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英 [əˈfɔːd]play美 [əˈfɔːrd]play

  • v. 买得起;有(时间)做某事;承担得起;<正式>提供,给予
  • n. (Afford)(英、美)阿福德(人名)

第三人称单数 affords 现在分词 affording 过去式 afforded 过去分词 afforded

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afford /əˈfɔːd/ CET4 TEM4 [ affording afforded affords ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you cannot afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it. 支付得起

    My parents can't even afford a new refrigerator.



    The arts should be available to more people at prices they can afford.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you say that you cannot afford to do something or allow it to happen, you mean that you must not do it or must prevent it from happening because it would be harmful or embarrassing to you. 承担得起

    We can't afford to wait.






offer afford furnish provide supply 【导航词义:提供,供应】

offer v. 提供

〔辨析〕 指主动给予帮助等,对方可以接受也可以拒绝。

例1: The manager offered him a cigarette.


例2: He offered me shelter.


例3: He offered her a good job, but she turned it down.


afford v. [正式] 提供,给予

〔辨析〕 多指提供抽象的东西,可后接双宾语。

例1: The room affords a fascinating sea view.


例2: It afforded him the opportunity to communicate with his foreign peers.


furnish v. [正式] 提供,供应

〔辨析〕 既可指提供抽象的东西,又可指提供具体的东西。

例1: Will these new finds furnish more clues surrounding the case?


例2: He was furnished with a list of local dealers.


provide v. 提供,供应

〔辨析〕 指为某人提供需要或有用的东西,多用于 provide sth for sb 和provide sb with sth 结构中。

例1: The restaurant provides free desserts for guests.


例2: They have already provided me with everything I need.


例3: The kids are provided with good food and clothing.


例4: It is the duty of the authorities to provide homes for the old.


supply v. 提供,供给

〔辨析〕 尤指长时间地定期供应所需或想要之物,多用于 supply sb with sth 和 supply sth to sb 结构中。

例1: Steel for this project was supplied by an international company.


例2: They were arrested for supplying counterfeit medicine to street vendors.


例3: Cows supply us with milk.


例4: We supply power to the five nearby towns.



1. cannot afford 买不起 ; 负担不起 ; 上不起

2. can afford 买得起;有能力负担

3. afford to do 能够去做 ; 有经济条件做某事 ; 负担得起 ; 足以承担

4. afford to 得起 ; 做 ; 付得起

5. can afford to 买得起 ; 消费者有购买能力 ; 能够经得起 ; 罐头

6. Can not afford 买不起 ; 无法承受 ; 无法负担 ; 支付不起

7. I can't afford it 我付不起 ; 我买不起

8. afford to do sth 负担得起做某事 ; 能够做某事 ; 担负得起做某事 ; 支付得起去做某事

9. Can not afford to eat 吃不起

10. I can't afford that 我付不伏




afford to buy/pay 买/付得起

can/could afford 负担得起

can't/couldn't afford 负担不起

afford to lose 输得起


able/unable to afford 能/不能负担起的


1. Meanwhile, they find they can rent better quality furniture than they could afford to buy.

同时, 他们发现他们可以租比他们买得起的质量更好的家具.《期刊摘选》

2. The programme affords young people the chance to gain work experience.


3. They allow ordinary people to afford good food and adequate diets.


4. I wish I could afford a car like this.


5. At last, we can afford a house.


6. There was no requirement that he should afford the taxpayer an opportunity to be heard.


7. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries?


8. Few could afford the luxury.


9. Can we afford a new car?


10. I used to go out nearly every night but I decided to knock it on the head because I couldn't really afford it.


11. I could only afford to buy the CD player because it was on sale.


12. That means a lot of Russians can suddenly afford to buy cars.


13. She could well afford to pay for it herself.


14. That coat is an extravagance you can't afford.


15. Yes, but do you really do you really think you can afford it?

是的, 但是你真的认为你买得起它 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

16. I've already told you ─ we can't afford it, full stop!


17. My parents can't even afford a new refrigerator.


18. We cannot afford any more delays.


19. High school students psychological and physiological characteristics afford us maximum possibility to implement aesthetic education .

