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英 [ˈpʌz(ə)l]play美 [ˈpʌz(ə)l]play

  • v. 使困惑,使迷惑;(因迷惑而)苦思,冥思苦想;(通过苦苦思索)解决(或弄清楚),理出头绪(puzzle sth. out)
  • n. 测验智力(或知识)的游戏(或玩具,问题);拼图游戏,拼图玩具;令人费解的人(或事物),难题

复数 puzzles 第三人称单数 puzzles 现在分词 puzzling 过去式 puzzled 过去分词 puzzled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


puzzle /ˈpʌzəl/

  • 1.
    及物动词 If something puzzles you, you do not understand it and feel confused. 使…迷惑不解

    My sister puzzles me and causes me anxiety.


  • 2.
    形容词 令人迷惑不解的

    His letter poses a number of puzzling questions.


  • 3.
    不及物动词 If you puzzle over something, you try hard to think of the answer to it or the explanation for it. 对…苦苦思索

    In rehearsing Shakespeare, I puzzle over the complexities of his verse and prose.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A puzzle is a question, game, or toy that you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly or put it together properly. 智力问题 (或游戏、玩具)

    ...a word puzzle.


  • 5.
    →see also   crossword jigsaw
  • 6.
    单数型名词 You can describe a person or thing that is hard to understand as a puzzle. 谜一样的人或事物

    The rise in accidents remains a puzzle.




  • adj.

    puzzled 困惑的;茫然的;搞糊涂的

    puzzling 使迷惑的;使莫明其妙的

  • n.

    puzzlement 迷惑;费解

    puzzler 难题;使困惑的人

  • v.

    puzzling 使迷惑(puzzle的ing形式)



puzzle baffle bewilder confuse 【导航词义:困惑】

puzzle v. 使困惑,使迷惑

〔辨析〕 指无法理解某事而感到有些困扰。

例1: What puzzles him is why that movie is so popular.


例2: That question continues to puzzle scientists.


baffle v. 使困惑,难倒

〔辨析〕 指完全不能理解或解释问题、行为等。

例1: The cloze test baffled many students in her class.


例2: He was completely baffled by her strange behaviour.


bewilder v. 使困惑,使迷茫

〔辨析〕 多指不知所措、无法清楚地思考,通常用被动语态。

例1: She was bewildered by his remarks.


例2: That young man was bewildered as to whom to believe.


confuse v. 使困惑,把…弄糊涂

〔辨析〕 词义同 bewilder,但程度略轻。

例1: The detailed instructions for use only served to confuse me further.


例2: Some of the figures confused him.



1. Puzzle Quest 战神的挑战 ; 益智之谜 ; 战神的挑战修改器 ; 字谜探险

2. Puzzle & Dragons 智龙迷城 ; 火龙之怒 ; 龙族

3. situation puzzle 情境谜题

4. jigsaw puzzle n. 七巧板;智力拼图玩具

5. Puzzle Agent 2 谜题侦探

6. puzzle out 苦苦思索而弄清楚

7. puzzle over 努力思考;为…烦恼;苦苦思考

8. Puzzle Dimension 三维平衡球 ; 益智空间 ; 三维均衡球

9. crossword puzzle 纵横字谜游戏

10. Burr puzzle 鲁班锁

11. Puzzle Bobble 泡泡龙 ; 泡泡龙解迷 ; 益智泡泡龙 ; 单机版

12. chinese puzzle 中国智力玩具(如七巧板、九连环等);复杂难懂的事物


1. In which aspect do children benefit from puzzle play?


2. She had a puzzled look on her face.


3. In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individul's ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds ….


4. Many philosophers have been puzzled about the nature of consciousness.


5. This stays silent when the word puzzle is solved through careful analysis.


6. Business decisions are often made with many unknow and unknowable factors, which would even puzzle the best poker players.


