administrative cost是什么意思_administrative cost短语搭配_administrative cost权威例句

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administrative cost

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1. reduce administrative cost 降低行政成本

2. financing and administrative cost 理财及管理成本

3. country office administrative cost 国家办事处行政费用

4. general administrative cost 一般管理费用 ; 一般管理费 ; 一般行政费

5. administrative cost control 行政成本控制

6. variance administrative cost 行政管理费用差异

7. problem of administrative cost 行政成本问题

8. Selling and administrative cost 会计 推销及管理成本 ; 销售及管理成本 ; 推销与管理成本


1. They have not played a due role, but increased the administrative cost of their companies instead.


2. To save administrative cost, no donation receipt is required.

为节省行政开支, 我不需要捐款收据.《互联网》

3. The theory of transaction cost in economics of law offers a new perspective for us to understand administrative license law.


4. Membership fees will be allocated as administrative cost.


5. The only way to eliminate the administrative overhead and performance cost of giving each user a connection to the database is to move the relational database work off the computer.


6. Administrative cost consciousness is weak, the tied mechanism of the expenditure is lacked.

行政成本意识薄弱, 财政支出约束机制缺失.《互联网》

7. Settle up office administrative cost monthly.


8. According to the principle of efficiency, tort liability principles ought to minimize the accidents costs including the prevention cost, the accident loss, as well as the administrative costs.


9. Among the three, the administrative and management cost component accounts for a significant portion of the overall ongoing cost.


10. These decentralized approaches reduces data and content redundancies, bandwidth, storage, on-going synchronization, and additional administrative cost associated with a centralized approach.


11. With the increasing of the short run printing jobs and complexity of printing job, the administrative cost in printing industry becomes higher and higher.


12. For example, the sales department is now able to add new users based on actual usage without increasing the complexity and cost of procuring new hardware, software, and administrative resources.


13. This results in fewer errors and the reduction in administrative overhead offsets a large chunk of the cost of the central tool.


14. Data center cost is comprised of three main components: hardware, physical costs (such as power and cooling), and administrative management.


15. In addition to improved patient outcomes, workflow and administrative efficiencies from the use of mobile devices can produce cost savings for the user or user organization.


16. SAIC will also manage training logistics, administrative support, sustainment activities, and cost data analysis.


17. The effective factors of administrative cost mainly includes administrative objective, administrative form, administrative personnel and administrative environment etc.


18. Administrative cost is administrative resource that is gained relying on administrative power and consumed in administrative course.


19. The administrative cost controls also be applicable for strategic management and homework office procedure.


20. In many cases the goal is to automate the administrative operations (all the paperwork associated with ordering, delivering, invoicing, and paying) and therefore reduce the cost.


21. For small businesses, using Facebook for their e-commerce needs frees them from some of the administrative headaches of hosting their own solution, not to mention the lower cost of entry (free).


22. Administrative cost consciousness is light, saves the administrative cost idea not to be strong.

行政成本意识淡薄, 节约行政成本的观念不强.《互联网》

23. Drive continuous improvement projects within entire engineering organization in terms of management process, administrative cost reduction and design for success etc.


24. The trade-off here is that as you reduce the number of Shared resources, the complexity, license cost, and administrative overhead can increase.


25. The establishment of executive agency improved the efficiency of administration greatly and reduced the administrative cost.


26. Being a total amount of material consumption, pressure and wrong cost, administrative litigation cost can divide into different types from different angles.


27. The relatively low overhead cost may far outweigh the administrative benefits for network organization.


28. Membership fees will be allocated as administrative cost.


29. Registration fee includes all administrative cost, cost of meals and training materials.


30. To reduces the administrative cost, the majority research results are regulated and in the general sense administrative cost research.



1. Run by the University of North Carolina, Charlotte (UNCC), SWIFT seeks to combine the use of low-cost real-time energy monitoring technology and an administrative model incorporating university research.

FORBES: New Innovative Weatherization Project Will Let Your Energy Consumption Match The Weather

2. This may not seem like a big deal, but the US Government Accountability Office found small plans cost on average 1.33% annually for recordkeeping and administrative services alone.

