more vicious是什么意思_more vicious短语搭配_more vicious权威例句

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more vicious

adj. 残酷的;严厉的;狂暴的;凶猛危险的;充满仇恨的


英 [mɔː(r) ˈvɪʃəs]play 美 [mɔːr ˈvɪʃəs]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Since the implementation of reform and opening up, influenced by factors of various kinds, juvenile delinquency in our country has become increasingly prominent, showing the trend of younger criminal age, more vicious crimes, forming criminal gangs, and more violent crimes.


2. Most of the countries have suffered far more severe symptoms, from Libya's civil war to the vicious oppression seen in Syria and Yemen.


3. The disclosure of fire-sale prices could force them to slash carrying values on their own books. This in turn would spur more selling, driving prices further down in a vicious cycle.


4. Since February several more vicious attacks on Ahmadi houses have taken place.

从二月以来,又发生了更多对Ahmadi 组织住宅的恶意袭击。

5. More realistically, given the market’s decline, profits will suffer, depressing results and pulling share prices further down in a vicious circle.


6. In fact, however, it is the untruthful thought which is the more vicious of the two.


7. A vicious circle developed, whereby Banks' bad loans depressed growth which then created more bad loans.


8. THE Arab world is more or less a vicious circle. None of its problems will be solved soon.


9. While being more vicious than the rest, it left the 143-horsepower 1998 Kawasaki ZX-9R for dead.

而更多的恶性比休息,而且留下了143马力的1998年,川崎zx - 9r为死亡。

10. I'll start exercising when I have more energy... This one really does embody the term self fulfilling prophecy or vicious cycle.


11. We all know that this de-sensitizing started a long time ago in this country, but it is carried out in a far more vicious way with the soldier.


12. So while piranha may not win your hearts with cuddly good looks, they are probably more victim than vicious.


13. In the winter crying, scared, will feel more cold and chilling and cold weather overlay each other, will form a vicious circle.


14. Individual pieces have distinct personalities. Some are more vicious than others.


15. During the interrogation, he was more vicious and spiteful than the Japanese and beat the table with a long ruler for emphasis.


16. "This feeds a vicious circle of more and more choice," says Matthew Isotta of Oliver Wyman.


17. As the unemployment rate continues to move higher, consumers will burrow further, dragging the economy down even more, a vicious circle that Washington policymakers are trying to break.


18. Finally, the rural medical institutions as inadequate investment, facilities, poor standard, relatively low medical technology, management, and other reasons are not standardized, and the cities more easily lead to vicious incidents.


19. This would make the father more upset and hostile and the two would get caught up in a vicious cycle.


20. The gun-control is becoming a hot topic because more and more vicious shooting incidents have happened recently.


21. While the long cherished hopes of freeing our people lay in ruins about us we heard those crushed hopes gloated over by a tyrant more vicious, more arrogant than ever.


22. The companions with whom they will associate are more vicious.


23. The insider control results from the unequality of the information and resource in the corporate, but the continuance of the situation makes the information and resource in the corporate more unequal. The vicious circle makes the country-owned corporates confront resistance to develop.


24. More realistically, given the market's decline, profits will suffer, depressing results and pulling share prices further down in a vicious circle.


25. Now a vicious cycle has been created: you experience the feeling of being more and more tired, but your body is increasingly stimulated.


26. An innocent plowman is more worthy than a vicious prince.


27. As they become more restless, they begin to roam and become more irritable and vicious.


28. The more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used. It's a vicious circle.


29. The companions with whom they will associate are more vicious.


30. In fact , however, it is the untruthful thought which is the more vicious of the two.

然而事实上, 这两者中更为恶毒的是虚伪的思想.《互联网》

31. Businesses, for their part, won't hire without more sales. So we're in a vicious cycle. The question is what to do about it.


32. Workers observe rising prices and demand compensation in the form of higher wages, which creates a vicious cycle of more inflation and more wage demands.

工人看到物价的上涨, 接着为了补偿这一现状就要求工资上涨, 这样就造成了更多的通货膨胀和更高工资的恶性循环.

33. And so when the woman tried to repeat one more time the same vicious argument, my mother used drastic measure in her unappealable manner.


34. "He disabled Yao Ming!" one fan wrote." He's more vicious than a capitalist!"


35. While the long cherished hopes of freeing our people lay in ruins about us we heard those crushed hopes gloated over by a tyrant more vicious, more arrogant than ever.


36. As they become more restless, they begin to roam and become more irritable and vicious.


37. Fans of the new rules argue that mark-to-market accounting forced Banks into a vicious spiral of forced sales and more losses.


38. Firstly, those who caught ( and survived) the early, mild version that swept the world developed good immunity to the second, more vicious wave.


39. Four whipping bars, ff as well as marcatissimo, put a more or less vicious and peremptory end to the.


40. The Arab world is more or less a vicious circle. None of its problems will be solved soon. All these troubles have the capacity to reinvent themselves.


41. He is more vicious than the fierce beasts in an ancient myth.


42. In fact, however, it is the untruthful thought which is the more vicious of the two.


43. Libyans need all the help they can get, because the colonel runs a much more vicious regime than those that were toppled in Egypt or Tunisia.


44. We all know that this de-sensitizing started a long time ago in this country, but it is carried out in a far more vicious way with the soldier.