7. She was involved in working out a puzzle.


8. You can solve and create hundreds of puzzles.


9. They are puzzling through the new rules of the game.


10. The spelling of English is often puzzling.


11. I can't answer that puzzle; I give up.

我猜不出这个谜语, 我认输了.《简明英汉词典》

12. Rotation puzzle is the company's own design and development of new products.


13. If you click on the applet it will start a new puzzle.


14. The child was clearly puzzled at being addressed in such a grown-up way.


15. One such puzzle could be finding a hidden prime number in a given text.


16. The pricing of initial public offering has been one of the new issue puzzles in finance.


17. It is like one piece of puzzle.


18. This has presented climate scientists with a puzzle.


19. The observed imbalance between matter and antimatter is a puzzle yet to be explained.


20. We'd fit together like puzzle pieces.


21. She looked up with a puzzled frown on her face.


22. I'm a puzzle with a missing piece.


23. People in this category make great engineers, soldiers and crossword-puzzle solvers.


24. So Ashley was mixed up in this frightening puzzle.


25. His total disinterest in money puzzled his family.


26. The people who played the puzzle game did not improve their ability to find things faster.


27. Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to approach it.

要想解决这一难题, 咱们先来考虑一下如何着手方为上策.《辞典例句》

28. There's reason to believe that we will get an answer to that piece of the puzzle one day.


29. His face wore a puzzled look.


30. Life is a puzzle — solve it.


31. So really we are working just a few pieces of a big puzzle.


32. I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned.


33. Ah, that's the great puzzle!


34. Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die.


35. Macfarlane compares the puzzle to a combination lock.


36. I bet you can't do this puzzle.


37. He puzzled his brains about the matter.


38. And this poses a puzzle: how can characteristics that disappeared millions of years ago suddenly reappear?


39. I've found the feel of accomplishment after solving a puzzle too tasty to resist.


40. Have another crack at solving this puzzle.


41. His very last paintings are perhaps the most puzzling


42. They are puzzling through the mazy new rules of the game.


43. A mind blowing underwater puzzle gamePlunge with your mobile into a fun addictive puzzle experience!


44. We invited readers who completed the puzzle to send in their solutions.


45. Here is a very simple puzzle about money.


46. I'm in a puzzle as to what to do next.


47. Puzzles can be exported an interactive Web page.


48. Now the puzzle is why the premium has disappeared ( see chart ).

现在这个难题就是为什么保险费已消失 ( 见图表 ).《期刊摘选》

49. I am doubtful whether I can solve the puzzle, but I'll have a shot at it.

我怀疑能否解决这难题, 我将试试看.《简明英汉词典》

50. It's good for students to puzzle things out for themselves.


51. I've never been able to puzzle her out.


52. To figure out ( a puzzle, for example ).

想出推断出,解出 ( 如难题 )《期刊摘选》

53. Gifts Articles, Toy and Games, Wooden Toys , Puzzles , Craft Kits.

采购产品礼品, 玩具和游戏, 木制的玩具,智力玩具, 手艺装备.《期刊摘选》

54. Teacher tells the children how to write away for a puzzle book.


55. The rise in accidents remains a puzzle.


56. Looking for a challenging puzzle? Exercise your brain with Leaf Buster.

寻找一个挑战性的难题 吗 ?与叶老兄行使你的大脑.《期刊摘选》

57. Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.


