
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈmɪd(ə)l]play美 [ˈmɪd(ə)l]play

  • adj. 中间的,中等的;折中的,中庸之道的;(语言)中古的,介于现代与古代之间的;语法中动态的,中间反身态的;(英语及物动词)无被动态的
  • n. 中间,中部,中等;腰部;语法中动态,中间反身态
  • v. (板球、网球等中)用球棒(或拍)中部击(球)

复数 middles 第三人称单数 middles 现在分词 middling 过去式 middled 过去分词 middled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


middle /ˈmɪdəl/

  • 1.
    可数名词 The middle of something is the part of it that is farthest from its edges, ends, or outside surface. 中间

    Howard stood in the middle of the room sipping a cup of coffee.



    They had a volleyball court in the middle of the courtyard.


  • 2.
    the middle of nowhere →see   nowhere
  • 3.
    形容词 The middle object in a row of objects is the one that has an equal number of objects on each side. 当中的

    The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly.


  • 4.
    单数型名词 The middle of an event or period of time is the part that comes after the first part and before the last part. 中期

    I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a tapping on the window.


  • 5.
    形容词 Middle is also an adjective. 中期的

    Many classical violinists and pianists become conductors in their middle years.


  • 6.
    习语 If you are in the middle of doing something, you are busy doing it. 正忙于

    It's a bit hectic. I'm in the middle of cooking for nine people.






centre core heart middle midst 【导航词义:中心,中央】

centre n. 中心,集中点

〔辨析〕 指空间、地域或物体的中心点,也可指学术、商业等活动的中心。

例1: There is a huge oak table in the centre of the meeting room.


例2: Beijing is the political and cultural centre of China.


core n. 核心

〔辨析〕 指某物体的中心部分或某事物最重要的部分。

例1: Remove the cores, and thinly slice the apples.


例2: The core of their appeal is freedom of speech.


例3: Debt is at the core of the problem.


heart n. 中心

〔辨析〕 指事物最重要的部分;也可指方位上的中心,作此义解时可与 centre 换用。

例1: We must get to the heart of the issue.


例2: They went to a big hotel in the heart/centre of the city.


middle n. 中间,中央,中部

〔辨析〕 指空间、时间或事件的中间部分。

例1: There is a table in the middle of the parlor.


例2: He came back home in the middle of the night.


midst n. [正式] 中间

〔辨析〕 指位于某地的中部或者处于一群人、一堆物品中间,也可指在某事的进行过程中。

例1: We found him in the midst of a group of his usual friends.


例2: In the midst of my work I snatched an hour's rest.



1. middle of the road 中庸;中道;中间路线

2. middle ordovician [地]中奥陶世

3. The Middle 左右不逢源 ; 中之道 ; 中产家庭 ; 中间

4. Middle Ages 中世纪 ; 中古时代 ; 中古时期 ; 中古世纪

5. Malcolm in the Middle 马尔柯姆的一家 ; 左右做人难 ; 马尔科姆一家 ; 马尔科姆的一家

6. middle size 中尺寸

7. Middle East 中东 ; 中东地区 ; 西亚 ; 波斯湾

8. senior middle school 高中

9. middle age 中年;中世纪

10. Middle Class 中产阶级 ; 中产阶层 ; 中级 ; 中产

11. middle school n. 中学

12. middle ground n. 妥协;中间立场

13. middle school student 中学生

14. middle name 中间名 ; 中名 ; 中间名字 ; 中间的名字

15. middle eastern 中东的

16. middle jurassic 中侏罗世;中侏罗纪

17. middle class 中产阶级

18. junior middle school 初中

19. in the middle of 在…中间

20. middle finger 中指

21. Middle Franconia 中弗兰肯行政区

22. in the middle 在中间;在中部

23. middle ear 中耳,鼓室

24. middle layer 中间层;胞间层

25. middle east 中东(一般泛指欧,亚,非三大洲连接的地区)

