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  • vt. 迷惑;愚弄(bamboozle 过去式)

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bamboozle /bæmˈbuːzəl/ [ bamboozling bamboozled bamboozles ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 To bamboozle someone means to confuse them greatly and often trick them. 蒙骗

    He bamboozled Mercer into defeat.



    He was bamboozled by con men.




1. Badlands Bamboozled 迷惑


1. They bamboozled the woman out of her watch.


2. To bamboozle someone with card tricks.

用扑克骗术欺诈某人。《provided by jukuu》

3. I I was bamboozled into signing the irrational contract.


4. You've completely bamboozled me.


5. I looked up bamboozled in the Oxford English Dictionary online, that's where the draft third edition can be found.


6. France goalkeeper Hugo Lloris was completely bamboozled by the dipping trajectory of Deng's 68th-minute strike.


7. The old people are easily bamboozled by the salesman to buy health care products.


8. Many in federalist circles were quick to dismiss Ireland's no voters as ignorant and bamboozled by the lies of anti-Lisbon campaigners.


9. Look here, friend, said I, if you have anything important to tell us, out with it; but if you are only trying to bamboozle us, you are mistaken in your game;


10. They tried to bamboozle us into buying several more tickets.

他们试图骗我们多买几张票。《provided by jukuu》

11. And the bamboozled writer Tom (Boris McGiver) determines to expose the Underwoods' misdeeds no matter the cost.


12. He was bamboozled by con men.


13. He bamboozled the old lady out of her diamond ring.


14. Because society has bamboozled you to think you should be married by now?


15. He bamboozled me into joining the club.

他愚弄我去加入那个俱乐部。《provided by jukuu》

16. He was bamboozled into joining the club.


17. Praising her hairstyle, getting mesmerized by her eyes and being bamboozled by her smile.


18. He bamboozled Mercer into defeat.


19. He bamboozled me into exchanging the foreign currency.


20. The Shadow Man bamboozled me.


21. Perhaps they are bamboozled by an asset-management industry that competes not on price but on the basis of (probably unrepeatable) past performance.


22. He's a brain, who wouldn't be bamboozled into assertive your babbling.


23. I don't know who's more bamboozled, you or me.


24. And the bamboozled writer Tom ( Boris McGiver) determines to expose the Underwoods" misdeeds no matter the cost.


25. Often, we feel bamboozled and just shove a familiar or prominently displayed brand into our basket.


26. Canny salespeople may try to bamboozle you with jargon, so it's worth getting to grips with a few key features before you hit the shops.


27. Aha, I think, maybe the word comes from drinking, I mean to be bamboozled is sort of being confused, and this work sort of contains the word booze.

我心想,哈,这个词或许跟饮酒有关,bamboozled的意思有点接近“困惑”,单词拼写还多少包含了booze(喝酒; 含酒精的饮料)。

28. All these factors could bamboozle a new leader, and tempt him or her into taking precipitate action early on.


29. It is, as Alice muses while being bamboozled by the Red Queen, exactly like a riddle with no answer.

正如爱丽丝在被红桃皇后(Red Queen)迷惑时的想法,这完全是一道没有答案的谜题。

30. I was bamboozled into signing the irrational contract.


31. He bamboozled me into believing that he'd lost all his money.


32. He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well.


33. She bamboozled Grandfather into marrying her.


34. Less than a month ago a short seller called Carson Block accused Sino Forest of being a Ponzi scheme that had overstated its assets and bamboozled investors with an opaque web of intermediaries.

不到一个月前,卖空者卡森布洛克(Carson Block)指控嘉汉林业是一个庞氏骗局,称该公司夸大了自己的资产,并通过一个不透明的中间商网络欺骗投资者。

35. "Perhaps if I wanted to be understood or to understand I would bamboozle myself into belief, but I am a reporter".


36. She bamboozled grandfather into marrying her.

她把爷爷哄骗得(答应)把她嫁出去。《provided by jukuu》

37. "Can you tolerate being bamboozled by your patients from time to time?"


38. She was bamboozled into telling them her credit card number.

他们骗她说出信用卡的号码。《provided by jukuu》

39. She believes that using 'crossovers' to bamboozle onlookers and not starting from a corner produces the safest password patterns.


40. Each day of National Consumer Protection Week, The ABC News Fixer will highlight a new scam, con or bamboozle and teach you how to keep from becoming a victim.


