
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]play美 [ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]play

  • n. 自然环境,生态环境;周围状况,条件;工作平台,软件包

复数 environments

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


environment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Someone's environment is all the circumstances, people, things, and events around them that influence their life. 环境

    Students in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment.



    The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment.


  • 2.
    可数名词 Your environment consists of the particular natural surroundings in which you live or exist, considered in relation to their physical characteristics or weather conditions. 生存环境

    ...a safe environment for marine mammals.


  • 3.
    单数型名词 The environment is the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals. 自然环境

    ...persuading people to respect the environment.






1. Natural Environment 自然环境 ; 天然环境 ; 自然生态环境 ; 自然生态

2. urban environment 城市环境

3. environment pollution [法]环境污染

4. external environment 外环境

5. economic environment 经济环境

6. work environment 工作环境

7. working environment 工作环境;作业环境;工作环境温度

8. living environment 生活环境

9. Marketing Environment 营销环境 ; 市场营销环境 ; 行销环境 ; 市场环境

10. investment environment 投资环境

11. geographical environment 地理环境

12. social environment 社会环境

13. environment friendly 环保的;对环境有利的

14. protect the environment 环境保护

15. environment protection 环境保护;环境保扩

16. control environment 控制环境 ; 内控环境 ; 环境控制

17. natural environment 自然环境

18. Environment California 环境·加利福尼亚 ; 加州环境

19. network environment 网络环境

20. geological environment 地质环境

21. Environment Minister 环境部长 ; 环保官员 ; 环境事务大臣

22. business environment 经营环境;商务环境;企业环境

23. Environment Bureau 环境局

24. ecological environment 生态环境

25. development environment 发展环境;开发环境;研发环境

26. environment variable 环境变量 ; 情况变量

27. marine environment 海洋环境




hostile environment 不利的环境

safe environment 安全的环境

supportive environment 支持性的环境

unhealthy environment 不健康的环境

natural environment 自然环境


damage the environment 破坏环境

protect the environment 保护环境


1. The true cost of these experiments to the environment will not be known for years to come.


2. tests carried out in a controlled environment


3. The greenhouse is a closed environment system, which is influenced by the outdoors environment greatly.

温室是一个半封闭的环境系统, 受外界环境因素的影响很大.《期刊摘选》

4. The paper mainly around how to analyze competition environment and establish competition countermeasure.


5. The indiscriminate use of fertilizers is damaging to the environment.


6. Skin, the biggest organ of human body, consists of the barrier against the environment outside.

皮肤是机体内的最大器官, 构成机体与外界环境之间的屏障.《期刊摘选》

7. You both tend avoid getting involved in activities outside your own environment.


8. To me surrounding environment plays an important role.


9. Teach children to develop a responsible attitude and value the environment.


10. There is important for recover history of the Holocene Volcanic and conclude environment of crater.


11. If our environment cools, then messages from the skin alert the body's thermostat.


12. The ecological environments around mining zone are affected to great by the exploitation of mineral resources.


13. The care of the environment is of prime importance.


14. If we plant more trees around the school, then the environment will be changed greatly.

如果我们在学校周围多种些树, 那将可使环境大为改观.《期刊摘选》

15. Students in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment.


16. Environment means much to a child.


17. There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.


18. Plants could adapt to environment by change rhizospheric characteristic through adjusting components of root exudates.


19. An added complication is the growing concern for the environment.


20. We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.


21. Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment...


22. It not only occupies lots of land, but also pollutes environment and leads soil erosion.

它不仅占压大面积的土地, 而且还造成水土流失和对周围环境的污染.《期刊摘选》

23. You enjoy a private environment with your partner, so that the intimacy is not interrupted.


24. A bad home environment can affect a child's healthy growth.


25. He has always been pro the environment.


26. Textiles are made repellent to withstand the stresses of use and of the environment.


27. Children need a caring environment.


28. An equipment failure caused by the environment around the failed item.


29. They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish.


30. Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies.