26. middle reaches 中游;河道中游

27. middle part 中部地区


1. The country was split down the middle over the strike (= half supported it, half did not) .


2. Observe the middle area of wire, and the traces on the Scope display.


3. Middle children tend to get lost in the shuffle.


4. In the middle of the city wall, there is a high square base of Taiwan.

在城墙内的正中央处, 有一座高居的四方形垒台.《期刊摘选》

5. Very good. Maybe you should move it a little closer to the middle.

很好. 再往中间靠一靠更好一些.《期刊摘选》

6. The sergeant entered, marched to the middle of the floor , turned smartly to face him, saluted.

巡佐走进来, 他迈着行军的步伐走到屋子中央, 精神抖擞地转过身来, 向他敬了个礼.《辞典例句》

7. Cultural restructuring by the middle of the road map continuously explored in the future.


8. They could strike out directly across the middle of the island.


9. To hide those interface elements, hit the down arrow or over the middle of the screen.

要隐藏这些界面元素, 打的向下箭头,或将鼠标移动到屏幕中部.《期刊摘选》

10. The phone rang in the middle of the night.


11. Mary sleeps in the middle room.


12. In the middle of a long gallery space, a Connection Machine hummed on a platform.

在一个位于长长的陈列走廊中间的平台上, 一台连接机器嗡嗡作响.《期刊摘选》

13. Extending across the middle of the picture to the right is the anterior descending branch.


14. The middle interior wall has been knocked through.


15. Since 1994 they have been held in the middle year of the Olympiad.


16. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.


17. At Chinese dinner parties, the dishes are usually placed in the middle of the table.

中国的宴席, 把菜肴摆在餐桌中央.《期刊摘选》

18. Howard stood in the middle of the room sipping a cup of coffee...


19. A beautiful stone fountain was set in the middle of the garden.


20. A worthwhile exercise is to take a piece of paper and fold it down the middle.


21. His eyes were fixed on a small house in the middle distance.


22. There is a table in the middle the room, there are some bottles the table.

在房间的中央有一张桌子, 在桌子上有些玻璃瓶.《期刊摘选》

23. The fence along the middle of the road is intended to hinder the traffic from crashing.


24. They were in the middle of dinner when I called.


25. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle .


26. Hyde accelerated away from the kerb, swerving out into the middle of the street...


27. The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly.


28. I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a tapping on the window...


29. In the middle of town and get off right after the ( southbound ) I asked all know.

在镇子的中部下车后右拐 ( 南行 ) 一问都知道.《期刊摘选》

30. Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes. 

 我们应该超越非对即错的文化之争逻辑,这就意味着要打开中间地带,并充分意识到当今的移民管理体系需要各种途径和多样化的结杲,《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

31. It was now the middle of November, cold and often foggy...


32. Two actors carried on a dialogue in the middle of the stage.


33. Almost the entire burden was thrown onto the crowded sections of middle and southern England.


34. Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second.


