.


119. The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls (= the spirits of dead people who are not in heaven) .


120. They just clung to each other like two lost souls.


121. According to Mandy, Pat's tough exterior hides a shy and sensitive soul.



1. And given this existence of this immaterial soul, it's a possibility, indeed a fair likelihood, hat we will survive our deaths.

鉴于它们的存在,这是可能的,也的确是有这样的可能性的,让我们能在死亡后继续存在。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.

VOA : special.2010.01.10

3. It means,when my brain gets split, my soul is going to end up in Lefty or in Righty,but not in both.

这个意思是,我的大脑被一分为二后,灵魂将只能进入小左或小右其中一个。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. They have always been and will always will be the heart and soul of any tape.

FORBES: What's the Trade? AXP Long

5. The rock legend praised Ahmet Ertegun, who died in 2006, as a "soul man".

BBC: Oxford's ?26m donation from Atlantic soul family

6. I think even soul's emotion... People are a little too off for good church, for good church people. -Right.

这也和“灵魂情感“有关。。。,人们对按时拜谒教会这件事,太冷淡,-是的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

7. Alone, that kind of soul-crushing disillusionment might not be enough to inspire lethal violence.

FORBES: I Went To College, Law School, And Grad School - Because I Wasn't Born Elite

8. Now,if you believed in a soul,then you might worry about, well,gosh what's going to happen to my soul after I die?

如果你们相信灵魂,那你们会担心,天啊,我死后我的灵魂会怎样呢?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Hollywood captures the celluloid soul of the American dream and exports it around the world.

FORBES: Welcome to Backslash

10. It was the low sound that arises from the bottom of the soul.

VOA : special.2009.05.16

11. They re-energise the language, and by doing so, they serve to quicken the reader's soul.

ECONOMIST: The Irish poet's new collection is his best for years

12. But over time the direction of his career took a steady toll on his soul.

WSJ: The Experts: Dealing With Regret

13. There is a trend for disinterring 60s soul classics for TV commercials.


14. If souls are simples and simples can't split, there's no possibility of having two things with a relevant soul.

如果灵魂是单纯无法分割的,就没有两个实体拥有相同灵魂的可能。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. To dig into the soul of the Treme, you have to rely on your stomach.

BBC: New Orleans outside of the French Quarter

16. They are air-conditioning for the soul, wines of insouciant, shed-the-sweater sensuality, the sports drink of Mediterranean seductions.

FORBES: Rose Colored Glasses

17. Ms. LO: Actually, rap and hip-hop are big also with dance, soul and reggae.

NPR: Roundtable: College Students Debate Pew Poll on Race

18. He's got a good soul, a bad soul, how the soul soars when I read Shakespeare, or what have you.

思考灵魂是高尚还是卑劣时,阅读莎士比亚作品时,我都感到很惬意死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Gave him five dollars and went on my way, big city blues in my soul.

NPR: Judy Collins, From Both Sides Now

20. And Buffy spin-off character Angel, the vampire with a soul, was rated ninth in the league.

BBC: Doctor Who is sci-fi favourite

21. And notice that it's the body that blazes: soul and body or soul and heart.

注意到是身体在燃烧:,灵魂和身体,或灵魂和你的心。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Every day I come to this job I lose a part of my soul.

FORBES: Why You Should Quit Your Job

23. Well, of course, it's because he thinks, first of all, there's a soul and it will survive and it's immortal.

当然,这是因为他认为,首先,灵魂是存在的,在肉体死后仍会继续存在,而且灵魂是不朽的死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Others threw their arms open wide, and the Holy Ghost touched them soul by soul.

NPR: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Frogtown'

25. "There is some soul in Alabama that you can't find in Los Angeles, " Carter says.

NPR: The Legendary Muscle Shoals Sound

26. Life coaches are the personal trainers of the soul.


27. For many of them, the decision is the result of years of thought and emotional soul-searching.

CNN: Out-of-wedlock births hit record high

28. Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.


29. But as if it depended upon that hot-blooded princess, her soul at a white heat under the fires of sadness and jealousy.

VOA : special.2009.04.18

30. How her soul had burned in pain when she had seen him run to meet that woman, with her look of victory.

VOA : special.2009.04.18

31. Ah,says the soul theorist, Follow the soul--unless the soul splits, Shelly Kagan in which case neither of them is Shelly Kagan.

灵魂理论者说,跟随灵魂,除非灵魂分裂,那样他们就都不是。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Wa-el is an Egyptian entrepreneur whose background is in composite materials, but whose soul lives in motorcars.

BBC: Trick of the light: A California road trip

33. Other lesser known acts include a fairly new band from Australia called Violent Soho and the Nigerian-German soul singer Nneka Egbuna.

