profit tax翻译_profit tax短语搭配_profit tax权威例句

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profit tax


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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. windfall profit tax 暴利税

2. excessive profit tax 过分利得税 ; 税收 超额利得税

3. Corporation Profit Tax 税收 公司利润税 ; 税收 法人利润税 ; 公司利得税

4. corporate profit tax 公司利润税 ; 企业利得税 ; 营利事业所得税 ; 法人利润税

5. additional profit tax 税收 超额利润税

6. excess profit tax 超额利润税 ; 过分利得税

7. war profit tax 战时利润税

8. Resource Super Profit Tax 资源超级利润税 ; 暴利税


1. Profit tax is to show all net profit, duty that hand in are expended.

利税是指净利润、上交的所有税费。《provided by jukuu》

2. Specifically, charitable organizations can enjoy four main categories of tax benefits, including profit tax, consumption tax, behavior tax and income tax; the donators can also enjoy the tax benefits of estate duty, etc..


3. The total effect of value proliferation of FFEs is negative and that of assets profit tax is positive, namely, FFEs only realize lesser value proliferation but achieve high profits, which shows the weak relevancy of the invested industries by FFEs in China.


4. Other federal taxes include the corporate profit tax and social insurance taxes.

联邦政府的其他税收还有公司利润税和社会保险税。《provided by jukuu》

5. As to how to do well the work concerning the social insurance on the staff of the state run enterprises, the writer suggests that a systeme be established to link the insurance with their produced profit tax shares.


6. On top of that, they pay sales tax and the tobacco industry pays profit tax.


7. Corporate tax exemption shall take effect beginning from the year the project derives its first profit.


8. Adjusted and improved hospital profit tax policy, exempt from business tax and additional; lower income tax rates; adopted special policies to specific uniform tax standards and methods. 4.


9. The profit and tax of media Industry has exceeded that of cigarette Industry in 1998 for the first time, and become the fourth mainstay Industry of our nation.


10. Become city to belong to the profit tax large family of the enterprise very quickly.


11. Tobacco industry plays an important role in national economy. As an industrial crops with high profit and tax revenue, tobacco occupies a high position in our national economy.


12. Dividend policy is a tactics to decide how to distribute the profit after tax between the stockholders and the company itself.


13. Diesel will cost more, but petroleum-based diesel sells in America for 57 cents a litre before distribution costs and tax, so there should be room for profit.


14. In 2005 profit before interest and tax was around EURO398m on sales of EURO2.4 billion, with a gross trading margin of more than 50%, about the highest in the business.


15. Please provide your Business Registration Certificate and latest Profit Tax Demand Note if you are a company owner.


16. Corporate dividend policy mainly focus on how to distribute profit after tax.


17. Mahindra pledges 1 per cent of its profit after tax to social initiatives.


18. Multinationals can generally defer paying tax to their home governments by retaining profit earned abroad in their foreign units.


19. This is the measure of output (taken as operating profit after tax and some other adjustments) less input (taken as the annual rental charge on the total capital employed, both debt and equity).


20. EVA ( Economic Value Added) is the balance found by deducting the cost of capital from the net operating profit after tax ( NOPAT).


21. Lloyds Banking Group said it had made a quarterly pre-tax profit, the first time the British bank has returned to the black since its bail-out and takeover of HBOS.


22. Rolls-Royce has said only that underlying pre-tax profit growth should be slightly lower than the 4-5% it had signalled last summer.


23. The author holds that business earnings, taking protective measures for money capital as a basic point, should include holding income and net profit after tax.


24. The firm, which is the former insurance arm of Fortis, said inflows surged 22% in the first half of the year, though profit was down after it booked a big tax benefit a year earlier.


25. Deutsche Bank added to the general unease after it abandoned its pre-tax profit target for the year and forecast that its third quarter would be "significantly below expectations".


26. In contrast, London tries to profit from all the legal, tax and regulatory differentials in Europe and farther afield.


27. To compare apples with apples, the IFC looked at how each country would tax a domestically owned ceramics firm with 60 employees, two plots of land and a pre-tax profit margin of 20%.


28. Fees and other transaction expenses shall be taken into account as expenses in determining pre-tax profit under subparagraph (a).


29. Enterprise profit tax system is predicated on that the majority of operating organizations are the natural persons;


30. Profit before tax rose "significantly," up 12.8 per cent to ㈠. 26bn.


31. The profit and tax rate of the product has reached 41. 2%.


32. According to the up-to-date full cost pricing theory, water supply price is composed of triple costs, which include resource cost, environment cost, engineering cost, profit and tax.