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3. Each of these properties is nuanced either by future litigation expenses, the cost of under-earning assets and future savings on headcount and other administrative excesses.

FORBES: Let 'Em Beat Up On Banks

4. According to the school chief administrative officer, the schools could see cost savings over the life of the agreement.

FORBES: Ameresco Revenues Fall Off Fiscal Cliff

5. It means streamlining, making the system work, records going, lower administrative cost, less paperwork, but they don't pay more.

NPR: Obama Pushes Health Care Overhaul

6. San Diego businessman John Riley, whose firm handles legal and administrative issues for companies with export factories in Mexico, figures the administrative burden that's grown since NAFTA was implemented in 1993 has increased his cost of doing business as much as 20%.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. Apple also says that changing its proxy at this stage would be "unworkable" because it will cost "millions of dollars" to send out new information to shareholders and other administrative costs.

CNN: Apple claims Einhorn holding investors hostage

8. The fat tax was instead fried by Danish farmers complaining of the high administrative cost of fat-tax compliance, and losing business to foreign competitors who were running away with the bacon and the kringles.

FORBES: Taxes On "Fatty Foods", And Their Unintended Consequences

9. The large increase in offers provided by small businesses is driven primarily by two factors: greater demand for coverage by workers due to individual penalties for being uninsured and the avail-ability of new, often lower-cost insurance options (because of administrative savings, for example) for small businesses that offer coverage on the exchanges.

FORBES: Small business projected to be big winner in healthcare reform

10. Smart aleck remarks aside, the cost to the country would be lack of confidence that there would be administrative continuity in a time of crisis.

FORBES: If The Vice Presidency Went To The Second Leading Candidate, How Would U.S. Politics And Government Be Different Today?

11. The expense ratio of the mutual funds and certain administrative cost may be disclosed (at best), but other significant fees, such as brokerage, are not.

FORBES: "Capping" 401k Revenue Sharing: Record-keepers Block Rebates To Participants (May 19,2008)

12. Banks are often reluctant to do so because the administrative cost associated with re-issuing cards often exceeds the cost of the actual fraud that occurs.

WSJ: Breach Hits Card Processor Global Payments

13. Believe it or not there are many health plan administrative costs that help reduce cost (e.g. disease management, provider contracting) that improve the rates you and I pay.

FORBES: What Does It Take To Get An ObamaCare Waiver?

14. Besides its low cost, Corona offers the promise of lower administrative costs.

FORBES: Sun's Ultra-Secret PC-Killer

15. With the company committed to cutting down on its Average Unit Cost and marketing, general and administrative expenses, we expect that the EBITDA margin for this division will gradually increase to around 25% by the end of our forecast period.

FORBES: Abercrombie Rises With Global Buddy Gilly Hicks

16. This rule allows trustees a full deduction only for miscellaneous itemized deductions that "individuals are incapable of incurring"--taken literally, that could mean virtually no administrative cost of a trust is fully deductible.

FORBES: The Way The Tax Code Crumbles

17. You claim that as a percent that private insurers administrative costs are higher due mainly to the cost of fraud prevention.

FORBES: The Myth of Medicare's 'Low Administrative Costs'

18. The CBAs collectively mandate maintenance of 80 different health and welfare benefit plans, the sheer number of which impose excessive administrative and cost burdens on the Debtors.

FORBES: Did Hostess Go Bankrupt In 2012 Because People No Longer Find Twinkies Appealing?

19. Obamacare will only add to the cost-inflating administrative burden that third-party payment places on doctors.

FORBES: Fed Up With Obamacare, Doctors Increasingly Prefer Cash For Care

20. These types of contracting vehicles are characterized by task orders with short vendor response times and minimal administrative cost to the end user agency.

FORBES: Federal Austerity Drives Shift to BPAs and Cloud

21. Your argument is that almost all administrative cost is fixed and thus on what you define as total cost the private sector administrative cost on a per member basis is lower.

FORBES: The Myth of Medicare's 'Low Administrative Costs'




















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