高中学生的心理、生理特点,为我们实施 美育 提供了极大的可能性.《期刊摘选》

20. I can't afford a ticket. I'm spent up.

我把钱花光, 没钱买票了.《简明英汉词典》

21. How can they afford it? That's what I'd like to know.


22. She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work.


23. It is feasible that afford credible operation method to practice by test and simulation.


24. Her loiters afford a clue to her intentions.


25. Only a man of means could afford such a big house.


26. History affords us lessons that merit attention.


27. It affords a livelihood to a great number of people.


28. If I've got my sums right, I should be able to afford the rent.


29. The truth is we can't afford to keep all the staff on.


30. This kind of car costs a lot of money, but he can afford ( to buy ) it.

这类小汽车要花很多钱, 但他买得起.《期刊摘选》

31. These technologies afford the important base for research of navigation control system for agricultural vehicle.


32. I can't afford to get sick.


33. We can't afford to wait...


34. At last we are able to afford a house.


35. I can't afford to buy you another car — do you think I'm made of money?

我可没能力再为你买一辆车了,你以为我很有钱 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

36. It'seems that none of them could afford an apartment currently.


37. He never Buys any cars, though he can afford them.

他虽然买得起汽车, 但是从来也不买.《期刊摘选》

38. None of them could afford £50 for a ticket.


39. Our meeting afforded much interesting information.


40. His son's success afforded him a great pleasure.


41. We cannot afford to ignore this warning.


42. These lands afford good pasture.


43. None of them could afford £ 50 for a ticket.


44. Hope is itself a species of happiness, and perhaps the chief happiness which the world affords.

希望本身就是一种幸福, 也许还是这个世界所能给予的最大幸福.《期刊摘选》

45. We cannot afford to be complacent about our health.


46. This issue was of such importance that we could not afford to ignore it.


47. Valuable facilities would be afforded to Russian air forces.


48. Ophthalmoscopy affords the only opportunity for direct visualization of blood vessels.


49. The simple truth is that we just can't afford it.


50. I can't afford it, it's too expensive.


51. It was a cold room, but it afforded a fine view of the Old City.


52. To those Americans for whom money is a concern, my advice is simple: Buy what you can afford, and cook it yourself.

对于那些手头不宽裕的美国人,我的建议是:买你买得起的食材,回家自己做饭。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

53. I can't afford to run a car on my salary.


54. They could afford a secondhand car, she thought.


55. In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children.


56. This accident affords us a useful lesson.


57. In Shanghai it's difficult for one person to afford an apartment.


58. For all models, an improved headband spring will afford greater comfort for the majority of listeners.

所有型号, 改进的头带春季将提供更大的舒适的大部分听众.《期刊摘选》

59. Solid water affords a new approach to drought resistant planting in arid and semi arid area.


60. Microwaves have got cheaper and hence more people can afford them.


61. They couldn't afford to pay the bills.


62. You can afford a cabin, but you can't scrape up child support?


63. If I can afford it, I think I'll go private.


64. Our garden affords us fresh vegetables.


65. Could you advise me which to choose? History affords us useful experience and lessons.

你能建议我挑选哪一个 吗 ?历史提供给我们有益的经验和教训.《期刊摘选》

66. I can't afford it at that price.


67. We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence.


68. We're wasting valuable time, time we can ill afford.


69. We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.


70. The country could not afford the luxury of an election.


71. It afforded her the opportunity to improve her tennis skills.


72. I can't afford it ─ that's the whole point.


73. What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay?


74. We will be grateful for whatever amount you can afford.


75. I wish I could afford to dine off fresh meat every day.


76. How much money can I afford?


77. We can't afford to slip up.


78. They could ill afford to lose any more staff.


79. As the TV sets are moderately priced, people of average means can afford to buy them.

由于电视机定价适度, 中等收入的人们是能够买得起的.《期刊摘选》

80. My parents can't even afford a new refrigerator...


81. Hope is itself a species of happiness which this world affords.


82. She could no longer afford to keep him at school.


83. The high prices mean that only the most successful musicians can afford to buy rated instruments.


84. Practically speaking, we can't afford it.


85. Bankruptcy affords the debtor in possession a number of mechanisms to restructure its business.


86. The government cannot afford to alienate either group.


87. Hope is itself a species of happiness, and perhaps the chief happiness which this world affords.

希望本身就是一种幸福, 也许还是这个世界提供给我们的最大幸福.《期刊摘选》

88. If I could afford it, I'd have four television sets.


89. The crunch is that we can't afford to go abroad this year.


90. The tree affords some shelter from the sun.


91. We wish to assure you that we appreciate an opportunity affording us for service.


92. Despite China's capital controls, the offshore market also affords its firms an alternative source of borrowing.

尽管中国对资本进行控制, 然而国外市场依然为公司提供了另一个贷款的来源.《期刊摘选》

93. Hereby can afford flocculants the variety and quantity in the process.


94. LAURIE : How did you ever afford all this stuff, anyway?


95. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom.