31. Could you please describe the environment of where you are living?

温哥华周围有许多岛屿,你能描述一下你居住的环境 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

32. Repair situations and so on bed, big closet, tea table, computer table: Fine environment: Convenient.

配套设施:完备家具: 全.床 、 大衣柜 、 茶几 、 电脑桌等装修情况: 精周围环境:方便.《期刊摘选》

33. the Department of the Environment


34. The environment has become a very hot issue.


35. It's difficult to make accurate predictions about the effects on the environment.


36. Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragile environment.


37. They believe that the arrangement of your environment affects your energy and luck.


38. In a nutshell , your environment can either build up your confidence or drag it down.

简而言之, 你的周围环境要么会让你自信倍增,要么就会打击你的自信.《期刊摘选》

39. An unhappy home environment can affect children's behaviour.


40. These gases cause untold damage to the environment.


41. Its stable burning technique and adaptability to the environment have reached a new technical level.


42. He is a man unable to relate to his environment.


43. The gut plays accordingly a crucial role in the interaction between host and environment.


44. I set up a ginger group on the environment.


45. Perhaps,as the team suggests, it draws us to similar environments but there is more to it.

或许,正如研究小组所言,是嗅觉基因把我们吸引到了类似的环境之中。但事情并没有那么简单。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

46. It was interesting to be in a different environment


47. Need for power is the desire to influence others and control's environment.


48. This pavilion is harmonious with the surrounding environment.


49. Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment.


50. His speech called for a step change in attitudes to the environment in the 21st century.


51. Animals adjust themselves to their environment.


52. This paper analysis the theories calculation method of unsteady heat change coefficient in different Environment.


53. Hydro project construction will impose a certain negative impact on environment.


54. Quite rightly , the environment is of great concern.


55. Environment: Is far away from the traffic lane, the environment is good.

周围环境: 远离车道, 环境佳.《期刊摘选》

56. The gas exchange process between organization and environment is named respiration.


57. She works in a predominantly male environment.


58. The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment.


59. The broadscale cutting down of trees is damaging the environment.


60. The advantageous location, elegant environment and advanced service facilities of thethe first choice forand tourist.

其优越的地理位置, 优雅完整的周围环境,先进的服务设施,是商务旅游人士的首选之地.《期刊摘选》

61. True friendship, should withstand the test of time, also can withstand the test environment.

真正的友谊, 应该经得起时间的考验, 也经得起外界环境的考验.《期刊摘选》

62. Our ultimate goal must be the preservation of the environment.


63. Employers should provide a safe working environment, as far as is reasonably practicable.


64. It's like staying in a fish market and getting used to the stink ; long exposure to a bad environment accustoms one to evil ways.

如入鲍鱼之肆, 久而不闻其臭.《现代汉英综合大词典》

65. measures to protect the environment


66. The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment.


67. Studying this could help understand why human evolution picked pace in the last 30, 000 years, with social environment being a major contributory factor.

该研究有助于理解在过去3万年里,人类进化步伐加快的原因,其中,社会环境是一个重要的促成因素。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

68. Sometimes the home environment just isn't conducive to reading.


69. When the competitive environment pushed our ancestors to achieve that potential, they could in turn afford more education.

当竞争的环境逼迫我们的祖先发挥出这种潜能时,他们反过来也会受得起更多得教育。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

70. Does the architecture of the environment guide people to the kiosks when appropriate?

所处环境周围的建筑设计是否考虑了引导人们来到信息亭面前?《About Face 3交互设计精髓》

71. There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment


72. pollution of the environment


73. Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious challenges we face.


74. A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations. 

动荡的商业环境也使高官们变得小心翼翼,以防含糊其辞的表态毁掉了自己的声誉。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

75. China is often accused of all but destroying its environment in the name of economic growth.


76. To reduce the adverse effects on the around environment, it must forecast the ground settlement.

为减少地面沉降对周围环境的不良影响, 必须对地面沉降进行预测.《期刊摘选》

77. We need more joined-up thinking in our approach to the environment.


78. People are becoming more sensitized to the dangers threatening the environment.


79. You need to understand how office politics influence the working environment.


80. Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.