58. Casing damage is a difficult technical problem and puzzle oil field for a long period.


59. This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye.


60. We requested that the math teacher explain the puzzle again, but he refused.


61. Critics remain puzzled by the British election results


62. These galaxies may constitute an answer to the long-standing puzzle of the missing baryonic mass in the universe.


63. He looked puzzled so I repeated the question.


64. We fitted together the pieces of the puzzle.


65. This whole business is very puzzling.


66. one of the most puzzling aspects of the crime


67. I don't know the key to the puzzle.


68. Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die


69. Some puzzles look difficult but once the solution is known are actually quite simple


70. You needn't puzzle over every single word or phrase in the book.


71. Joe passed his hand over his face and looked puzzled.


72. A puzzling question is asked in the form of a riddle.


73. She was a puzzle.


74. a crossword puzzle


75. A rather neat option allows you to design your own fiendish puzzle.


76. This puzzle baffles me.


77. He sits puzzling over ancient Hebrew texts.


78. Her mother sighed and rubbed out another mistake in the crossword puzzle.


79. He wore a puzzled look on his face.


80. The risks can be so complex that banks hire mathematicians to puzzle them out.


81. It's a puzzle. I like puzzles.


82. At last they managed to puzzle out the meaning of the cipher.


83. a book of puzzles for children


84. You were right about the puzzle you lent me last week. It really is a challenge.


85. Scientists are puzzled as to why the whale had swum to the shore.


86. Stretch your brain with this puzzle.


87. He was trying to puzzle out why he had been brought to the house.


88. The sudden fall in the value of the dollar has puzzled financial experts.


89. Will you help me to solve this puzzle?

你能帮助我解决这个难题 吗 ?《辞典例句》

90. These were nice questions, but Isabel's arrival put a stop to his puzzling over them.

这是一些棘手的问题, 但伊莎贝尔的到来使他结束了这种左右为难的局面.《辞典例句》

91. Well, I'll monkey's uncle! You got the puzzle right first time!

啊, 真想不到! 你第一次就答对了那道难题!《期刊摘选》

92. Diomed was not a little puzzled as to his election.


93. Except where indicated all the following puzzles are normal word maze puzzles.


94. He left for his summer cottage to puzzle out what he might try next


95. The puzzle has one last piece missing.


96. These questions are important problems puzzle theoretical extent and practical extent through.


97. In rehearsing Shakespeare, I puzzle over the complexities of his verse and prose.


98. The results showed that the parrots with the strongest foot preferences worked out the puzzle far more quickly than their ambidextrous peers.


99. If you pin people down, they will tell you some puzzling things about stress.


100. Ordinary people such as you and I have wrestled with these puzzles over the centuries.


101. You know, I recently read an interesting article about an archaeologist who tried to solve this puzzle with the help of his computer.


102. As she turned back she caught the puzzled look on her mother's face


103. What puzzles me is why he left the country without telling anyone.


104. I don't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles.


105. This logic puzzle board game encourages and procedural thinking, and enhances problem solving skills.

这个逻辑难题董事会游戏促进逻辑和程序上的思想, 和提高解决问题技艺.《期刊摘选》

106. Critics and the public puzzle out the layers of meaning in his photos.


107. Yorkshire people seemed strange, and Martha was always rather a puzzle to her.


108. The firemen were in a puzzle about the cause of the fire.


109. Is it worthwhile cudgel your brains to find a solution to that puzzle on the newspaper.


110. My sister puzzles me and causes me anxiety.


111. Data from Voyager II has presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists...


112. Eric brings us back to the puzzle we've been wrestling with since we started reading Locke.


113. The priest frowned into the light, his face puzzled.


114. See if you can work this puzzle out.


115. This process is akin to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle.


116. ...a word puzzle.



1. If evolution wired us up simply to survive, then it's a puzzle why animals would relate positively to other animals.

如果进化仅让我们生存,那么这是个谜题,为什么动物之间确定有联系。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. It is like a hundred of the same jack puzzle "p".

就会成为字谜中的成百个空格。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

3. Gautier's solution to the puzzle is ingenious.


4. a mind-bending puzzle


5. For some of you, this will seem self-evident; for others, it'll seem like a great puzzle.

对你们中的一些人来说,这似乎显而易见;,但对别人来说这很让人困惑。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. "When we look at biomarkers, it's just a piece of the puzzle in life, " says Brewer.

FORBES: An Uneasy Mark

7. Now with LeRoi Moore gone, a piece of the puzzle is missing.

VOA : special.2009.08.28

8. There's a whole bunch of blocks that we'll look at in more fun detail on Friday but I'm going to pick the easiest one here and I'm going to type Hello CS50 in this string, "Hello CS50", zooming in say how nice the puzzle pieces are nicely interlocked?

今天我们看到的各种图块,到下周五我会仔细讲解其中的精妙之处,但今天我只想举一个最简单的例子,我要在这儿键入字符串,放大窗口,然后看看这漂亮的图形和文字,是如何美妙地连结在一起的?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

9. "The key to life is getting all those pieces of the puzzle in place, " he continued.

BBC: Lewis Hamilton says personal life affected 2010 season

10. The find left archaeologists with a puzzle.


11. So I'll leave that to you as a puzzle to work on on your own.

所以我将把这个谜团留给你们自己解决。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. `Women are a puzzle,' he said.