45. This creates a craving for more "bad carbs" to raise your blood sugar in a vicious cycle.



1. And this creates a vicious circle: the more stressed you are, the more difficult the task becomes.

FORBES: 10 Simple and Powerful Body Language Tips for 2013

2. It also endorsed several reformed ex-bureaucrats as candidates, who turned out to be even more vicious than other candidates in excoriating their former ministries.

ECONOMIST: Japan's election

3. It is more of a last resort and often found to cause a vicious circle instead of a long-term improved competitive position.

FORBES: Is There Hope For Employment In Europe?

4. "It isn't working because their failure to get businesses growing, to see more jobs created, has locked them and the country into a vicious cycle on the deficit, " he said.

BBC: Ed Miliband: Cuts plan has locked UK into vicious cycle

5. Here, there's a vicious cycle at work: The more America purchases, the worse its own trade imbalance and--most think--the greater the pressure on the dollar.

FORBES: The Other Problem

6. Africa has suffered, more than any other continent, from a succession of corrupt and vicious leaders.

ECONOMIST: America should ensure that Liberia's leader stands trial

7. "The criminals have become more and more vicious in their eagerness to spark fear and anxiety in society, " he said.

CNN: Mexico eyes U.S. gun policies, hopes for shift

8. And the fear is here, really, we're entering a vicious cycle that, as more homes are on sale, more homeowners who need to sell will cut their prices.

NPR: Is Housing Market Squeezing Out the Middle Class?

9. As their countries' bond yields rise, it becomes more expensive for governments to sell more debt, which leads to a vicious circle as the old debt comes due for repayment.

BBC: Spain PM postpones holiday as debt fears hit record

10. "They are far more vicious than before, " said Sheba Schoos, who runs a fish stall on the Ostend harbor front.

WSJ: Real-Life 'Birds' Remake in Belgium

11. As more firms lost access to funding, the vicious circle of forced selling, increased volatility, and higher haircuts and margin calls that was already well advanced at the time would likely have intensified.

FORBES: Reducing Systemic Risk

12. After the spoiler appeared on Amazon, readers flooded the site with more than 2, 800 comments, many of them vicious rants.

WSJ: How to Kill a Vampire (Series)

13. Mr Savimbi's popularity waned, however, as his tactics grew more vicious.

ECONOMIST: Jonas Savimbi

14. Cash becomes the primary motivator and eventually creates a vicious cycle of getting even more invested into increasingly boring procedures to support his lifestyle.

FORBES: Abbott Stenting Scandal Sounds Like Tenet All Over Again

15. Mr Putin, fearing wrongly that if he lets this tiny but determined province go larger chunks would inevitably follow, justifies his refusal to negotiate with Chechnya's previously elected president, Aslan Maskhadov, by arguing that some separatists are little more than vicious al-Qaeda offshoots.

ECONOMIST: Do as you would be done by, damage as you would be damaged by

16. He is as vicious as his father, even more if that's possible.

CNN: Saddam Hussein

17. What if two very similar drugs turned out to be more or less equally effective at treating the most vicious form of macular degeneration, except the one that was approved was 12 times more expensive per dose?

FORBES: Blinded By Savings? Is Cost Trumping Risk On Blindness Drug?

18. This can allow more water to seep into the roadway, and the whole vicious circle starts again.

BBC: Jetpatchers at work

19. It does address the root problem, defaulting mortgages, and Mr Bernanke has long worried that bad debt would fuel a vicious circle of crippled lenders, constricting credit, weakening growth and more defaults.

ECONOMIST: The financial crisis

20. These vicious attacks made people more sympathetic to me.

NEWYORKER: The Contenders

21. Almost from the moment the first plane struck the World Trade Center, Ashcroft has been in the public eye, warning of more--and more vicious--attacks.

FORBES: Bush's Plan: Too Much, Too Soon

22. Ahead of an election that may bring the centre-right to power, this is making the politics of austerity still more vicious (see article).

ECONOMIST: Europe and the euro

23. As Commentary's Jonathan Tobin noted this week, the ADL was more likely to see overt and vicious anti-Semitic statements and placards being waved around at anti-Iraq war rallies than at anti-Obama healthcare and tax policy demonstrations.


24. Runaway deflation of this sort can be much more damaging than runaway inflation, because it creates a vicious spiral that is hard to escape.

ECONOMIST: Could it happen again? | The

25. "We are now encouraging the DTI to examine the impact that this initiative has had with a view to extending the projects to other parts of the country, so that more communities can fight back against these callous, often vicious, individuals who take advantage of people in desperate straits, " said Ron Gainsford, chief executive of TSI.

BBC: Consumers have been charged extortionate interest rates

26. The closer you get to being king, the more vicious the competition gets between rivals.

CNN: Could your child be a bully?

27. This unwillingness and failure to segment the Chinese market has led to an ever more vicious cycle of rising user acquisition costs for startups.

FORBES: Has China's Internet Become Inhospitable To Startups?

28. Until there are no more hate crimes, no more vicious bullying and ugly slurs, whenever a person comes out whether that person is a celebrity or a "nobody" it should be celebrated like the triumph of courage it is.

CNN: Brazile: But can the dude play?

29. Her biggest weakness is that she means more of the same when it comes to the vicious partisanship that so mars American politics.

ECONOMIST: The candidates: Hillary Clinton

30. She launched an attack so vicious that Chijiene lay motionless for more than ten minutes as the Nigerian medics struggled to revive her.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Ghana and Nigeria reach AWC final







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