center around翻译_center around短语搭配_center around权威例句

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center around


英 [ˈsentə(r) əˈraʊnd]play 美 [ˈsentər əˈraʊnd]play

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1. Rotation Around Part Center Point 转中心编程

2. Bend Around Center 是否重置到弯曲环绕的中心

3. to center around 以…为中心

4. Rotate Component Around center point 绕中心点旋转零部件

5. all-around computer center 综合计算机中心

6. center around them 为这么他们转

7. around the center 围绕这个中心

8. Around center 围绕中心 ; 环绕中心 ; 缠绕中心 ; 绕中间

9. cultural center around alterations 各地文化中心改建


1. For most, the early winter months are a time where fitness levels can drop a bit and your workouts can center around a specific area you need to improve.


2. All of our SOA capabilities center around supporting the open standards that are the fundamental enablers of a services-oriented architecture.


3. Fairy lights dance around the trapezoid opening at the top of the Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC).


4. Set some goals for yourself and get in the habit of doing activities that don't center around your children.


5. And should center around student activities in scientific and cultural fields and establish a central system student management pattern.


6. Although recent translation studies center around modern linguistics, yet one of its branch, i. e. the newly developed cognitive linguistic in the West, is seldom involved.


7. This road is around the garden center — a fountain.


8. Our research interests center around the neural mechanisms for voluntary, goal-directed, behavior.


9. Some of the key differences, they note, center around brain development and synaptic connectivity.


10. Life seemed to center around baby formula, diapers and huge boxes of tissues.


11. Since a WSDL document is so important, the development patterns described in this article center around how WSDL documents are created and manipulated.


12. Management principles: center around market, guide under customers, acquire mutual benefits, improve product's additive value, win through service.

经营理念:以市场为中心,以客户为导向,获取双赢,提高产品附加值,以服务取胜。《provided by jukuu》

13. These accounts center around jokes, fashion and other light-hearted topics.


14. According to this expected emphasis, I've chosen the granularity of the query results to center around serializing synsets.


15. The thesis put forward three education principles: Center around the Human Being, open principle and innovative principle.


16. Physical course of "Center around the Human Being" accords with the dynamic characteristic of learner's physiological development;


17. In this case, I rotate the line around the center of the movie with the code shown below.


18. Player vs player conflict will center around the kingdoms of Ganareth, with players fighting for control.


19. Meanwhile, the inter-city light rails which center around the three cities will be completed in three years.


20. Enterprise is the important carrier of resource allocation through market, and market agriculture is center around enterprise.


21. Center around the Cultivation Aim to Steadily Promote the Spiritual Civilization in Universities


22. The movie will center around the father-son musicians.


23. CPLEC has the largest rig assembly center around the world.


24. The structure of international trade comes to center around information products and intangible goods.


25. Envisagement of Constructing Regional Transportation Center Around Bohai Sea Area


26. But the most significant changes in JAXP 1.1 center around XML transformations, which I will cover later in this article.

但是,JAXP 1.1中的重大改动是围绕xml变换进行的,以后将在本文中介绍。

27. Published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, the findings center around one gene variation that blocks a receptor from being expressed on the surface of red blood cells.


28. It is easy now for unbalanced relationships to arise, which center around power and dependency.


29. There wasn't a convention center around to help joining visitors and was the only nearby hotel eventually closed down for that same reason.


30. Is there a booking service center around?


31. Historically, they say, women have preferred careers that center around living things, rather than inanimate ideas or objects.


32. In my opinion, corporation reengineering must center around and may at the same time boost, an enterprise's core competence.


33. The book is truly explosive-Oskar's life seems to center around violent actions such as bombings.


34. Whether to build an entertainment center around here has not been decided yet.


35. Whether to build an entertainment center around here has not been decided yet.


36. Life seemed to center around baby formula, diapers and huge boxes of tissues.

生活千篇一律,整天围着婴儿 、 尿布及成盒的纸巾转.《互联网》

37. His activities in London center around this spot.


38. Meanwhile, the inter-city light rails which center around the three cities will be completed in three years.


39. The current operation mode of Germany's clothes making companies focus on the creation of brand value and center around brand, channel, design and marketing.


40. The major risks found in the Phase I conceptual design center around vehicle operations in a liquid hydrocarbon sea.

在第一阶段概念设计中主要风险的发现集中围绕着运载器在液态烃海上的操作(展开) 。

41. If the referenced cities, the first cities, are 4,200 miles apart, the answers for the next two will center around 4,200 miles.