一旦赢得了, 会提供给我们巨大的空间.《期刊摘选》

96. Sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for trade between nondollar countries.


97. It also affords a viable manner for integrated control grinding or other technologic line.


98. It affords the key to an understanding of the situation.


99. He generously afforded us assistance.


100. Not many people can afford a car.


101. affordable prices/housing


102. If we budget carefully we'll be able to afford the trip.


103. I've already told you—we can't afford it, full stop!


104. He couldn't afford the money to go on the trip.


105. The arts should be available to more people at prices they can afford...


106. I cannot afford to offend him.


107. He afforded a temporary shelter for the needy.


108. Many rich people have yachts; people in their walk of life can afford them.

许多有钱人拥有游艇; 像他们这样富裕的人才买得起.《期刊摘选》

109. (formal)They could ill afford to lose any more staff.


110. I can't afford it—it's just too expensive for me.


111. We can't afford to go abroad this summer.


112. Because of you, I always kept girls around me at a distance.

因为你, 我总与身边的女孩保持一定的距离.《期刊摘选》

113. These trees afford a pleasant shade.


114. We can't afford to wait.


115. The price is way above what we can afford.


116. Thesis afforded referrence for establishing the criterion on analysis of fire cause fire's prevention.


117. The few treats most students could afford were occasional visits to the movies or the theater.


118. He could barely afford the fare.


119. I can't afford the vacation, for it would eat up my savings.

我度不起假, 那样会把我的积蓄用光的.《简明英汉词典》

120. She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to.


121. The appendix in the article affords related background information and assistant explanation for the study.


122. There's no way we could afford that sort of money.


123. Don't figure on going abroad this summer; we may not be able to afford it.

别指望今年夏天出国, 我们可能负担不起旅行费用.《简明英汉词典》

124. They're comfortably off, so they can afford the house.

他们相当富有, 因此能买得起这座房子.《期刊摘选》

125. His research method affords us important reference for the comprehension of modern media art.


126. The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.


127. This affords us the opportunity to ask questions about how the systems might change...


128. How on earth can she afford that?


129. Soon the villagers couldn't afford to buy food for themselves.


130. Each Member shall afford sympathetic consideration to any request from another Member for consultations.


131. This letter seemed to afford her peculiar satisfaction.


132. I can afford it, but only just.


133. I just cannot afford to keep myself.


134. You cannot afford to relax your concentration for a moment.


135. Once driverless cars are actually for sale, the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them.

一旦无人驾驶型汽车真的开始出售,早期使用者只会是那些买得起这种车的人。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

136. If I can afford it, I will buy it.

要是我买得起的话, 我会买它.《期刊摘选》

137. He could not afford to buy a house.


138. None of us can afford It'separately, so let's pool our resources.

我们之中谁也不能单独买得起这东西, 所以我们就集资购买吧.《简明英汉词典》

139. Can you afford this car?

你买得起这辆车 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

140. The firm cannot afford to carry passengers.



1. We're also going to have our loan program so that people are able to afford school.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

2. I can't afford the time.


3. Despite what you may think, most companies are sympathetic to people who cannot afford repayments.

BBC: How can I manage my debt?

4. Someone figured out at the median contribution that got you invited to stay a night in the Lincoln bedroom, Bill Gates could afford to stay in the Lincoln bedroom every night for the next sixty six thousand years.

有人算出来,按能受邀在林肯卧室留宿一夜,所需捐款额的中位数计算,比尔·盖茨完全付得起在林肯卧室,住上6万6千年。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Consumers are enthusiastic about tablets, he notes, and the larger screens afford developers more flexibility.

FORBES: BlackBerry Fund Says Developers Extremely Excited About PlayBook

6. On average, Americans spend two hours a day working just to afford their cars.

CNN: Use your money to buy happier time

7. Men who earn less money are safer choices because they can't afford to leave the marriage.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. But jury consultants cost a lot more than most average defendants can afford.

