restart now翻译_restart now短语搭配_restart now权威例句

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restart now

网络 立即重新启动

英 [ˈriːstɑːt naʊ]play 美 [ˈriːstɑːrt naʊ]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Do not restart now 现在不重新启动

2. Click Yes to restart now 点击

3. restart system now 重启系统现在

4. Restart computer now 现在就重新启动计算机


1. You must restart your computer before the new settings will tafe effect. Do you want to restart your system now?


2. From now on, you should be able to restart your remote search server without restarting the WebSphere Portal.

从现在开始,应该可以重启远程搜索服务器而不再需要重启WebSphere Portal。

3. Now that you're connected, close the browser, restart the server and run creditApprovalClient.jsp by signing in this time with the nonManager user.

现在已经成功连接了,接下来请关闭浏览器,重新启动服务器并运行 creditApprovalClient.jsp,但这次使用 nonManager 类用户登录。

4. You can restart gmetad, refresh your Web browser, and you should see your nodes now showing up in the list.


5. If you now try to restart MDBListener1, it will have to wait for one of our other listener ports to be stopped before it can restart.


6. Eclipse should now restart the OSGi framework, install the fourth bundle (DictionaryServiceV2) and start all four bundles.

现在Eclip se会重新启动OSGi框架,安装第四个包(DictionaryServiceV2),然后启动所有的四个包。

7. When you restart Nagios, you now can do alerts on Ganglia metrics!


8. The song restart position can now be set.

可以设定歌曲播放位置。《provided by jukuu》

9. Click the Install now button in the window, restart Firefox, and now you can use the plug-in that you have just built for yourself.

单击窗口中的Install Now按钮,重启Firefox,然后您就可以使用您刚安装的插件了。

10. Now, he wants to use money from the program to help restart the market for securities based on consumer credit.


11. To allow you to do this, the Basics tab of the Server document now includes a section called Automatic Server Restart.

为了允许进行这项操作,现在,Server 文档的 Basics 选项卡包括称为 Automatic Server Restart 的部分。

12. Now synchronize the necessary nodes and then restart each of the servers in the application clusters.


13. You can now start Tomcat and set it to restart when the system boots. The startup scripts currently generate some warning messages, but these can be ignored.


14. Restart the application server, and now you are ready to test the Web service.


15. When the WTP project is completed, this action will happen automatically, but for now you need to manually restart the server in "Debug" mode.

当 WTP 项目完成后,这项操作将自动进行,但是目前您需要在“Debug”模式下手动重启服务器。

16. When the Message Broker's started task is run, the Message Broker will now register itself with Automatic Restart Management.

当Message Broker的启动任务运行以后,消息代理将立刻通过自动重启管理注册自己。

17. To restart your computer, click restart Now.


18. There's a chance that eventually we'll return all this kindness with the extravagant spending that was once decried but now everyone is hoping will restart the economy.


19. Now, the owners have secured final approval to restart operations, and hope to begin production soon.


20. Their trial was halted during the summer because a key suspect was missing; the arrest of Mr Perry, who is now in Germany awaiting possible extradition, may allow proceedings to restart.


21. Make sure you read the update before selecting "update Now" as once selected the device will restart and you will be unable to use it until the update completes.


22. When finished, you restart Nagios and you can see that I can now view my switch entries.


23. Your system must be restarted for the formatting operation. Restart now?


24. Now restart the Jazz server to load the changes.


25. Let setup restart the system now.

安装程序现在将重新启动系统。《provided by jukuu》

26. The commission's membership willingly disclosed these figures, but their role in pushing for the Ohi restart is now calling into question their neutrality and whether or not the plant itself is safe.


27. Now restart gmond everywhere.

现在在所有位置重新启动 gmond。

28. When you restart Nagios, you now can do alerts on Ganglia metrics!

重启 Nagios 时,现在可以根据 Ganglia 指标发出警告!