35. a lake with an island in the middle


36. The data point in the middle can not be far away from the fitted straight line.


37. There is a table in the middle of the room.


38. Attackers will come from boats and defenders will start in the middle of the beach.


39. The angler waded ( out ) into the middle of the river.

钓鱼的人 髂 水到河中央去了.《期刊摘选》

40. Compared with the central cities and provincial capital cities, Hefei at the middle level.

从中部城市和省会城市来看, 我市以28分钟居于中游水平.《期刊摘选》

41. In middle of the court was table, with a large dish of tarts upon it.

法庭正中放着一张桌子, 桌上有一大盘果馅饼.《期刊摘选》

42. Distress encountered in the wild, three groups of fire ignited row, the best middle distance equivalent.

在野外遇到危难时, 连续点燃三堆火, 中间距离最好相等.《期刊摘选》

43. Johnson shambled out, his middle button undone, a hand in his pocket.

Johnson笨拙地走出, 他中间的扣子没有扣好, 一只手插在兜里.《期刊摘选》

44. This message caused perturbation in the Middle East Headquarters.


45. The man in the middle will be the visiting minister.


46. They are like bright and warm colors in the middle of greys and shades.


47. I can't match up the two halves of the photograph. A bit is missing from the middle.

我无法将照片的两半拼合起来, 中间少了一点点.《简明英汉词典》

48. In Middle America, all gas station attendants have red handkerchiefs hanging out of their back pockets.

在美国中部, 所有加油站工作人员的裤子后面口袋都垂著一条红色手巾.《期刊摘选》

49. I wanted to explore the middle of the island where I had seen a hill.


50. Aim for the middle of the target.


51. Yet there may be room for a middle ground.


52. The play mocks the pretensions of the new middle class.


53. He was standing in the middle of the room.


54. The magazine is very middle-class.


55. The cell in the middle is a white blood cell.


56. Degree of photosynthetic midday depression for the middle leaf was lightened under lower densities.


57. Please give me two tickets in middle.


58. He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.


59. This chicken isn't cooked in the middle.


60. Men tend to put on weight in middle age.


61. The last name , or surname, must also be considered when choosing a first and middle name.

取第一和第二个名字的时候(注:美国人除了姓和名之外, 有些人还有中间的名字)也要将姓考虑进去.《期刊摘选》

62. Rising more than 1,000 feet in the middle of the gently rolling plains of Wyoming, the massive column of rock looks as though it was dropped down into this location from a different time and place.

恶魔塔耸立在美国怀俄明州起伏的平原中部,高度超过 1,000 英尺,巨大的石柱看起来好像是从另外一个时空掉落在这里的。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

63. Middle East peace talks reopen in Washington on Wednesday.


64. Do I have a middle name?

我有中间的名字 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

65. His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.


66. ...the middle finger of her left hand.


67. A pair of foreplanes are positioned in the middle of the sail.


68. He was standing plumb in the middle of the road.


69. I used to be slimmer, but now I've put on some weight around the middle.

我以前比较瘦, 不过现在腰部已经胖了一些.《期刊摘选》

70. On one occasion, she called me in the middle of the night.


71. Pull the servo extension cord out of the middle hole above the wing, for later use.


72. The aorta in the middle shows many more larger plaques.


73. His hair was parted exactly in the middle.


74. Her novels are middle-aged and boring.


75. In the middle of there is on bridge as the bright firedamp light like electric lamp.


76. Middle Temple is a Temple Master Tsongkhapa, founder Yellowzhu gong inside large bronze statue of Tsongkhapa.

中间一座殿是宗喀巴大师殿, 殿内主供黄教祖师宗喀巴大铜像.《期刊摘选》

77. Certainly , would you like a window, aisle or middle seat?

当然, 请问您要靠窗 、 走道还是中间的位子?《期刊摘选》

78. So a round wall of air pressed towords the middle of the base.


79. Wearing beam Fabao crown cap decorated the middle of a seated, in order to Amitabha.

头戴束发宝冠,冠的正中饰一坐像, 为阿弥陀佛.《期刊摘选》

80. It is mainly illuminated by shining crystal bubbles clustered in the middle of the ceiling.


81. His middle name is Justin.


82. A car stood double-parked almost in the middle of the road.


83. Right in the middle of the speech I had placed a gem.


84. B I'm in the middle! I've got an older brother and a younger brother.

B我是中间的. 我有一个哥哥和一个弟弟.《期刊摘选》

85. Omelettes should be runny in the middle.


86. The man in the middle of the team is Jack.


87. The wall is projected in the middle.


88. And the grey level in middle domain is revised with logarithm function as nonlinear transformation function.


89. I should have finished by the middle of the week.


90. Skip the middle pair of eyelets, running the lacing at a steeper angle.

跳过中间对eyelets, 花边运行在一个陡峭的角度.《期刊摘选》

91. Rather than offer evidence for 28 categorizing brains as “male” or “female,” research shows that brains fall into a wide range, with most people falling right in the middle.

