universal principle翻译_universal principle短语搭配_universal principle权威例句

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universal principle

网络 普遍原则;普遍性原则;普遍的原则;通用原则

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1. universal unifying principle 广义合一原理

2. universal ethical principle orientation 价值观念取向

3. the principle of universal jurisdiction 普遍管辖原则

4. universal jurisdiction principle 普遍管辖原则

5. the universal principle 通用原理

6. principle of universal jurisdiction 普遍管辖原则

7. universal protection principle 普遍性防护原则

8. universal D Alembert principle 万有D

9. universal principle of morality 一般道德原则


1. He speaks about faith, something which is a universal principle.


2. Because this kind of universal principle state surpassed individual behavior, and Kant was unable to believe firmly that this state would definitely become reality, he had to resort to Providence to guarantee that realization.


3. "That's very important," says McKay. "What we see on Earth is not a quirk of Earth biology but a universal principle."


4. From researching on the universal principle of feature fusion of image, a new algorithm was proposed which based on the 2 dimension principal component analyses(for short 2DPCA).


5. The spirit of rationality is the spirit when people can exceed outer-want in the pursuit of logic, freedom and universal principle.


6. This universal consistency among education experts indisputably demonstrates an immutable principle of learning: initiative and correct methods are fundamental to academic success.


7. The postulation that the molecular structure of a compound predetermines its properties is a universal principle in chemistry.


8. Yet he also warns that this supremacy is in no way an absolute, universal principle without any restrictions, but some necessary restrictions shall be imposed on its application, lest it be abused.


9. He considers Confucianism a universal principle manifest both in nature and in culture.


10. Taking into account the continuity development of a thing, self-memorization principle is a universal principle.


11. From researching on the universal principle of feature fusion of image, a new algorithm was proposed which based on the 2 dimension principal component analyses (for short 2dpca).


12. A What is a principle of Universal Grammar?


13. Sex morality education should follow guiding principle, universal principle, appropriate principle and constructive principle.


14. Faith may seem hard to define yet it is a universal principle.


15. On Ethical Justice As An Universal Principle and its Priority Utility


16. First, Zhuxi intended to establish the universal principle of Neo-Confucianism through explanation.


17. The related regulations in civil procedure law in Western democratic countries reflect a common need for and universal principle of orders in litigation.


18. Judicial independence put forth by bourgeois torchbearers as the basis of establishing law, now has become a universal principle of law and an important part of world political civilization.


19. A better world based on universal principle of four freedoms must come into being.

基于四大自由这普世原则而建立的更美好的世界,一定会实现。《provided by jukuu》

20. The paper issued the theory of time delay estimation about some typical application environment and the universal principle about the selection of the method of time delay estimation when involved in the design of the leak detection system and actual detection.


21. International business ethics must provide evidence that, in a variety of contexts, the universal principle of justice not only satisfies the moral norm, but also increases economic efficiency.


22. The paper is concentrated on discussions of3 aspects: The universal principle and technical methods for crop model establishment;


23. The universal principle of mass conservation is introduced into porous media fluid mechanics followed by obtaining the general form of the mass conservation equation which used for oil-gas or oil-water percolation and media-deformed rocks is verified.


24. In the universal principle, the second chapter mainly analyzes the relations among the population, the resources, the environment, the economical and the society.


25. The principle of emphasizing efficiency and equity so as to achieve common richness, minimum warranty and universal principle, non-discriminatory principle, the principle of combining state and society and individual are the basic principles of public service.


26. There is a universal law called the principle of sowing and reaping.


27. Equality is the fundamental requirement for the implementation of institutional ethics and it includes the universal principle and faithful principle.


28. However, the EP is not a universal principle of physics and many modern theories suggest the existence of new interactions which violate the EP.


29. As the minimum universal moral right, the human rights contain the life power and fair power which must be equal to everyone so that it could meet the principle require of right humanity.


30. We do so because we respect the universal principle that people should choose their own leaders, whether they are leaders we agree with or not.


31. If no competent international tribunal can be found, a country unconnected with the case may decide to bring a prosecution in its national courts under the principle of "universal jurisdiction".


32. The object of Ren, which is harmonious with Dao and is embodied in human mind, is a universal principle of existence and creation.


33. Based on analyzing the machining process planning, the universal process planning model is presented using the principle and method of systematic engineering.


34. This perhaps indicates a new physics revolution, which will take place in the 21st Century and then change the human understanding of universal principle. This can motivate us to rebuild the philosophic ontology.


35. This school, then, sees in a system of checks and balances a universal principle for all pluralist societies.


36. The Nothing which the Buddhists make the universal principle, as well as the final aim and goal of everything, is the same abstraction.


