
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈpɒləsihəʊldə(r)]play美 [ˈpɑːləsihoʊldər]play

  • n. 投保人;保险客户

复数 policyholders

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


policyholder /ˈpɒlɪsɪˌhəʊldə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A policyholder is a person who has an insurance policy with an insurance company. 投保人

    The first 10 percent of legal fees will be paid by the policyholder.




  • n.

    policy 政策,方针;保险单



1. The policyholder 投保人

2. Relationship to Policyholder 身故保险金受益人

3. CAPS Computer Assisted Policyholder Service 计算机辅助保险客户服务

4. policyholder underwriting 保户承保

5. Policyholder Information 投保单位基本信息

6. Name of Policyholder 投保单位

7. Expected Policyholder Deficit 预期保单持有人赤字

8. group policyholder 投保群体


1. Thus, the policyholder dividends in the purchase of insurance before difficult to predict the future dividend income.


2. It must result from an accident, not from an intentional act by the policyholder.


3. The funds are supposed to reimburse policyholders in the event of insurer failure.


4. So, developing the catastrophe risk securitization, can not only satisfy the needs of insurance policyholder, decrease the pressure of government finance, but can also establish a new way of development for the insurance.


5. These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders.


6. To obtain the level of cover required, the policyholder pays a premium for an agreed period of time.


7. As the theoretic basis, the chapter roundly expounds fundamental knowledge about insurance fraud, including the concepts, characteristics and inner risk factors. Insurance fraud is classified to be policyholder fraud, agent fraud and insurer fraud.


8. In this paper, we incorporate in the above designing of BMS the important apriori information we have for each policyholder by introducing an exponential regression component.


9. The first 10 per cent of legal fees will be paid by the policy-holder.


10. It is supported by the policyholder's premium, central and local government finance subsidy, and the part payment that policyholder once use the serve.


11. Insurance contract is the carrier that connects the interests of each policyholder.


12. It is both possible and significant for the policyholder to participate in the shareholding insurance company's governance.


13. The insurance company usually requires considerable information about policyholders before extending insurance coverage.


14. The part of emergency medical expenses that exceeds the sum insured will be borne by the Policyholder.


15. Then, if the worst should happen the policyholder can submit a claim to the insurer who will pay out the agreed amount to help mitigate the loss.


16. It's a whole life policy that gives the policyholder flexibility over the insurance premiums.


17. The third chapter takes social medical insurance as example to analyze policyholder fraud.


18. Therefore, if every policyholder pays a small amount into the insurance company's fund, there will be enough money in the fund to pay for the damages suffered by the few who actually incur a loss.


19. In life insurance, to identify that policyholder has insurable interest, in addition to the policyholder and the insured person should have some stakes, we must also obtain the consent of the insured person.


20. Four complex types: policyholder-information, insured-vehicle, liability-coverage, and third-party-coverage.

种复杂类型:policyholder - information、insured - vehicle、liability - coverage和third - party - coverage。

21. At last part, we show how to consider claim size in optimal BMS when supposed that claim size of a policyholder is all exponential variable with parameter θ and in the portfolio θ varies from one policyholder to another and is a Gamma distribution.


22. But since mortgages people have insurance benefits, he will be policyholder when he is insured people at the same time.


23. The businesses or individuals that buy insurance from a particular insurance company become policyholders.


24. But in its 2011 Annual Report, Berkshire warned that "mortality rates have continued to exceed the assumptions we made" and increased its estimated liabilities for future policyholder benefits as a result.


25. For example, the policyholder may not buy two property insurance policies and collect from each policy for the same loss due to theft.


26. It must result from an accident, not from intentional act by the policyholder.

被保损失必须是由意外事件引起的, 而不是被保险人的故意行为所致.《期刊摘选》

27. Surrenders refers to life insurance companies in the long-term business operations, the policyholder surrenders when raised for various reasons, in accordance with the provisions of the insurance contract surrender values paid to policyholders.


28. Furthermore, The study also shows that the game model has not a separating equilibrium, and when the ratio of the policyholder sharing varies in the certain scope, the player will make use of separating strategy or pooling strategy alternatively.


29. The ultimate purpose of insurance is to indemnify policyholders.


30. For example the policyholder may not buy two property insurance policies and collect from each policy for the same loss due to theft.