他们没有找到证据将大脑(28) 分类为“男性”大脑和“女性”大脑,相反,研究表明大脑的分类范围很宽,而大多数人正好处于中间地带。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

92. The middle decades of the 19th century marked a watershed in Russia's history.


93. During this surgery are placed in the eardrums to relieve pressure in the middle ear.


94. His informants were middle-class professional women.


95. Index 13, there is a bunker in the middle of the fairway.

难度13, 大堂正中有个大沙池等着你.《期刊摘选》

96. Noah's Ark , looming in the middle of the table, now looks somewhat sinister.


97. Also, transmitting MPs are divided into SOP, Middle MP, and EOP, which undergo different processings.

转发的MP包也分为SOP, 中间的MP包, 和EOP包三种情况而有不同的处理.《期刊摘选》

98. He grabbed her around the middle.


99. Align the ruler and the middle of the paper.


100. To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of her talk.


101. He threw his cigarette carefully onto the middle of the General's spotless floor.


102. At the middle of the room, there was an inlaid table.


103. In the middle of the main hall is a bronze statue of Amida.


104. The opening paragraph invokes a vision of England in the early Middle Ages.


105. All those people in the middle are dispensable.


106. There are three houses and ours is the middle house.


107. The skill is in steering a middle course between the two extremes.


108. The middle - ranking value of a set of values laid out in numerical order.


109. Tony and his mother got on a bus in the middle of the town.


110. Their apartment is slap bang in the middle of town.


111. Sometimes, I think we should be on a brochure for Middle America.

有时候, 我认为我们应该被载入介绍美国中部的小册子里.《电影对白》

112. Make pairs of opposites from the two boxes. Write them in the middle.

从两框中挑出反义词, 写在中间的横线上.《期刊摘选》

113. We have a blow out in the middle of wyoming last mouth.


114. The Mayor of Jerusalem has tried to minimise conflict by maintaining a middle way between the various religions.


115. Pinghu Experimental School Middle School Junior Department of a better tomorrow!


116. It's a bit hectic. I'm in the middle of cooking for nine people...


117. The fence along the middle of the road is intended to guard vehicles from crashing into each other.


118. When you play the game of thrones die. There is no middle ground.

在权力的游戏之中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条, 没有中间地带.《期刊摘选》

119. He was always in the middle of a business transaction.


120. She walks the table, the picture the middle and the table erupts.

她去过去桌子, 将图片放在中间并且桌子喷出.《期刊摘选》

121. Farms in the middle of Australia are so large.


122. Mirror the model over, weld the middle points, and then remove the middle edge ( Fig . 09 ).

镜像模型, 焊接中间的点, 然后移除中间的线.《期刊摘选》

123. Cui Qi had studied in Hong Kong's Pui Ching Middle School.


124. I went on competing till I was in my middle forties.


125. She dived in and bobbed up a few seconds later in the middle of the pool.


126. Pens are kept in the middle drawer.


127. He made the fish fast to the bow, the stern and to the middle thwart.

他把鱼系在船头 、 船梢和中间的坐板上.《辞典例句》

128. He's getting fatter round the middle.


129. At age fifty-three, he now has a few extra pounds around his middle...


130. He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention...


131. His designer suits ruck up round his middle.


132. Be absent in the middle of, informal thereto is crooked.

不在正中, 随便往那边歪.《期刊摘选》

133. 'Patience' is my middle name!


