the Mediterranean Sea是什么意思_the Mediterranean Sea的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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the Mediterranean Sea

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  • 地中海:位于欧洲、亚洲和非洲之间的一个大型内陆海,与大西洋相连。

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1. the Mediterranean sea Mare Nostrum 世界最大的陆间海

2. Near The Mediterranean Sea 靠近地中海

3. bordering the mediterranean sea 地中海

4. Swim in the Mediterranean Sea 畅游地中海

5. Cruising the Mediterranean Sea 巡游地中海

6. View of the Mediterranean sea 地中海

7. the mediterranean sea strategy 地中海战略


1. A city of southeast France on the Mediterranean Sea east-southeast of Marseille.


2. The Mediterranean Sea bathes the shore of Italy.


3. They also range widely, traversing the Atlantic Ocean to reach breeding grounds in the Mediterranean Sea.


4. Mediterranean Pirates: These pirates sailed from many different countries that bordered the Mediterranean Sea.


5. Across the Mediterranean Sea on the North shores of africa.

穿过地中海,来到了北非海岸。《provided by jukuu》

6. Of or relating to or characteristic of or located near the Mediterranean Sea.


7. The countries that have inspired the Mediterranean diet all surround the Mediterranean Sea.


8. Know your geography: Which five African countries border the Mediterranean Sea?


9. It had disappeared without a trace over the Mediterranean Sea.


10. It has been many centuries since the Mediterranean Sea was the centre of civilisation.


11. They had a good time when they sailed on the Mediterranean sea.

他们在地中海上航行时过得很惬意。《provided by jukuu》

12. The Antikythera Mechanism was found a hundred years ago, under water in an ancient Greek shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea.


13. Egypt borders Libya, Sudan and the Mediterranean Sea.


14. It is situated on the Mediterranean Sea and surrounded by France on three sides.


15. The Mediterranean Sea offers a glimpse into one possible future for the world's oceans.


16. From May through September, Luca and other divers are working on Nemo's Garden in the Mediterranean Sea, 150 feet from the coast of Noli, Italy.


17. The Mediterranean Sea bathes the shores of Italy.


18. The crash of Egypt Air Flight 804, which terrorists may have downed over the Mediterranean Sea, provides another tragic reminder of why.


19. You find Mycenaean elements on some excavated tools, other things, pottery particularly of a certain kind, all over the Mediterranean Sea.


20. Nile empties into a large delta that consequently empties into the Mediterranean Sea.


21. Wine, bread, olive oil and nuts are other staples of the region, and the Mediterranean Sea has historically yielded abundant quantities of fish.


22. Approximately 35000 migrants have reached Italian soil via the Mediterranean Sea since the beginning of this year.


23. Those places which have over250mm rainfall are near the Mediterranean Sea.


24. Then it goes through Egypt's famous Nile Valley before reaching the Mediterranean Sea.

然后经过埃及著名的尼罗河流域到达地中海。《中考真题- 2019 徐州 阅读》

25. A passenger ship, carrying around 1300 people, sank in the Mediterranean Sea overnight.


26. The Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Italy is littered with volcanoes.


27. A boot-shaped peninsula in S Europe extending into the Mediterranean Sea.


28. By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing.


29. The Mediterranean Sea separates Europe and Africa.


30. Malta is a beautiful southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea, which has a rich history and culture.


31. The trade route starts from the city of Xi'an in Shannxi Province and ends in Eastern Europe, near today's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.


32. And we are but a tiny spot within the Mediterranean Sea.


33. The Mediterranean diet is a diet followed by many nations in the Mediterranean Sea region.


34. Diving and sailing in the Mediterranean Sea are also popular activities in this area.


35. He never thought of the Mediterranean Sea or the Bay of Naples.


36. Athens shining brightly along the Mediterranean Sea.


37. Preliminary analysis on catch rate, characteristics of fork length of Thunnus thynnus in the Mediterranean sea


38. The jagged cliffs of Cassis drop down to the Mediterranean Sea.


39. These areas are around the Mediterranean Sea, and also in California, Chile, South Africa and Australia.


40. It is situated on the Mediterranean Sea and surrounded by France on three sides.


41. A country of northwest Africa bordering on the Mediterranean Sea.


42. A strategically located island south of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea.


43. From there, the merchandise was shipped across the Mediterranean Sea.


44. Several warships are cruising around the Mediterranean Sea.


45. And largely for this reason that political power in Europe was centered for centuries in the South, around the Mediterranean Sea, which was where they could grow these grains with more reliability.


