scream for翻译_scream for短语搭配_scream for权威例句

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scream for

网络 尖叫;强烈要求

英 [skriːm fɔː(r)]play 美 [skriːm fɔːr]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. the scream for the eternal 永恒的尖叫

2. Scream For Me 为我尖叫

3. Scream for Life 荔枝王改编的版本 ; 生命之饼

4. We Scream for Ice Cream 惊叫冰激凌

5. to scream for his breakfast 想吃早餐而大喊大叫

6. Scream for Rock 唱片名

7. scream for help 大声喊救命 ; 呼救 ; 尖叫着喊救命

8. I Scream for ice cream 清凉一夏


1. And make him scream and cry for his life.

让他为求活而哭喊。《provided by jukuu》

2. I used to scream for her in Times Square and now I work for her.


3. Love was in the air in a Tokyo park as normally staid Japanese husbands gathered to scream out their feelings for their wives, promising gratitude and extra tight hugs.


4. Though the problems constantly scream for attention and the conflicts appear to rage ever stronger, the goodness of life grows stronger still, quietly, peacefully, with more purpose and meaning than ever before.


5. I have wanted to scream for the happiness and freedom at one time.


6. Get of Fenris : As the saying goes, Speak of war and they'll scream for more.

GetofFenris:就像谚语说的, “谈论战争而他们渴求更多”.《互联网》

7. I wanted to scream for help, pray, kick.

我想高喊救命, 祈祷平安, 奋力挣扎.《辞典例句》

8. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice - scream!

我尖叫, 你尖叫, 我们都为了冰淇淋而尖叫!《互联网》

9. we all scream for Flint Lockwood's latest tasty town-wide treat. with flurries of frozen fun on what the mayor declared to be. an ice cream snow day.

我们都为Flint Lockwood最新的全镇款待欢叫。在市长宣称的一个冰激凌雪夜。带来了冰冻的乐趣阵雨。

10. I screech, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!


11. Dentist: Could you help me? Please scream for a while.


12. Our voices wound around each other, the shriek of crows, my scream for help, Hattie's scream of despair, and underneath, the drumbeat of Father's footsteps mounting the stairs.


13. I did not scream or shout for help.


14. I I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!


15. Beyond the shallow concerns that must scream for attention are life's real treasures.


16. The bird began to scream for food the moment he entered.


17. It's easy for our lives to become over-scheduled which makes our bodies and minds scream for rest and downtime.


18. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.


19. They heard a scream for help at a distance.

他们听到稍远处的尖叫求援声。《provided by jukuu》

20. She heard her mother scream out for her, it was time for supper, and back she was with her bowl of assorted vegetables and her best entertainer, the television.


21. For two days and nights he remained in the box until he awoke in a confused daze and began to scream for help.


22. The criminal insisted that after he broke into the house, a spirit blinded him and would not let him move or scream for 72 hours.


23. She knew that I would scream for Father, and that he would come, and that it would all be over.


24. I stared the cell scream for several minutes, but there is nothing happed.


25. I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!


26. She was fit to scream; primed for a fight; we are set to go at any time.


27. A scream for help came from inside the building.


28. Haiti's streets have become impromptu morgues, with grief-stricken survivors lining roads with bodies even as trapped survivors continue to scream for help.


29. Do you scream for ice cream?

你喜不喜欢冰淇淋 呢 ?《互联网》

30. These family members sure know how to use their sharp teeth to make their prey scream for mercy.


31. Would they scream for life?

他们会尖叫求生吗?《provided by jukuu》

32. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream! Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.


33. In one quick movement, she took back her arms and started to scream for attention.


34. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice - cream!

本人叫喊, 你叫喊, 本人们都喊着要冰淇淋!《互联网》

35. I had ignored everything I had been taught that day at school about the best way to deal with a mugging which was to scream for help, to give them your bag then get away as fast as you can.


36. Cracked eggs, dead birds, scream as they fight for life.


37. And then, we do not know what we scream for.

于是, 我们不知道为了什么而尖叫.《互联网》

38. As babies, if they do not scream out for food and milk, they get none.


39. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!