134. With foileprint ( not embroidery ) in the middle of inside waistband and at the right back part yoke.

这句应该是:腰部内侧和右后育克应该是印花,不是绣花. 这样翻译吧?《期刊摘选》

135. If the conservatives are not removed, then the party will almost certainly split down the middle.


136. Perhaps you would prefer to sit in the middle of the room? There's less draught.

也许您喜欢坐在房间中央 吧 ?那儿风小些.《期刊摘选》

137. It compares the middle of horizontal sync with a fixed point on the oscillator sawtooth voltage.


138. His fan base is mostly middle-aged ladies.


139. Brian: Actually I prefer the middle.

布莱恩: 实际上我喜欢中部.《期刊摘选》

140. Now there's a foreclosure sign in the middle of our beautiful , beautiful lawn.

现在在我们家前面树了个没收房屋的标志, 就在漂亮的草坪正中.《期刊摘选》

141. The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.


142. He positioned the lamp in the middle of the table.


143. I wonder if you mind sitting in the middle of the room?


144. The frog made a plump and landed in the middle of the pond.


145. The curtains don't meet in the middle.


146. She lives on a small farm in the middle of nowhere.


147. John sits in the middle chair, between Ann and Louis.


148. The students in our school can be admitted propriety by No.1 Middle School.


149. The success in the Middle East redounds to his benefit.


150. The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.


151. The water was not over his head, only middle of his body.

水并没有过他的头顶, 只是到了他的腰部.《期刊摘选》

152. Mr. Klimm : No problem ! It's in central Europe, right smack in the middle.

科利姆先生: 好的! 它在欧洲的中部, 就在正中间.《期刊摘选》

153. Click Apply. The name of the paragraph style appears in the middle list.

单击应用. 该段落样式的名称出现在中间的列表中.《期刊摘选》

154. It was middle-class votes they were pitching for.


155. It's best to slice into a rich cake from the middle.


156. Where three roads diverge take the middle branch.


157. Women were burned as witches in the Middle Ages.


158. The White Deer running swift, flickering, Han Dajian Zhang Gong, hard shot, middle of White Deer.

那白鹿奔跑如飞, 忽隐忽现, 韩信张弓搭箭, 奋力射去, 正中白鹿.《期刊摘选》

159. The country was split down the middle over the strike.


160. In the Middle Ages England waged war on France.


161. Middle transverse pole arrangement, suitable for milling work.

中间横向极块的安排, 可以适合磨床工件.《期刊摘选》

162. Stay indoors in the middle of the day, when the sun is strongest.


163. At the middle of the piazza, stood an obelisk.

在广场的正中央, 是根一柱擎天的埃及方尖碑.《期刊摘选》

164. Go straight ahead, and you can see a big white marble statue right in the middle.

径直朝前走, 你可以看见在正中央有一座巨大的汉白玉雕像.《期刊摘选》

165. Furthermore, the content of baicalein in the top is much higher than the middle part.

其中, 根尖的黄芩苷含量显著高于根中部的黄芩苷含量.《期刊摘选》

166. In the middle of South Africa is the arid mountain kingdom of Lesotho.


167. He parts his hair in the middle.


168. A car alarm went off in the middle of the night.


169. You are on a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean.


170. To resize an imported graphic and change its proportions, drag a middle handle.

如果要调整导入图形的尺寸并更改其比例, 可拖动中部控点.《期刊摘选》

171. The rope bridge breaks in the middle and both halves fall apart.


172. They agreed to split the bill down the middle...


173. The table is right in the middle of the room.


174. Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground.


