study out是什么意思_study out短语搭配_study out权威例句

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study out

play play

  • 研究出:指通过研究弄清楚或找到答案。
  • 学习完全:指彻底掌握某个学科或主题。

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1. Study out of school 户外学习

2. Later study out 晚自修外出

3. study out a new system 研究出一套新的体系

4. study out a mystery 解开奥秘

5. study out a plan 拟出一计划

6. Night out study rooms 晚自修外出

7. out of class study 研究性学习

8. out-door study 户外作业 ; 户外功课

9. study out a puzzle 解开一个谜


1. Volunteers in the study were photographed, and then filled out a personality questionnaire.


2. In August, he shocked the sugar beet industry by revoking approval of the beets until the USDA carries out an environmental impact study.


3. A study out of Caltech had participants rate the quality of five wines each labeled only by their price per bottle, which ranged from five to ninety dollars.


4. His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country.


5. And there's a new study out, a much smaller study about a possible vaccine?

有新研究, 关于可能疫苗的小型研究 吗 ?《互联网》

6. If I'm at home and I need to study, what I do is read out loud.


7. A new study out this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that they can.


8. Supported by empirical work designation, the study carries out an empirical analysis on the influence of residual property arrangement on human capital contribution.


9. A study out yesterday from Rutgers University found that, not surprisingly, college grads are having a tough time finding a job.


10. The analyses of quality problem is the precondition of study out correct disposal scheme of quality accident, and it is the gist of defining accident duty.


11. This study sets out to verify the Compensation Hypothesis by investigating whether Chinglish expressions come about as a result of mismatch between English forms and Chinese contextual knowledge.


12. The Study of Out of Control in Good Management in the Marketing Channels Management of AMO Cosmetic


13. Process Analysis and Experimental Study on out of Tolerance of Sealing Performance of Cylinder Head Combustion Chamber


14. First, we must study out the fund of the meeting.


15. Glenn Schellenberg's findings at the beginning of this century were not supported by a larger study carried out some ten years later.


16. Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine, dominant and, in some cases, to have greater leadership potential than those with longer locks or with thinning hair, according to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.


17. Study out the internal management setup scheme of the company.


18. BART HOPKINS, 67 WINES& SPIRITS It seems like there's a new study coming out every couple of weeks and they're all very positive.


19. The scientists are carrying out a study on the effects of global warming.


20. This study points out that pavement surface distress noise is mainly divided into impulse noise and Gaussian Noise.


21. This is Shaun Harper's study, and he points out that on major college campuses across the country, black males make up less than 3 percent of undergraduate enrollments.


22. The first two methods were used to establish the sound class, while the third one was used to study out the sound value.


23. But I hope the obstetrician will pull this study out and say, 'Look, early delivery is not a good idea unless there is really a strong medical indication.'


24. That's according to a study out this week in the Journal of Neuroscience.


25. The fifth chapter summarizes the full text, the study pointed out the shortcomings and the future direction of further development and research


26. Finally, the study pointed out the deficiencies and prospects.


27. The Western historical philosophy was criticized repeatedly and its study came out at half of the twentieth century.


28. And the process for thesis research study pointed out the shortcomings and areas for further study and research shows that the problem significance.


29. The answer, as you may have suspected, is that it is better to spread out the study times.


30. A study carried out by the University of Maryland showed that PEA is beneficial for depression.


31. With about half of the United States' workforce classified as "white collar", a new study out of Canada is relevant food for thought — but don't think about it too much!


32. Project members work to encourage people to study and communicate with this language, which died out in the 1960s.


33. Three out of five workers around the world said they don't need to be in the office to be productive, according to a study out yesterday from Cisco.

根据Cisco 昨天发布的一项调查,全世界每5 名工作者中就有3 名声称他们不需要在办公室就能把活干好。

34. A new study carried out by the University of Lincoln has found a link between the personalities of cat owners and the behaviour and wellbeing of their cats.


35. This study carried out analysis of its disadvantages for joint constructor tank after used screw blast aeration technology.


36. To find out, British scientists conducted a study.


37. You may be miserable, but you are not alone — at least according to a study out of Stanford University published Wednesday in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.


