patience with翻译_patience with短语搭配_patience with权威例句

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patience with

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  • 对……有耐心:对某人或某事保持耐心和宽容的态度。

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1. has no patience with 对 ; 没耐心

2. of all patience with 对 ; 对¥忍无可忍

3. lost patience with 失去的耐心 ; 失去耐心与 ; 失去了耐心与

4. no patience with sb 对某人毫无耐性

5. lose patience with 无法忍受

6. be out of patience with 耐不住 ; 对 ; 对…再也不能忍耐

7. be patience with you 对你没耐心了


1. You'll have little patience with the hypocrisy and double standards you encounter.


2. I've got no patience with you any more.

我对你再也无法忍耐了。《provided by jukuu》

3. The authors have little patience with growth drives in the developed west.


4. Mr Arnault has lost patience with La Tribune, which has turned a profit in only two of the 13 years he has owned it.


5. I also thank you for your patience with how long I took to answer them.


6. India's patience with Pakistan appears to be wearing thin.


7. A source told the Sun: 'Roberto is clearly losing patience with Balotelli.


8. Some experts see signs that China might be losing patience with North Korea.


9. The public’s patience with quarrelling politicians is wearing thin and some members of the opposition fear that confrontational tactics may backfire.


10. I have no patience with people who like to smoke in restaurants.


11. Have patience with the unknown.


12. I have run out of patience with her.

我对她已失去耐心了。《provided by jukuu》

13. You should have more patience with people.


14. Please be Patience with this site when it generate FREE MONEY for U.


15. He had no patience with chance effects.


16. She has no patience with people who are always grumbling.


17. I will always have patience with you.


18. Saint Francis DE Sales wisely noted, "Have patience with all things. But, first with yourself."

Saint Francis de Sales(圣方济沙雷)曾记录下“耐心对待所有的事,而首先就是要对自己有耐心。”

19. Barack Obama has lost patience with Israel. But neither side dares risk a break-up.


20. She has little patience with such views.


21. He had no patience with the infirmities of human nature.


22. Governor Tancredi has lost all patience with Pope and his handling of the riot.


23. She understands them and has patience with them.


24. This court has lost all patience with ridiculous behavior.

这个法庭再忍受不了任何荒唐行为。《provided by jukuu》

25. We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.


26. Her patience with our failings and fickleness and her willingness to give us a second chance are a daily lesson in gratitude.


27. I have run out of patience with her.


28. Very well, if you insist, but have a little patience with her.

好吧,席根斯,这需要耐心。《provided by jukuu》

29. He walked so slowly that his brother lost patience with him.

他走得太慢,以至于他哥哥对他不耐烦了。《provided by jukuu》

30. Miss Catherine, I'll owe to you that I have little patience with Linton; and Hareton and Joseph have less.


31. People have lost patience with the slow pace of reform.


32. Mr Geissler, an old warhorse used to being listened to, lost patience with the endless wrangling and all he could see ahead was more war.


33. We all lose patience with Tom because he broke his word.

我们都无法忍受汤姆,因为他失言。《provided by jukuu》

34. I have patience, and you should have patience with yourself.


35. He has little patience with naughty kids.


36. He had no patience with chance effects.


37. Think first before you lose your patience with someone you love.


38. He often brags about being fired from a consulting firm job for having little patience with his bosses.


39. I've no patience with the airs of these people.

那些人拿腔作势的,我真瞧不上眼。《provided by jukuu》

40. If you grew up with harsh criticism and ridicule and impatience, then be sure to compliment, love, and exercise patience with your children.


41. I was sometimes quite provoked, but then I recollected my dear Elizabeth and Jane, and for their sakes had patience with her.


42. He had great patience with it.


43. Mobile phone signals are not good, either, and I gave up surfing on my phone after losing patience with the intermittent signals.


44. American patience with the slow pace of progress in China was not indefinite.


45. For one thing, they run out of patience with Westerners' ignorance.


46. But you must have patience with yourself.

不过你对自己一定要有耐心。《provided by jukuu》

47. I also thank you for your patience with how long I took to answer them.


48. I think you're required not to lose patience with your brother.

我认为您不能对您的弟弟失去耐心。《provided by jukuu》

49. You run out of interest in communicating with them because they’ve let you know that they’ve run out of patience with listening to you.


50. Barack Obama has lost patience with Israel.


51. No one at GM has yet demonstrated that level of patience with the task.


52. Aquino said that there was a point during the haphazard assault on the bus when he lost patience with police commandos.


53. The young Germans consulted by newspapers as portents seem to have little patience with east-west stereotypes. The resentments will gradually fade.


54. 34% of the forms use 6-8 input fields, while 12% risk user's patience with over 9 mandatory input fields.

34%的表单使用6 - 8个输入框,然而有12%的网站顶着用户的忍耐度让他们完成超过9个的必填项。

55. I've no patience with folk as sits an' just stares at good bread an' meat.


56. I have no patience with people who are too slow.

我对反应太迟钝的人没什么耐心。《provided by jukuu》

57. She was quickly losing patience with the whole wretched situation.

她很快就腻烦了这一团糟的局面。《provided by jukuu》


1. Two months later, as new facts about her case have surfaced, Tauzin's patience with Stewart has worn thin.

CNN: Martha's Untidy Story

2. Witnesses said some women lost patience with the semi-naked entertainer and heckled him before throwing napkins at him and shouting abuse.