VOA : special.2010.08.02

34. "I will seek the one my soul loves in the streets and public squares, " he wrote.

NPR: A Glimpse Inside a Catholic 'Force': Opus Dei

35. The platonic idea of justice concerns harmony, he tells us, both harmony in the city and harmony in the soul.

柏拉图式的正义观是关于和谐,他说到,那是关于城市的和谐与灵魂的和谐。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Maybe the better arguments for the soul focus not on the everyday but on the unusual, on the supernatural.

或许更好支持灵魂存在的论证应着眼于,不寻常的,超自然的现象,而非日常所见死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. For Obama to support such a program would be selling his soul to the devil.

FORBES: Why Obama Cannot Match Germany's Jobs Miracle

38. In nineteen fifty, he began writing and recording for the Soul Stirrers.

VOA : special.2011.02.20

39. Mac's on Main is a popular soul food restaurant in South Carolina's capital, Columbia.

NPR: South Carolina Voters React to Skirmish over Race

40. The soul of another is darkness, and a cat's soul more than most ...

NPR: Excerpt: 'Why We Love Chekhov'

41. If the soul is immaterial, doesn't it follow automatically, trivially, that the soul can't be destroyed by a material process?

如果灵魂是无形的,是否可以顺理成章地得出,灵魂无法被实体过程所摧毁呢死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. in which the three parts of the city and the three parts of the soul are direct expressions of one another.

是一种城市的三个阶级,与灵魂的三个部份,彼此直接呼应的和谐状态。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. Now I was burrowing way down into the soul of my new little machine.

FORBES: The Laptop Lament

44. Visitors can see King's very first guitar at the Rock and Soul Museum in Memphis,Tennessee.

VOA : special.2010.05.12

45. At the neon-pink-walled factory of Soul Stix Surfboards, in the surf ghetto of San Clemente, Calif.


46. At that moment, I would have given my soul to become as small as she and enter her world to help her.

VOA : special.2009.07.25

47. But, it doesn't guarantee it, because absent further argumentation, there's no guarantee that the soul survives the death of the body.

但这不能保证,由于缺乏进一步的论证,我们无法保证,在肉体死亡后灵魂仍然存活死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. I am the poet of the Body and I am the poet of the Soul, I am the poet of the woman the same as the man.

VOA : special.2009.04.12

49. Today we tell about James Brown, the musician called "The Godfather of Soul."

VOA : special.2010.05.16

50. My inexperienced soul bore it heavily, and I worry-warted my way through the trek.

BBC: Nepal's year-round trekking route

51. With that, a certain skepticism crept into my soul about this high-tech medical intervention.

NPR: Excerpt: 'The Healing Of America'

52. This question, though it may seem odd, goes to the soul of the American Revolution.

FORBES: To Live In Liberty

53. The twenty-five year old plays jazz that is influenced by the sounds of funk,soul, samba and blues music.

VOA : special.2010.04.09

54. Awadi is a Senegalese musician who created the band called Positive Black Soul in nineteen eighty-nine.

VOA : special.2009.10.14

55. The scandalous, seditious and libelous books that need to be brought to justice in this remarkable sentence are suddenly revealed to have a soul.

有诽谤性的煽动性的中伤性的需要被审判的书,在这句话里突然被透露出是有灵魂的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Empathy, the soul-nourishing human kind, includes more than just the accurate information data mining yields.

FORBES: 'Big Data' Got You Creeped Out? Transparency Can Help

57. After much soul-searching, I decided to change my career.


58. Confession cleanses the soul.


59. We have put our heart and soul into our show, and should not be stepped on like this.

CNN: Kanye West's last minute NYFW show angers designers

60. The original, recorded by James Carr in 1966, is a classic of furtive sneaking-around soul.

NPR: Music's Renegade Historian in Rural America

61. Lance Armstrong was the athletic soul of integrity, the gold standard when it came to cycling.

FORBES: Armstrong and Te'O--True Sparrows Or Fake Eagles

62. DeRose also has a secret weapon: a voice that seems to expose his very soul.

NPR: Peasant: 'Fine is Fine'

63. And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted -- nevermore!

VOA : special.2009.02.02

64. The three Mexican brothers from Texas have earned high praise for their mixture of rock,blues,soul and a kind of Mexican-Texan music called Tejano.

VOA : special.2010.08.02

65. The soul infused its power throughout the entirety of the bodily frame, and so body and soul in Milton's incredibly moving, and I think really beautiful, vision almost becomes indistinguishable.

灵魂将其力量贯穿于整个肉体,所以在弥尔顿极为动人,美丽的观念中,肉体和灵魂几乎是难以辨别的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
















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