VOA : special.2009.08.31

9. Just pull it out and pay, regardless of if you really can afford it or not.

FORBES: Your Debit Card: Don't Leave Home Without It

10. Many had struggled to find work because of their poor eyesight but couldn't afford corrective lenses.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. That is to say not even the best city on Aristotle's account can afford to be without a foreign policy.

这也就说明,就算是亚里士多德笔中的最佳之城,也承受不起没有外交政策的后果。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. We agree to be junior partners in absolute rule in exchange for recognizing your supreme authority over us in exchange for the protection that you will afford us."

我们愿意臣服在您的绝对权威之下,我们将视您为无上的权力,作为交换你必须向我们提供保护"欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Young people are buying it instead of beer, and occasional drinkers can afford wine more often.

ECONOMIST: Why a cult $2 plonk has America's wine industry in a spin

14. Inventory is also abnormally constricted because many prospective sellers cannot yet afford to do so.

FORBES: Homes Sales Begin To Slip As Buyer Demand Outpaces Supply

15. But only about 350, 000 of them can afford the standard IVF treatment to conceive.

FORBES: Invo BioScience and Next Generation IVF

16. The only way to avoid debt entirely is to only buy what you can afford.

FORBES: Do We Take Debt Seriously Enough?

17. They cannot afford to live decently on what they are paid.


18. I can't afford to run a car.


19. So Kurt Russell and his friends attend a small private college, which cannot afford to buy a computer.

所以Kurt,Russell和他的朋友,参加了一个小的私立学院,那里买不起一台电脑。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

20. We can not afford the overhead associated with the administration of 27 separate payroll systems.

FORBES: Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

21. The legislation would require most Americans to purchase health insurance and provide subsidies to those who cannot afford it.

VOA : standard.2009.11.23

22. Chocolate remained a drink that only wealthy people could afford to drink until the eighteenth century.

VOA : special.2010.02.17

23. But Pavel Felgenhauer says Russia cannot afford large-scale rearmament either and that Russian authorities have not reconciled this contradiction.

VOA : standard.2009.03.20

24. And that right now we can no longer afford to incarcerate, see, more than two million people, and take them not only out of workforce, but keeping them away from information of knowledge of literacy.

现在,我们已没有能力,去限制两亿人口,让他们,脱离劳动力,让他们脱离信息,知识或文化素养。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. But when you look at the bill, it is very expensive and you can't afford to pay that.

但当你看见账单时,你才发现这太贵了,你负担不起。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I can 课堂

26. This debate is not a game for these Americans, and they cannot afford to wait any longer for reform,".

VOA : standard.2009.07.23

27. Smaller firms subject to extraordinary risks need to be able to afford proper e-discovery solutions.

FORBES: Connect

28. However,most agencies can't afford those. You have to have a hangar, it costs quite a bit for maintenance and fuel."

VOA : standard.2010.01.01

29. Migrant workers who could afford a pound of rice, can afford two pounds of rice.

FORBES: How China Will Eat Your Lunch

30. And I'll say "how are you" and you say something to the effect that if I could afford a latte in this world, I'm doing well.

我问您最近怎么样,您有一次,说了一句话,大致意思是,如果我能,享受得起一杯拿铁,那一切就还好。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

31. So people that are being kicked out of their apartment, or they can't afford a place to live,

所以,针对那些房屋被没收的人,或者是买不起房的人,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我帮助过的人们

32. Drowning in debt and not being able to work and afford extra insurance, wow.

FORBES: Medicare Has Stopped Paying Bills For Medical Diagnostic Tests. Patients Will Feel The Effects

33. I can't afford it. It's too dear.


34. Farm workers can't afford to laze about in bed.


35. This will be fun for local kids or anyone who can't afford a ticket.

FORBES: Magazine Article

36. And,U2's manager says the band has worked hard to make sure tickets are lower in cost than in the past so that fans can afford to attend the shows.

VOA : special.2009.04.10

37. Banks can no longer afford to ignore the issue of broken trust and disappearing customer loyalty.

FORBES: Nickeled and Dimed: Can Banks Buy Back Your Loyalty?

38. Maybe it's a tradition, maybe it's to keep the value kind of in a familiar range or a small-- they don't want them to get too expensive because people can't-- small investors can't afford them anymore.