31. In fact, this approach is wrong, policyholder will be money wasted.

其实, 这种做法也是错误的, 投保人会白白浪费钱财.《期刊摘选》

32. A policyholder who suffers a loss files a claim ( a request for payment) with the insurance company.


33. Callingz himself "* the luckiest man on the face of this earth." New York Life policyholder Lou Gehrig bids goodbye to baseball fans at an emotional ceremony.


34. The policyholder and the insured could be different persons.


35. According to this rule the policyholder cannot collect more money than was actually lost.


36. A prospective policyholder with numerous speeding tickets is more likely than a safer driver to end up with a sports injury.


37. PolicyholderInformation represents the complex type policyholder-information.

表示复杂类型policyholder - information。

38. But unlike traditional reinsurance offers backup coverage directly to a policyholder, rather than to the insurer.

但不同于传统再保险的是,直接给付条款直接针对保险客户承保, 而不是针对保险公司.《期刊摘选》

39. A policyholder can switch between investment options easily without terminating the policy.


40. GetPolicyholderInformation gets the policyholder-information element.

getPolicyholderInformation,访问policyholder - information元素。

41. However, due to our unlisted insurance company information disclosure system has just started, the relevant laws and regulations are not perfect, the information asymmetry between unlisted insurance company and policyholder is still very serious.


42. The more risk an insurance company assumes for a policyholder, the higher the premium.


43. When a policyholder has a loss, he or she asks for payment from the insurance company.


44. The policyholder kills or injures the insured voluntarily;


45. The individual policyholder must have an insurable interest.


46. According to the Time of September 19, WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.


47. Please note that if the above claim application is approved, the claim payment will be paid by cheque to the Policyholder.


48. The premium is the income of an insurer. It is the obligation of every policyholder to pay the premium.


49. Since it easily occurs for violation of maximum credit principle in social medical insurance, the medical insurance market is a typical market in which policyholder fraud occurs.


50. Returning to the schema, to fetch the social security number of type xs: string that's inside the policyholder-information complex type, XMLBeans provides the following method.

让我们再回到模式,为了提取policyholder - information复杂类型中的xs: string类型的社会安全号,XMLBeans提供了以下方法。

51. A decision criterion is introduced that by guaranteeing the minimum acceptable security level, selects the solvency margin making the cost burden of the policyholder minimum.


52. E.g.the beneficiary-the person who gets the money when someone dies-is usually a member of the policyholder's family.

人寿保险收益人通常是投保人的某一家庭成员。《provided by jukuu》

53. In automobile insurance, the BonusMalus System (BMS) based only on the number of claims is unfair with a policyholder who had small size of claims.


54. The first 10 percent of legal fees will be paid by the policyholder.


55. Policyholder shall make full payment of premium to effect the policy before the departure.


56. The rule of favorable interpretation to policyholder is designed to protect the benefit of insurance counterpart, who is considered to be at a disadvantage in contracting with insurers.


57. We have a right to expect it to regulate properly and not mislead policyholders.


58. I have already showed you the semantics of user-derived schema types such as automobile-policy and policyholder-information.

我已经说明了用户驱动类型(如automobile - policy和policyholder - information)的语义。

59. Any changes should be initialed by the Policyholder.


60. At present the country is with bank, policyholder in the group client of health net much.

目前国康网的集团客户中以银行 、 保险客户为多.《期刊摘选》

61. The collapse of its insurance arm would hit ordinary policyholders.


62. Protection of policyholder interests after life insurer ′ s bankruptcy


63. WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.


64. According to this rule, the policyholder cannot collect more money than was actually lost.

根据这一规则, 投保人所获赔偿金额不得超过其实际损失的金额.《期刊摘选》

65. As part of the underwriting process for insurance, each prospective policyholder is tested for high blood pressure.


66. We will return to the policyholder the cash value.


67. The Policyholder is duly authorized by employees to disclose, release or transfer the information to us.

举凡所提供, 发放或转交给本公司之雇员资料均适当地由被保雇员授权.《期刊摘选》

68. Paid-in overseas investment during this period totaled US$ 24.58 billion, up 18.7 percent. According to this rule, the policyholder cannot collect more money than was actually lost.


69. It is the obligation of every policyholder to pay the premium.


70. As insurance is a deal between policyholder and insurer that society blame misleading sale to the insurance sellers' professional immoral, while there are some defects in insurance company for insurance seller acting as agent for company.