40. With the application of the welding process in the industry, in order to strengthen their competition, manufacturers scream for the less cost and higher efficiency welding process.


41. You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream.


42. It was for neither a scream nor a crow that she was watching, it was for the reappearance of Peter.


43. All sorts of chief executives will scream for protection.


44. Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.


45. When a serial killer is caught, most people jump up and down and scream for the death of that person.


46. The boy was able to scream for help, but the ambulances didn't arrive until an hour later, which by then was too late.


47. You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream!


48. These family members sure know how to use their sharp teeth to make their prey scream for mercy.


49. Scream for sorbet Indulge in chocolate sorbet instead of chocolate ice cream. Saves 125


50. The movie catchphrase in Alien In space, no one can hear you scream, for example, can be turned into a business-related snowclone: In space, no one can hear you negotiate.


51. Eg a loud scream for help disturbed the quietness of the small town at midnight.

半夜时分,大声的呼救声打破了小镇的宁静。《provided by jukuu》

52. He never held him. He would yell and scream at him for no reason at all.


53. They will scream at you for spending too much money on them.


54. I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!

我叫喊, 你叫喊, 我们喊着都要冰淇淋!《互联网》

55. I've always said I've hated the Rockets, but this series is changing that! I'd never thought I'd even slightly hope the Rockets would win a game, let alone fully scream and cheer for them!


56. As the important part of traditional health preserving, health preserving sports draw more attention from people and there is a strong scream for talented people on this area in society.


57. I schrism, you scburrow, we all scream for ice-cream!


58. (After hearing) After hearing the scream for help, the neighbors immediately called the police.


59. You shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death& the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man's wife.


60. When I hold my class with the donkeys that our washerman brings to carry away the clothes and I warn her that I am the schoolmaster, she will scream for no reason and call me d? d?. [ elder brother]


61. When we did help he would scream at us for doing it wrong.

当我们帮他时,他就会骂我们做错了。《provided by jukuu》

62. If you just let her scream for a night or two.


63. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice - cream .

我尖叫, 你尖叫, 我们都为冰琪琳尖叫.《互联网》


1. As churches and newspapers and human rights bodies scream for the president to rediscover his own diplomatic manner, the universities are closed, the fuel queues remain long and there is not an oil well or diamond mine in sight to help Malawi go it alone without the donor dollars and the odd pop star in search of a child to adopt.

BBC: African viewpoint: Is Malawi reverting to dictatorship?

2. Given this, the immediate reaction is for economists to scream in conclusion that underlying inflationary pressures are accelerating.

FORBES: No Need To Hike Rates In The UK

3. And secondly, unless you live in Montana or Nevada, finding a road where you can safely scream along at more than 100 mph for any length of time is very difficult.

FORBES: Vehicles Feature

4. If that were ever on the cards, Mr Khatib's move - described by a senior diplomat as "the scream of an honest man who really feels for his country" - is now clearly not heading in that direction.

BBC: Rome talks unlikely to break Syria conflict deadlock

5. Munch enthusiasts see a simpler explanation for the picture's grip: "A scream is a very human thing, " says Karen Nikgol, a co-founder of the Oslo contemporary art space NoPlace.

WSJ: 'The Scream' by Edvard Munch

6. I've visited noisy, boisterous state and federal prisons, where inmates scream for a visitor's attention or proclaim their innocence.

CNN: Reporters get first look inside mysterious Supermax prison

7. Daily, as many as 3, 000 hedgers and speculators swarm the pits to scream for corn, soybeans and U.S. Treasury bonds.

FORBES: Futures Luddites

8. So I want, by a show of hands -- or maybe screams -- because you all scream -- how many kids, for you, is this your first Olympics that you will see or hear about?

WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Let's Move! London Event

9. The media machine on the left uses the drop in growth to scream for more Keynesian-style, deficit financed hole-digging.