42. Should center around the professional study and establish overall tutor system;


43. Most of the analyses of discourse coherence center around the syntax and grammar. However, the contribution of intonation has been somewhat neglected.


44. Do your daily reading habits center around tweets or Facebook updates?


45. Our research interests center around the neural mechanisms for voluntary, goal - directed, behavior.

我们的研究是以自发性 、 目标导向 、 与行为的神经机制为主轴.《互联网》

46. Their talks always center around politics.


47. His activities in London center around this spot.


48. Since a WSDL document is so important, the development patterns described in this article center around how WSDL documents are created and manipulated.


49. The Studies on the Establishment of the International Shipping Center around the Taiwan Strait


50. That a deepening of army hospital reform must center around serving the sick and wounded, carrying out the general requirements of medical service security;


51. And the essence is to center around human and optimize in adjustment.


52. The center around which something rotates.


53. Under the complete credit system, the student management pattern should center around the ideological work of the students and establish correspondent counselor system;


54. Is there a shopping center around?


55. Eg. these accounts center around jokes, fashion and other light-hearted topics.


56. It's now entering an era where the degree of collaboration will center around a hyperlinked environment more so than document-based systems.



1. "I wanted to create a type of video game play that would center around a couple's intimacy, " explained Chowdhury who is currently finishing her master's degree at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program.

CNN: You wear IT well

2. If this shift occurs, Republicans, who have invested so much in making fiscal discipline their top issue, will be operating in a congressional environment where the debates center around areas where the government needs to devote more government resources rather than less.

CNN: If spending is cut, GOP will get the blame

3. These issue center around three issues, who owns the creative work, who controls the future ownership of the creative work, and what are the tax implications of the creative work.

FORBES: You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Protect Your Image: Beastie Boys Rapper Bans Use of Music In Ads After His Death

4. Not to mention research from the National Marriage Project about the most likely predictors of divorce many of which center around money.

FORBES: Is Your Partner A Financial Frog? Check Out These 8 Signs

5. The events take place some years later, and center around a pitched battle for a hill in the northern valley of Osrung.

FORBES: Book Review: 'The Heroes' By Joe Abercrombie

6. The convergence of creation, distribution and consumption all center around Los Angeles.

FORBES: Los Angeles, Driven By Content, Is The Next Big Startup Market

7. In this business, expenses center around technology, and this technology perpetually becomes less expensive.

FORBES: How To Fund Your Start-Up Business

8. The active versus passive debate tends to center around one actively managed mutual fund versus one index.

FORBES: 1 in 20 Fund Investors Beat the Odds

9. The next challenge for the Riggios (and BN shareholders) will center around the potential sale of the company.

FORBES: With Burkle Defeated, The Real Barnes & Noble Battle Begins

10. Drawbacks most center around the less predictable factors -- Barefoot 3 doesn't have an established track record for reliability, and the pricing isn't always favorable against high-end peers like Samsung's SSD 840 Pro.

ENGADGET: OCZ Vector SSD review roundup: consistently fast

11. The biggest potential risks following an earthquake center around clean water, safe food, shelter, and disposal of waste.

FORBES: The Tsunami's Impact On Public Health

12. Attached to Tranquility is a robotic control station with six windows around its sides and another in the center.

VOA : standard.2010.02.08

13. Both then and now my Hamptons memories center around food (shocker).

FORBES: Navigating East Hampton's Food Scene One Market at a Time

14. The center's museum is filled with more than one thousand five hundred puppets from around the world.

VOA : special.2009.09.23

15. That worries community leaders on the Space Coast -- the area around the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

VOA : special.2010.04.28

16. He will join leaders from around the globe at a conference facility not far from London's financial center.

VOA : standard.2009.03.31

17. Their families are under great risk and threat." The police are at the center of NATO's strategy for wresting control from the Taliban in southern Afghanistan, particularly around Kandahar.

VOA : standard.2010.06.16

18. If the referenced cities, the first cities, are 4,200 miles apart, the answers for the next two will center around 4,200 miles.

如果先前提到的城市,前面的两座城市,相距4200英里,那么人们对于后两座城市距离的回答,便会集中在4200英里附近。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Most center around the framework conditions that allow market forces to function properly, so that the seeds sown by investors and entrepreneurs fall on fertile soil.

FORBES: Innovation Works Best When Government Does Least

20. Around the same time,Key West, off the southern tip of the Florida Peninsula, became the center of the cigar industry.