81. Furthermore, emergency plan was suggested to reduce the hazardous effects of accidents on water environment.


82. A responsive environment: Interact with people and objects around you to advance.

一个负责任的环境: 与人们互动和你周围的物体推进.《期刊摘选》

83. It was interesting to be in a different environment.


84. Environment around the temple referred to the original shade Shiliquan, beautiful scenery, climatewen liang.

介庙周围原来环境清幽,浓荫十里, 风景秀丽, 气候温凉.《期刊摘选》

85. the political environment


86. This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment.


87. They should make adjustment to the new environment.


88. You should pay attention to the surrounding environment.


89. Company must continuously innovate and adjust to fit the changing and outer environment.


90. Building a dam here could have unforeseeable consequences for the environment.


91. ...Conservative spokesman on the environment.


92. He was appointed to the newly established Department of the Environment.


93. ...persuading people to respect the environment.


94. a desktop development environment


95. We need to establish a legal framework for the protection of the environment.


96. a pleasant working/learning environment

令人愉快的工作 / 学习环境《牛津词典》

97. Outlines for objects are drawn by situations and environments.


98. damage to the environment


99. The invention of radar expands the human ability to observe environment around, especially range of vision.

雷达的发明扩展了人们观测周围环境的能力, 尤其是视觉能力.《期刊摘选》

100. It contains DHA known for increase the resistibility against stimulate and pollution of environment.


101. Together, they make up the reading component of your overall literacy or relationship to your surrounding textual environment.

它们共同构成了读者整体读写能力或读者与周围话语环境关系的阅读部分。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

102. Canals lead to a meandering stream thus connecting the built environment with the surrounding landscape.


103. An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour.


104. The Nervous Net gives a machine ability to react to its environment on a dynamic way.


105. ...the maintenance of a safe environment for marine mammals.


106. The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment...


107. They seem to want to fossilize the environment in which people live and work.


108. Quite rightly, the environment is of great concern.


109. The house stood out in its squareness without relation to its environment.


110. Pulmonary ventilation is the gas exchange process between lungs and environment.


111. Weidner's new software allow an operator to define unfamiliar phrases before translate the full text.


112. Look at your work environment like an anthropologist.

像人类学家—样去审视你的工作环境。【句子解析】本句是一个祈使句,由“谓语(Look at) +宾语(your work environment) ”构成。介词短语like an anthropologist 作状语。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

113. No matter how formal or informal the work environment, the way you present yourself has an impact.

无论工作环境多么正式或不正式,你展示自己的方式会产生巨大影响。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

114. The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment.


115. The effect of its movement on the environment could be seen well as heard.



1. The reality is that the sustainability of this fragile desert environment is a huge concern.

BBC: Discover life in the Nevada desert

2. The Department of the Environment hopes to see an 80% reduction in bag use.

BBC: Northern Ireland's new five-pence carrier bag tax

3. Innovation flourishes in a benign environment of low taxes, a sensible judiciary and commonsense regulation.

FORBES: Supremely Destructive Stupidity

4. "In general,we find that genetically engineered crops have had fewer adverse effects on the environment than non-GE crops produced conventionally."

VOA : special.2010.04.27

5. Yet there are fears that reckless exploitation of Greenland's minerals could endanger the pristine Arctic environment.

BBC: Greenland rare earths: No special favours for EU

6. It fit the environment perfectly, once they could make these things actually go twenty-five miles an hour.

它与北美的环境及其契合,人们铺路速度一度可以,达到每小时25英里美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Avoid professional men because they more frequently work in an environment that includes women.

FORBES: Readers Say

8. Project Green Search is looking for young women who are also concerned about the environment, animal welfare,fair trade and human rights.