175. As vice provost at Middle Tennessee State University, Huddleston oversees the registration of new students.

哈德斯顿是田纳西中部州立大学的副校长, 负责这所大学的新生注册工作.《期刊摘选》

176. His picture was right/bang (= exactly) in the middle of the front page.


177. We'll drive , We'll keep driving . Head out to the middle of nowhere.

一直开, 开到中部的无人区,找条公路能走多远走多远,你从没去过费城,是不是?《期刊摘选》

178. Politics is still dominated by the middle-class mafia.


179. The guests were mostly middle-aged men talking business.


180. The arch across the middle is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy.


181. Land White Pine: King of the land is located in the middle gorge.

土地白松: 该景位于土地峡正中.《期刊摘选》

182. Put the table right in the middle of the room.


183. I am sitting on the cusp of middle age.


184. The class are sitting in a circle with the teacher in the middle.


185. In 90 days, we'll be laying track right through the middle of Mexico city.


186. Gorner glacier ( in the middle ) with Monte Rosa ( to the left ).

戈尔内冰河 ( 中间 ) 以及罗萨峰 ( 左边 ).《期刊摘选》

187. There it was , smack in the middle of the room.


188. Everyone's eyes fastened on the little girl in the middle of the stage.


189. His part was right in the middle.


190. The first child always cuts straight down the middle so he won't get cheated.


191. The ballet company now occupies the middle ground between classical ballet and modern dance.


192. A lot of people found their cake is low and high in the middle.


193. She's the middle child of three.


194. It was a brave decision to change tack in the middle of the project.


195. She knew he was in his middle fifties, although he looked much younger...


196. They booked a block of seat in the middle of the plane.


197. The downhill racer edged her opponent out on the middle stretch.


198. Young Bill , the middle child , a diligent learner, reading a whole set of encyclopedias.

排在中间的盖茨学习非常勤奋, 曾从头到尾读完了一整套大百科全书.《期刊摘选》

199. The middle section has more capital, technique in advance and more human resource.

同时,中部更具有资本 、 技术、人力资源方面的比较优势.《期刊摘选》

200. I'm in the middle of writing a difficult letter.


201. The odd man added an additional riddle to the middles f the saddle.


202. The cook's apron covered her middle.


203. Objective Using simple method to reform depressed middle part of the face and nasal columella.


204. The camera shop is in the middle of the square.


205. Sitting in the middle of the kitchen table was a car muffler.


206. It’s the stage in the middle of the journey when people feel youth vanishing, their prospects narrowing and death approaching.

在这个阶段,人们已经走到人生旅途的中间,发觉青春不再,前景堪忧,死亡也在步步逼近。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

207. There lived a poor wood - cutter and his wife in the middle of a dark forest.


208. The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages.


209. People who post their full name ( First, Middle, and Last ) on the internet.

人谁后他们的全名 ( 名字, 中间名和姓氏在互联网上 ).《期刊摘选》

210. Yesterday, because dollar receded, the RMB rate bounced 89 basic points, the middle rate newspaper 6.8201.

昨日, 由于美元回落, 人民币汇率反弹89个基点, 中间价报6.8201.《期刊摘选》

211. But when the coal reached the middle she was very afraid and stopped.


212. I reached for the lamp, which stood in the middle of the table.


213. Put it right in the middle.


214. Anticipated beautifully transforms. Middle exports the previous places in here. Waits for your return.

期待美丽蜕变. 中间出口老地方我在这里. 等待等待你的归来.《期刊摘选》

215. It landed smack in the middle of the carpet.


216. Dinner, everyone sitting around the circle, a box and a food box in the middle.

吃饭时, 大家围坐一圈, 一个饭盒和一个菜盒放在中间.《期刊摘选》

217. The current is strongest in the middle of the river.


218. Added ability to change configuration options in the middle a session.


219. In the middle, the cutlasses lay ranged.

木屋正中间则并排放着弯刀.《英汉文学 - 金银岛》

220. He was of middle height, thick-set.


221. Their music is very middle-of-the-road.


222. Your seat is in the middle of the cabin on the left.



1. But a national survey found that in recent years foreign language teaching decreased in public elementary and middle schools.

VOA : special.2010.06.17

2. The party opposes his plan to cut taxes for middle class Americans and use of government spending to increase economic activity.

VOA : special.2009.05.02

3. I like cheerful, uplifting, middle-of-the-road pop.


4. Britain's braying and moronic upper middle classes


5. Like most Middle Eastern deserts, the Negev is usually associated with sand, rock and the odd camel.

BBC: The Negev desert wine route

6. I think this is an important distinction because what you have here in the middle of this simile in Milton's account of hell is an image of a bower.

我认为这是一个非常重要的区别,因为读到半途,弥尔顿对地狱的描述仅给了我们一个阴暗的印象。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. There was certainly nothing in Europe or the Middle East that would merit an 13, 000km round-trip.

BBC: Following the Silk Road to the end of China

8. So I used to love going there in the middle of the day when there's no one else there.

我曾经喜欢在中午去那里,那时候没有其他人在。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 去泰特现代美术馆

9. The 29-year-old middle distance runner has been hampered in her preparations for the European championships.

BBC: Jenny Meadows 'pain free' after Achilles injury

10. After he finished his studies at Harvard in eighteen seventy-six, he traveled in Europe and the Middle East for a year.