VOA : standard.2010.04.15

21. New comedies like ABC's "The Hughleys, " UPN's "Diresta, " Fox's "The Family Guy" and CBS's "King of Queens" center around family men whose goofs come mostly from being dopey guys.

CNN: Guy TV: Networks vying for remote control

22. These mostly center around 300 million for the U.S., based in part on a 2004 phone survey of 2, 770 adults overseen by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health.

WSJ: Gun Counts Can Be Hit-or-Miss

23. "There's no real economic news or earnings, so the markets will center around rumors out of Europe, " Mr. Fier said.

WSJ: Dow Posts Fourth Straight Decline

24. And although many of IBM's efforts in corporate markets, such as e-commerce, will center around the mainframe version of DB2, it is the NT version of DB2 that is clearly driving its database business in small and medium-size companies.

CNN: IBM, the world's oldest start-up

25. Quite to the contrary, it's about being fully present, fully conscious to our life and to all that's around us, realizing that we can be this calm in the center of the storm with our breath.

恰恰相反,这是要完全活在当下,完全清醒,感受我们的生活以及周围的事物,意识到我们可以如此平静,在暴风中心保持呼吸。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

26. So far, the discussions in this group seem to center around market timing of index funds.

FORBES: Index Fund Advocate told to "Get Lost" on LinkedIn

27. The drawbacks to shopping an off-market property tend to center around the seller.

FORBES: Stealth 'Off-Market' Home Sales On The Rise Among The Super-Wealthy

28. That created a stir in Sam's Barber Shop, tucked into a strip shopping center around the corner from City Hall.

WSJ: A City Slips as Downgrade Hits Home

29. The Swedish charges center around two women who claim Assange sexually assaulted them within days of each other after he visited Sweden earlier this year.

FORBES: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Arrested, Fights Extradition

30. The center is a nonprofit organization that helps libraries around the world.

VOA : special.2011.07.11

31. Pakistan has experienced a wave of terror attacks, including suicide blasts targeting international and security organizations, coordinated attacks around the country's cultural center,Lahore, and an audacious assault on the army's headquarters near Islamabad.

VOA : standard.2009.10.17

32. Although debates about sickly skinny models center around their unhealthy habits, Waters said people with naturally slim bodies need to maintain their gazelle-like shapes through exercise and a healthy diet.

CNN: The celebrity trainer approach to a more perfect body

33. The options for Pinterest suggested by analysts so far, which center around selling targeted advertising and data on users' interests, aren't terribly original and run the risk of alienating users problems faced by bigger social-networking sites such as Facebook.

WSJ: What's This Pinterest Website?

34. These arguments center largely around the idea that current air pollution regulation is good enough as-is, and that any further restrictions are aimed at tackling environmental issues and climate change, both typically seen as luxuries in a down economy.

FORBES: Two New Reasons to Worry about Air Pollution: Obesity and Diabetes

35. These efforts appear to center around opposition figure Bidzina Ivanishvili, a Georgian billionaire who made his fortune in the chaos of post-Soviet Russia.

WSJ: Urmas Reinsalu: Georgian Democracy and Russian Meddling

36. The company also announced today they are working on five new game prototypes that center around the PC as the main gaming platform.

FORBES: Epic Games on the Softer Side of Making Games

37. The region around the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral even calls itself The Space Coast.

VOA : standard.2010.03.18

38. The TEDMED community, both here in the Kennedy Center and around the world, was obviously intrigued by our on-stage conversation with NIH Director Francis Collins.

FORBES: Jay Walker and TEDMED: A View From Center Stage

39. The tabernacle always moves in the center of the tribes, and they're positioned in certain specific positions around the tabernacle as they move.

放置约柜的帐幕经常在部落的中心移动,人们一般随着帐幕的移动,在四周搭建帐篷。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. With how well Visceral has crafted this world I doubt it would have be too tough for them to make at least 2 more missions center around Carver and his struggles.

FORBES: Spoiler Warning: A Discussion of Dead Space 3's Ending

41. Jim Tom Haynes, a Washington-based immigration lawyer, said Mr. Wang's attempt to get asylum or refugee status struck him as "far-fetched, " particularly because the case appears to center around domestic Chinese matters.

WSJ: U.S. Saw Chongqing Top Cop as Risky Asylum Candidate

42. Susan Cassara left her job at a Middle Island day care center around 6:30 p.m.

WSJ: New Yorkers tell of hours stranded on snowy roads
















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