BBC: Fabio and Leon Zbudowskyj

3. "The American people are running out of patience, and with 114 members of the House voting this week against the war , Congress is beginning to catch up to the public."

VOA : standard.2010.07.30

4. Since smartphones have limited screen real estate, that can test users' patience with mobile ads.

WSJ: Facebook Earnings: Profit Rises Amid Growth in Mobile

5. And they probably had more patience with me five years ago than they do today.

FORBES: Steve Forbes Interview: Ron Muhlenkamp, Expert Investor

6. I love reading these particular stories, and just hearing the dialogue between them, and imagining it, because the two of them alternate in losing patience with the Israelites, and wishing to throw them over.

我喜欢读这些特别的故事,读他们之间的对话,想象那个场景,因为他们两个轮流对犹太人,失去耐心,想放弃他们。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. One reason is that conservative brawn has lost patience with brains of all kinds, conservative or liberal.

ECONOMIST: Political parties die from the head down

8. The Duma, parliament's currently quiescent lower house, could lose patience with Mr Primakov.

ECONOMIST: A puzzling progress

9. Second it tells us that influential voices in France have lost patience with Obama.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Reconsidering the Suez Campaign

10. But they had not reckoned with the changing public mood: the middle classes' patience with endless strikes seems finally to have snapped.

ECONOMIST: Reviving the sick men of Europe | The

11. The board ran out of patience with Thoman, who had bungled two restructurings and turned off employees with his remote management style.

FORBES: Follow Through

12. He had little patience with Sartre and other intellectuals who adopted anti-establishment poses while enjoying the perks of fame.


13. And China has already sent us signals that their patience with our economic downturn is not unlimited.

FORBES: Chinese Bearing Gifts

14. It's an indication that their patience with the slow progress of school reorganisation has run out.

BBC: Taking ministers out of the loop

15. The simple answer was that she had lost patience with the power of big money in American politics.

ECONOMIST: Doris Haddock | The

16. Western politicians are beginning to lose patience with state-capitalist powers that rig the system in favour of their own companies.

ECONOMIST: Emerging-market multinationals

17. America's patience with France's foot-dragging in the alliance, never great, is now just about exhausted.

ECONOMIST: Off the hook: Turkey, Germany, Russia. But not France

18. Mr Walsh's patience with what he saw as foot-dragging by Britain's regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), was at its limit.

ECONOMIST: The effect on business and leisure

19. Who among us would be content with the counsels of patience and delay?

我们当中有谁会愿意,看病时一等再等?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. or sorry, you did choose to show up today, we'll understand, but please also understand that the TAs won't have a lot of patience with you if you're asking a question about something that was either covered in the readings, or covered in the lecture and is pretty straight forward. All right?

你确实决定了来上课,我们会理解你的,但是请明白,当你问了一个,既在阅读材料里,也在课堂上讲过的浅显问题时,助教们可没有太多耐心,接待你?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

21. In private, officials make no secret that patience with the Greeks has evaporated.

FORBES: Owed, On a Grecian, Earned

22. Her father had been a long time dying, and Matt had lost patience with it all.

NEWYORKER: The Bell Ringer

23. Is the President running out of patience with efforts to plug the leak?

WHITEHOUSE: 5/10/10: White House Press Briefing

24. But Zimbabwe citizens had long since lost patience with chronic corruption, inflation, economic stagnation and shortages.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

25. With the focus and patience of a surgeon, the bearded Egyptian artist delicately places a small piece of stained glass in the face of one of his portraits.

VOA : standard.2010.07.30

26. Nonetheless, traders said that investors had lost patience with arguments that higher inflation is inevitable.

CNN: Gold hit by sharpest tumble in 30 years

27. Last week, the Motherwell chairman John Boyle lost patience with Cardiff and publicly criticised them for their lack of action.

BBC: Cardiff City pay Motherwell money owed for Paul Quinn

28. One can sense the high executioner, Cheney, losing patience with the man he chose to be Treasury secretary.

FORBES: The Price Of Loyalty

29. The markets have lost patience with this ridiculous sham government, whose downward spiral was inevitable, given its obvious flaws.

FORBES: India Leader In Panic Mode, Promises 'Any Means Necessary' Growth Initiative

30. Miller has little patience with one favorite pastime of his party's liberals--blocking confirmation of presidential appointees.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

31. Bedford's back row Sacha Harding saw yellow when referee Davey finally ran out of patience with him after persistent infringements.

BBC: Worcester Warriors 32-0 Bedford Blues

32. Beijing has little patience with those who say the Kingdom of Heaven has precedence over the rulers of the Middle Kingdom.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | China: Inside China's Search for Its Soul

33. Once you buy a fund, have patience with it and understand the factors that impact its performance.

FORBES: Stock Funds Stumble, But Don't Fail

34. Is it a surprise that, increasingly, producer countries are losing patience with consumer territories?

FORBES: Is David Cameron Walking Back His Opposition to the War on Drugs?

35. Mr Brands is masterly in describing the patience with which FDR brought the country to understand the danger of fascism.

ECONOMIST: Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The man who saved his country, and the world | The



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