VOA : special.2009.11.06

9. Thousands of jobs could be created from Northern Ireland's historic assets, according to the environment minister.

BBC: Historic assets 'could bring thousands of jobs'

10. But I mean, if you're passionate about the environment, if you’re passionate about building and so on,

但你若真正热爱这个环境,对楼房建造充满激情,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 建筑学专业教授

11. Soon, they could be forced to take drastic measures in a deteriorating economic environment.

FORBES: Magazine Article

12. Since November,the Hussins have met Americans living in eco-villages, where people share values and responsibility in caring for the environment.

VOA : special.2011.05.20

13. Daily boat tours allow visitors to get up close to the birds in their natural environment.

BBC: Natures biggest treasure hunt

14. If I present the same thing in another context or background or environment, then you react very differently.

如果我用另一种表述方式来叙述同样的事件,或者更换背景及环境,你的反应会完全不同。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. It said enough evidence had been produced before the court to prove that the environment was being polluted.

BBC: India court orders Vedanta subsidiary plant to close

16. Tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.


17. They were fun to read. Yet his books sometimes dealt with serious subjects including equality, responsibility and protecting the environment.

VOA : special.2010.05.02

18. She says that Earth Day is still very much about activism and fighting for the environment on a local level.

VOA : special.2010.04.21

19. The plans will be examined by environment ministers.


20. It may look like a natural environment of lakes and woodlands, but it was entirely built by human labor.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

21. Much harm has already been done to the earth's environment.


22. Do we rely on the individual behavior and education, or do we try to do something about the environment?

我们是要依赖个人行为和教育,还是尝试去改变环境呢关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Or it could be not having to do with the cells themselves but maybe the environment that the cell finds itself in.

这种不同也可能和细胞本身无关,而和细胞所处的环境的变化有关生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. They were part of the city's Green Summer Job Corps, a project of the District Department of the Environment.

VOA : special.2009.09.04

25. Ships no longer in use contain dangerous materials which can be released into the environment when they are taken apart.

VOA : special.2009.04.27

26. It's just minus the sum of all these things, because of course these are just defined as the work done by the environment to the system.

等于负的这些东西的和,因为它们的定义是,环境对系统所做的功。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

27. Most drivers focus on the environment immediately outside their vehicle and not their speedometer.

FORBES: InfosysVoice: Is monitoring our actions spying - or an incentive to improve performance?

28. In this environment it pays to be big, just to get leverage in distribution channels.

FORBES: Up From the Gutter

29. This means they briefly leave their temperature-controlled environment and single daily snapshots of their development are possible.

BBC: IVF 'may be boosted by time-lapse embryo imaging'

30. Would it be better for people to be able to see everyone and maybe not feel like this is a secure environment in which they can share their interests and what they thought and what they care about?

我们可以选择,将用户信息全部公开,但在这样一个网络环境下,分享自己的所见所闻,所感所想,总会让人觉得不可靠?扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

31. The group teaches local communities how to manage their resources in ways that help them economically and protect the environment.

VOA : special.2009.11.18

32. The last goal of the project was to improve the reliability and stability of the environment.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

33. This home-grown restaurant chain prepares a variety of African game and seafood in an energetic and colourful environment.

BBC: Business trip: Johannesburg

34. And that's not, that's what's good for myself and that's what benefits others and the environment,

并不是以我自己的利益为主,而是其它利益,像环境的利益等。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 要学习环境法

35. And I want to share with you couple of studies-- I'll share one study and then another later-- about the environment.

我想介绍两个研究-,先说第一个再说第二个,关于环境。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

36. Many of the new parents moved to homes in the new suburbs built outside the urban environment of cities.

VOA : special.2011.07.21

37. Indeed, the Jesus Trail aims to have a positive impact on the local environment.

BBC: Walking with Jesus in the Galilee

38. The relationship between natural and social environment and cultural values of Southeast Mediterranean peoples.

UNESCO: South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Project (SEMEP)

39. Sir John paid strong attention to the economic and intellectual environment where target companies operated.

FORBES: How To Invest, Think and Live Like Sir John Templeton

40. One powerful and until recently ignored weapon in the fight for a better environment is local people.

ECONOMIST: Local difficulties

41. But it turns out that on Macs and if you have the right software on PCs, you can kind of get a teaser of what this environment tends to look like and be forewarned, what you're about to see is intentionally very underwhelming.