13. Like a jigsaw puzzle, each medal is a piece of the master design.

VOA : standard.2010.02.16

14. If we do, we are mistakenly neglecting the importance of complementary pieces to the puzzle.

FORBES: Joe Flacco Owns Major Assist to Ravens Defense, Ray Rice, and Fortunate Timing for His New Fortune

15. Tenants are now reaching out to them and asking how they solve the net zero puzzle.

FORBES: With Hines La Jolla Project, Net Zero Comes to Larger Office Buildings

16. So the vicious circle spirals on and the question of why continues to puzzle.

FORBES: Credit Counselors Face Challenges of Their Own -- Just When They're Needed Most

17. But if you're looking for a market puzzle, that is where I would begin.

BBC: Solving the puzzle of rising markets

18. Fewer people will puzzle over his meanings in this book and come away partially frustrated.

ECONOMIST: The Irish poet's new collection is his best for years

19. Hungarian inventor Erno Rubik's famous mechanical puzzle has gained a second wind in recent years.

WSJ: One Rubik's Cube, Many Knockoffs, Quintillions of Possibilities

20. That puzzle aside, it seems to me that once we become physicalists, there's nothing especially deep or mysterious about death.

除了这个谜团,在我看来似乎在成为物理主义者之后,死亡并没有什么深刻和神秘的了。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Over the years, we've tolerated puzzle-minded adventure games, so-so flight-combat games, and a first-person shooter.

CNN: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation

22. Right. So similarly, if you've got one line of code with a semicolon at the end saying, this is the end of the statement, it doesn't really make sense to continue that conversation to try to continue conceptually that puzzle piece with curly braces.

对的,类似的,如果你得到了一行代码,后面有一个分号,标志语句的结尾,这就没有意义来继续,那个会话来尝试对那段代码,使用花括号。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

23. It's like a jigsaw puzzle: you keep on looking until you've found the right piece.

CNN: James Doran-Webb: How artistry won the driftwood derby

24. The only thing that is bothering me is the puzzle of the pattern of their decline.

FORBES: S and P Downgrade - Case Study

25. "It's like a big jigsaw puzzle, " says Ted Gifford, an operations research scientist at Schneider.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. So Eric brings us back to the puzzle we've been wrestling with since we started reading Locke.

埃里克把我们带回了最初,解读洛克理论时所困扰的问题。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. In other words, a crossword puzzle may be a good remedy for an ailing attention span.

FORBES: Health

28. It's a little puzzle piece that says when the green flag is clicked and this is kind ; of like the beginning of a program; when you double click an icon on your desktop this is how something like that is implemented; it's listening for that double click, it's listening for that green flag.

是一小个按钮,它的意思是,何时点击绿色旗帜,这就好比开始运行程序;,当你双击桌面上的图标,就开始执行操作,桌面的图标需要双击,绿色小旗也等待点击来执行命令。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

29. As a substitute, he offers to get her a new puzzle book to work on.

WSJ: Television Review: Deciphering the Enemy

30. The risks can be so complex that banks hire mathematicians to puzzle them out.


31. An answer to this puzzle comes from Trevor Harris, a fellow professor here at Columbia.

FORBES: Wizards, Witches, and Flying Monkeys

32. What we call this is the--I want to emphasize it, I'll write this again--the equity premium puzzle.

我们称之为...我想强调一下,我再写一次,股权溢价之谜金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Panels blend together seamlessly where once they appeared as distinct pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.

FORBES: With Trendsetting Technology, 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class Gets All Up In Bentley's Business

34. Puzzle all you like about what the ECB might be about to do next.

BBC: ECB takes (a little) action

35. Or straight edged pieces that go inside the puzzle, fake corners, no corners, and so on.

FORBES: The World's Best Jigsaw Puzzles

36. "It was like a giant jigsaw puzzle and the more we started to unearth and peel back the onion of who this guy was and what happened to him in the past and trying to truly understand the reason why he would be so obsessed with a specific case once we start to uncover these things about him we realized that once we explain one set of circumstances we needed to go even further with another set of circumstances."

VOA : standard.2010.02.27

37. Coben could make a 10, 000-piece jigsaw puzzle look like something a preschooler could master in minutes.

FORBES: Just One Look

38. But it turns out though simple, though, some of these puzzle pieces actually are, we can actually start to do very interesting things very quickly.

虽然这些,拼图确实简单,但是我们可以很,迅速地利用它们。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

39. "Putting that puzzle together with the right type of individuals is big, " Towers said.

WSJ: D-Backs Get Down and Dirty

40. Whether it can solve the larger puzzle of a declining console market remains to be seen.

FORBES: Xbox Reveal: 'One' Console To Rule Them All

41. There are several groups of researchers and companies focused on addressing pieces of the puzzle.

FORBES: Watson: Fighting the Last War

42. "And that's what this method does - it captures the complexity of the puzzle and the interaction of all these genes together to produce exceptional longevity."

