
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈsentrəli]play美 [ˈsentrəli]play

  • adv. 在中心

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1. command or centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济

2. centrally run economy 中央统筹经济

3. centrally connected power source 集中电源

4. centrally-mounted pump 中置泵

5. centrally operated switch 集中道岔

6. centrally connected power supply 集中供电

7. centrally planned economy 中央计划经济

8. centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济

9. centrally supplied luminaire 中央供电灯具

10. centrally ported radial piston pump 内配流径向活塞泵 ; 中心配流径向活塞泵 ; 内配流径向柱塞泵


1. 【 Objective 】 To investigate the value of electric bronchoscope exam in the diagnosis of centrally located lung cancer.


2. In her memoirs Naomi is quick to acknowledge that her grandmother was centrally important in her venture as a writer.


3. The user provisioning is centrally maintained and contains information beyond the LDAP realm.


4. The country's transition from a centrally planned economy toward a market based economy continued.


5. The new wireless thermostats allow rooms to be controlled centrally on a PC or over the web.


6. Began centrally company Kunming to divide agency work 1944.


7. Centrally located with the water piping system.


8. It is very significant to evaluate dependence potential of centrally acting drugs.


9. A great lot of information has been digitized and maintained centrally by information systems.


10. The small pine added to the interest and I placed it centrally to take the view from the foreground right through into the forest.


11. Insurance premium rises centrally by insurance company create insurance fund.

保险费由保险公司集中起来设立保险基金。《provided by jukuu》

12. Classical music was in its American heyday, centrally embedded in the culture at large.


13. To administer centrally the law popularization and education in the customs institutions.


14. Centrally managed or distributed with a strong governance model.


15. The hotel is centrally located for all major attractions.


16. The tables can also be deleted centrally from this workspace.


17. North Korea looks like a grotesque parody of Mao's centrally controlled China, precisely the sort of system that Beijing has left behind.


18. A centrally located Indian restaurant, perfect for eating before or after the cinema or a show.


19. Centrally mediated branch-to-branch interactions may be similarly affected.


20. For example, finance and administration services may be provided centrally to other business areas.


21. How can service metadata be centrally published and governed?


22. It allows organization to virtualize and centrally control services endpoint addresses.


23. In addition, centrally controlled network will help to avoid network conflicts.


24. Sputum examination was indicated for lung cancer especially the centrally located type.


25. A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally-controlled design criteria.


26. Double Decker buses depart every 30 minutes from seven centrally - located stops.


27. Experimental study of local buckling of the centrally compressed members


28. The tightening specifications for the basic engine are stored centrally.

基本发动机的拧紧规范集中放在一起。《provided by jukuu》

29. A new type centrally fed bell-less top on blast furnace


30. Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.


31. He secured the light fitting centrally in the wall.


32. Centrally maintained and consolidated taxonomies and.


33. It also makes locally owned services available across divisions by publishing them centrally.


34. Managing master data centrally provides a single location to track and manage customer privacy.


35. The hotel is centrally situated with ample free parking.


36. Centrally managed software and thin client hardware are more stable and lead to less downtime.


37. Central Scheduling Centrally control playlists of all media players in groups.


38. A hand wheel placed centrally below the roll U - frame adjusts the Nip - Gap.


39. You can manage all of your remote access servers centrally.


40. A taxonomy is centrally managed using the SchemaLogic suite.

使用SchemaLogic Suite集中地管理分类法。

41. Dryness of the skin can also be caused by living in centrally heated homes and offices.


42. For example, the data can reside in a central location that is managed centrally.


43. Store this document centrally , enabling members to keep their copies synchronized.

集中存储此文档, 使各成员的副本保持同步.《互联网》

44. For example, the data warehouse architecture could be physically distributed or centrally managed.


45. The first trenches have yielded strong evidence for centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East.


46. Corporate Intranets hold information centrally in a Web server.


47. The flat is centrally heated.


48. Throughout the week, our centrally located stand attracted many interested people.

整个星期以来,我们位于会场中心的摊位吸引了许多民众。《provided by jukuu》

49. Yet many misunderstood the lesson of the failure of centrally directed economic systems.


50. Centrally located overlooking a park with free parking.


51. The theater is centrally located.


52. Article 19 Urban sewage shall be centrally treated.


53. Strategy warehouse can centrally manage storage and processing of multiple strategies and related information.


54. This is a centrally planned economy.


55. The article centrally studied international competitive capacity of wood-based panels industry in China.


56. Social bookmarking allows bookmarks to be centrally stored on a server.


57. User access in the branches is often centrally managed.


58. Those are located centrally on top of the system.

这些管线再系统顶部的中间部位。《provided by jukuu》

59. Make sure it's in a wide open area and that it is centrally located.


60. A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally controlled design criteria.


61. The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it.


62. To mediate differences in data formats and policy, the common broker is centrally governed.


63. Content can be centrally developed and published in multiple platforms with multi-channel distribution.


64. Centrally heated offices tend to be stuffy.


65. In this paper the deformations and stability in large axisymmetric deflection of spherical caps under centrally distributed pressures are investigated.