事实上,它是运行在苹果机上的,如果你在电脑上有正确的软件,可以去看看这个环境大致是怎么样的,提前说下,这个程序不会让你印象深刻,我是故意这样做的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

42. And nothing compares to the thrill of being in this jungle environment after dark.

BBC: Mumbais urban jungle, after dark

43. So in an emergency, you can restore your information technology (IT) environment in a snap.

FORBES: Axcient: Finding Big Business With Small Businesses

44. As youngsters come along, they need a period of adjustation while their control in the environment grows up.

如果是青少年,他们会需要一段适应期,以逐渐掌控所处的环境。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

45. It requires a lot more personal care than the hospital environment is designed for.

BBC: Are the patients the problem?

46. He is so pinched and straightened in his environment that his leaving is more an avoidance than an embrace.

在如此艰难的处境下他挣扎求生,离开对他而言与其说是寻求解脱,不如说是逃避。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. "Spending a number of hours together in that kind of environment,I think, can only help improve the chances of bipartisan cooperation.

VOA : special.2011.06.18

48. Behind this environment are the great social processes of migration and modernization that produced that new urban form, the metropolis.

在这种环境背后是移民和现代化的重大社会进程,所带来的新的城市形式,即大都市。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. The government has taken a more energetic approach to protecting the environment.


50. It seems to me that Princeton University had a reputation nationally for a country club environment whether that was ever legitimate, which I don't think so.

我觉得普林斯顿大学,在国内都被称为有着乡村俱乐部的氛围,先不管这么说对不对,我本人是持否定意见。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

51. He suggested that individual organisms changed in reaction to their environment and passed on these traits to the next generation.

VOA : special.2009.12.01

52. It talked about it being "housed in buildings which pose intolerable risks to people and the environment".

BBC: Is it all over for Cumbrian nuclear waste store plans?

53. Until these structural barriers are addressed, India will continue to be a challenging deal making environment.

FORBES: A World Of Difference For Private Equity

54. He said the event had taken place in a "safe environment" and under strict conditions.

BBC: Boys' fight in cage 'very barbaric' says Jeremy Hunt

55. Ronald says that genetically modified crops have proved remarkably safe for both people and the environment.

FORBES: Green Genes

56. Congress seems determined to eviscerate all those laws that are designed to protect the pristine quality of our environment.


57. It helped raise public awareness of the dangerous use of chemicals to kill insects and the pollution of the environment.

VOA : special.2010.12.15

58. Middlemoor Water Park, in Woolavington, near Bridgwater, needs permission from the Environment Agency to make the change.

BBC: Velodrome plans for Middlemoor Water Park in Somerset

59. He says changes to the ice cover also affect Arctic wildlife and people who depend on the local environment.

VOA : special.2009.05.05

60. That is to say, we no longer have the kind of mind which flourishes in nature, in a natural environment.

也就是说,我们不再有一种思维,它根植于自然,自然环境中。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. Speaking of behavior, I have to maintain a fertile learning environment in here. We've got round numbers in excess of 400 people sitting here, so I expect certain things here, and that's how we're going to get along.

说到行为,我要维护一个良好的学习环境,我们的人数有点多,400人坐在这,所以,我期待一些事情,那就是我们相处的方式。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. She adds that for a healthy environment you need all kinds of bees because they pollinate different plants.

BBC: Making a bee-line for city roofs

63. Everything else is in single digits - the economy, health care, the environment, education.

NPR: Full House in White House Race

64. It provides layers of observations on local shifts in the environment relevant to climate change issues today.

UNESCO: Natural Science

65. It is home to 95, 000 people who work together to improve life whilst caring for the natural environment.

UNESCO: Biosphere Reserves


























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