71. Dividend a share of profits received by a stockholder or by a policyholder in a mutual insurance society.


72. But when the policyholder is mortgages people, the situation should be different.



1. On one hand, the law seeks to increase the generosity of policies that it deems too stingy, by limiting deductibles and mandating coverage that the secretary of Health and Human Services thinks is "essential, " whether or not the policyholder can afford it.

WSJ: Daniel Kessler: ObamaCare's Broken Promises

2. Mr Engelhardt said the company, which provides cover for around 3.5 million vehicles, refused to chase policyholder growth at the expense of profits.

BBC: Car insurer Admiral profit rises 15% to ?345m

3. But sometimes there's an innocent explanation: The policyholder may not have known about a health condition, or may not have thought it was relevant.

NPR: Insurers Revoke Policies To Avoid Paying High Costs

4. It's a whole life policy that gives the policyholder flexibility over the insurance premiums.

作为终身寿险的一种,它为投保人的保费提供了灵活性金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. In the battle of private insurers versus policyholder owned, the policyholders come out on top.

FORBES: Are Mutually Owned Car Insurance Companies More Successful?

6. There is ample opportunity here for insurers to surpass their existing policyholder support systems.

FORBES: The Next Big Superstorm Sandy Story: Are We Really in Good Hands?

7. There's something called "variable life," which refers to a life insurance policy where the policyholder can make decisions about the investment of the money in the whole life policy.

有种保单叫做"可变寿险",作为终身寿险的一种,投保人可以自主选择,在终身寿险上进行多少投资金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. It must make the policyholder entirely responsible for all medical bills up to the amount of the deductible, with certain exceptions (such as for preventive services like cancer screening and prenatal care).

FORBES: Saving for Your Health

9. The trade-off was that, unlike old-fashioned whole life, the effective premiums for the universal policy death benefit rise as the policyholder ages.

FORBES: Retirement Disaster Looms For Universal Life Policyholders

10. As DeGeorge pointedly noted in letters to companies that dared to challenge him, any insurer denying a claim is taking a chance that it will get hit with a nasty tort suit by the policyholder.

FORBES: Why Insurance Rates Are High

11. That's how much of a premium dollar goes to claims, reserves for payouts, underwriting expenses and policyholder dividends.

FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

12. Individual policyholders are relatively safe: they will have almost all their claims met under the Policyholder Protection Act.

ECONOMIST: Independent Insurance

13. Most insurance policies come with a deductible: The policyholder agrees to cover some of the initial losses himself, in return for much lower insurance premiums.

WSJ: Upside: As Stocks Surge, Is It Time for Some Protection?

14. If it isn't cut down and eventually falls on the house, is the policyholder negligent?

WSJ: Dodging a Home-Insurance Trap

15. It also pays out the value of the artwork to the policyholder if the fight is lost.

FORBES: Insurance: Hey, that's my picture on your wall

16. Ditto for pretty much any policyholder, more than likely, so why not craft programs and campaigns intended to aggressively inform them?

FORBES: Hurricane Sandy Will Be The Biggest Branding Event For Insurance Companies In 2013

17. Whatever money the policyholder doesn't spend will stay in the account earning interest, tax free.

FORBES: Don't Stop Wining

18. Companies are reluctant to move policy data to newer platforms because of the risks and costs, and life insurance policies persist as long as the policyholder is alive.

FORBES: Outsourcing -- There's No Place Like Home

19. Then, they could use Sandy as the prompt to strengthen every policyholder relationship.

FORBES: Hurricane Sandy Will Be The Biggest Branding Event For Insurance Companies In 2013

20. The policyholder may authorize repairs without waiting for an assessor.


21. The process begins after a policyholder has been diagnosed with an expensive condition such as cancer.

NPR: Insurers Revoke Policies To Avoid Paying High Costs

22. Then came a 1999 class action brought in Los Angeles by Martin Marootian, 85, whose uncle was a policyholder killed in 1915.

FORBES: Settling a Case--After 85 Years

23. Generali also argues that its compensation does not matter, because it was paid no more than the net asset value of its East-European operations ie, what was left after subtracting policyholder liabilities.

ECONOMIST: Generalis nightmare continues

24. Even on their websites, insurers posted urgent calls for policyholder action.

ECONOMIST: Whos to pay for Y2K?


















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