66. Caravel allows admins to centrally maintain thousands of sites off one code - base.


67. Cross - head : A sub - heading ranged centrally over a column.

通栏标题: 放在一栏中间的小标题.《互联网》

68. Each role is served by the centrally managed build and release system.



1. They like trails and recreation center, but they also want to be centrally located.

FORBES: Playing The Boom In Active Adult Communities

2. The 32-year-old has been centrally contracted since the system was introduced in Pakistan in 2005.

BBC: No Pakistan contract for Shoaib

3. It was also important to place frequently used letter keys centrally close to each other.

BBC: KALQ thumb-type keyboard takes on Qwerty

4. It was a carefully planned criminal enterprise that was well orchestrated, centrally directed and state-sponsored.

BBC: Ratko Mladic led ethnic cleansing, war crimes trial told

5. Rather than relying on the traditional approach of a centrally-planned offensive philosophy, Enfield lets his players play.

FORBES: Andy Enfield Leads Florida Gulf Coast University's Hayekian Dunk-City Offense

6. The dollar would continue be a centrally managed political football, upon which the private sector cannot rely.

FORBES: Scott Sumner's NGDP Targeting Is Not The Answer To Our Monetary Woes

7. Brussels is also centrally located in Europe.

布鲁塞尔也位于欧洲的中心。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 比利时和美国的差异

8. a centrally located hotel, situated on the banks of the Marne Canal


9. But all of this is overthrown, "changed utterly," by the radical politics that altered Ireland during Yeats's lifetime, that announced the coming of modernity and that these two women themselves participated in centrally.

但这一切被推翻了,完全改变“,被叶芝时期的爱尔兰,的那场激进政治革命改变了,他宣告了现代的到来,这两个女人亲身参与其中。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. He was centrally involved in negotiating the Good Friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland in 1998.

BBC: Profile: Irish election contenders

11. "It is very clear that Andrew is centrally contracted, he plies his trade for England, " he said.

BBC: Flintoff to return home from tour

12. "Instead of managing everything centrally, we gave people ownership and let them run, " Mr. Harinarayan says.

WSJ: Targeting Tech-Savvy Startups

13. "At the moment the BGH is very centrally situated to serve a very far-flung Borders area, " she said.

BBC: Borders hydrotherapy pool move disappoints patient group

14. Desktop computers are next on the list, because virtualisation allows them to be managed centrally.

ECONOMIST: Virtualisation

15. In response to an urgent need, the central government has announced plans for 30 new centrally run institutions.

ECONOMIST: Infrastructure is Indias biggest handicap

16. The government says it wants to administer the cash centrally instead of handing it to councils.

BBC: Councils warn against top-slicing children's funding

17. He spends more on centrally located sites, brand-name architects and amenities like European hardware and solid doors.

FORBES: Second Empire

18. These include the powerful hood with its powerdomes and a bold radiator grille with centrally positioned star.

ENGADGET: Mercedes-Benz GLA concept puts laser projectors in headlights, redefines SUV

19. Most of the provinces' money comes from centrally collected taxes, distributed according to population.

ECONOMIST: Is Pakistan living at the edge of disaster?

20. Those talks are being held between EOS and the BBC centrally, and not Radio Cymru directly.

BBC: Welsh artists song deadline looms for BBC Radio Cymru

21. Shadow health secretary Dr Liam Fox said ministers continually tell MPs that such information 'is not collected centrally'.

BBC: Tories attack Labour's NHS statistics

22. The Tanaka Kakuei system had imbedded and institutionalized a Napoleonic centrally-directed, uniform national governing model.

FORBES: Koizumi for President

23. The England and Wales Cricket Board had said centrally contracted players could not play IPL cricket in 2009.

BBC: England stars set for IPL chance

24. They should not be taken for granted as so often happens in centrally run work schemes.

BBC: Work and training employment plans needed says author

25. Meraki technology offers customers Wi-Fi, switching, security and mobile device management centrally managed from the cloud.

FORBES: Cisco To Buy Cloud Networking Play Meraki For $1.2B

26. Most internal tariffs were dismantled and the first steps taken towards a centrally financed common agricultural policy.

ECONOMIST: Europe's mid-life crisis: Around Europe in 40 years | The

27. This is a centrally planned economy.


28. In dry, centrally heated air, mist plants three or four times a week.


29. Replying for the government, Baroness Verma said figures for police investigations for FGM were not kept centrally.

BBC: Peer calls for action on female genital mutilation

30. The idea is that this should be the as honor truth as possiable and the classroom experence should have centrally be the same as they're not there.

这一计划的目标在于,让全世界看到真实的耶鲁课堂,让观看录像的人们获得与在座各位,同样的知识心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it.


32. No stable currency zone has ever existed without mechanisms for raising taxes centrally and re-distributing them regionally.

BBC: Simpson: Bonfire of insanities

33. Centrally heated offices tend to be stuffy.


34. He spends more on centrally located sites, brand-name architects and such amenities as European hardware and solid doors.

FORBES: Second Empire

35. England's centrally-contracted players have been told they cannot play in the IPL until 2010 at the earliest.

BBC: IPL founder warns England stars

36. His campaign should be centrally focused on these issues, not on distracting personality debates.

FORBES: John F. McCain

37. With quantitative easing, the value of assets are maintained by a centrally unwritten environment of easy money.

FORBES: The Question Warren Buffett Can't Answer

38. His plan would be to centrally manufacture small fission reactors and distribute them widely for burial underground.

CNN: Save the planet, then finish high school



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