VOA : standard.2010.07.14

43. And this is the puzzle faced by the psychology and cognitive science of language.

这也是心理学和语言认知学,所面临的难题心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. And let's just see how many pieces of the puzzle you got right.

让我们看看你们,解决了多少迷惑。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

45. What I want to do, I want to talk about Jeremy Siegel's book and the equity premium puzzle.

接下来我要做的是,我想谈论下杰里米·西格尔的书,和股权溢价之谜。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. "Portal 2, " the critically acclaimed shooter-puzzle game, debuted alongside a much-anticipated game-download service called Steam.

CNN: Mark Milian

47. It's a total mystery,". He says brain studies are shedding light on the pieces of the puzzle and might one day solve the mystery.

VOA : standard.2010.01.15

48. There's a kind of puzzle there as to-- even if, before we move to the question, how widespread are cases like this?

这里又产生了一种疑团-,甚至在我们探讨,这种案例有多普遍之前?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. there's a puzzle as to how are we even to understand this case?

就有这样一个疑团要解决,我们怎么理解这种案例?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Expanding puzzle: Economic growth and marketing communications spending creates investment in new channels and technologies.

FORBES: gyroVoice: A Look at the Agency of the Future: Sorry We Won't Be Riding Hoverboards

51. Piecing together the puzzle of Cambodia was a way to piece together the puzzle of me.

BBC: Piecing together puzzles in Cambodia

52. But this creates a puzzle: What is suppressing the turnout among all those conservative Hispanics?

WSJ: Arthur Brooks: The GOP's Hispanic Opening

53. Anything where you're actually keeping track of something like a score that's having a variable that you increment -- plus, plus, or decrement, minus, minus, using the appropriate puzzle piece could certainly be compelling.

你需要保存像分数这样的事物时,你就需要一个变量,它可以自加,++,或者自减,要使用正确的拼图。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

54. And if I want to detach it, I just click and drag, and now I can go back and put different puzzle pieces there altogether.

另外,假如我想分离它,我只需要单击并拖动,然后就可以回到过去那个状态,再继续把不同的拼图放到一起。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

55. On the left hand side is my palette of puzzle pieces or building blocks and those are the things.

在左边是拼图的调色板,或者建筑模块之类的东西。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

56. You don't really puzzle your head about questions of interpretation, how we determine the validity of interpretation and so on, until A) meaning becomes terribly important to you, and B) the ascertainment of meaning becomes difficult.

你一般不会在诠释,和如何确定诠释的正确与否,这样的问题上纠结,除非:1,意义对你来说很重要,2,确定意义很困难。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. If my swing was a jumbled puzzle, at least one piece was put into place.

WSJ: Pro Ball Baseball Clinic Weekend

58. It's a puzzle, but it has for its delight a kind of solitary quality, both of the composer and of the solver of the chess problem.

它是一个谜语,却具有某种令人愉快的自我的特性,不论是设题的人还是解题的人都能感知到。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. The first puzzle that scientists are trying to work out is where the fungus came from.

BBC: White-nose syndrome: Bats hit by killer disease

60. You can say if this is true, then go and do the following pieces of code or puzzle pieces that are inside this part of the block, else go ahead and do these that are down here.

你可以说如果条件成立,执行下面的代码段,或板块中的拼图,否则跳过去执行这下面的语句。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

61. And this puzzle piece here colored in blue because it's a Boolean expression is just something that--whose answer is either a yes or no, 0 true or false, one or zero.

这个拼图染成蓝色,因为它是布尔表达式,它的结果只可能是肯定或否定,对或错,1或者。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

62. If one or more pieces are out of whack, the puzzle makes no sense.

WSJ: Jeb Bush and Clint Bolick: Solving the Immigration Puzzle

63. So, there was just obvious a puzzle that I had to go into.

所以这就像个迷题,我必须去破解。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

64. It all works well enough, except just yet the beverage situation is a puzzle.

FORBES: Koreatown NYC: Food Court Is in Session

65. And most people are heterosexual There's a considerable amount that varies cross-culturally of people who are bisexual But the real puzzle is exclusive homosexuality ? So, why?

多数人都是异性恋的,而且不同文化背景下…,还有很多双性恋者,但真正的难题在于绝对同性恋,为什么呢?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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