33. The figure is based on the profit after tax less the dividend receivable.


34. Some of the opponents are also receptive to other tax rises, such as the introduction of progressive profits tax, increasing profit tax and a capital gains tax.


35. Kesa fell 8.9 percent to 137.4 pence after Europe's third - largest electronics retailer said profit before tax would be at the lower end of market estimates after sales dropped at Christmas.


36. The profit and tax totaled 23 billion yuan and the export rose to 27 billion USD.


37. James' company is a for-profit enterprise, but he pledges to give away all its after-tax profits to charity.


38. Profit Source Tax Jurisdiction Standard under Nontraditional Modes of Transaction


39. Stingier capital allowances, however, will raise the amount of profit subject to the tax, so the overall effect on companies will be neutral.


40. If they awarded options that were "In the money" -that means already exercisable at profit -then they would be subject to a tax liability immediately, so they don't want to do that.


41. Non-profit medical research is funded mostly by tax dollars—and rich countries prioritize their spending by what matters to them.


42. In the process of trade policy making, China government faces a tradeoff among wage premium from multinational companies, profit tax, tariffs and losses of state-owned enterprises.


43. Exports have topped the 80 million mark. the profit and tax totaled 23 billion yuan and the export rose to 27 billion USD.


44. The focus of income tax accounting research is an accounting dealing issue of what influence caused by the differences between accounting profit before tax and assessable income gives to the tax payment.


45. Business ( profit) tax; corporate income tax [ US]; corporation tax [ UK]


46. The SAR Government will improve the profit tax system. With effect from today, interest earnings by companies in savings in local banks can be exempted from profit tax.


47. As the capital profit tax has not been imposed in our country, we need not choose the dividend policy by comparing the income tax for individual with capital profit tax.


48. Six, unit bank and securities industry inside and outside gains tax system together favorable tax, collect the capital profit tax completely, realize impartial taxs.


49. On one track, we propose changing tax laws to make it easier for news organisations to become low- or non-profit entities, controlled by the communities they serve.


50. The xeriscape council of new mexico , inc . , is a non - profit tax - exempt corporation.


51. State - owned large and medium - sized the main body that the enterprise is implementation profit tax.

国有 大中型 企业是实现利税的主体.《互联网》

52. The engineering cost is the price of engineering, which usually consists of direct fee, overheads, planned profit and tax.


53. Hannover re rose 4.3 percent to 38.27 euros. The world's third-biggest reinsurer increased its full-year earnings forecast after quarterly profit rose 66 percent, boosted by a one-off tax gain.

全球第三大再保险企业汉诺威再保险公司(Hannover Re)股价上涨4.3%,至38.27欧元,该公司公布第三季度利润增长66%,主要因为一次性税收有所提高,公司同时上调了全年收益预期。

54. On top of that, they pay sales tax and the tobacco industry pays profit tax.


55. Free cash flow equals the difference between net operating profit after tax and net investment.


56. She wrote a book on the subject of profit tax.


57. Apply GM ( 1, 1) Model to Forecast Foreign Exchange Profit and Tax in Economic Development



1. In 1979, President Carter succeeded in convincing Congress to pass the incredibly wrong-headed Windfall Profit Tax, possibly the worst energy-related policy decision in American history.

FORBES: Bad Energy Policy And Its Effects In The Oil And Gas World

2. Most other countries either tax the profit at the corporate level and then dividends are tax free, or dividends are distributed tax free at the corporate level and then taxed at the usual individual income tax rates.

FORBES: This Might Not Be The Best Time To Be Investing For A Dividend Income

3. The higher the tax in the state where the smugglers unload the cigarettes, the greater the profit.

VOA : standard.2010.08.11

4. And yet a study by the Tax Foundation, a not-for-profit, nonpartisan tax research group, concludes that if the goal is better economic growth, higher employment and increased domestic investment, cutting corporate taxes is the way to go.

FORBES: Which Corporate Giants Pay The Most In Taxes?

5. Overall revenues for the quarter ending September were virtually unchanged at 1.789 trillion yen and Sony left its full year pre-tax profit forecast unchanged at 310bn yen.

BBC: Sony plays up strong profits

6. Operating pre-tax profit in the wealth management business was the highest in the bank's history, said Mr Gorman.

BBC: Morgan Stanley reports first quarter profit

7. It said pre-tax profit rose 7% to 6.7bn euros in 2012 from the previous year, despite higher food and energy costs.

BBC: Unilever reaches 50bn-euro turnover in 2012

8. Not the entire profit at UK tax rates as he alleged.

FORBES: Goldman Sachs, Private Eye and Tax Dodging

9. To justify its current share price, Zale would have to grow after-tax profit ( NOPAT) by 4% compounded annually for the next nine years.