41. He bamboozled Mercer into defeat



1. Apparently completely bamboozled by this articulate, well-educated mouthpiece for the Egyptian Brotherhood, the oddly naive Kristoff swallowed whole her absurd pronouncements about the equal position of women in the organization and Muslim society.


2. Since the 24-strong team arrived in Kinshasa a month ago, it has been bamboozled by conflicting statements from Mr Kabila's lieutenants.

ECONOMIST: Kabila sends a message to the world: Buzz off

3. Does Bittman think farmers are stupid, bamboozled, or what?

FORBES: Warning Labels On New York Times Columns

4. If you are enjoying this moment, you are being bamboozled by the new brand of Charlie Sheen.

FORBES: Charlie Sheen: Don't Make Him an American Idol

5. Simon Jones hit a glorious straight six plus three fours in 21 from 14 balls, but Pollock bamboozled him with a slower ball and quickly wrapped up the innings.

BBC: SPORT | Cricket | England | South Africa dominate opening day

6. No, I was not going to be able to shrug off the "breathing problem, " as I had called it, trying to minimize its impact, even though it had completely bamboozled me on the air.

CNN: Robin Meade talks anxiety and her road to self-confidence

7. But it was Boro who initially threatened in the second period when Viduka bamboozled Brown allowing the Australian a clear sight of goal.

BBC: SPORT | Football | Premiership | Man Utd 1-1 Middlesbrough

8. Ofgem welcomed the move and said the proposals "will put an end to consumers being bamboozled by complex tariffs and deliver choice that consumers easily understand".

BBC: Ed Davey announces 'four core tariff' plan

9. The NRL-bound 20-year-old dummied once and then outpaced a bamboozled defence to score underneath the post for a try which Sinfield converted.

BBC: England 16-46 Australia

10. But suddenly, according to a bunch of blogs, NPR was "bamboozled, " joining the vast right-wing conspiracy in attributing the phrase to the Democrats.

NPR: Is Tom DeLay Toast?

11. State securities regulators are still investigating, but they are convinced he bamboozled some of Arkansas' wealthiest sons.

FORBES: Magazine Article

12. Lord Martin told the committee in November 2009 that Ms Pay had been "tricked or bamboozled" by the Metropolitan Police into not telling him about the forthcoming search, a claim denied by the Met.

BBC: Committee on Issue of Privilege

13. That Japanese politics is still taken seriously my most of the (rather seriously-minded, if easily bamboozled) Japanese public, is proven by still very high voting participation rates (close to 70% in the last national election).

FORBES: Osaka Mayor Hashimoto's "Restoration" Movement Auguring Change in Japan's National Politics

14. New Zealand eased to victory in 30 overs, completely at home on a slow wicket which had bamboozled England.

BBC: Kiwis win after England collapse

15. Yet Luhrmann seems utterly bamboozled by the technique, as if it's thrown off his rhythm.

CNN: Luhrmann's 'Gatsby'? It's a shame

16. In some countries, bamboozled bargain-hunters, abandoned in an obscure field as part of a giant practical joke, would probably turn furiously on their tormentors.

ECONOMIST: An ingenious satire on supermarkets has Czechs chuckling

17. Kumble, the only centurion for India in the series, then struck again when his googly bamboozled Vaughan, who offered the simplest of return catches.

BBC: England facing follow-on at Oval

18. Edinburgh number eight Allister Hogg was sin-binned for going offside at a ruck as the pressure increased, and another complex midfield move bamboozled the defence.

BBC: Ospreys 31-10 Edinburgh

19. Moreover, an historically illiterate populace, unversed in critical thinking, is far more easily bamboozled into policies that are clearly not in the public interest, as the unchallenged lies and disinformation that led us into the Iraq detour made clear.

FORBES: 83% of American Adults Don't Grasp American Revolution

20. All season, and in defeating Denver in the playoffs last week, Curry bamboozled defenders and at times TV camera operators with an epicurean buffet of crossovers, needle-threading drives and bull's-eye passes.

WSJ: Two Things Stephen Curry Does Better Than You

21. Mr Cohen, for example, correctly points out that in October 1993 western governments were bamboozled by Mr Yeltsin into endorsing some appalling behaviour an artificial crisis in relations with the legislature which was settled by shelling the parliament building.

ECONOMIST: Observing Russia



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