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skin game

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  • (美)骗局;诈欺

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skin game

  • 1.
    名词 a swindling trick 欺诈



1. The Skin Game 骗局 ; 面子游戏 ; 欺诈

2. The Great American Skin Game 美国护肤游戏 ; 伟大的美国护肤游戏

3. Skin in the Game 风险共担 ; 自身利益在其中 ; 利益绑定 ; 切身利益

4. Game UI skin 新的介面

5. Game Skin 动物皮毛 ; 野兽皮


1. During sports events, it glows with energy: the hue of its translucent skin shifts from game to game with the colors of the teams.


2. Venture capitalists have always known that if executives have no skin in the game, the unscrupulous will find ways to abuse the trust of their backers.


3. We offer top quality articles such as ostrich leather, ostrich leg skin, buffalo leather, crocodile leather and game skins for handbags, shoes, furniture, interior design and various manufactures.


4. But as we work to reform our budget, Congress should also put some skin in the game.


5. It's important to note that PageFair has skin in this game, and some have accused the company of self-interested alarmism.


6. Venture capitalists have always known that if executives have no skin in the game, the unscrupulous will find ways to abuse the trust of their backers.


7. An alternative method is to form partnerships with local companies or governments, Jones says, to "make sure they have some skin in the game."


8. Loan originators and underwriters had far too little economic skin in the game.


9. Robert was the victim of a skin game.


10. In Recent case a 12 year old boy who used to spent hours to play game on laptop, developed “toasted Skin Syndrome”.

最近一个病例中,一名12岁的男孩由于经常在笔记本电脑上整天玩游戏,最后患上了“ 烤焦皮肤综合症 ”。

11. China is very funny about you having some skin in the game if you want to do business there.


12. You have to have skin in the game', as one consultant puts it.


13. The game introduce:Have the beauty of the type natural everyones to all love healthily, like the skin of her whole body wheat color specially, afraid of tropical MMs and only then can own.


14. Do you know, I'd lost five thousand bucks by the time I realized I'd been caught in a skin game?


15. Three decades ago, the heads of American companies generally felt American, and thus had skin in the game of national policy debates.


16. Managers of private partnerships tend to monitor risk carefully because they have their own skin in the game; by contrast, publicly listed hedge funds are likely to share the principal/ agent problems that bedevil other financial companies.


17. Demonstrate progress and your own skin in the game.


18. Make your case, where possible, by mentioning a survey or article by some third party who has no skin in the game.


19. Demonstrate progress and your own "skin in the game."


20. Not only does it ensure you understand what the most effective solution will be, but it will make the users feel they have "skin in the game".


21. He had real skin in the game and his incentives were aligned.


22. Chinese homebuyers have a lot of skin in the game.


23. By refusing to step up to the plate and put your skin in the game, you are showing that you don't belong.


24. Destiny take a hand that I selected a must -see game in my life , perhaps they do not value their skin .


25. I'd lost $ 5000 by the time I realized I was caught in a skin game.


26. It suddenly dawned on me last week that I've been cheated by the other three in a skin game.


27. I have seen a correlation between a manager having significant "skin in the game" and long term performance.


28. But as we work to reform our budget, Congress should also putsome skin in the game.


29. Hedge funds and venture-capital firms also make money in their different ways by getting fund managers to behave more like partners, with “skin in the game”, as the modish phrase puts it.


30. In widely held companies, managers are easier to replace-they are hired help. But, by the same token, they have less skin in the game.


31. They have nothing to lose and their players are going to be really up for the game - and sometimes it is a little banana skin.


32. So if these tax changes produce more "skin in the game" that will be a good thing.


33. To avert a repetition, the agents must have skin in the game but the five per cent proposed by the administration is more symbolic than substantive.


34. In health care, service providers, unaided by consumers with sufficient skin in the game, make the purchasing decisions.


35. Not only does it ensure you understand what the most effective solution will be, but it will make the users feel they have "skin in the game".


36. As one US official puts it: "we need some skin in the game."


37. The Chinese investors with the most skin in the game are the State Administration of Foreign Exchange& the arm of the central bank charged with managing China's$ 3.3 trillion foreign exchange reserves.


38. In spite of all this "game" it doesn't lose its main function - to clean and moisten the skin.


39. That's one reason CEO Vineet Nayar believes there's no choice but to put more of his own skin in the game.



1. "It's offensive to me to hear that from people who haven't had skin in the game, that they are weary, " she said.


2. Now that employees will have "skin in the game, " employers rightly figure that those dollars will be spent more carefully, more wisely.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

3. For smaller companies like AtheroGenics or DeCode Genetics, or even for giants like GlaxoSmithKline without so much skin in the game, it may be much more difficult to keep up.