FORBES: Here's Why The U.S. Economy Is A Lot Stronger Than Numbers Suggest

10. In the 1990s I read the script for Scream and I thought it was great.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. As pop songs go, "Drink to Moving On" is practically perfect, with a catchy little call throughout: It's an emotional yelp that falls somewhere between a scream and a plaintive cry for help, as a sweet-sounding bass bubbles behind repetitive guitar strumming.

NPR: From Queen and The Police to a Yelp for Help

12. For example, Shocktoberfest, a scream park he owns, employs as many as 100 people.

CNN: Raven's Grin Inn

13. When stressed out, we all scream for ice cream.

NPR: Dishing Up Comfort Food for Hard Times

14. As well as working on his new album, the Scottish musician has recently produced tracks for Dizzee Rascal and Kylie Minogue, as well as supplying remixes for Katy Perry, Primal Scream and Passion Pit.

BBC: Harris gave up drink 'for fans'

15. Meanwhile, the trades, where jobs are stable, lucrative and impossible to outsource, are ignored by talented pupils and scream for competent employees, while Dilbertians with only a high school education keep sliding economically.

FORBES: Nobody Understands What Creates Jobs And It's Destroying America

16. While the low-voltage Core i5 chip (there's a Core i3 option), 1080p IPS-based screen, 5-megapixel rear camera and front 1.3-megapixel shooter don't scream for attention by themselves among higher-end Windows 8 slates, there's an optical trackpoint and mouse buttons that make themselves genuinely handy in the non-Metro desktop.

ENGADGET: Hands-on with Gigabyte's S1082 and S1185 Windows 8 tablets (video)

17. The reality and the research scream for a cultural change.

FORBES: Seeking Work Life Balance? Be French

18. When not feeling sorry for the wives, I want to scream out to them and myriads of others who are ignoring such signals: Don't stand by your man no matter what, because eventually he will turn on you.

FORBES: Magazine Article

19. After starting his statement with the startling scream, Peterson went on for 30 more minutes, continuing in mostly hushed tones, crying and trying to regain his composure at times.

NPR: Peterson Screams, Then Gets 38 Years For Murder

20. This hybrid of raising taxes on top earners and retaining the benefits of trickle down theory would slice right down the middle between the moderate Republican and Democratic positions, and would scream for a compromise by the two sides whose mainstreams are really not that far apart.

FORBES: Guest Post: Hybrid Theory

21. The silence about differences in intellectual ability on educational topics that scream for their discussion is astonishing.

WSJ: 'Real Education'

22. People are coming out to take pictures, to scream and yell and to cheer for the elephants.

NPR: When the Elephants March in Manhattan

23. Costs, availability, discrimination, rich vs. poor, employed vs. unemployed, new technology and incurable diseases are among the issues plaguing the health care system that scream for solutions.

FORBES: Solutions: Health Care

24. They like having a conversation to get their questions answered, via phone and live chat, but they hate waiting for help, they scream at voice recognition systems and they detest when live chat takes minutes, instead of seconds, to answer their questions.

FORBES: Customers Don't Want To Talk To You, Either

25. So Scream was not only important for my career, but also personally because of my wife, Courteney.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. Will they stay the course for fiscal control or will they scream for more stimulus?

FORBES: The Path To Profligacy

27. The ball pounded off the grass and slipped over the fingertips of Czech goalkeeper Petr Cech and into the net for the decisive goal in Portugal's 1-0 win, sending Ronaldo sprinting into the arms of his teammates and over to the television cameras for a primal scream at close range.

WSJ: Euro 2012: Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal Show Czech Republic the Exit

28. Perhaps for this reason, The Scream's influence on modern art has been considerable, as seen in Francis Bacon's Screaming Popes series, Picasso's Guernica and, of course, Andy Warhol's silk prints of Munch's work.

BBC: Munch's The Scream... and the appeal of anguished art

29. Universities will scream, scrabbling as they are for foreign students.

ECONOMIST: Capping immigration: The fire next time | The

30. Ms. BLACK: I'm going to scream my lungs out for her on the floor.

NPR: Clinton Delegates Wrestle With Moving On
















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