46. It flows north into the Mediterranean Sea.


47. Several warships are cruising around the Mediterranean Sea.


48. Andalusia: a region of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea the strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic ocean.


49. Then his voice rises and falls like the Mediterranean Sea.


50. An arm of the Mediterranean Sea between western Greece and southern Italy.


51. Soil characteristics: plain surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, hills at the foot of Central Plateau.


52. Many aqueducts from ancient Roman times still stand today near the Mediterranean Sea.


53. A clear starry night over the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.


54. U.S. warships, like you see in this animation, are in the Mediterranean Sea.


55. Visitors can descend into the gorge and walk a little more than 4 miles (6.4 kilometers) to the Mediterranean Sea.


56. An island of southern Italy in the Mediterranean Sea west of the southern end of the Italian peninsula.


57. Malta is a beautiful southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea, which has a rich history and culture.


58. The boats set sail from Cyprus on Friday and arrived in Gaza after a 32-hour journey on the Mediterranean Sea.


59. A city of northeast Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the northern entrance to the Suez Canal.



1. With nearly 500 rooms overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, this design-conscious resort--with all-white rooms lined in mirrors and floor-to-ceiling windows--is anything but boutique.

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. It also led to a smaller volume of fertile floodwater entering the Mediterranean Sea, which in turn produced a sharp fall in the number of fish being landed by Egypt's fishermen.

BBC: Egyptian farmers (Getty Images)

3. Nezavisimaya Gazeta also looks ahead, suggesting that the accident could jeopardise a Russian naval exercise planned for the autumn in the Mediterranean Sea.

BBC: Russian media asks 'What happened?'

4. The Union's most southern states took a particular interest in the Arab Spring, and the violence taking place on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea.

BBC: 2011 in the European Parliament

5. The Gulf of Aden, which lies between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian peninsula, is the gateway to the southern Red Sea, which is linked to the Mediterranean Sea by the Suez Canal.

CNN: Red Sea nations condemn pirates, vow action

6. Security forces closed roads in and out of Port Said, which sits along the Mediterranean Sea at the northern entrance of the Suez Canal.


7. Barcelona has been around for over 2000 years because of its strategic location on the Mediterranean Sea and will be around for another 2000.

FORBES: How To Convert A Smart City Atheist

8. You find Mycenaean elements, tools, other things, pottery particularly of a certain kind, all over the Mediterranean Sea.

你可以在一些发掘的工具及其他物品,特别是某种陶器上,发现迈锡尼文明的影子遍布地中海区域古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Researchers found them on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea.

VOA : special.2010.11.09

10. The people who today call themselves Palestinians have no right whatsoever, legally, morally nor historically to the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

FORBES: My Family In Israel: One Direct Hit, Two Near Misses -- And The Brainwashing Behind The Rockets

11. The movie takes place during a trip across the Mediterranean, Red Sea and Indian Ocean.

VOA : special.2009.03.25

12. "Standard Missile-3" interceptors will be placed on Polish soil, along with other interceptor missiles deployed on U.S.Navy ships in the Mediterranean and the North Sea.

VOA : standard.2009.10.22

13. Sickies, Italy and Spain, lose refinancing capacity and float out into the Mediterranean Sea.

FORBES: The Basics Of Bull Market Stock Picking

14. The Gulf of Aden is a key route for ships passing from the Arabian Sea and Indian Oceans to the southern Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea by the Suez Canal.

CNN: Pirates collect $150 million in ransoms

15. The draft joint statement also called for progress on ITGI, a Turkish-Greek gas pipeline taking gas to Italy, and for an extension of an oil transport system between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan that "could be developed in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea region."

VOA : standard.2009.05.08

16. Earlier this month, the cruiser USS Monterey entered the Mediterranean Sea on a new mission.

FORBES: Missile Defense Becomes A Navy Mission

17. Seventeen people have been confirmed dead and another 16 still missing since the Costa Concordia struck rocks in the Mediterranean Sea on Jan. 13, triggering an evacuation of more than 4, 000 passengers and crew members.

WSJ: Italian Ship Wreck to Shave $175 Million Off of Carnival Corp. Earnings

18. U.S.Defense officials say the new plan would include interceptor missiles deployed on U.S.Navy ships in the North Sea and Mediterranean, in addition to ground-based weapons.

VOA : standard.2009.10.21

19. Georgia is not the most direct route for pumping Azeri oil to the Mediterranean Sea.

NPR: Georgia Hopes for Boost from Caspian Pipeline

20. I'm going to contrast that with the situation in Greece after the fall of the Mycenaean world, and I was going to say not just in the Mycenaean towns themselves, but over the entire Aegean Sea and indeed across the Mediterranean.