29. Now if the requester_s system crashes at any time the requester will know where to restart by the records it keeps in its local database.


30. Do you want to restart your computer now?

要现在重新启动计算机吗?《provided by jukuu》

31. But can he now restart the stalled EU accession process, the best way to create confidence and bring foreign investment and jobs?


32. The configuration changes made to [ 2] will not take effect until your computer has been restarted. Would you like to restart now?


33. Click the Install Now button in the window, restart Firefox, and now you can use the plug-in that you have just built for yourself.

单击窗口中的Install Now按钮,重启Firefox,然后您就可以使用您刚安装的插件了。

34. Now restart the system.


35. An advertised program has finished running and requires that the computer be restarted. To restart the computer now, click OK.


36. Now, when one of these configurations change, MyActivity does not restart.


37. What is imperative now is to restart the Six-Party Talks as soon as possible.


38. Your system must be restarted to adjust system Settings. Restart now?


39. To complete the installation, remove all discs from your computer's floppy drives and click the restart now button.

若要完成安装,请清除计算机软盘驱动器中的所有磁盘并单击“立即重启”按钮。《provided by jukuu》

40. You can simply restart the server now and see if the saved application properties are in effect (see Figure 25).


41. Restart Process Server now to enable the above changes to take effect.

现在重启Process Server使上述更改生效。

42. You can now set the amount of time, in seconds, that IDS has to recover from a problem after you restart the server by creating RTO policy.

现在可以通过创建R TO策略,设置在重新启动服务器之后,经过多长时间(单位为秒)IDS必须从一个问题恢复过来。


1. Now the North is going to restart Yongbyon too, and this week its rubber-stamp legislature passed laws emphasizing that its nuclear programs can never be negotiated away.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Calling Kim's Bluff

2. Power has now been restored to the site, but work to restart the coolers in reactor 3 was briefly suspended on Wednesday after a plume of black smoke was seen coming from it.

BBC: Fukushima workers in hospital after radiation exposure

3. The government also wants to restart nuclear power plants that have been shut down for scheduled maintenance but are now in limbo.

ECONOMIST: A troubled utility is to be as good as nationalised

4. Now, as abandoned horses vex communities across the country, companies are applying for permits to restart the slaughter industry.

WSJ: Reviving Slaughter of Horses

5. The Iranians now say they will restart the manufacture and testing of their uranium-enrichment machines at a pilot plant at Natanz.

ECONOMIST: The Europeans' soft approach to Iran seems to have failed

6. And now minds in the Quartet are concentrated on trying to restart talks.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

7. Now he doesn't know how to restart it.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

8. Heist's daughter, Morgan Heist, now a 19-year-old college student, said she is not eager to restart their relationship.

BBC: Brenda Heist: How to come back from the dead

9. So, I said, okay, I didn't want to assume so we clicked senior and frankly it was then a dead end because apparently to get some senior discount you need to have some special pass or something like this that we didn't have and yet that certainly wasn't obvious here so now we together and this person in particular had to figure out how you go back and then restart this process.

我说,好的,我不希望揣测,所以我点击了老人票,然后问题就来了,因为似乎,需要特殊的号码之类的东西来购买老年票,但是我们没有,明显我们不应该走这步,现在我们一起必须找出,怎样返回,然后重新开始这个步骤。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

10. Now, Chinese officials appear to be preparing to restart the country's multibillion-dollar effort to become one of the world's largest producers of nuclear power, with a new emphasis on safety.

WSJ: China's Nuclear Fears Could Be U.S. Companies' Gain

11. He said the firm was now ordering parts and recruiting to restart production of black cabs by June.

BBC: Coventry taxi maker LTI to 'restart production' by June

12. Now is the time to jump-start job creation, restart lending, and invest in areas like energy, health care, and education that will grow our economy, even as we make hard choices to bring our deficit down.

NPR: Obama's Address To Congress







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