37. Universal Pictures agreed, in principle, to the concept of film residuals.


38. In order to pursue the profit maximization of culture industry, the commodity exchange principle is considered as universal principle to be applied into the culture art whose special regularity is replaced for this reason.


39. The use of the universal principle of Marxism is the key of the theory preparation;


40. Taking the ontology of materialism or idealism as the universal principle that evaluate the philosophy theory and annotate the history of constructive philosophy not only goes against the fact of history but also confines the prosperity and development of philosophy theory.


41. We do so because we respect the universal principle that people should choose their own leaders, whether they are leaders we agree with or not.


42. We explore the universal principle of justice in variety of fields that are significant to china's economic development.

我们要寻求在不同的领域都接受的统一的公正原理,这对于中国的经济发展有着重要的作用。《provided by jukuu》

43. From researching on the universal principle of feature fusion of image, a new algorithm was proposed which based on the2 dimension principal component analyses ( for short2DPCA).


44. Politeness Principle is also an universal principle of social communication, which is used to set up, maintain and promote the conversational exchanges between teachers and students on specific occasions.

礼貌准则(Politeness Principle)是社会交际的普遍原则,在课堂教学中可被用来建立、维护、促进特定情境下的师生会话交流。

45. This paper, based on the theory of speech acts, discusses the proper request strategies and tries to prove, through the comparison between the request strategies in English and Chinese, that there is no universal principle of making requests in different cultures.


46. The Confucian theory is not a theory beyond practical circumstances, instead, its universal principle always disappear specific circumstances.


47. Cheating is another universal principle.


48. Take a chance on this universal principle.


49. The object of Ren, which is harmonious with Dao and is embodied in human mind, is a universal principle of existence and creation.


50. Based on the analysis of principle of Universal Serial Bus, this paper discusses the developing technology of hardware and software about USB testing system.


51. Brent Ryan, who teaches urban design at MIT, says Songdo proves a universal principle.


52. I call it the universal principle of risk management pooling and the hedging of risk.


53. The nothing which the Buddhists make the universal principle, as well as the final aim and goal of everything, is the same abstraction.


54. What is a principle of Universal Grammar? What is a parameter?



1. Saban is a premier college football coach, but the principle seems universal to a competitive sports business where coaches are on the sidelines and players on the field make the points or runs that win or lose games.

FORBES: Can Money Buy A World Series Championship?

2. These papers are gathered under the conceptual umbrella of the principle of non-discrimination and non-stigmatization, as set out in Article 11 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

3. Posterity may indeed one day thank the president for taking America a giant step closer to entrenching the principle of universal health coverage that other rich countries take for granted.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

4. My last conversation with Adrian Bejan ended on the notion that if design in nature is a universal principle of the material world, then freedom is the key variable that determines how efficiently designs can evolve over time.

FORBES: The Constructal Sessions, Part II: Freedom and Design

5. In accordance with the work programme of the IBC for 2012-2013, two main topics will be discussed during these meetings: the issue of traditional medicine and its ethical implications and the principle of non-discrimination and non-stigmatization, set forth in article 11 of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005).

UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

6. The President strongly believes that we should and have spoken out to ensure that demonstrators have the universal right and principle to demonstrate without fear of harm.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

7. She said Labour believes "in the principle of universal child benefit" and had voted against the changes, although the party has not committed to reversing them if it gets into government.

BBC: Child benefit changes 'seriously flawed' accountants say

8. The unaffordable principle of universal welfare has been assailed with a means-test for child benefit.

ECONOMIST: British politics

9. Pause is a universal principle inherent in living systems.

FORBES: The Value Of Stepping Back To Achieve More

10. Why do nations decide to go nuclear, especially given the almost universal nature of the non-proliferation principle?

NPR: Nuclear Weapons Gain Importance for Regional Powers

11. "We have to defend the principle of universality and universal access, " he told BBC News.

BBC: Cern re-creating first web page to revere early ideals

12. "The principle of Universal Credit is sound but our research has found the actual roll-out could unintentionally trap people in poverty and hardship, " the organisation's chief executive Julia Unwin said.

BBC: Queue outside a Jobcentre Plus

13. For example during the party's welfare review, should a One Nation Labour Party defend the principle of universal benefits - or would its concern for the poor cost, for example, better off pensioners their winter fuel allowance?

BBC: Labour conference: One-nation under an Ed?

14. Secondly, he believes that there is a universal principle of demonstrating without the fear of harm.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

15. I call it the universal principle of risk management pooling and the hedging of risk.

我称之为,风险管理的普遍原则,风险汇聚和风险对冲金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课







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