38. If I'm at home and I need to study what I do is read out loud.


39. He didn't study out a complete plan for saving a hijacked plane when the plane would arrive at Baghdad.


40. The study group discussed the problem again and again, and they finally worked it out.


41. The study finds out that the three types of policies have played an important role in helping college graduates' employment, but problems still exist.


42. The group is continuing this study out to 10 years.


43. With these thinking models, diverse approaches to translation study come out, whose argument focuses on objectivity in the text interpretation.


44. The feasibility analysis of infrared temperature measurer for monitoring animal cortex blood circulation and study out the technology project. 2.


45. According to the study carried out in different periods of targeted rational fertilization. 2.


46. According to a study out of Daegu, Korea, an electron-beam accelerator inside a textile factory can remove toxic dye from 10, 000 cubic meters of wastewater every day.


47. They have to study out the problem.


48. So setting the system that can study out many-goals and optimal scheduling of single pieces of small serial production is important for enterprises to realize the automation of management and improve economic profits.


49. The present study carries out body fat content determinations by skinfold and hydrostatic weighing methods respectively in men with different age and sex.


50. A new study out of Ohio State University found that young adults are accumulating credit card debt at a more rapid rate than other age groups, and that they're slower at paying it off.

俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)的一项新研究发现,年轻人累积信用卡债务的速度比其他年龄段的人更快,且他们偿还债务的速度也更慢。

51. Upon the indexes of spatial analyze to be study out the indexes' weightiness of environments affection can be worked out through AHP arithmetic. The objective and quick analysis result can be got from the integration of spatial data and attribute data which GIS can deal with particularly.


52. Defenders of telepathy point out that demanding impressive evidence from every study ignores one basic statistical fact: it takes large samples to detect small effects.


53. This paper is a study carried out on the theory of web classification in text mining and its applications.


54. And some are allowed out of the ground to study or to do community work.


55. We study out several schemes with different parameter of bodily form, make sectional hydraulic model test, and select the best scheme by comparing their effects of the energy dissipation.


56. The many proper limited water levels were study out through analyzing the engineering condition and safe operation instance of the reservoir;


57. The study pointed out that over 23 million adult Americans are semiliterate.


58. I'll print these out and study them.


59. The school uniform is very important because it always reminds me that I am supposed to go out of my way to study hard.


60. According to a study of Race & Equity in Education, black athletes are dropping out of college across the country at alarming rates.


61. Then, the study carries out some research review at home and abroad, which focused on the electrical installation in theory, make the research methods and technique line clearly.


62. The study points out the management control process and the fit ways of control, the feedback plan control and the goal control.


63. The present study sets out to develop a linguistic model of information structure of legal discourse.



1. The authors of the study point out that the link between holidays and stress could go either way.

ECONOMIST: A look at noteworthy articles from business journals

2. It is, at least according to a new study out of Harvard Medical School, of all places.

FORBES: Harvard Study Suggests Working From Home Could Hurt Your Career

3. (OMITTED) It's still low prevalence, but you know we've just put out the synthesis report, which was an epidemiological study of HIV and its evolution in the region, and the report says that probably, at least for the near future, we'll never have an epidemic of HIV in the region.

VOA : standard.2010.07.07

4. The other study was carried out by the Campos company for the Bayer Corporation in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.04.01

5. The study was carried out with the help of about two hundred volunteers.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

6. Professor Graham says one study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting.

VOA : special.2009.10.29

7. London's advice makes a lot of sense, according to a study out this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

CNN: Five ways to keep Alzheimer's away

8. They study wounds and chemical tests to find out if the victim died accidentally or not.

VOA : special.2010.05.05

9. Please be on the look out for emails from section leaders with ; study guides for sections which will be meeting this week; you'll have a lot of fun with the creation stories.

请大家留意助教的邮件,上面会有,对下堂课的一些指导;,你会从阅读创世纪的故事中,得到很大乐趣。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Yet a study released Thursday said men still hold about nine out of every ten top positions at the four hundred largest companies in California.

VOA : special.2009.11.20

11. Please do it carefully, and I might even hand out a little bit of a study guide to help you with that.

希望大家认真阅读,我会发学习指南,来帮助大家。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Your desire to come to class to study, to go out with friends, to read a book, to raise a family, to be--to do anything are priorities set by your emotions.