VOA : special.2010.07.11

11. Except that the Revelation of John is still not part of the lectionary or canon in some Eastern and Middle Eastern churches.

除了约翰启示录仍然不在,一些东方和中东教会的经文选或正典里。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Similarly, if I had chosen Middle and President Levin comes along to me and says "why did you choose Middle?"

类似地,如果我选了中,然后校长里克·列文走过来问我,为何你选择中博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. You would not want to get off one horse and on to another in the middle of a river.

VOA : special.2009.07.12

14. Then there is the middle step, the green hills that rise from 1, 000m to 4, 000m.

BBC: Long-distance swimming in Nepals glacial mountain lakes

15. I will try to finish every lecture on time, but sometimes if I'm in the middle of a sentence or the middle of a derivation, I may have to go over by a couple of minutes; there's no need to shuffle your feet and move stuff around.

我会尽量准时下课的,但是有时候如果我正在讲解一个概念,或者正在推导一个公式,我会稍微多讲几分钟,你们不用来回蹭脚,收拾东西什么的基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Remember when Haze and Enoch are in the middle of the park at the swimming pool. Enoch's hiding in the bushes, spying on the women.

请记住,当海斯和阿纳克在公园中,的游泳池中,阿纳克多在灌木丛中,盯着那些女人们。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. As long as it was not abrupt, right? I may take my scissors, and cut out a foot in the middle.

这个过程并不是突然的,对吗?,我拿出一把剪刀,这时减掉中间的一英尺。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. But it lowers taxes for the middle class by more than John McCain's plan would.

NPR: With Economy As Focus, Candidates Hit Trail

19. The Hawaiian Islands were created in the middle of the Pacific Ocean as the plate moved slowly over a hot spot.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

20. In the middle of it all, she peels off to get a patient a glass of cranberry juice.

FORBES: The Man Who WouldSave Health Care

21. That could very well trigger another round of interviews with President Obama on Middle Eastern television stations.

FORBES: Dear Ali Khamenei, Here's How To Get Nukes

22. He's reached middle age.


23. It gets worse over time. The disease affects a small area of cells in the middle of the brain.

VOA : special.2009.04.07

24. Anything is unnarratable if we don't have a sense of a beginning, a middle, and an end to bring to bear on it.

如果我们不仔细都不会注意到它有开头,经过和结果。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The mountain farms themselves add to this aura, being run using farming techniques little-changed since the Middle Ages.

BBC: Snowbound Slovenia

26. Washington was risking a conflagration in the Middle East.


27. But the Ministry for Higher Education in the south has now moved the opening date to the middle of May.

VOA : special.2011.02.24

28. In some cases the child takes the mother's surname as a middle name and the father's name as the family name.

VOA : special.2009.07.06

29. Half the money from the festival will be given to the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee for flood relief.

VOA : special.2010.05.17

30. In a survey carried out in 1987, 75% of the population identified themselves as middle class.

ECONOMIST: Business in Japan

31. But we went to 17 destinations in the Middle East and in Europe and in Scandinavia.

我们去了17个地方,穿行在中东地区,欧洲,和斯堪的纳维亚之间。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

32. The Financial Services segment services include secured loans to the middle market across a variety of industries.

FORBES: #1,600 HRG Group

33. But what else will the middle of Nevada have to offer the forward-looking homemaker in the next year?

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

34. Don't just stop in the middle of the street because everyone is coming right behind, and it's going to cause a problem.

请不要停留在街道中央,因为街上人来人往, 你的停留是会惹麻烦的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在纽约的感受

35. In Dubai in June, the heavy, hot Middle Eastern sun has reached its zenith.

BBC: Cool down in a Dubai ski chalet

36. Historians say she was the strongest influence on the education of American young people during the middle of the nineteenth century.