FORBES: Zale Is No Diamond In The Rough

10. Back in 2010, Gorman told investors the goal was a 20% pre-tax profit margin.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

11. However, it would also give Clydesdale Bank the right to receive 50% of the firm's profit after tax.

BBC: workers at Superglass

12. Also, Morgan Stanley was ahead of its peers by attaching long-term performance criteria to the vesting of stock options based on ROE, TSR, and Pre-tax Profit measures over three years.

FORBES: Lessons Learned in the Aftermath of the Banking Crisis

13. If they awarded options that were "In the money" -that means already exercisable at profit -then they would be subject to a tax liability immediately, so they don't want to do that.

如果这些奖励的股票期权是价内期权,这说明期权行权即可赢利,这些利润是要交税的,当然他们想避免交税金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. In the UK dividends are paid out of post tax profit, as in the US. However, that tax that had been paid on the corporate profits becomes, to the dividend recipient, a tax credit.

FORBES: Warren Buffett's Very Strange Tax Argument

15. However, the underlying pre-tax profit at its banking operations fell 72% to 184m euros.

BBC: ING sign

16. This acquisition spending does not appear to be aiding growth in the way management hoped, as PX saw after-tax profit ( NOPAT) increase by a paltry 2.6% in 2012.

FORBES: Praxair Pays Dearly To Keep The Top Line Growing

17. DIW, a Berlin economics institute, some tax on distributed profit now shows up as income tax (paid by shareholders) instead of corporation tax.

ECONOMIST: German business

18. So Maine would not have any corporate profit to tax and would not have any claim on the salaries since the guys were working in New Hampshire.

FORBES: New Hampshire Law Partners Face Maine Income Tax

19. College sports are a non-profit endeavor in tax-code language only.

FORBES: NCAA's Use Of Macklemore's Music Is The Height of Irony

20. Then it breaks into profit: should we tax purely that profit when it finally arrives or should they be allowed to carry forward those losses to offset against the profits?

FORBES: Facebook Doesn't Pay Taxes On Its Profits: So What?

21. That compares with a 39m euro pre-tax profit in the same period last year.

BBC: Morning business round-up: Sharp shares dive on losses

22. The company has grown after tax profit ( NOPAT) by 10% compounded annually for the past 13 years.

FORBES: Go For XLI And UPS When Buying Into Industrial Sector

23. But on June 22 Tung Chee-hwa, the post-colonial ruler, announced an economic reform package, It included tax and rate rebates, a profit-tax exemption for companies, and measures to help the property market.

BBC: What a difference a year makes

24. This is the measure of output (taken as operating profit after tax and some other adjustments) less input (taken as the annual rental charge on the total capital employed, both debt and equity).

ECONOMIST: The ultimate measure by which a company is judged

25. Since 1998, it has grown after-tax profit ( NOPAT) by 8% compounded annually.

FORBES: Good Time To Get Caterpillar, IBM And ETFs That Hold Them

26. It will charge only 15% corporate-profit tax and levy no income taxes on the finance professionals, lawyers, accountants and creative people it hopes eventually to attract.

ECONOMIST: Chinas capital controls: The more special economic zone | The

27. To justify this price, the company must grow after-tax profit ( NOPAT) by 6% for the next 14 years.

FORBES: Vanguard And Schwab ETFs Clean Up On Being Cheap

28. After completion, Pearson will report its 47% share of profit after tax from the joint venture as an associate in its consolidated income statement.

ENGADGET: Penguin and Random House merge, promise a brave new e-book future

29. And if I'm the tax collector, the way I make a profit is by charging you a lot more than I need just to send to Rome.

如果我是税吏,就会收你们一大笔钱,远多于需要上缴的数目,以赚取利润。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. It has grown after tax profit ( NOPAT) by 4% compounded annually for the past 13 years.

FORBES: Tough To Find Quality In Small-Cap Value Funds

31. Last year Morgan lowered its pre-tax profit margin goal for the unit to 15% for the middle of 2013.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

32. In 2012 sales dipped 2.5%, but with some rigorous cost-cutting the company has managed to post a 12% jump in pre-tax profit.


33. Out of that post-tax profit the company then retains some earnings to further invest in the business and then pays the rest to the shareholders as dividends.

FORBES: Obama's Budget Raises Dividend Taxes to 39.6%: This is Not a Good Idea





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