FORBES: Pfizer's Big Bet

4. On the proximate cause of the crisis, the securitization of bad mortgages, the bill did have a minor provision requiring the lender to keep some skin in the game five percent.

FORBES: Financial Reform Legislation: The Devil's In The (2000 Pages Of) Details

5. You still have the same skin in the game with additional cash on the sidelines.

FORBES: Buy And Trade These Five Dow Stocks Reporting Earnings This Week

6. Buying puts is one of the safest ways an investor can get some protection while keeping skin in the game.

WSJ: Upside: As Stocks Surge, Is It Time for Some Protection?

7. In addition, giving seniors more skin in the game will encourage them to purchase insurance more wisely.

FORBES: Jim Capretta Rebuts the Five Strongest Criticisms of Premium Support-Based Medicare Reform

8. Alas, they have too much skin in the game.

ECONOMIST: Lexington: Poison Ivy | The

9. How much skin in the game does Meister have?

FORBES: After Quitting on Icahn, why is Keith Meister still on the Motorola Mobility Board?

10. But as we work to reform our budget, Congress should also put some skin in the game.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Exports & Earmarks

11. Like subprime, many of these people are not real buyers because they have no skin in the game and endless government relief when a default occurs.

FORBES: FHA Will Cost Taxpayers $150 Billion

12. "The franchisee has more skin in the game, " says William Ackman, a hedge-fund founder who is soon to be one of Burger King's newest investors through his fund's interest in Justice Holdings Ltd.

WSJ: Fast-Food Chains Selling Outlets to Franchisees

13. Not all of this reduced spending was wise, most likely, but this data is evidence that, when customers have more skin in the game, they spend less.

FORBES: Health Care Needs Stronger Market Forces

14. Or changing the compensation structure so that the top 1, 000 employees have more skin in the game.

FORBES: Assembling Textron's Turnaround

15. His movie model means he keeps budgets tight, insisting everyone take a cut on their upfront pay in exchange for skin in the game and a share of profits.

FORBES: Why Ryan Kavanaugh Is Now The Most-Watched Man In Hollywood

16. When it came time to shake up Harley's leadership, Mr. Wandell sought to make fellow executives feel they had skin in the game.

WSJ: Driving Change Without Rocking the Boat

17. Mr. Sims: In some markets, the conventional view is that private equity partially lists and keeps skin in the game.

WSJ: Australia's Private-Equity Deals for the New Year

18. If patients have skin in the game, then they can make a decision with their doctor on whether they want to spend money or accept risk.

FORBES: The Health Insurer Could Be A Better Friend

19. Meanwhile, for reserves in Africa, the conservation strategy typically involves villagers by creating more skin in the game for them.

FORBES: Hemendra Kothari's Quest To Save India's Tigers

20. But with fewer out-of-pocket costs, consumers will also have far less skin in the game.

FORBES: The New Obamacare Insurance Is Looking More Like Medicaid

21. While shareholders have skin in the game, the executives have a lottery ticket.

FORBES: Is Anyone Really Surprised About Jon Corzine?

22. If patriotic conscience can't compel Congress to work together, maybe requiring them to have some personal skin in the game will inspire them to do their job.

CNN: 'No Budget, No Pay' is no-brainer

23. They will take on less leverage (by choice or necessity) and put more of their own skin in the game, which is always a good reason for thinking twice and checking your assumptions.

WSJ: China Will Be a Winner in the New Economy

24. Thomas spoke of an actual health care market where patients know the costs, pay for most things directly, and in exchange for this skin in the game have the information to make sensible choices.

FORBES: What Health Care Program Should Replace ObamaCare?

25. Seems that the early reviews were juiced, probably by owners and others with some skin in the game.

ENGADGET: This Is the Modem World: Review Sites Are Broken

26. And, people with more skin in the game receive good care.

FORBES: Customer-Driven Health Care Comes Of Age

27. Argonaut and Madrone could walk away in part because they had so little skin in the game.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: The Solyndra Memorial Tax Break

28. Unlike the parliamentary governments of Europe, where one party runs everything until they mess up, the American system actually gives a preference to both parties having skin in the game.

CNN: Commentary: 5 reasons GOP will rebound

29. He does have a lot of skin in the game, though.

FORBES: Saudi Royals Wary Of Bahrain Unrest

30. There's also a standard control skin, so game-specific controls aren't required, but a plan for a community portal to allow users to build their own, customized skins is in the works.

ENGADGET: PlayCast cloud gaming service is coming to the US in 2013, we go hands-on a bit early



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