VOA : special.2010.06.27

37. The key is anyone who needs a guy in the middle of their lineup.

NPR: Giants Say Goodbye to Bonds

38. He sent a wayward effort wide with both Tevez and Emmanuel Adebayor well placed in the middle.

BBC: Manchester City v Manchester United

39. He had to take care of her. He says he woke up in the middle of the night as usual.

VOA : special.2009.12.11

40. They would cook in the middle, then push everything to the sides so they could sleep.

BBC: The end of a wandering way of life?

41. So, for example, hydrogen or fluorine they'll never be in the middle, they'll always be on the end of a molecule.

比如,氢或者氟,永远不会在中间,它们总是会在分子中最边缘的位置。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. Middle age - those two healthy decades after the babies stop - is very real.

BBC: Viewpoint: Just what is middle age?

43. Now,what about those Episcopalians? As one of my friends says, "Those whiskey-palians." They decided to be in the middle.

那些圣公会呢?就像我一个朋友所说的,那些威士忌佩利安,他们决定保持中立。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. For this reason, the middle class will bear much of the burden of rising taxes.

FORBES: Taxes Are Low--For Now

45. But I am concerned about how Obama will handle the crisis in the Middle East.

BBC: Voters' Views: Jessica Ross

46. Most of the questioning focused on the activities of the Middle East Program at the Wilson Center.

NPR: Freed Scholar in Iran: Release Was 'Unexpected'

47. We've got a sneak preview of Middle Cyclone on this edition of All Songs Considered.

NPR: Serge Gainsbourg, Neko Case, M. Ward, More

48. We find ourselves in today's reading, Areopagitica in the middle of the English Revolution, sometimes called the Puritan Revolution.

我们在今天的阅读中发现自己,《论出版自由》,在英国革命,也就是有时被称为清教改革,的过程中。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. I'm going to start somewhere near the middle of the code. Again, a lot of times, people don't do that.

我会在代码中间的某个位置开始,再说一次,很多时候人们不会这么做。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

50. Russia has strong economic and military ties to Syria, and is Moscow's last Middle East ally.

WSJ: U.N. Vetoes to Inflame Syrian Conflict

51. which I don't know if you guys are familiar with. It's like a rural state in the middle of America,

我不知道你们对那里熟不熟悉。 这是在美国中部的一个以乡村为主的州。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自爱荷华

52. In the Middle East, Chance reported extensively from Iraq in the aftermath of the 2003 war.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Matthew Chance - Senior International Correspondent

53. And in the middle of this blank slate, in the middle, this is where my program is going to go.

中间是空白,是程序执行的地方。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

54. Here, clustered together in the middle of nowhere, were relics of Irish civilization that spanned thousands of years.

BBC: In Ireland, hiking for ancient relics hidden by fog

55. Jordan was the first stop on a Middle East trip in which he also visited Israel and the Palestinian territories.

VOA : special.2009.05.18

56. If anything, we are in the middle of a period of increasingly good behaviour.

BBC: Is the teen rebel a dying breed?

57. The objective here is to hit the broad middle of taste as cost- and time-efficiently as possible.

FORBES: Czech Mate

58. This reduction in inequality has a racial component, because 75% of the new middle class is non-white.

CNN: Does Brazil deserve its 'B' for BRIC?

59. Counterfeit medications are also a problem in the Middle East and in many countries of the former Soviet Union.

VOA : special.2010.02.22

60. I may come up with an idea and it may end up being something in the middle of the piece.

VOA : special.2010.07.12

61. It's the groups first official discussions with a major power, which is also a Middle East peace mediator.

NPR: Hamas Leaders Meet with Russian Government

62. The middle isn't cooked.


63. When it comes to shopping, Qatar is the most happening place in the Middle East.

BBC: A shopaholic's guide to Doha

64. Under the same hand's middle and ring fingers sit two buttons in charge of chucking in-game grenades.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

65. And two of that party are in the middle of a stint with the MCC Young Cricketers scheme.

BBC: Mohammad Nabi and Hamed Hassan
















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