你想要到教室学习,跟朋友一起出去,读书,抚养家庭,你所做任何事情的优先级由情感设定。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. The study singles out one of his wives and her son as conspirators in the killing.

CNN: Study revisits mystery of Egyptian king's killing

14. Doctor Thomas helped Doctor Allam organize the mummy study to find out what modern methods could show about heart disease in ancient patients.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

15. In the most recent news from this month: A study out of Minnesota indicates that baclofen is effective in treating symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

FORBES: Names You Need To Know In 2011: Addiction 'Cure' Baclofen

16. She said a study carried out last year had found no difference between soya milk and cow's milk.

BBC: Concern over soya baby milk

17. We have a tendency, though, to overestimate how happy people around us are, and it makes us feel even more dejected, according to a study out of Stanford, led by Alex Jordan, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

FORBES: Do Our Happy Friends on Facebook Make Us Sad?

18. So I think that it's interesting that things you come out with and things that come out of study.

我认为,自己总结出来的,和学习得来的东西很有趣。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. The study was carried out at fifty health centers across India.

VOA : special.2009.04.08

20. Doctors who suspect a patient has MS must carry out a number of tests and study the patient's history of health problems.

VOA : special.2009.01.06

21. There was a study carried out recently that looked at the potential savings of acting sooner rather than later.

BBC: Chatham House report: Famine risks are badly managed

22. Do I go out to Harvard yard and take a random sample ? of sophomores to study meditation?

是不是可以在哈佛大二学生里随机抽样,来研究冥想?幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

23. Recently,the television cable network C-Span carried out its second study about the greatest American presidents.

VOA : special.2009.02.27

24. In a study out today at a big infectious disease conference, it compared its best selling antibiotic Zyvox to the older gold-standard drug vancomycin in patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia.

FORBES: Pfizer Fights Deadly Bacteria And Wins

25. Factoring the key areas together with the economic growth rate for each state, the study comes out with rankings for the top-performing states.

FORBES: What It Will Take For States To Beat The Recession And Grow Jobs

26. Patwari's new study points out pros and cons of adding wireless detection of breathing to the motion-detecting capability.

ENGADGET: Researchers use wireless network to monitor breathing, could save lives

27. Coming up on this President's Day, a new study out of Michigan showed that African-American children in troubled homes were far more likely to be placed into foster care than white children in similar conditions.

NPR: Lincoln and Douglass Shared Uncommon Bond

28. The study points out that the estate tax produces an overall loss in taxes that Rhode Island collects.

FORBES: Study Finds Rhode Island's Estate Tax Causes Exodus Of People And Money

29. In a sense, efficient markets would require that everybody -every analyst rushes out and completes Eric Lee's study.

在某种意义上,有效市场需要所有人,所有分析员一起去完成埃里克·李的研究金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. The Pew study bears out the findings of the Internet Deprivation study somewhat, finding that of those Americans using the Internet regularly, 88% say it plays a role in their daily routines, while 64% said their daily routines would be disrupted if they couldn't use the Internet.

FORBES: The Addictive Internet

31. Small business owners have jumped on the social-media bandwagon whole hog, a new study due out tomorrow shows.

FORBES: Small Businesses Don't Have Time for Social Media -- and Don't Track Results

32. I think one of the more interesting and even simpler concepts that comes out of his study is that more than 100% of returns are defined by asset allocation.

我认为他的研究中更有意思,也更简明的一个结论是,超过100%的回报,是由资产配置决定的金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. figuring out how you learn and what the best methods to, to, to study are and

找到如何学习以及什么是最好的学习方法,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 身为大学生很快乐

34. Kate Strully carried out the study while she was at the Harvard School of Public Health.

VOA : special.2009.06.09

35. Mike Masnick (who, full disclosure, has paid me to contribute to his Techdirt blog in the past) has a great new study out today about the growth of the entertainment industry.

FORBES: Why We Shouldn't Worry About The (Alleged) Decline Of The Music Industry

36. Researchers at the University of Western Ontario carried out a similar study involving levels of cortisol in hair.

VOA : special.2010.10.12

37. And he had to attach something to dogs so that their saliva would pour out so he could study saliva.

他给狗套上了一些装置,来收集狗的唾液用以研究。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Another study carried out in India showed that female politicians promoted public-works projects that mattered particularly to women, such as well-construction.