也许是传统使然,也许是为了将价值维持在一个惯常的小区间内,他们不想让价格升得太高,因为人们,小投资者无法承担过高价格金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. One is, he can't afford to have his hoplite line outflanked, because if I can come around and take care of this guy from this side, he is engaged with a guy who's right opposite him, I can just kill him no problem at all.

一点是,他不能让方阵的侧翼被包围,因为如果我调转方向,从这边对付他,他正在和正面的敌人交战,我干掉他就是小菜一碟儿古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. As the war for talent continues today, we cannot afford to not embrace our internal talent.

FORBES: 5 Secrets To Unlocking Your Talent's Potential

41. The producers alliance has said it cannot afford to meet all the writers' demands.

BBC: News Online

42. Their income would push them into a tax bracket where they could not afford it.

FORBES: Romney's Return Suggests He Paid 57.9% In Taxes And Gifts To Charity

43. And no medical company that wants to stay profitable can afford not to gamble a bit.

FORBES: Genzyme Takes Gamble On Gene Therapy

44. Foreign Secretary William Hague has defended the funeral costs, stating the UK can "afford" to contribute.

BBC: Manchester

45. Because they can afford to pay the gatekeeper a hefty fee for recommending the product.

FORBES: International Campaign to Eliminate Pension Consultant Abuses (November 2, 2004 )

46. I think I could maybe afford a front door if I work really hard for the rest of my life.

我想如果我下半辈子努力工作的话,我可以买得起一个前门。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 怡人的的汉普斯特德

47. "We have difficult times. We cannot afford everything we wish for if we want to create the future."

VOA : standard.2010.06.16

48. And it was exciting and interesting, and this device that had all this computational power that any person could afford or start to afford, that was just really interesting to me.

这让人兴奋又很有意思,这个设备有很强的计算能力,而且每个人都买得起或者将会买得起,这对我来说真得很有意思。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

49. But now, the community has exhausted all the generosity it can afford, and the food is running out.

VOA : standard.2010.03.22

50. But yeah, I think if you can afford it and it's something that's important to you

但是,是的,我想如果你支付得起,并且认为那对你很重要的话,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于名牌

51. President Barack Obama has repeatedly described the conflict in Afghanistan as one that the United States cannot afford to lose.

VOA : standard.2009.10.25

52. Only the very wealthy people in Aztec societies could afford to drink chocolate because cacao was so valuable.

VOA : special.2010.02.17

53. Once they discovered their moral freedom, once they discovered that they could thwart God and work evil in the world, and abuse and corrupt all that God had created, then God could not afford to allow them access to the tree of life.

一旦他们意识到了,道德自由,一旦他们违背上帝,开始作恶,摧残,腐化,上帝的创造物,上帝便不准他们再接近生命树。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. "I think this president believes we can't afford not to." Hopes for a bipartisan compromise on health care appear to be fading.

VOA : standard.2009.09.04

55. And how long can banks afford to ignore the minefields of insight from social media?

FORBES: Now that data's going really big, what's next?

56. Say Heav'nly Muse, shall not thy sacred vein Afford a present to the Infant God?

天上的神啊,你那神妙的天才,何不献上贡品给这神圣的婴孩?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Now never mind that our own experience with virgins has failed to afford us such a spectacle of bodily transformation.

没有关系,如果我们关于贞操的知识,之前未能告诉我们如此壮观的身体转换。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. People can't afford them. That's why we don't really have a malaria vaccine yet, because no one in rich countries really suffers from malaria.

VOA : special.2010.03.29

59. With NHS budgets under relentless pressure, these are increasingly being seen as rations the NHS cannot afford.

BBC: NHS 'paid ?17 for gluten-free pizza base'

60. With economic growth charging along at 9% last year, more and more Indians can afford cars.

FORBES: The Next People's Car

61. Rising debt levels and rising interest rates are simply something that the government cannot afford.

FORBES: US government's fiscal plight, the numbers say it all

62. Some franchises in smaller markets are relatively weak and unable to afford high-priced players.

FORBES: The Baseball Enigma

63. Fungicides afford some protection but huge quantities of chemicals are an expensive and limited answer.

ECONOMIST: Wheat rust and world farming

64. The OFT said too many people were granted loans they could not afford to repay.

BBC: Payday lenders told to improve by OFT

65. Analysts say the armed forces and its supporters are a political constituency that the Kremlin cannot afford to ignore.

VOA : standard.2009.03.20





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