我将会把它与,迈锡尼文明陨落之后的希腊来做对比,我说的不仅是迈锡尼城镇本身,而是整个爱琴海,乃至整个地中海地区古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. He examined fossilized remains in a piece of gypsum found on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

VOA : special.2010.05.25

22. Moran was found at a luxury villa in Calpe, a resort on the Alicante coast, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, an Interior Ministry statement said Sunday.

NPR: British Fugitive Caught Sunbathing In Spain

23. There have been several proposals to pump water into the Dead Sea from the Red Sea or the Mediterranean.

VOA : special.2009.05.18

24. And in June, Syrian anti-aircraft fire brought down a Turkish military reconnaissance jet over the Mediterranean Sea.


25. The military intercepted a ship in the Mediterranean Sea and found heavy and light weapons aboard, Lebanon's National News Agency reported.


26. Just across the Mediterranean Sea, the sensuous Selman Marrakesh opens 1 May, just outside the Medina in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains.

BBC: Openings: Ireland, Brooklyn, Marrakesh, Barcelona

27. Worse, latest data show that 36% of bluefin--which can grow to 1, 500 pounds--caught in the Mediterranean Sea and the Bay of Biscay fell beneath the 7-pound minimum set by ICCAT in 1998.

FORBES: Sorry, Charlie

28. My late brother was four and half. And we went and we started exploring the Mediterranean Sea."

VOA : standard.2010.06.18

29. Over two hundred years ago, the United States struggled with piracy in the Mediterranean Sea.

VOA : special.2009.05.27

30. The Book of Ezra describes a brisk trade in trees floated along the edge of the Mediterranean Sea from Lebanon to the Israeli city of Jaffa.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. Well, Homer has his heroes using chariots and we know that chariots were used in warfare in the Bronze Age around the Mediterranean Sea.

荷马史诗》的主角们所使用的战车,我们知道在青铜时代的地中海地区,二轮战车被广泛运用于战争古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Filming on Cannes' concrete pier was interrupted when a gust of wind blew the scripts into the Mediterranean Sea.

CNN: Behind the red carpet at Cannes

33. Second, by managing the Suez Canal in conformance with international maritime law, Egypt facilitated the smooth transport of petroleum products to global markets and prevented Iran from operating in the Mediterranean Sea.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: America's descent into strategic dementia

34. An Israeli strike on an oil depot three weeks ago has caused thousands of tons of oil to spill into the Mediterranean Sea and foul the country's beaches.

NPR: Oil Slick Threatens Lebanese Coast

35. The Kurdish oil exports will likely be pumped through to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, on the Mediterranean Sea.

CNN: Iraqi Kurds begin exporting oil

36. Cyprus announced the discovery of a field containing between 5 and 8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas under the Mediterranean Sea in 2011 but Turkey disputes its drilling rights.

BBC: Cyprus leader Nicos Anastasiades 'fights EU on bailout'

37. The Republic of Cyprus is an island country in the Mediterranean Sea.

FORBES: Cyprus Looks To Impose Bank Tax, Boost Corporate Taxes To Rescue Economy

38. In the Mediterranean Sea, an Israeli patrol vessel struck a boat carrying medical volunteers and supplies to Gaza early Tuesday as it attempted to intercept the vessel, witnesses and Israeli officials said.

CNN: Israel considers truce amid airstrikes

39. In nineteen sixty, Nautilus was deployed to the Mediterranean Sea to become the first nuclear-powered submarine in the United States Sixth Fleet.

VOA : special.2010.06.11

40. For example, Murmansk to China's Ningbo port near Shanghai is 13, 000 km via the NSR, compared with 22, 000 km via the Mediterranean Sea, Suez Canal, Indian Ocean and Strait of Malacca.

CNN: China eyes Arctic options in energy, transport

41. Just a stroll down from Dr Zalloua's genetic lab, the Mediterranean Sea shimmers in the evening sun, its waves splashing over the ancient harbour of Byblos.

BBC: Divided Lebanon's common genes

42. If it can convince the mullocracy that Washington is not a threat, then - the thinking goes - perhaps, the buck will stop at the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf.


43. Chiefly what we hear about is in the area of the Nile Delta, right there on the Mediterranean Sea.

绝大部分都集中在,尼罗河三角洲地区,就在地中海入海口古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. The Republic of Cyprus is a popular destination for tourists along the Mediterranean Sea.

FORBES: Why Cyprus Matters To Your Investment Portfolio





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