ECONOMIST: Quotas to help women reach power are spreading

39. The study points out that 79% of the CEOs in the 1200 companies surveyed believe innovation drives efficiencies and leads to competitive advantage.

FORBES: Innovation Momentum

40. In the meantime, all eyes eagerly await the twice-delayed LNG study due out this month from the Obama Administration.

FORBES: LNG Export Economics: A Look At Frontrunner Cheniere

41. An Australian study carried out between 2004 and 2006 confirmed that UHPC resists blasts as well as direct hits.

ECONOMIST: Bunker-busting

42. Researchers with the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center carried out the study.

VOA : special.2009.01.13

43. Through many decades of study, biologists have teased out certain populations of cells within the bone marrow that are capable of reproducing subsets of cells.

经过数十年的研究,生物学家们在骨髓中发现了,一些细胞群,它们能够生成细胞亚群生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. But a study out of Stanford University that looked at healthy aging runners found that running did not damage joints or leave runners less able to exercise.

CNN: No need to hang up your running shoes as you age

45. This article presents a methodological critique of the study carried out by Robinson et al (1).

FORBES: Big Study Linking Chronic Fatigue To Virus May Be Fatally Flawed

46. It had planned to release them on a Wednesday, but Nissen's study came out on Monday.

FORBES: Averting Another Avandia?

47. "They sort of organize a group sometimes with Christian people who keep their children out of public schools and sometimes with Jewish people, and they have curriculums that you can actually study on the internet and the parents can supervise their children, that way they feel that they can protect them the best way."

VOA : standard.2010.07.12

48. Waging Heavy Peace, may serve as the best innovation case study out there.

FORBES: Neil Young: Waging Heavy Innovation

49. Belinda Phipps, chief executive of the National Childbirth Trust, said a study carried out by the charity had come up with similar findings.

BBC: Women 'afraid of giving birth'

50. The second case study of moral feeling is "in-group" and "out-group."

第二个道德情感的案例分析,是“内群体”与“外群体”心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. I mean, if you do the--If you look at the results for the study, it turns out that there is an association as bias to view white Americans as positive and African Americans as negative but it shows up in half a second difference.

如果你看这些研究的结果,你会发现人们有一种偏见,把白人和积极的意义联系在一起,把黑人与消极的意义联系在一起,你只有看这半秒的差别,才能发现这种偏见。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. This is a study that came out Friday in a journal called The British Medical Journal and this was a study of studies.

这里有一篇上周五发表于,《英国医学杂志》的综述性研究关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. The best of them are winnowed out to pursue further study and eventually assume positions of public leadership and responsibility.

学习能力最佳的人,会被精选出来深造,最后承继,公共领袖的职位与责任。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. The long delay to getting the Enhance study out is likely to raise questions about how much control drug companies should have over the conduct of their clinical trials.

FORBES: Magazine Article

55. It is possible to predict potentially private traits such as a person's sexual orientation, political leanings, religion, intelligence, emotional stability and even if they abuse drugs or alcohol, just by analyzing their Facebook likes, according to a new study out of the University of Cambridge.

CNN: Heather Kelly,

56. As the study points out, numerous comparative studies of organic and conventional yields have already been conducted with conflicting results.

CNN: Study: Organic yields 25% lower than conventional farming

57. It turns out very difficult to study this in a lab.

事实证明,很难对此进行实验室研究心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. But as Dr Gonon has shown, 80% of the papers in the study turned out to be either wrong or questionable.

ECONOMIST: What newspapers dont say matters as much as what they do

59. She tried to study it and tried to figure out how it was that life insurance became more and more important over that century One of her conclusions was that life insurance seemed to be opposed quite a bit by women, nineteenth century women.

她试着研究这一现象,并试图揭示,在当时寿险的重要性,是如何获得人们的认可的,她的一项研究结论表明,女性似乎对寿险非常抵触,我是指19世纪的女性金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. According to a study carried out in Colombia, the scheme also has long-term benefits.

ECONOMIST: Research from the ground up







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